jaycee home videos and terry plea march 5

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just an added note about the two dogs in the video where jaycee is talking.
jaycee and the girls listed two dogs as pets they wanted back from the garridos, so putting on my amatuer detective hat, id say, they got they're pets back

I love dogs. Any mention of dogs & my ears perk up. So somehow I believe those springer spaniels we saw in the clips were either owned by Jaycee's mother or someone else.

I never got the impression from last autumn that all the animals, especially the dogs, went back to Jaycee.

Contra Costa Times of 10/17/2009:

Last week an animal shelter confirmed that the girls had been reunited with most of the 12 pets that lived with them in their backyard encampment of ramshackle sheds and tents in Antioch, northern California.

“The five cats have been reclaimed and the three cockatoos, a pigeon and a pet mouse have gone to friends and family,” said the Martinez Animal Shelter. “We are still looking for homes for three dogs

From the LAtimesblogs: 9-18-2009

Now, the Contra Costa Times reports, the animals -- five cats, two dogs (a Labrador retriever mix and a Rottweiler mix), three cockatiels, a pigeon and a mouse are being held at the Contra Costa County Animal Services shelter in Martinez.
I love dogs. Any mention of dogs & my ears perk up. So somehow I believe those springer spaniels we saw in the clips were either owned by Jaycee's mother or someone else.

I never got the impression from last autumn that all the animals, especially the dogs, went back to Jaycee.

Contra Costa Times of 10/17/2009:

Last week an animal shelter confirmed that the girls had been reunited with most of the 12 pets that lived with them in their backyard encampment of ramshackle sheds and tents in Antioch, northern California.

“The five cats have been reclaimed and the three cockatoos, a pigeon and a pet mouse have gone to friends and family,” said the Martinez Animal Shelter. “We are still looking for homes for three dogs

From the LAtimesblogs: 9-18-2009

Now, the Contra Costa Times reports, the animals -- five cats, two dogs (a Labrador retriever mix and a Rottweiler mix), three cockatiels, a pigeon and a mouse are being held at the Contra Costa County Animal Services shelter in Martinez.

thanks nina, i jimped the gun ;)
Since PG gave the girls those pets as gifts their therapists probably had them pick out their own pets with no negative connections while their old pets stayed in foster care or got adopted. This is just an opinion since I'm not a therapist. Either way it was nice to see JC so happy with the horses and dogs. That family gives so many people hope and optimism, god bless them.
Those were purebred pups. That was my first clue that they were not her original dogs. No way the Garrido's could afford 700 - 1000 dollars for a dog let alone two unless they had stolen them. :)
I thought I read somewhere that the yard had "pit bull dogs." While pit bulls can indeed be really nice dogs, they don't tend to get along that well with cats and etc. I really hope they found good homes for the dogs, they were probably mistreated by Garrido too and deserve a chance.
well whatever the case, youd could easily see how happy jaycee is with the dogs and vice versa.
why the heck would the media ask gellmen for comment on the videos
I thought I read somewhere that the yard had "pit bull dogs." While pit bulls can indeed be really nice dogs, they don't tend to get along that well with cats and etc. I really hope they found good homes for the dogs, they were probably mistreated by Garrido too and deserve a chance.

The dogs probably got along fine with everyone and everything in the backyard. The problem would have come if they were removed from that environment and were placed with other members of the "pack" where they could come into contact with other people (such as Jaycee's mom and sister, and social/LE workers, who the dogs would have seen as outsiders), that could have created behaviour issues. Not only that, the pack's "alpha dog" would have been missing.

The best thing for the dogs would have been to be placed with a completely new family, which seems to be what was done.
The packs alfa may not have been missing if that alfa was Jaycee. Not knowing the dogs or the family etc sort of hard to state who the alfa would be and I doubt it would be either of the Garridos (imo). However, if they had already found homes would be good to get new pups.

I have another thought but I know if I said it in this forum a zillion posters would probably not agree. So here is just a hint. Look at Jaycee's eyes when that one pup kept jumping on her. Any if anyone is interested in my thought you may pm me.
The packs alfa may not have been missing if that alfa was Jaycee. Not knowing the dogs or the family etc sort of hard to state who the alfa would be and I doubt it would be either of the Garridos (imo). However, if they had already found homes would be good to get new pups.

I have another thought but I know if I said it in this forum a zillion posters would probably not agree. So here is just a hint. Look at Jaycee's eyes when that one pup kept jumping on her. Any if anyone is interested in my thought you may pm me.

Doubt it. Animals are pretty sensitive to those sorts of things, the dogs would have known who was in charge, and that clearly would be PG.
linas i missed nightline so if you can fill me in id appreciate it
Didn't get to view it until last night. Footage was only slightly different, but... the therapist they spoke with said the real test of Jaycee's healing progress will be when she can voice her opinion and argue with her family and not get punished for expressing her feelings.
she's phils lawyer.

why would jaycee's family be punishing her for voicing her opinion? that doesnt make any sense.
she's 29 not 3
I think you misunderstood the intent of the comment. She (I think) meant that when Jaycee could express herself and have her own opinion which differs from that of her family without the fear that she would be punished for having opposing views.

Families bicker all the time, usually about small stuff, then get over it. I believe Jaycee is that way with her girls based on a comment the younger one say. But that is entirely different than being afraid to having a argument with say her mom, sister, anyone else for that matter. Once she can freely do that then according to the doctor she will be well on her way to recovery. I am sure she was never allowed her own opinion with the Garridos.
I think you misunderstood the intent of the comment. She (I think) meant that when Jaycee could express herself and have her own opinion which differs from that of her family without the fear that she would be punished for having opposing views.

Families bicker all the time, usually about small stuff, then get over it. I believe Jaycee is that way with her girls based on a comment the younger one say. But that is entirely different than being afraid to having a argument with say her mom, sister, anyone else for that matter. Once she can freely do that then according to the doctor she will be well on her way to recovery. I am sure she was never allowed her own opinion with the Garridos.
Exactly! Beyond the physical rapes and being kidnapped, there was the imprisonment, and being stripped of her identity. I'm sure there was tons of other emotional abuse we don't even know about yet. She even put in her diary, "I'm not even sure my thoughts are my own". Poor girl, never allowed to make a choice for herself, I sure hope she's enjoying getting to do what she wants now.
families bicker all the time? damn i thought i was special ;)

i do see the point though. the way i read it didnt make much sense lol
The videos were really nice to see and Terry is a strong angel.
But how can you sensationalize baking cookies? how can you depict it? how can you say anything other then
"that was really nice" and it was nice.

DID it give us a window of reality??? NOP NOP NOP.
It gave us an opportunity to say Terry is great, she is asking for her privacy, and spending good family time
with her girls.
This time is important and healing.
I hope they hear about how Jaycee and the girls are doing well while they're rotting in prison!

I actually hope they keep all JC and the girls news away from them, You don't need to agitate an idiot. JMO
i say agitate him......whats he gonna do, piss in another inmates soup?
i say agitate him......whats he gonna do, piss in another inmates soup?

Funny.....KBL. :)
There is something powerful about peace and quite.
Anger can get someone creative, thinking, and with a mind like his...I rather he be catatonic, not thinking to much about what else is in his cards. I say let dead dogs lie. Or you start to stir the fleas.

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