"Jersey" and MW

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Because there are "cadaver dog" (HRD) experts on this site who have said repeatedly that this is NOT always true.

Between SARX and ORIAH, they both admitted that they had said conflicting things and that the entire process was confusing. A cadaver dog is trained to hit on a dead human being...period.
Originally Posted by frankie069
We dont know that DB passed out because only she said that.

Actually Deb's not the only one who said it. Read the article I linked, the neighbor Blondo was there and DB told her "she was going to bed." <--Cowtown

Originally Posted by frankie069
There is no one to say that DB blacked out drunk.

Not exactly correct. There is actually Blondo to say that DB blacked out drunk. She was there. She can either corroborate the "blacked out" story or refute it. So there is actually someone who can say that "DB blacked out drunk." Her name is Blondo.<Cowtowner
sorry for the above format, don't know how to multi-quote on this site

I'm not sure Brando the drinking neighbor can have it both ways. If she only knows DB went to bed because DB told her she was going to bed, thats not true knowledge.

Further, if she was only told that DB was going to bed, then apparently she wasn't there for the supposed black out. (IF by black out, you all are referring to pass out. Black out is the not remembering what happened when you were intoxicated iirc..and no one could ever vouch for anothers memory imo)

By DB's account, the drinking neighbor left and then DB went to bed. Unless DB is lying about that, drinking neighbor Brando can only vouch for her perception of DBs level of intoxication.

DB wasn't able to vouch for drinking neighbors level of intoxication. When asked by Megyn Kelly in one of her interviews...DB said she didn't know if neighbor was drunk but thought she was probably "tipsy".
Just trying to understand your post. It seems to indicate that you are basing your theory on a stranger kidnapping. I think that an accidental death is every bit (if not more than) possible. In fact, it is more likely to be a death from inside the home than a kidnapping.

Especially if the only adult present is smashed and passes out without checking on a sick infant.
now MW says Jersey was into drugs = meth and that he was violent during the end.

Oh no :(
I' haven't seen the news all day...can you tell me which media this came from or was it from a previous interview of MW? thanks.

I don't think the neighbor was there when DB "passed out." Neighbor said when she left that DB said she was going to bed. So, I don't think anyone can attest to exactly when DB went to bed or if she indeed "passed out." Just as mentioned earlier....no one can prove or disprove whether DB experienced a "black out" either. So, I don't think it lends to anyone's credibility right now, imo. In order to assume these things as facts, we have to believe DB. I am not ready to do that yet.

I distinctly recall reading that Debbie said she was on the computer at some point that night. Now, if I'm not losing my mind, and she did say that, what time was she on the computer? Does she have a laptop she can take out to the drinking stoop, or was she talking about the pc in the computer room?
All of the "DB did it" theories I have read here so far require DB to have had one or more accomplices in order to 'stage' the scene, implicate Jersey, dispose of the body, and generally obfuscate the issue. Now, I love my family members and they love me, and we trust one another with our lives, but I still couldn't imagine calling any one of them to help me dispose of the body of a 10-month old baby. If we believe JI that LE has 'cleared' him, and deemed it unnecessary for him to take a LDT, then we are left with the neighbor or PN as possible accomplices per the stated timelines. WHY would a neighbor, drinking buddy or not, collude in covering up a child murder??? WHY would the brother do so, and if he did, why has HE not lawyered up??

I don't dismiss the cadaver dog hit, but honestly, it is much more plausible to me that a sketchy character, or duo of characters (Jersey + MW) did this than family members given what we know at this point. It is puzzling, and frustrating, but IMO not cut and dried at all.

And hey, thanks for the snark about my possible lack of understanding of Occam's Razor. That was helpful. :innocent:
The only accomplice I think she had was the one she's married too.

But that's just me.
Did anyone notice Jersey's arms last night? I thought he looked fairly muscular. The motorcycle guy is saying the guy with the baby had muscular arms. I saw a video clip last night and Jersey stood up and I noticed his arms.
Did anyone notice Jersey's arms last night? I thought he looked fairly muscular. The motorcycle guy is saying the guy with the baby had muscular arms. I saw a video clip last night and Jersey stood up and I noticed his arms.

Motorcycle guy is also now saying that the man was dressed all in white (although, perviously, he said T-shirt and jeans). Motorcyle guy is missing a wheel, imo. :innocent:
Nice catch.

Again, as told to me directly from retired LE:

"over 90% of the time when a baby is kidnapped, the person who did it is a woman, in her 20s, overweight or obese who has a history of mental instability."


(I also freely admit that DB fits the same description (not sure about history of mental instability) -- so I don't completely rule her out. I just focus more on MW and Jersey because of the recidivist, criminal element tied in.)

So, DB, in your opinion, could have kidnapped the baby she went through labor with and had? :waitasec:
I distinctly recall reading that Debbie said she was on the computer at some point that night. Now, if I'm not losing my mind, and she did say that, what time was she on the computer? Does she have a laptop she can take out to the drinking stoop, or was she talking about the pc in the computer room?

Excellent questions.
I haven't personally seen her say anything regarding a computer (though I don't doubt it at all)..but I did just see an interview where she admitted she left the computer room window open. (she then dissolves into what looks like tears of realization at how impactful a move that might have been).
<source...foxnews America Live..one of these three I believe>
So, DB, in your opinion, could have kidnapped the baby she went through labor with and had? :waitasec:

Right? I don't see how a custodial parent fits that kidnapping statistic.
Could she fit a statistic regarding parents who disappear or otherwise harm their own children? Perhaps. But thats different, imo.
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