Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #3

Is there anyone with teenage family members at home? Sons, brothers etc
If you can’t already guess based on their personality-ask about their survival skills
Would they attempt to forage? Eat insects? Shelter from the elements? Eat aloe vera? Know how to locate water? Use leaves or bury to keep warm? I cant help but think how possible it may have been for Jay to survive out here until he found help or help found him.
I’m assuming the cold may have been the biggest threat vs heat? Possibly became victim to his own state of mind?
Surely humans are driven by survival, albeit in a better frame of mind than Jay likely was.
Maybe it’s time to get basic survival skills taught in school.
I REALLY hope it doesnt turn out to have been a totally avoidable tragedy :( It just makes it all the harder to swallow.
I think the relation is finding oneself far from home in a situation that proves tough to get back. I dont find the motive relevant, although in this case-if the after party was at that Airbnb, Masca becomes the party place ;)

Party place or Artic circle?
I absolutely do NOT understand
how someone can decide on 11 hour !!! trip on foot !!!
in summer heat without water !!!
in unknown terrain :oops:

When there was a cosy bus stop to wait for a bus
a cafe nearby to drink delicious coffee and eat something yummy for breakfast.

Absolutely agree unless he was trying to get away from someone !!
Absolutely agree unless he was trying to get away from someone !!

Hiding out the view of passing cars? Maybe? As opposed to trying to hitch a lift. Or perhaps he had been terrified by fast moving vehicles on the road and stepped off the road as there appears to be no pedestrian footpaths.
Yesterday, from the very locus of the quest, Cipriano Martin, the leader of the Civil Guard's Greim mountain rescue squad, made it known that two individuals who had been with Jay at their Masca Airbnb hire were not linked with the case. He affirmed: "We're mountain specialists and we're in charge of searching here, and it's the Civil Guard investigators who have been responsible for the investigation, those men have been spoken to and they don't have any relevance whatsoever for the case."

Later in the day, seeking further elaboration, a Civil Guard spokesperson clarified: "What he was saying was that the investigators have not found anything pointing to those two people being linked to the disappearance."
*does it sound like the Civil Guard spokesperson is trying to walk back the first statement a bit?
In almost every investigation, mistakes are made. That's because it's a fluid situation. We start off knowing nothing except a 19 year old British youth has gone missing on the Island. We then get statements from people alleging that comments were made etc. Initially we have to believe this because we don't have anything else to go on, and we have to go with what we have.
If later it becomes apparent that there are other avenues which need exploration, then they will be. This may take you on a totally different path (no pun intended) to that which you were Initially following.
Nothing can really be ruled out. An open-minded approach has to be adopted in all cases.
While a part of me thinks that it may turn out to be death by misadventure, another part of me suggests otherwise. Anyhow, that's me for tonight. Sleep well everyone.
Yesterday, from the very locus of the quest, Cipriano Martin, the leader of the Civil Guard's Greim mountain rescue squad, made it known that two individuals who had been with Jay at their Masca Airbnb hire were not linked with the case. He affirmed: "We're mountain specialists and we're in charge of searching here, and it's the Civil Guard investigators who have been responsible for the investigation, those men have been spoken to and they don't have any relevance whatsoever for the case."

Later in the day, seeking further elaboration, a Civil Guard spokesperson clarified: "What he was saying was that the investigators have not found anything pointing to those two people being linked to the disappearance."
*does it sound like the Civil Guard spokesperson is trying to walk back the first statement a bit?
I interpret this as Mr. Martin stating his domain isn't the investigation, rather it is the search....and he was sharing what he knew from his sources relative to the investigative wing. A minute distinction might be....there being no evidence to date pointing to the two men being linked vs. a blanked and definitive statement that they have no relevance whatsoever. Of course, in my mind, they DO have relevance, but not necessarily as suspects.

I draw a distinction between involved actors being suspects, or suspected of involvement, vs. important, or critical to the investigation. I think these two guys are important to the investigation, if they've been cleared then so be it, no harm no foul. However, I feel the investigators are allowing for the possibility, should further information unfold, that the two will be looked at again, which only makes sense.

There is surely a chance this young man is lying in a ravine, or under some brush, but I also hold open the possibility of other potential outcomes. It's way to difficult to determine truth sitting in a living room on the other side of the planet :)
Not surprising as hardly anyone showed up. 30 people searching that huge landscape is not enough. Shows how much actual interest there is in finding him. Almost 300K people in one of the FB groups, several in Tenerife, just there to argue. imo. And I hope people are reporting the fundraiser, because that could have been used to get a lot more people out and he could have been found by now.

they had to pay for hotels and food and travel for family and friends
and the police wanted people with experience - a whole lot of volunteers with no experience could've easily turned into a mess that they didn't want to have to deal with and who could blame them
But occasionally some cases do end up like something out of a crime thriller... Take Wayne Couzens for example now who would have expected that scenario. I'm sure maybe he stumbled off a cliff somewhere but people can look into angles in this because who knows how it will end or if something shows up of relevence, they stopped the search but continued the crime investigation that tells me they too think this is far from straight forward

that happens in every missing person case that is not found
I don't understand why he wouldn't have just gone back to the house where the 2 people were- either to wait for the bus or ask for a lift if it was only a 15 min drive. They were supposedly friends so it shouldn't have been a problem.

they offered him a ride and he declined
But if the Spanish authorities have stopped the search who else is there to carry it on apart from a couple of YOU TUBE volunteers.? The friends and family have not been up in the mountains searching nor are they suitably competent to do so.

Jay's brother and Dad were at the last search. I don't know if they went up but they were there being briefed and may have also been at earlier searches.
It shows she lied about leaving early after the festival.. why? Why would she make that up

she just said that she left earlier than Jay and Brad - how does a video showing her there with them dispute that?

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