Jeff Ashton, George and Cindy Anthony, Book Deals/Non WS Members Can Vote

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Does Jeff Ashton have a right to write a book about the case more than George & Cindy

  • YES

    Votes: 257 74.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 72 20.9%

    Votes: 16 4.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sep 13, 2003
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The title of the poll only allows for a limited number of characters. The full question is below:

"Do you think Anthony Lead Prosecutor Jeff Ashton has a right to write a book about the Anthony case more than George and Cindy Anthony?"

There are rumors that Cindy Anthony may write a book. Nothing confirmed..

On the other hand former lead prosecutor Jeff Ashton in the Casey Anthony trial has his book about the case coming out at the end of November.

[ame=""] Imperfect Justice: Prosecuting Casey Anthony (9780062125323): Jeff Ashton: Books@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

Some feel Jeff Ashton's book is inappropriate and others feel if one or both of the Anthony's wrote a book it would be inappropriate and would refuse to buy it.

Casey Anthony writing a book has nothing to do with the question. It's only George and/or Cindy plus Ashton.

The poll will be open for a week and then we will send out a press release with the results.

Thank you for participating
I voted "NO" because I think anyone can write a book on the case. I believe it's more of a matter in who the public is interested in hearing from. For me, personally, it's JA. For others it may be the ANT's. However, I suspect we'll prolly see dozens of books on the shelves by jurors, witnesses, and others.


i am a no because of our freedoms. any of us have the right to write a book.
Thats a loaded question. I went with NO because everyone and anyone has a right to write a book if they choose. Maybe I'll write one, lol. ;)
I voted no.
Jeff Ashton has as much right to write a book as anyone does, but he doesn't have more of a right.
I voted yes because the A's book would be filled with nothing but excuses or lies. Jeff is telling the truth. I think that gives him more of a right to write a book. He dealt with the defense and the A's for the three years. He has more of a right than anybody to write a book about it.

Now if the A's actually told the truth, then this would be more even. But they never will. It's always lies and spin to make Casey look better. And no one wants to read their garbage anyway.

I think the question should have been, does Jeff Ashton have more of a right to profit off of a book than the A's do. Heck yes. No one should profit off of lies and spin, especially at the expense of their granddaughter. Jeff Ashton is going to honor Caylee and tell the truth, and that's what needs to happen here. I hope he makes more money than the A's will ever see in their lifetime.
I won't be buying anyones book about Caylee. The gravy train is stopping at my house. How much and how many people is the death of this child going to benefit? It is wrong for anyone to make a cent off this mess. JA included. He was a state employee and that gave him special insight to this case. If I recall correctly he came out of retirement or semi-retirement to try this case. Seems fishy to me. One day after the verdict he takes his place on every talk show on tv. I don't like it. I won't buy a book. It just seems wrong coming from him.

I like JA. I think he tried to convict Casey. It was his job for the state of Florida to do so. It just sits badly with me that he or any other in this case profit from it.

I'm sorry if I am in the minority and I offend. I don't mean to. I am just sick of the Caylee gravy train being passed around.
I voted yes because I want to hear the inside story. He put his heart and soul into this case and tried to convict Casey Anthony. In my opinion he's not making money off of the death of Caylee, he's making money off of a sociopath, Casey Anthony.
I Voted No
Anyone As The Right To Write A Book.. But I Cannot Wait The Read Jeffs Book, Roll On November
I voted yes. Legally they probably each have the same rights,but JA has the truth on his side.
I would not expect anything from the Anthony's to be credible.
I voted yes because Jeff Ashton has shown more compassion for Caylee than the grandparents, or her whole family combined. And for that, I must say I'm sorry for this beautiful angel Caylee.
I don't know if "has more of a right" is exactly what I'm feeling - but I do feel his book would be more of an honest read. Cindy has lied to the public/police/herself since the day Caylee went missing, possibly before that, so why would I pay to be lied to? It was bad enough watching it for free - sure as heck don't feel like shelling out money for it.

When Sharon Rocha wrote her book, it was almost a love story about her fight for her daughter and grandson. I bought one for myself and more as gifts. What is Cindy going to tell us? Not interested in anything she didnt' share with the police - as all of her "information" isn't going to help get justice for Caylee now. Atleast Jeff tried.
I won't be buying anyones book about Caylee. The gravy train is stopping at my house. How much and how many people is the death of this child going to benefit? It is wrong for anyone to make a cent off this mess. JA included. He was a state employee and that gave him special insight to this case. If I recall correctly he came out of retirement or semi-retirement to try this case. Seems fishy to me. One day after the verdict he takes his place on every talk show on tv. I don't like it. I won't buy a book. It just seems wrong coming from him.

I like JA. I think he tried to convict Casey. It was his job for the state of Florida to do so. It just sits badly with me that he or any other in this case profit from it.

I'm sorry if I am in the minority and I offend. I don't mean to. I am just sick of the Caylee gravy train being passed around.

THIS POST EXACTLY!!! You took the words out my head! :seeya: Well, except for the "sorry if I am in the minority and I offend" part. In my RL, these sentiments are not minority opinions. And there's nothing offensive about thoughtfully and respectfully voicing your opinion.
I vote "no" because I don't believe it should be a matter of a right to write a book. Anyone has the right to do so. I don't have any interest in reading any book by anyone involved in the case. If a book came out by a truly neutral party I might read it. (not Ann Rule, can't stand her books, lol).
Jeff Ashton has several important factors to his credit that the Anthonys do not.

1) Ability and willingness to tell the truth

2) Morality

3) Reality

4) Upstanding character

All of which qualify Mr. Ashton in a far superior way than they do the Anthonys.
Jeff Ashton put his retirement plans on hold for three years to fight for Justice for Caylee.

The A's OTOH spent those same three years obstructing justice. They should slink away quietly into oblivion, their work is done, FCA was found Not Guilty. They must be so proud.
I have no interest in reading a book from CA and GA - because they have not tried to even understand why OCA was charged with killing Caylee and have done everything possible to hide evidence, lie about evidence or to attempt to destroy it. I have seen them do nothing to honor their grandchild that doesn't involve having their faces in front of the media. Therefore I believe they have no right to write a book. Or if they do - I won't be reading it.

Now Jeff laboured over this prosecution as if Caylee was his own. He took this case personally and after three years, you could see the fatigue etched on his face at trial.
I think his book will be honest, give us a look at the case and the prosecution from the inside and I truly hope it will be cathartic so he can finally let go of it and get on with his life.
Because I think he believes he let Caylee down.
I vote that anyone can write a book. I will read JA's but I will not read CA's if she writes one. That is my choice, I am not into spin and tired of CA's ever changing stories. JA's will be truthful as to the discovery, and evidence whether it is circumstantial or not. He has the inside story of the DF teams shenanigans. He put his heart and soul into this sad case hoping to get Caylee the justice she deserved and was very passionate about it. He delayed his retirement because of little Caylee. Not a small sacrifice.
Since anyone can write a book how about WS writing a book on how a group of strangers met on this forum and came together for three years because of a precious baby who needed people to be her voice. We poured over all the doc, depos, interviews and even evidence everyday for 3 years. We cried together, we worked together we were a team united because of one child we grew to love. Then give the proceeds to TES or some other legitimate organization that dedicates their lives to missing children. We have the same right as any of them.

Mr. Ashton has MORE of a right to write a book than the Anthony's because he was on the side of "Justice for Caylee" ... and was on the side of the TRUTH !

The Anthony's were on the side of "Casey" ... NOT on the side of "Justice for Caylee" ... and the A's "fabricated" lie after lie after lie ...

MOO ...

Cindy's "obstruction of justice" began on Day 31 ... she committed "perjury" on the witness stand during the trial ... and she continues to "fabricate" "stories" about her daughter ...

George LET the DT "throw him under the bus" ... he KNEW it was coming ... and he did NOTHING to stop it ... weak ... very weak ... Oh ... and George's statement that he would do ANYTHING to save his daughter ... and he did just that ...

The Anthony's HAD their chance at the trial ... that one last chance to fight for "Justice" for the "murder" of the granddaughter ... as well as a chance to sort of redeem themselves for their 3 years "previous behaviors" while they were "obstructing justice" etc. ... but they did NOT fight for "Justice" ... they fought for the "felon's" freedom ...

The Anthony's let Caylee down ... and they will NEVER have that opportunity again ... that ship's already sailed ! NOTHING they can say or do now will change that ...

They have ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT to "write" a book ...

I voted yes, but I'm not thrilled with the question! I don't think legally, anyone has more of a right to write a book than anyone else. My question would be whose book would most people read? Probably most people would not care to read an Anthony book - who wants another fairy tale? However, there is a small fringe who would read an Anthony book. These would be the same people who send money to the Anthony "Foundation" and KC's jail account. These people are in the minority. The majority, folks interested in the truth, would read Jeff Ashton's book. I will want to read Ashton's book.
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