Jeff Ashton, George and Cindy Anthony, Book Deals/Non WS Members Can Vote

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Does Jeff Ashton have a right to write a book about the case more than George & Cindy

  • YES

    Votes: 257 74.5%
  • NO

    Votes: 72 20.9%

    Votes: 16 4.6%

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I voted "No".

No matter how you slice it - it's blood money. Besides, he was a terrible prosecutor and didn't do his job.
Jeff Ashton has just spent the last 3 years of his life fighting and arguing to have justice for Caylee.

The grandparents have just spent the last 3 years of their lives into figuring out how to make a mockery of our justice system to get the person who is responsible for Caylee's death out of trouble so that there can never be justice for Caylee.

I believe that it is much more tasteful and "right" for Jeff Ashton to write a book about Caylee's murder trial because he is on Caylee's side and her grandparents clearly are not. Above all else, it would be TRUTHFUL!

I would not believe a single word of a book written by -or for- the Anthony's.
CA doesn't know how to communicate. Did you read her myspace? She writes in the third person. She can't even take responsibility for her own typed words.
I notice some have voted NO because "everyone has the right to write a book", perhaps the poll should substitute the word PUBLISH for the word WRITE :)
I voted yes, even though everyone has a right to write a book about anything they wish to write about.
Anything the Anthonys write will be pure fiction, unless it's a how-to book on spinning an intricate web of lies. I wouldn't read anything they fabricated.

I voted YES for Jeff, if only because I think he is a man of honor and has an interesting story to tell. I'll definitely read his book; I just can't afford to buy it. When my local library finally orders it, I'm sure I'll have to take a number and wait in a very long line to read it.
I voted YES and have already pre-ordered Jeff's book on Amazon. I'm looking for TRUTHS and that does not include anything from ANY Anthony's. (imo)
I voted yes. The Anthonys have every right to write a book, but it should be titled fiction.
We will read the whole truth in JA's book. JA, G, & Linda were the only ones who fought with everything they had to get justice for Caylee.
Someone thought it suspect that JA retired right after the verdict. JA wanted to retire 3 years ago.... but he stayed to fight the good fight for Caylee. Bless him,, G & Linda for being there for that baby when everyone else turned their back on her.
I hope Linda writes one too. We want the truth!!!
Jeff Ashton dedicated three years of his life to find Caylee Marie Anthony Justice; the A's spent three years obstructing that baby's justice.

In my mind, it's not even a question. Granted, even though I suppose anyone can mostly write whatever the heck they want in this country, NO self respecting publisher ought to EVER publish anything an A ever spews forth.
I voted YES! As far as I'm concerned CA and GA have no rights. They lost any rights when they failed to protect Caylee.
I voted yes, that JA has more of a right to write the book.

If we are talking about constitutional rights, everyone has the same right to write a book. The reason I voted for JA having more rights is that I believe his book will be non-fiction, and non-fiction is what this story requires.

The As or A-supporters will write from their viewpoint, or will write what they want people to hear whether it is factual or not, IMO. They will embellish and they will continue to excuse KC's behaviors as well as the behaviors of all the Anthonys and the defense. It would, IMO, be a work of fiction pretending to be non-fiction. And that is inappropriate in more ways than I can say.

Anyone who wants to publish the truth has not only the right but the responsibility to do so, IMO. Anyone who wants to publish lies also has the right--but it would be very irresponsible, IMO.
I voted yes .A book by Jeff Ashton will be truthful .A book by the anthony's will be a book of lies . I will never buy or read a book by any of the anthony's or the defense team or the Jury. I don't watch any of them on tv . Just not interested in any of the BS and lies .
I voted 'no', because I think anyone has the right to write a book. And I don't just mean 'right' in the legal or constitutional sense. People with very different perspectives write books about notable events all the time. Each puts his/her own spin on it for his/her own reasons. I don't see any reason why this should be any different. Ashton's book would be his spin, the Anthonys' book would be theirs, another person's would be their own. That's just how it is.

I think most who have voted here are thinking of 'right' to sort of mean 'entitled'. My sense is that the majority of people on this forum think that Ashton and others on the prosecution team are the only ones who are entitled to write a book or who have earned the honor of writing a book about the case. There seems to be a feeling that writing about Caylee belongs only to those people. I disagree with that, of course, but it explains the poll results.
I want to read a book by Jeff Ashton, I want to know his thoughts and a little of what went on behind the scenes. I don't think Jeff is on the gravy train to line his own pockets, he fought long and hard for justice that was denied Caylee. Writing is cathartic and I think he was emotionally bound, as we all were in the whole worthless debacle, I think he just needs to do this.

As for Cindy I wouldn't cross the road to read what she has written, she is untruthful, delusional and greedy. There is just no point to her writing a book that reiterates all the lies, obstruction and pure peevishness that is Cindy Anthony.
I voted yes, even though everyone has a right to write a book about anything they wish to write about.

I completely agree.

It is semantics, both have a right to write about the case from their viewpoints and experiences. Jeff has a right, and there is interest because he was the prosecutor in the case and has that viewpoint. The A's have a more general right, to write about the family, Casey and Caylee ... but what brought them into the spotlight was the crime.

Now ... whether I'd read the A's book since it is more likely to be half truths and mistruths with an agenda?

While there is bias on both sides, the Prosecution seeks to shine a spotlight on the truth while the Defense seeks to blur it.

It is interesting that, like OJ, many talking heads still openly talk about FCA killing Caylee as if it is accepted public fact on-the-record rather than exercize some caution given the NG verdict.
I voted yes. JA spent three years of his life putting this case together. He had access to all the evidence. Some of it was considered prejudicial and therefore not permitted into evidence. I want to read every word he writes, because it will be the truth.

I don't care one fig what the A's think or what they would write. Although it would be a good psychological study from the standpoint what CA would write. On second thought, she has given the public much insight into how her mind works.
I voted "yes," because IMO the Anthonys have had their chance to say their piece, and I don't want to see them profit any more from Caylee's life or death.
I think most who have voted here are thinking of 'right' to sort of mean 'entitled'. My sense is that the majority of people on this forum think that Ashton and others on the prosecution team are the only ones who are entitled to write a book or who have earned the honor of writing a book about the case. There seems to be a feeling that writing about Caylee belongs only to those people. I disagree with that, of course, but it explains the poll results.

I thought about this some more, and I think that an even better phrase than 'entitled to' is 'deserve to'. I think that a lot of people feel Ashton deserves to write a book (and profit from it) while others don't. Sort of like saying that he's earned it and the others didn't.
I thought about this some more, and I think that an even better phrase than 'entitled to' is 'deserve to'. I think that a lot of people feel Ashton deserves to write a book (and profit from it) while others don't. Sort of like saying that he's earned it and the others didn't.

Chalk me up as one of "those" people. The A's have earned only the right to hang their heads in shame and vanish with the last little bit of grace they can muster.
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