JDI - A Possible Prosecution?

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The note was not written on a computer, it was written by hand on a piece of paper torn from Patsy's note pad with a Sharpie pen found in a pen cup and whose ink tested a positive match to the note.

Patsy wrote the note.
yes, PR wrote the note. I used to think she might have had some help, maybe JR dictating, but I don't even think that now. IMO, there's no way he would have helped write that long, anger filled tirade, punctuated not only with exclamation points, but also their own personal slang, Not too long ago, I relistened to the 911 and I noticed that PR slurred a few words. IMO, she might have been drinking during the letter writing, and by the end, was intoxicated enough to let her focus slip. Because IMO, the letter went from a foreign faction, to a 'dear John' letter. The handwriting technically seals the deal, but IMO, that last paragraph speaks just as loudly. moo
The problem is the timeline Patsy gave in her various depositions isn't consistent with the time of the 911 being made and the time she states she arose. There is no way anyone could do all she said she did (getting up about 5:35 to 5:40, iirc, and based on her depo), fix her hair, makeup, put on clothing, meander around (sorry, I can't remember exactly what she said but iirc she stated she washed out some of JonBenet's clothing), then came down stairs and found the note, read or skimmed it (whichever you believe ... she said she didn't read all of it but her comments to the dispatcher made it seem she'd read at least a good portion of it), ran upstairs and checked JonBenet's room then yelled for John, went back downstairs with John while he reviewed things, and she accomplished all of this in less than 15-20 minutes or thereabouts. I just don't buy that. :what:
speaking of PR claiming to have washed out some of JB's clothing...now, I'm not repeating this theory as science, because I have never found anything to back it up, but while discussing the missing case of Haleigh Cummings, a poster said that 1 of the red flags with the babysitter's story, was that she mentioned cleaning and housework, when most probably, she had done neither. (interestingly, she rambled on and on about laundry) Supposedly, mentioning cleaning as part of a fake story, is an indicator of sexual abuse. At 1st, I was like, 'what??? 'how could anybody make that correlation?' But, then I really considered it, and based on a life experience of my own with a psychologist, I think there may be some validity to the theory. I think it may have something to do with the subconscious trying to 'clean up the dirty'. Anyway, with all she had to do, I don't really buy that PR got up and washed out JB's clothes. So, if she Did lie about what she did that morning, it's interesting to note that she included washing out JB's clothes...something she probably wouldn't 't have had the desire or time for. all moo
speaking of PR claiming to have washed out some of JB's clothing...now, I'm not repeating this theory as science, because I have never found anything to back it up, but while discussing the missing case of Haleigh Cummings, a poster said that 1 of the red flags with the babysitter's story, was that she mentioned cleaning and housework, when most probably, she had done neither. (interestingly, she rambled on and on about laundry) Supposedly, mentioning cleaning as part of a fake story, is an indicator of sexual abuse. At 1st, I was like, 'what??? 'how could anybody make that correlation?' But, then I really considered it, and based on a life experience of my own with a psychologist, I think there may be some validity to the theory. I think it may have something to do with the subconscious trying to 'clean up the dirty'. Anyway, with all she had to do, I don't really buy that PR got up and washed out JB's clothes. So, if she Did lie about what she did that morning, it's interesting to note that she included washing out JB's clothes...something she probably wouldn't 't have had the desire or time for. all moo

Very interesting. From psychological point of view, it makes sense. Thank you for sharing!
The activities Patsy gave for the morning JonBenet went "missing" also changed as time went on according to her statements. It is time consuming but reading her depositions (and John's) and reading their book Death of Innocence are real eye-openers. They could not keep a story straight on their own or together.
The activities Patsy gave for the morning JonBenet went "missing" also changed as time went on according to her statements. It is time consuming but reading her depositions (and John's) and reading their book Death of Innocence are real eye-openers. They could not keep a story straight on their own or together.
I know, and it's infuriating! 1st of all, the truth never changes, we all know that, but you'd think they would have either kept notes or stayed away from writing books! Yes, reading the depositions is time consuming, but oh my gosh, once you do read them, there's no turning back the clock. Some of their words, especially JR's, will be forever ingrained on my brain. Public image and personal persona are 2 hugely different things, and once JR really talks, and explains, and answers questions, and can't change the subject with a soundbite, you start to see JR, the real person...and it's not the same man who claims to have suffered on the other side. When he talked about the broken window and being in the basement in his underwear, I got a chill down my spine, and when he talked about JB getting older and being scared of things, ohhh, I couldn't believe his choice of words, and his explanation of the pineapple was ludicrous.... so much distancing, forgetfulness, and just plain creepiness. I still don't know what to make of it all, but if he ever has to answer in a court of law, I hope he is forced to explain some of this. moo
I know, and it's infuriating! 1st of all, the truth never changes, we all know that, but you'd think they would have either kept notes or stayed away from writing books! Yes, reading the depositions is time consuming, but oh my gosh, once you do read them, there's no turning back the clock. Some of their words, especially JR's, will be forever ingrained on my brain. Public image and personal persona are 2 hugely different things, and once JR really talks, and explains, and answers questions, and can't change the subject with a soundbite, you start to see JR, the real person...and it's not the same man who claims to have suffered on the other side. When he talked about the broken window and being in the basement in his underwear, I got a chill down my spine, and when he talked about JB getting older and being scared of things, ohhh, I couldn't believe his choice of words, and his explanation of the pineapple was ludicrous.... so much distancing, forgetfulness, and just plain creepiness. I still don't know what to make of it all, but if he ever has to answer in a court of law, I hope he is forced to explain some of this. moo

I always felt it was very suspicious that the R's lawyers would never allow their clients to answer the same questions twice. In fact, as you read their depositions, there are many questions that are asked along with the sentence "and I know you are not going to allow your client to answer that". If they were telling the truth, they could be asked the same question 100 times and never have to think twice about your answer.
Had to spend some time in real life, but here's what I hope will answer your questions, trusting some of them have already been addressed in other posts:

I wanted to make sure to respond to all your questions. Some of them might have been answered in other posts, but here are my thoughts on others:

Patsy wearing the same clothes the next morning. I think she could have fallen asleep somewhere, and woke up in them early the next morning with only a bit of time to get prepped for the day. All she would have needed was a few minutes worth of touch-up, get the kids rounded up, get on the plane, rest a while and freshen up “properly” after the flight – to be ready for time with the family, yet again. What strikes me as odd, more than her wearing the same clothing from the night before, is that NOT one person made a comment that she looked any worse for the wear and tear. I simply cannot imagine she wouldn’t have shown some dishevelment if she had been behind any of the physical activity in the committing of the crime if she had been involved at all in the process. No reports of blanket lint on clothing, or tear-streaked makeup, or puffy, crying eyes…nothing.

Why not read the whole note before panicking and running around and calling police? I can tell you if I had picked up the first sheet of that note, and got to the part about them having my daughter, that is when I would have bolted up the stairs to check her room too. Exactly how the rest of it went? Maybe JR hearing her and coming to her, him probably trying to shuffle Burke back to his room, who might also have heard the screaming and come out of his room, while Patsy has run down to the phone, trying not to seem too panicked so Burke doesn’t freak out. Soon behind comes JR, but Patsy on the phone already. There is one account of the 911 call starting out by breaking into Patsy saying, “……because we need them, hon” and then the rest of the call. Maybe she was trying to explain to JR why, against his reluctance to call police, she was going to go ahead and do it. I don’t know, just my take on a possible scenario.

I know she wore the blue suit twice in a row for TV appearances. Some thought it a sure sign she was just posturing to show it wouldn’t be unusual for her to be seen wearing the same outfit twice in a row. Maybe that’s exactly what she was doing, but why couldn’t she also have been trying to emphasize being truly innocent by doing it. If it were me, trying to keep people from finding a reason to damn me, I don’t think I’d be displaying contrived examples of the very thing they saw that, in their minds, hooks me to the crime and would only fester that wound.

As for changing up her handwriting, if I was an innocent mother whose daughter had been horribly killed, and many thought my handwriting looked like that of the killer, I think I might have to change it however I could so that every time I looked at it I wouldn’t be reminded of that awful note. Patsy said she was glad they left the note so at least there would be some evidence. I think she might have been trying to disassociate herself from the look of the evidence because it sickened her to remember how it might have looked.

Peeking through fingers at French: Here’s a thought to challenge to you – pretend you are the distraught, crying mother of a missing child. You were a beauty pageant queen, and it is normal to you to present yourself in your best appearance in the midst of a crowd. (Flying on a small plane with immediate family members early in the morning does not require you to be in this mode.) You are especially used to having to be “on” in front of males with importance – judges, social circle, husband, etc. So, here you are in a weeping puddle, probably make-up and nose running, seated in your living room with a police officer watching you as he watches around him as well. He is the one that so far is making all the moves connected to working on your daughter being missing. Would it be so unusal for her to be sitting and holding her hands loosely across her eyes and upper face to try to cover the mess her eyes must have been in, yet still keep a wary eye on what the policeman’s next move might have been? I am not sure Officer French interpreted that action the same way you or I might have.

I suspect Patsy called her close friends and pastor in for support because she knew JR wouldn’t be the kind she could cling to and lean on. He wasn’t, was he. It was noted he was not at her side. And he might have displayed that cold, seething anger to her after she made that 911 call that the housekeeper had witnessed in him when he had to deal with the wet basement carpet when they had the plumbing problem. Or that look that he gave Arndt. Maybe she was afraid of him enough that she made those calls right away to assure he wouldn’t harm her too.

I do not agree that Patsy would have presented JB to her husband for sexual pleasure as a Christmas gift. That’s a whole other dynamic that I cannot believe of Patsy. However, surely she might have felt a lot of remorse and guilt after JB’s death if JB had tried to tell her that JR was harming her, and she had not taken her seriously enough to protect her. She was probably already worried about what she might have known about JB and Burke, becoming more involved in sex play than she thought was healthy. What a scandal that whole mess would have been, and how horrible it would have made her look as a mother. If Patsy had any strong suspicions, and then was compounded by the guilt, along with the demoralizing of her family in the public eye, is it any wonder she would have grasped so tightly to the intruder theory and been willing to help promote it. She could hate her husband privately, but she would have wanted to salvage what she could of any shred of dignity for herself and her son that was left.
Dear madeleine, where are the evidences of the above??? Could be, would be, should be....'most likely', 'sounded something'...We have FACTS so far: Patsy was lier AND John was lier AND Burke was lier....who was molester??? who was one of the 3???...evidences please!

thank you!

P.S....to everyone, when asking yourself 'who's the child molester' please remember JB was manually penetrated, more than once, not with penis......and this is the FACT.

OM4U not only is there a stinking ransom note in this case (your post above), but the whole darn case stinks. It's putrid right from the beginning, through the corruption in the investigation, and on beyond to all the lawsuits from the Ramseys, threats against those who tried to offer information that was too damaging, and Lord only knows what else. Most of the stink is completely due to the effect of the Ramseys and their continual blockade against any true resolve of this crime.

There is no way to have proof positive who molested JB. We all know that. My speculation is based upon the most valid facts, in general, of who usually molests the young girls in a family when it involves acts of violence. It's usually the adult male. The young ones are usually helpless against them if the behavior escalates. But they are on a more even playing field when it comes to rebuffing abusers closer to their own age, and there are often adults within earshot that can come to their aid if necessary, so they have that on their side. I suspect JB was being molested by multiple male members in her family, and perhaps even some other non-family members.

I know it sounds sick, but that little beauty was so sexualized and capable of acting accordingly, that I think she did not know her behavior was as inappropriate as it was. I believe she was told those things were OK if done in private with people who love you and who you love back, and that it was so special the secret must never ever be shared, or someone else might get very angry and try to take her away because they are jealous.

There is no way for any of us to know either if JR might have been a molester at any other time of his life. There were rumors, and still are floating around on the web, that JR's daughter, Beth, had told college friends about her father's inappropriate behavior with her. Again, just speculation, but it's out there. A lot of men with high-power profiles keep their sexual lives closeted very well for a long time, aka Jerry Sandusky.

And, as far as penile penetration, JR may have realized he would have to be less aggressive with her until she became older. Her vaginal opening was reported to have been twice the size of a normal six year old as it was. And, sometimes molesters are satisfied with oral involvement, followed by self stimulation. This is such graphic talk, I hate it, but it is the truth, and if there was adult/child molestation going on with JB, then it is a possibility.

Lord, how I wish AH would have had the guts to do his job and bring in the GJ indictment. None of us would have to be going through this now.

OM, please never stop fighting for this cause. In the end it won't really matter whose theory proves to be right - what will matter is if there is justice for JB!

The note was not written on a computer, it was written by hand on a piece of paper torn from Patsy's note pad with a Sharpie pen found in a pen cup and whose ink tested a positive match to the note.

Patsy wrote the note.

Of course the ransom note from the crime scene was not written on a computer.
I have no doubt that note was handwritten and placed into the crime.

Here is what I first posted:
The new software could have produced a document to be hand copied onto the notepad pages. The discrepancies in the script between what would have positively been identified as Patsy's handwriting might have been the result of some of John's own scripting methods, which some, including myself, think possible. It would have been impossible for John to perfectly copy the "Patsy font" without a good amount of practice ahead of time, but since he was known to be detail oriented, he would have done a respectable job. Especially using a felt tip pen, which always leaves a lesser technique quality. A note here: The matching pen used to write it was placed back into the holder. John was the neat freak, not Patsy. Picking up and replacing would have been second nature to him, not Patsy.

If I wasn't clear to all that I suspected JR wrote the note, perhaps using a document he had previously created as a "cheat sheet", then I hope I have clarified.

Again, I do not agree that Patsy wrote the note, but I respect your opinion that she did. Each of us has a 50/50 chance of being right, I believe. And I would LOVE it if somehow there would ever be a valid testimony to the truth of this case and we would find out once and for all how everything happened that night Wouldn't you? I sure could live with being wrong as long as I know that justice would finally be done and this case would be closed!
respectfully skipped!!

... please never stop fighting for this cause. In the end it won't really matter whose theory proves to be right - what will matter is if there is justice for JB!

Perfectly said, MM!!! Regardless of all the posts above (including mine), this sentence holds the TRUE message why we are here!!!!!!!

Thank you MM!!!
@midwest mama

Wow...very interesting read. Epic post! I don't know if I'd have been able to sort through all of the info and give it that kind of attention. I hope you don't mind me chiming in here like so many others. Of course I don't know what happened, but I agree with otg on this. I just don't see how anyone can truly remove Patsy Ramsey.

The Ransom Note

Usually I find that most people in high level professions, or experts of any kind, when wrong about something, no matter how much they are faced with proof, will never admit they were wrong. Donald Foster, a linguistics expert known for his ability to match authors to their texts proclaimed Patsy to be completely innocent in her involvement in Jonbenet’s murder and even staked his professional reputation on it. One reason, among many, that I believe shows that Patsy is the only one who composed the ransom note, is that Foster then admit his mistake upon reviewing examples of Patsy’s handwriting, and found it impossible for anyone else to have written the ransom note, but Patsy. He not only formed a precise match to PRs handwriting, but also to her grammar, vocabulary, spelling habits, indentation and more even.

Changing Of The Handwriting

It is fact that Patsy began to alter her handwriting on subsequent exemplars, and then, after learning of her other unique matches with the ransom note, she then tried eliminating these from her writing also. I admit your feelings about this are understandable, but her attempts at concealing once again falls in line with some of her other behaviour. Another behaviour pattern which points to her guilt.

Wearing The Blue Suit

Wearing the blue suit twice, to me, if it were my daughter who had been kidnapped/murdered not long ago, even if my wardrobe wearing practises was called into question...I WOULD NOT CARE. I would not be avoiding saying my daughter’s name out loud; the only thing on my mind would be that I’m on television and I’d want everyone to see what my child looks like. I’d want everyone to hear as much information as they can, as it may trigger some kind of memory. I’d be describing everything about the events before and after, in the case that someone might know something and gain as many leads possible.

When I've watched Patsy Ramsey's television appearances, no matter when they have taken place, I never hear a mother desperate to find her daughters killer and seek justice. I hear a woman constantly preoccupied with convincing anyone listening of her innocence, her dealings with the police regarding herself and her deliberately avoiding the subject of Jonbenet. To me, this alone shows a massively marked conscience of guilt.
'...THAT CHILD...', '...THAT CHILD...'...Patsy Ramsey talking to whole world to hear....

Nope, Patsy Ramsey was not innocent bystander. Ransom Note, like mirror, reflects the author's image. And it shows Patsy all over!!!

And if John was the one who molested JonBenet (one of the premisis for this thread to be TRUE) then Patsy knew about and did nothing. In this case, these kind of mothers are not better than molesters! They're WORST than molesters because they turned their back and closed their eye and becomes the TRAITOR of matherhood!!!

If molester has 'excuse' as to be psychologically sick then mothers like Patsy has no excuse, period.

OM4U not only is there a stinking ransom note in this case (your post above), but the whole darn case stinks. It's putrid right from the beginning, through the corruption in the investigation, and on beyond to all the lawsuits from the Ramseys, threats against those who tried to offer information that was too damaging, and Lord only knows what else. Most of the stink is completely due to the effect of the Ramseys and their continual blockade against any true resolve of this crime.

There is no way to have proof positive who molested JB. We all know that. My speculation is based upon the most valid facts, in general, of who usually molests the young girls in a family when it involves acts of violence. It's usually the adult male. The young ones are usually helpless against them if the behavior escalates. But they are on a more even playing field when it comes to rebuffing abusers closer to their own age, and there are often adults within earshot that can come to their aid if necessary, so they have that on their side. I suspect JB was being molested by multiple male members in her family, and perhaps even some other non-family members.

I know it sounds sick, but that little beauty was so sexualized and capable of acting accordingly, that I think she did not know her behavior was as inappropriate as it was. I believe she was told those things were OK if done in private with people who love you and who you love back, and that it was so special the secret must never ever be shared, or someone else might get very angry and try to take her away because they are jealous.

There is no way for any of us to know either if JR might have been a molester at any other time of his life. There were rumors, and still are floating around on the web, that JR's daughter, Beth, had told college friends about her father's inappropriate behavior with her. Again, just speculation, but it's out there. A lot of men with high-power profiles keep their sexual lives closeted very well for a long time, aka Jerry Sandusky.

And, as far as penile penetration, JR may have realized he would have to be less aggressive with her until she became older. Her vaginal opening was reported to have been twice the size of a normal six year old as it was. And, sometimes molesters are satisfied with oral involvement, followed by self stimulation. This is such graphic talk, I hate it, but it is the truth, and if there was adult/child molestation going on with JB, then it is a possibility.

Lord, how I wish AH would have had the guts to do his job and bring in the GJ indictment. None of us would have to be going through this now.

OM, please never stop fighting for this cause. In the end it won't really matter whose theory proves to be right - what will matter is if there is justice for JB!


MM thank you for the direct reply to my questions. In each of these instances I questioned you about your explanations make perfect sense. It's when all of them are brought together that it seems less likely to me that she's innocent. One or two things...maybe. But all of them? I'm not there yet, but I will keep an open mind.

I believe you are exactly right about JR's abuse of JB. These perverts are smart enough and slick enough that they don't just outright rape a little girl the first time they lay hands on her. They groom them slowly. (In this case the mother, and I use that term loosely, helped do the grooming for him!) An inappropriate touch here, a comment there, next maybe an intimate caress. They work up to the "whole enchilada". Had she lived I have no doubt that eventually it would have led to intercourse, as I suspect it may have with Beth. I've never believed that JB was the first little girl he molested. The pictures of Beth in his bathroom is just too strange. I had not heard those rumors from her college friends before. By chance do you have a link? Not doubting what you say, just interested to read more about it.

And before someone takes my head off, yes, I know there are child rapists out there. Typically they snatch a child off the street, rape and kill them within hours, dumping them in an out of the way place. They are not the type I am describing above. I'm referring to the sexual abusers, typically adult male family members.
'...THAT CHILD...', '...THAT CHILD...'...Patsy Ramsey talking to whole world to hear....

Nope, Patsy Ramsey was not innocent bystander. Ransom Note, like mirror, reflects the author's image. And it shows Patsy all over!!!

And if John was the one who molested JonBenet (one of the premisis for this thread to be TRUE) then Patsy knew about and did nothing. In this case, these kind of mothers are not better than molesters! They're WORST than molesters because they turned their back and closed their eye and becomes the TRAITOR of matherhood!!!

If molester has 'excuse' as to be psychologically sick then mothers like Patsy has no excuse, period.


Bold, Colored Italics Mine:

Unless the mother was as emotionally ill as the molesting father. And I believe that by the time JB was killed, Patsy had become perhaps even more so than John. Too many of the behaviors as a mother of those two children demonstrated that.

She would have been a total puppet for John and the RST team, with the death of JB pushing her over into the only survival mode she had left: to try to save herself and Burke the only way she could. Fighting to try to save John was not her cause. She knew John had that deal sealed. And she also knew the deal sealers could not be undone, so why waste her breath. Her only plea then became to salvage her dignity at the children's mother, and save Burke from suspicion.
MM thank you for the direct reply to my questions. In each of these instances I questioned you about your explanations make perfect sense. It's when all of them are brought together that it seems less likely to me that she's innocent. One or two things...maybe. But all of them? I'm not there yet, but I will keep an open mind.

I believe you are exactly right about JR's abuse of JB. These perverts are smart enough and slick enough that they don't just outright rape a little girl the first time they lay hands on her. They groom them slowly. (In this case the mother, and I use that term loosely, helped do the grooming for him!) An inappropriate touch here, a comment there, next maybe an intimate caress. They work up to the "whole enchilada". Had she lived I have no doubt that eventually it would have led to intercourse, as I suspect it may have with Beth. I've never believed that JB was the first little girl he molested. The pictures of Beth in his bathroom is just too strange. I had not heard those rumors from her college friends before. By chance do you have a link? Not doubting what you say, just interested to read more about it.

And before someone takes my head off, yes, I know there are child rapists out there. Typically they snatch a child off the street, rape and kill them within hours, dumping them in an out of the way place. They are not the type I am describing above. I'm referring to the sexual abusers, typically adult male family members.

Here are two for you. PLEASE, and I emphasize, PLEASE understand that both of these articles contain ideas and theories, as well as the shared information regarding Elizabeth, that you may find totally off the wall. The thing I find interesting, is that both of the comments regarding Elizabeth cite her disclosure to "others", which could mean this is a fact that might be corroborated with enough investigation. That is the ONLY reason I can consider it in my theory.


"John Ramsey's daughter (from his first marriage), Elizabeth, had uncovered several vivid memories of Satanic, ritual sexual abuse after a failed suicide attempt (during the ensuing therapy sessions) in which her Father apparently played a major role in the rituals. Within several months of uncovering the memories and going 'public' with them (talking to friends and family members) she was dead - killed in a 'freak' car accident the manner in which has never been fully resolved to investigators satisfaction."


"John’s other daughter Elizabeth from another marriage, died in a “freak car accident” after she remembered being satanically sexually abused by her father, that came back in flashes after she attempted to commit suicide."

Thanks for your genuine, and respectful responses in this thread.:seeya:
@midwest mama

Wow...very interesting read. Epic post! I don't know if I'd have been able to sort through all of the info and give it that kind of attention. I hope you don't mind me chiming in here like so many others. Of course I don't know what happened, but I agree with otg on this. I just don't see how anyone can truly remove Patsy Ramsey.

The Ransom Note

Usually I find that most people in high level professions, or experts of any kind, when wrong about something, no matter how much they are faced with proof, will never admit they were wrong. Donald Foster, a linguistics expert known for his ability to match authors to their texts proclaimed Patsy to be completely innocent in her involvement in Jonbenet’s murder and even staked his professional reputation on it. One reason, among many, that I believe shows that Patsy is the only one who composed the ransom note, is that Foster then admit his mistake upon reviewing examples of Patsy’s handwriting, and found it impossible for anyone else to have written the ransom note, but Patsy. He not only formed a precise match to PRs handwriting, but also to her grammar, vocabulary, spelling habits, indentation and more even.

Changing Of The Handwriting

It is fact that Patsy began to alter her handwriting on subsequent exemplars, and then, after learning of her other unique matches with the ransom note, she then tried eliminating these from her writing also. I admit your feelings about this are understandable, but her attempts at concealing once again falls in line with some of her other behaviour. Another behaviour pattern which points to her guilt.

Wearing The Blue Suit

Wearing the blue suit twice, to me, if it were my daughter who had been kidnapped/murdered not long ago, even if my wardrobe wearing practises was called into question...I WOULD NOT CARE. I would not be avoiding saying my daughter’s name out loud; the only thing on my mind would be that I’m on television and I’d want everyone to see what my child looks like. I’d want everyone to hear as much information as they can, as it may trigger some kind of memory. I’d be describing everything about the events before and after, in the case that someone might know something and gain as many leads possible.

When I've watched Patsy Ramsey's television appearances, no matter when they have taken place, I never hear a mother desperate to find her daughters killer and seek justice. I hear a woman constantly preoccupied with convincing anyone listening of her innocence, her dealings with the police regarding herself and her deliberately avoiding the subject of Jonbenet. To me, this alone shows a massively marked conscience of guilt.

I am very pleased you have "chimed in" and given me another opportunity to share my opinions. Thank you!!

Par 1: Impossibilities can not be declared in any case where proven scientific investigation cannot be used. While handwriting experts should be valued for their careful, educated conclusions, a definite 'diagnosis' cannot be made. Here is support for this opinion, from ST book, pg 174:
"The Colorado Bureau of Investigation, after studying several of Patsy's handwriting exemplars, noted "evidence which indicates the questioned handwritten note may have been written by (Patricia Ramsey), but the evidence falls short of that necessary to support a definite conclusion". Chet Ubowski of the CBI, who was being asked to make the call of a lifetime, couldn't do it with courtroom certainty."

Par 2: I agree Patsy was working as hard as she could to try to impress anyone she could with her innocence. It was a monumental task, and still is.
Her husband never once displayed any aggressive, protective mannerisms to anyone in her defense on her behalf as I can tell you my husband would have. She struggled with that all on her own, and was criticized for it.

Par 3: I believe the RST had her extremely well managed. Why would they have allowed her to come off looking frantic and desparate, when they repeated over and over again that an intruder had committed the crime, and they were using every expert at their disposal to do more than anyone else could, even the BPD. They positioned themselves as the winners and expected P & J to demonstrate their supportive resolve of that capability.

Par 4: In fact, Patsy managed to get notes to police investigators and reporters that she would be willing to meet with them without lawyers, only to have those attempts thwarted. Again, the RST at it's finest. No way would they let any attempt of Patsy begin to open up consideration of John as the perpetrator - that's what they were hired to do, protect John.. Would it have been impossible for them to have surveillance on Patsy? I think not.

the lawyers and investigators were hired to prepare HIS defence
J.Douglas was brought in to tell them whether or not HE is capable of murder....
behind closed doors it was about HIM

it was about HER when it came to the public ,they exposed HER to take the heat off of HIM
he was a coward when it was about fighting to find the real killer,he was a coward when it was about a husband defending his wife
it was always convenient for him to let it go,move on
not what a really innocent father/husband would do .....I guess
also....he lawyered up HIS family (ex wife,son) to prevent them from talking to LE not hers...
Madeleine you've made several really good points right in a row. His behavior is beyond suspicious.

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