He couldn't have cleaned her up. She was found clean, dry, not hungry, not thirsty 15+ hours after she would have been put to bed. It just doesn't make any sense. Just because MF testified about it, doesn't make it so. Her story was ever changing. I really don't understand why you don't see the red flags with her. How do you ignore a witness blindly describing a woman who fits her description exactly at the scene that morning? Why are her keys on the hood of MY's Lexus? Why no blood on her clothing? Why three versions of how she found C.? Why do you accept it so easily? We deserve to have these things investigated and answered. These are people's lives.
Are you suggesting that "it happened this way" must be accepted even if it doesn't make sense? This is how wrongful convictions occur. People put blinders on to logic and common sense and let the State have their "win" without evidence.
Michelle and her daughter deserve to have these things investigated.
Far too much hasn't made sense for me and I think anyone with a 2-year-old child would have a difficult time believing CY was left alone all that time yet seemed to have no reaction to it. Wasn't wet, wasn't hungry, wasn't crying for Mommy to wake up. If JY was supposedly responsible, why wasn't he charged with child endangerment?
For a comparable case one only has to look at the Jesse Davis murder. Her 2-year-old son, Blake was the best witness. He was found hungry, upset, talking about Mommy crying. His father not only was charged with murder, he was charged with child endangerment.