"Jersey" and MW

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Not necessarily a mug shot, they use drivers license photos in the event the person they are showing off doesnt have an arrest.

I wonder if they ever take stills from a video, for example.
She is a juggalette.. Here is her link on FB http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1394986462&ref=ts#!/Juggalette.Skittles?sk=wall

And also her link on MySpace. www.myspace.com/eyehaveanalteregoanditsme

Here is a quote from her bio, doesnt mention being a juggalette but well, I highlighted.
I have sense of humor
which these days seems all too uncommon. I love laughing, taking naps, long walks on the beach, watching movies, and poking dead things with sticks. I freakin' love coloring, and I still buy coloring books even though I am way too old for them. I love ninja turtles and I used to believe that I was Donatello. (the PURPLE one)I am a pyromaniac, and I always carry lighters. (No you can't have them.) I think I have a problem with dying my hair too often. I just like changing things up. "I'm not random, you just can't think as fast as me." Skanks bother me. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I do not believe in God.

:shocked2: Dumpster fire?!!
I think the CL ad was placed after Lisa was missing, so that would not be the reason for the call, if so.
No link. I placed a bunch of ads on craigslist for my garage sale. A lot of people have my number and have called me for one reason or another. Most have not called me about the garage sale, they called me for other reasons.
Well interesting that DB said the phones were on restriction and at least one was not!

well that is new.. or maybe not.. who is on first and who called who and who said what...

that is what I am thinking right now..
bbm, good point and I'm sure you are correct. If DB was on CL then they can trace that. As far as having no money, they bought wine, yet their phones were cut off due to nonpayment. DB could have been looking for a GPS for a parent. My parents aren't computer savvy at all, one of my brothers or I are the ones that look for stuff for them on craigslist. It's not on common for us to call and even pick up an item for them.

If it's true that the ad for the GPS wasn't even listed til four days later, the possibility that DB might have been looking to buy it is probably a moot point.
HOW do we know DB was buying a GPS or is this just a theory? I'm just not that bright tonight...haha

I'm getting confused, too, but I don't think anyone knows that DB was buying a GPS. They are just trying to come up with a theory as to why DB had MW's phone number & are wondering if maybe she got it off of Craig's List because MW did have an ad on there for a GPS.

If I'm wrong about that, I apologize.
She called the number at 8:30 while she was outside drinking?

Just on NG with JVM, CS asked DB about this and she said that it isn't true.

:floorlaugh: I'm sorry the last sentence struck me as hilarious!

I cannot imagine DB lying- can anyone else? :innocent:

I can imagine LE using it to try to get information from MW but why not say your number was on a piece of paper we found in her house? Why would they say "written on her hand"?

If CS asked DB about this wouldn't this be attorney client priviledge?

FYI I have an attorney friend and he said the most difficult part of his job is getting his clients to tell him the truth!
Am I missing something here with cell phone number?

The FBI didn't find out who the phone belonged to until spotting a Craigs list ad.....Wat!

Wouldn't the FBI just ask DB's phone provider for a list of all out going calls for the 3-4 OCT?

I'm so confuzzled right now
How many ads did ME have on craigs list and what were they for?

I only heard one. 'The FBI could not get the phone's location by triangulation. 4 days later MW placed an ad for a GPS on Craig's list and the FBI called it and said they were interested and got her name and address. MW said they arrived at the house with guns drawn. Per HLN
Sounds like MW cell phone had one of those cards in it that you can't track the # so easily. Seems FBI couldn't crack the # and luckily found it on Craigslist. Hard to believe FBI can't just track any phone #.
I think you can just go buy a pre paid phone and use it without ever having a name or address associated with it.
Do you have the link to where it says DB was buying a GPS? I'm getting even more confused by the minute...:(

My apologies, my quote was in response to this quote..

iamnotagolem said:
I have to give DB the benefit of the doubt on this one. If someone asked me if I called "Jenny Jones" I would say no, don't know anyone by that name, never called them, don't know who that is and would not be lying. But if you pulled my cell records and I had indeed called that number, I'd still deny it, I DON'T know a Jenny Jones, but I could have called that number inquiring about an ad on craigslist.

DB could have called MWs number about a GPS that was listed on CL and still hasn't realized that MW is the person she called regarding the CL ad.

I was basically wondering if this was the case how could they afford it. The ad didnt come out until after Lisa was missing though so it couldnt have happened that way anyway. I hope I made that understandable because, well I am not quite sure I understand what I wrote. ACk..
If I understand correctly, Debbi did not call Megan's number looking for a GPS (she would have just said so anyway). Instead, LE found Megan's number on Debbi's hand - according to what Megan says she was told. In reality, LE could have found the number on Debbi's hand, in the trash, on a scrap of paper, in her call logs..

Possibly Megan had an untraceable number and Megan or whoever had the phone was not picking up calls for a few days. Then, Megan advertises a GPS on CL. FBI has its feelers out for this number to pop up, and they get a hit. They call in response to the ad, someone picks up, LE probably gets the address under the guise that they are coming to pay cash for a GPS, and now LE knows who owns the number that was in Debbi's possession and was called on 10/3 evening.
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