Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #3

I’ve been doing a lot of Thinking back to my own raving days I would maybe have attempted a walk back too. Looking at some pictures it looks like the valley slopes down to the sea. In an addled state you could think oh short cut no problem! Obviously with a sober adult mind you know how high up you are and that an 11 hour walk without experience or provisions is insane. This reminds me a bit of Esther Dingley in the Pyrenees’s. She was an experienced hiker and not under the influence but she lost her life in the mountains. Her remains were not found till months later. I sadly think that’s what will happen with Jay.
If you see the terrain you would not even attempt a few hundreds yards never mind 11hrs. He knew the distance aswell as has friend confirmed and said get a taxi
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Living in the UK, they are loads of different theories, conspiracies etc
Personally I have changed my mind on this every day.. I hope they find him soon!

"Speaking to GB News, journalist Gerard Couzens explained:

'I think the reason that they've called it off is simply due to the information they've got available,
in terms of his last known phone location.

They've searched and researched as best they can and looked in all the areas that he could be.

if he's carried on walking and done unexpected things once his phone's off
or he has switched to a completely different area of Tenerife,
they've not got that information to go.

They cannot just blindly change municipalities and start searching in another area without something to go on.

I wouldn't deduct from this that they think he's in that area but dead
because I think they'd carry on searching if they thought that was the case."

I see the sunglasses were damaged, one of the lenses had come out, maybe he had a fight/altercation with someone in the area where the glasses were found that damaged the glasses

Yet no sign of the arms of the glasses. Not sure how that would happen. It’s almost as if they’ve been planted there.
Hi I'm a new member and following this case with interest. I just can't not type my thoughts out any more, hope it's ok.

There are so many twists and turns it's hard to keep up, and while it is likely a case of Occam's razor, there's still the 1% of me thinking what if.

I just can't help but wonder.. if the sunglasses have been planted there by a prankster, to fuel the conspiracy theorists/alternative theories etc. the placement of the glasses looks staged.

It would be quite shocking and I obviously hope not, I just can't help but wonder if someone did it in the dead of night just to cause more confusion/speculation. The case has gone absolutely wild with speculation.

Edited to add: All just my own opinions
This case has made me think back about how the Spanish police searched for Esther Dingley, they released statements, put up posters, searched the canpervan and continued with sporadic searches after having to stop the initial search due to snow. Even 6 months on, they sent out a team of 30 for the day searching.
what happened?
Fell asleep in a car, on the way back from a club, and woke up the next morning, in the next state (about 140 miles from where I was based) - Canada! :) I was 19 years old and very hungover. I stuck to the highway, as I didn't fancy getting bitten by a rattlesnake. I managed to get a lift all the way to my destination after walking about 15 miles. Sadly, I won't be alone in making drunken choices that don't factor the key question 'how am I going to get back home'?
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This case has made me think back about how the Spanish police searched for Esther Dingley, they released statements, put up posters, searched the canpervan and continued with sporadic searches after having to stop the initial search due to snow. Even 6 months on, they sent out a team of 30 for the day searching.
Crikey, that's amazing.
Hi I'm a new member and following this case with interest. I just can't not type my thoughts out any more, hope it's ok.

There are so many twists and turns it's hard to keep up, and while it is likely a case of Occam's razor, there's still the 1% of me thinking what if.

I just can't help but wonder.. if the sunglasses have been planted there by a prankster, to fuel the conspiracy theorists/alternative theories etc. the placement of the glasses looks staged.

It would be quite shocking and I obviously hope not, I just can't help but wonder if someone did it in the dead of night just to cause more confusion/speculation. The case has gone absolutely wild with speculation.

Edited to add: All just my own opinions
I did have a look at some of the other 'theories'. The watch theory has at least 4 different versions that I have seen, some with what appears to be screenshot messages (they look edited) - which if true would warrant further police action - which suggests to me they are not. Most seem to stem from SM and Reddit. Underlines the importance of the MSM rule that this site thankfully has.
And he has now taken to TikTok, and claimed a new clue has been found by a bloke called "Chris". In his latest update, he said: "There's two bits of information I'm going off, one of which is a 'three word' GPS, and the other is going to be a pair of sunglasses that were found by a man called Chris."

He also claimed a mysterious "special lady" was flying out to help with the search but was there "working" on something else at the same time.
JMO, but he strikes me as a completely disingenuous cretin. It would not surprise me at all if he planted the sunglasses himself.
He posted a video earlier today stating that despite the official search being called off, he would not stop searching until Jay is found.
Being that he's a UK citizen in a Shengen territory, that's just not possible. He's got a total of 90 days, and I suspect the Spanish government will be less than enthusiastic to extend his visa, particularly after his criticism of the Spanish search teams.

I have the upmost respect for people who volunteer in these searches.
I do not have the upmost respect for individuals who use missing people as an opportunity to increase their Tiktok income.
JMO, but he strikes me as a completely disingenuous cretin. It would not surprise me at all if he planted the sunglasses himself.
He posted a video earlier today stating that despite the official search being called off, he would not stop searching until Jay is found.
Being that he's a UK citizen in a Shengen territory, that's just not possible. He's got a total of 90 days, and I suspect the Spanish government will be less than enthusiastic to extend his visa, particularly after his criticism of the Spanish search teams.

I have the upmost respect for people who volunteer in these searches.
I do not have the upmost respect for individuals who use missing people as an opportunity to increase their Tiktok income.

His discrediting Spanish Police and dedicated searchers is disgusting to me :(
Hi I'm a new member and following this case with interest. I just can't not type my thoughts out any more, hope it's ok.

There are so many twists and turns it's hard to keep up, and while it is likely a case of Occam's razor, there's still the 1% of me thinking what if.

I just can't help but wonder.. if the sunglasses have been planted there by a prankster, to fuel the conspiracy theorists/alternative theories etc. the placement of the glasses looks staged.

It would be quite shocking and I obviously hope not, I just can't help but wonder if someone did it in the dead of night just to cause more confusion/speculation. The case has gone absolutely wild with speculation.

Edited to add: All just my own opinions
I did wonder whether someone had put them there to get the police out looking again. MOO.

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