Spain Jay Slater, 19, missing on holiday in Tenerife, 17 June 2024 #5

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Yes but my question is why they were looking i n that particular area at that precise time as opposed to all the other areas. I still feel that they may have been given information MOO

They never really wavered from their belief that he wasn't far from the last phone ping so initially they searched that area and when they didn't find him, they went back and searched more carefully the difficult, inaccessible areas that likely weren't so closely examined when time was of the essence.
I don't think it's that crazy he went off the road. He was travelling North, either mistakenly or misled by apple maps, the first thing he would have come to is a cafe. The cafe was shut - it opened at 10am. Opposite the cafe was a path leading up to a transmitter of sorts. It would make absolute sense to walk up a hundred yards or so, to get a good view of his surroundings. This is the view on Google Earth looking towards the Baranco Juan Lopez, where it appears his body was found:

View attachment 518105

He would have seen the outbuilding or cottage at C, notably (if you zoom in on Google Earth) with some clear plastic water containers against the near wall. Given that he was thirsty it's not inconceivable he would leave the road at A, walk down a gravel path - suitable for 4x4s - towards B. Along that track is where has last known location is. Note: some people have imagined him jumping off the road to evade people - he was on the track so this seems extremely unlikely.

Having got to the building at C, and presumably finding it empty, the next building would have come into view at D. There's actually 4 buildings along the track, 2 seems OK, the third is pretty derelict, and the fourth is a little off the trail and nothing but walls. You can see the latter two on the YouTube videos from people who've walked all the way to the beach. I think it's possible he moved on to the second building before getting into the sunk costs fallacy zone and continued to the river.

One thing worth mentioning is that the overgrown ravine footage we've seen is what he fell into, not what he was walking through. Depending how far he got there may have still been a half decent trail.

As to why he left, the obvious answer to me is that the old fellas he left with were knackered and had no intention of giving him a lift any time soon. As to the idea of him being scared on leaving, neither the two calls we know he made, the fact he popped out for cigarettes and went back, and Orphelia's description of him don't suggest that at all. The only person who has is a failed detective turned gutter press reporter who has a vested interest in keeping the mystery up. Maybe there is more to it, but I can't see it.
Thanks for this.
"The result of the preliminary autopsy indicates that the cause of death is due to a fall or precipitation," police say.

What does 'precipitation' mean?

I've looked it up

precipitate in British English

verb (prɪˈsɪpɪˌteɪt IPA Pronunciation Guide )
1. (transitive)
to cause to happen too soon or sooner than expected; bring on

to throw or fall from or as from a height

to cause (moisture) to condense and fall as snow, rain, etc, or (of moisture, rain, etc) to condense and fall thus

4. chemistry
to undergo or cause to undergo a process in which a dissolved substance separates from solution as a fine suspension of solid particles

adjective (prɪˈsɪpɪtɪt IPA Pronunciation Guide )
rushing ahead

done rashly or with undue haste

sudden and brief

noun (prɪˈsɪpɪtɪt IPA Pronunciation Guide )
8. chemistry
a precipitated solid in its suspended form or after settling or filtering

Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers
I think it was an accidental fall, but I’m glad they haven’t ruled out it could be a throw
“to throw or fall from or as from a height
I have also seen it quoted that a home office autopsy will also be suggested as it’s more in depth and I hope they agree to that. As a parent I would want as much information as possible and whilst there is no way of knowing for certain how it played out- some information that may be discovered in a UK autopsy will perhaps provide some further answers and possibly comfort for the family.
They never really wavered from their belief that he wasn't far from the last phone ping so initially they searched that area and when they didn't find him, they went back and searched more carefully the difficult, inaccessible areas that likely weren't so closely examined when time was of the essence.
So you think they decided to go right back to the beginning and start the search again ? I read that they were with the Dutch team at the last ping location. That would make sense as the Dutch needed to be shown where to start
I think it was an accidental fall, but I’m glad they haven’t ruled out it could be a throw
“to throw or fall from or as from a height
I have also seen it quoted that a home office autopsy will also be suggested as it’s more in depth and I hope they agree to that. As a parent I would want as much information as possible and whilst there is no way of knowing for certain how it played out- some information that may be discovered in a UK autopsy will perhaps provide some further answers and possibly comfort for the family.
Yes I hope the family do decide to take this advice. I know I would want as much information as possible for my own peace of mind. MOO
There were - and still are - so many strange things about what happened that night. It’s not like your typical missing hiker case because the back story to why Jay was even in Masca, miles away from his mates, his hotel and the party, is interesting and suspicious. Once the info came out about Jay’s past and a suggestion he’d been taken, the rumour mill just snowballed.

I’m afraid we’re going to see this more and more now. Ultimately there seems to be a social paranoia and mistrust of authority. From a sociological point of view it’s really quite fascinating.
I think these things always happened but usually within a small community and its whispers within the walls. As truly awful as the Facebook and conspiracy theories were, the money raised has been immense and would have reached nowhere near that amount without it being in the public domain as much. There will be people who saw this case as karma for personal reasons- perhaps their own child had been attacked, it also attracted a lot of younger posters (who would normally not even entertain Facebook) and fail to see the longevity of comments on certain platforms, compared to Snapchat where you can say it and it’s gone again. A few years ago it would be the court case reporting where everything came out, but there is no way to prevent this happening time and again in the age of social media.
I wonder why Lucy suddenly popped back up and starts speaking for the Family .??
She had been off the radar . The family should have had an official spokesperson right from the begining someone who knew how to deal with the press MOO
I would like to think that Jay's family and her own family shielded her from further abuse online imo Lucy acted swiftly to get law enforcement out searching quickly .She has been subjected to extreme and intense scrutiny from day 1 ,which I imagine was fuelled by trolls jealous of a good looking girl and they targeted her with so much slander .I did note that the lads didn't get as much speculative rumour surrounding their lifestyle. imho I think Lucy is being given or taking the opportunity in a roundabout way to say I had nothing to do with jay going missing ,he was my friend and now you all know it was a misadventure . On the reasons the family didn't have an official spokesperson ,the missing person's charity did put out statements on the families behalf and between all the carry on over the go fund me and questions over where and how it was being spent (debbie did have to constantly explain herself over this ,which was absolutely diabolical)and the stress they were under they probably weren't thinking clearly its not like any of those involved have experienced a tragedy like this before to be aware of protocol and I don't think anybody could be prepared for the media frenzy that ensued
I think it was an accidental fall, but I’m glad they haven’t ruled out it could be a throw
“to throw or fall from or as from a height
I have also seen it quoted that a home office autopsy will also be suggested as it’s more in depth and I hope they agree to that. As a parent I would want as much information as possible and whilst there is no way of knowing for certain how it played out- some information that may be discovered in a UK autopsy will perhaps provide some further answers and possibly comfort for the family.
My wife does languages. She suggested the word precipitation in Spanish would be a quicker or reckless fall - not being thrown!

(Disclaimer; there are other linguists!)
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It might be difficult, especially with the likely amount of decomposition, to even determine exact cause of death.

There was one report of a friend hearing him possibly sliding on gravel. I wonder if they will be able to determine anything like that, possibly from damage to clothing/shoes?

Depending on what time his phone packed up maybe something might be gleaned from that, such as accelerometer data? Or maybe a smartwatch/fitbit?

Or it might just be an open verdict.
The report of him sliding on gravel was from Brads interview- he also saw him step off the road- so it’s unlikely that was when he ultimately fell. He also spoke to Lucy after this time to say he was in the middle of nowhere and cut by a cactus and sent the pin. The burning question for me is- did he fall from the pin location, or keep moving afterwards and why did he go that way? The latter we can only know if we do get told where his body was discovered and can retrace any routes nearby.
I would like to think that Jay's family and her own family shielded her from further abuse online imo Lucy acted swiftly to get law enforcement out searching quickly .She has been subjected to extreme and intense scrutiny from day 1 ,which I imagine was fuelled by trolls jealous of a good looking girl and they targeted her with so much slander .I did note that the lads didn't get as much speculative rumour surrounding their lifestyle. imho I think Lucy is being given or taking the opportunity in a roundabout way to say I had nothing to do with jay going missing ,he was my friend and now you all know it was a misadventure . On the reasons the family didn't have an official spokesperson ,the missing person's charity did put out statements on the families behalf and between all the carry on over the go fund me and questions over where and how it was being spent (debbie did have to constantly explain herself over this ,which was absolutely diabolical)and the stress they were under they probably weren't thinking clearly its not like any of those involved have experienced a tragedy like this before to be aware of protocol and I don't think anybody could be prepared for the media frenzy that ensued
Yes I agree with everything you have said. My thoughts were that Lucy wasn't the best person to be making statements
simply because of all the backlash she has received
The report of him sliding on gravel was from Brads interview- he also saw him step off the road- so it’s unlikely that was when he ultimately fell. He also spoke to Lucy after this time to say he was in the middle of nowhere and cut by a cactus and sent the pin. The burning question for me is- did he fall from the pin location, or keep moving afterwards and why did he go that way? The latter we can only know if we do get told where his body was discovered and can retrace any routes nearby.
Yes I agree with everything you have said. My thoughts were that Lucy wasn't the best person to be making statements
simply because of all the backlash she has received
or maybe she was the perfect person to make the statement. Reason being imo to cut out further speculation and to put out there in the media ,that the family consider that she did the best she could for jay and they don't believe any rumour or trash talk online about Lucy. That's the positive message I took from it
Yes I agree with everything you have said. My thoughts were that Lucy wasn't the best person to be making statements
simply because of all the backlash she has received
Along with her age and personal distress and that made her vulnerable.
My heart breaks for Jays mum reading her statement - the amount of abuse and conspiracy theories that have been thrown her way was horrible.

I hope now people leave this family & friendship group in peace - give them privacy and let them begin to grieve.

I do think there was some ‘classism’ in this case from day one.

I think LBT Global have given the family invaluable support recently over dealings with the media.

I really hope someone puts on a private plane for Debbie & her family to come home on with Jay - on a normal flight no doubt she’d have pictures taken, cameras in her face
I still think the most important question is why Jay went back to the Airbnb in the first place and why he left so quickly after arriving. The Airbnb may not be responsible for his death but if he had not been there he would still be alive today

There seems quite an obvious answer to me. We know how Jay looked in the club, we know the past of one of the guys, we know the area is remote, we know he seemingly willingly sent snapchats in the car and outside the Airbnb and we know from Brad he was 'buzzing' despite it 8am the morning after the festival when any normal person would be shattered. It would also explain why he thought he could walk back (and enter terrain without anything in sight) and potentially why he left in a hurry (possible paranoia)
My wife does languages. She suggested the word precipitation in Spanish would be a quicker or reckless fall - not being thrown!

(Disclaimer; there are other linguists!)
Thank you, I hoped above that a Spanish speaker would come along and help, that makes total sense to me.

IMHO suggestions of being thrown off a cliff don't stand up to any scrutiny, that would involve more than one person making a difficult trek into the mountains, the attacker(s) safely manhandling a fit young man off a cliff, at least one person making the return journey all without leaving any discernable trace on the ground or being spotted.
The report of him sliding on gravel was from Brads interview- he also saw him step off the road- so it’s unlikely that was when he ultimately fell. He also spoke to Lucy after this time to say he was in the middle of nowhere and cut by a cactus and sent the pin. The burning question for me is- did he fall from the pin location, or keep moving afterwards and why did he go that way? The latter we can only know if we do get told where his body was discovered and can retrace any routes nearby.
Ah ok. The fact that the location isn't known though is credit to a discreet operation, no tiktok "sleuths" covertly filming.

or maybe she was the perfect person to make the statement. Reason being imo to cut out further speculation and to put out there in the media ,that the family consider that she did the best she could for jay and they don't believe any rumour or trash talk online about Lucy. That's the positive message I took from it
I personally feel that Lucy will likely never get over this and it will stay in her mind forever. It is terribly sad that she became the spokesperson, be that because she volunteered or felt she had no choice as noone else wanted to. My thoughts are with his friends as much as his parents.
The report of him sliding on gravel was from Brads interview- he also saw him step off the road- so it’s unlikely that was when he ultimately fell. He also spoke to Lucy after this time to say he was in the middle of nowhere and cut by a cactus and sent the pin. The burning question for me is- did he fall from the pin location, or keep moving afterwards and why did he go that way? The latter we can only know if we do get told where his body was discovered and can retrace any routes nearby.
It has been reported that he was 20 minutes walk from where the phone last pinged I believe and that they are not disclosing where he was found although I'm sure some clever people might be able to work it out from what we know.
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It has been reported that he was 20 minutes walk from where the phone last pinged I believe and that they are not disclosing where he was found although I'm sure some clever people might be able to work it out from what we know.

Most of us can walk a mile in 15-20 mins, but not in that terrain IMO, so I'd hazard a guess it was 1/2 - 3/4 mile from the end of the track.

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