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One of the numbers on her scribbly page comes up with:

"Top Beat Records is a company categorized under Title Abstract Offices.
po box 931274 Los Angeles, California, United States, 90093
Show Map
Phone Number
+1 (213) 460-6190"

Top Beat Records (Los Angeles) was the recording company that produced CD's for Mother Superior in from 1996 to 2008. The production company was owned by the band. The phone number was 1-213-460-6190. Here is a link to a Rock City News article that lists that number for Mother Superior. This wiki shows some of the CD's Top Beat Records produced (I think there were 8 in total): Mother Superior (band) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This bio mentions that Top Beat Records was the band's own production company.

It looks like the band started that production company in 1995/1996. So did she write that number down prior to 1995? Who had the number before it became Top Beat Records? I'm not sure if there is a connection between the band members and Jeung or "Lish", but wanted to get the info posted here.

There is also a company called Top Beat Records in the UK. I don't think the two companies are in any way related. Beat Records I think the Los Angeles-based Top Beat only produced CD's by the band Mother Superior.
Originally Posted by CaseCracka
Found this forum through the ST article. Read the entire thread and thought you guys have some very thought-provoking leads and speculations. I've been quite intrigued by this case surrounding the mystery of FLEK. A few things I've come across on my own that I haven't seen posted anywhere else (except what I posted in the ST comment section).

Kathleen Jeung, better known as Kathy Jeung, was singer George Michael's gf (beared). She was also his make-up artist. She was with him around 1987 at least (
so one would assume she wouldn't be taking low level clients like our FLEK at that time. This would give an earlier timeline for her being in the LA area.

I'm personally of the belief that all lies have a foundation of truth in them. I believe FLEK's story may have some partial truths that might have a fiber that can lead to the real identity. I've been focusing on stockbroker deaths/murders/suicides in newspaper archives. Some interesting leads:

Tacoma Area Stockbroker suicide:,4965345

Unable to come up with an obit which would indicate children.

Also, looked into variations of our Lori Kennedy.

Found a Laura Kennedy in Prescott Arizona who was a basketball player and 18 in 1986:,4551578,1230339

Laura Kennedy would be Bradshaw Mountain High School class of 1986 but have been unable to turn up yearbooks for said year.

I find the stockbroker suicide angle intriguing since suicide tends to run in families. This is all based on the notion that she kept some truth to her story. Now, this idea may be completely wrong.

My 'profile' of FLEK is someone who is of above average intelligence, manipulative, knew how to work people from her club days, mentally ill but manageable, secretive, insecure, possible sexual abuse. I don't buy the bulimia angle too much. She showed great discipline in keeping her secret and control--underscoring her extremely controlling nature. Although some would argue bulimia is a disorder that is in concert with control issues. Despite her above average intelligence she was never able to be truly successful. We know this from her bankruptcy as well as her lack of meaningful employment throughout her life.

One thing I'd like to ask everyone that I have not seen touched on at all: The parachuting certificate. It certainly doesn't fit what we know about FLEK. However, the Witness signature looks to be that of a woman named Christine Shaver. There are women in the Dallas/Texas area who have this name. Was she a friend of FLEK or simply someone who worked at the school? Would this lead be worth following?
Interesting. I was looking on for Robert A. King, all I find is a death record, gravesite, and Census record from 1940. Haven't had time to look further. I did come across an Eric A. King., but he wasn't listed in the census for Robert A.
Eric A. was about 52 y/o when he died in 1988. Frustrating I'm not able to pull up the obituaries for either one, I keep getting "Server Error"

Maybe it's something to do with my computer, perhaps someone else can try who has an Ancestry membership? I don't know what to think, other than I'm sure this is probably grasping at straws, lol, but FWIW, here is a stockbroker who committed suicide in 1987, and there is an Eric A. Any relation? Does it have anything to do with LEK? who knows....

Anyway, Eric A. immigrated from Ireland and applied for naturalized citizenship in 1985. Unfortunately there are no census records on him and his family available, at least I assume so, and none I can find.

Eric A's previous addresses are shown as:


Okay, if I missed someone already saying this then I apologize cuz I skipped to the end to reply so I don't lose my thoughts. Did anyone else notice that "Eric A." King equals "Erica" and there was a relative Lorene there and then the last name begins with "K". Lori Erica Kennedy "july 18". Also, fivefelines posted a missing person from near Tacoma named King. I didnt take a close look at her pic and will go back. Already forgot her first name. Sorry.
on Jeungs business Facebook page a girl (initials HD) recently posted that Kathy did her make up in Palm Springs in 1989, in a hotel room.. she was a model at the time.., so not too far of a stretch that in 1987 1988 she may have done LEK's make up and since Jeung is also Facebook friends with Burlesque dancer D'Lish, she probably did her make up in the past or maybe even more recently.. she is the "top" burlesque dancer each year for several years .. pretty big time on her website and Facebook page
Jeung was contacted and her response was she didn't know FLEK but " weird my name on peice of paper, my given name as well...u can contact me privately thru MSG 2 discussbut don't know if I can be of any help"
She has been asked if the phone number was hers and if yes when she had it..
I accidentally posted she said it was her private number but that was not correct... She was saying her private (given) NAME. She has been asked to clarify, but I suspect it is the writing beside her business name that is hard to read!
Jeung was contacted and her response was she didn't know FLEK but " weird my name on peice of paper, my given name as well...u can contact me privately thru MSG 2 discussbut don't know if I can be of any help"
She has been asked if the phone number was hers and if yes when she had it..
I accidentally posted she said it was her private number but that was not correct... She was saying her private (given) NAME. She has been asked to clarify, but I suspect it is the writing beside her business name that is hard to read!

(Also posted in the other thread:)

Does she mean that her given name is Il Seuk and she changed it to Kathleen?
Adding to my post above, I realize I didn't post this information in this thread (it is originally in the "notes" thread):

Here is what I found in the 1987 LA phone book.

Thanks for reaching out to her, Linda, and thanks to her for responding!
If it IS both her given name and professional name on the notes page, that seems more to me like LEK was doing her own research ON a certain number or person, rather than her just jotting down the name of a contact (for example, if she was just looking for a makeup artist and someone gave her the name). Just in my opinion, this tidbit makes the notes page more important and less random. Not that I didn't think it was important to begin with.... You guys know what I mean, right?:).
Thanks for reaching out to her, Linda, and thanks to her for responding!
If it IS both her given name and professional name on the notes page, that seems more to me like LEK was doing her own research ON a certain number or person, rather than her just jotting down the name of a contact (for example, if she was just looking for a makeup artist and someone gave her the name). Just in my opinion, this tidbit makes the notes page more important and less random. Not that I didn't think it was important to begin with.... You guys know what I mean, right?:).

I agree MrsTigglesworth! I wonder if the reason she was contacting phone companies was to request telephone books from various cities so she could do her research.
OK update! my "contact" has spoken to Jeung. I am so excited I almost cant type!
Jeung said ( direct quote)

she only met Catherine D'lish in 2005 through Dita von Teese, so she doesnt think the "lish" is her( meaning not d'lish the stripper)

She said Kathleen is her legal name and she NEVER uses it except for legal purposes, as her family doesnt even call her that.

She also had not really "looked" at the full note sheet because she was looking at it on her phone and couldnt make the writing bigger. She said the number looked familiar, and that was "creepy!" So she is going to look at her records to cross check and check with her roomate from the 80s and he has a better memory than her!

ACK! by the way, evidently she is SUPER NICE. I wish I had an email to send her the page. I don't think she was really interested until the phone number issue...
gonna mention the article again so maybe she will sit at a computer and look over the full size note...I don't want my "contact" to creep her out. SOOOOO
now I am like , well who the heck is the other name at the end of hers???
yep. that is what she said. Her LEGAL name is Kathleen, not Kathy. I was assuming she meant more at first till I asked her to clarify. She seemed surprised like it was a big secret, lol But I guess it would have to be looked up in the 80s if everyone called her Kathy.. I am still in communication with her. She is pretty busy and only looks at her phone, as I guess most people do now. Heck I only really get on my computer when nobody is home or at work, I never use it when anyone is home because they disturb me too much. I can do the same stuff from my phone.

Ask her about the Il Seung Jeong.
Are we looking for Jeung or Jeong??

The names Laciner and Jeung both have foreign roots. Could she, before becoming BST, have helped someone enter the US through marriage? I'm not sure that's a reason for name-changing tho.

I'm about to decide it's better if I don't post and just THINK :blushing:
If some of the numbers were pager/cells, we won't find them listed.
sorry. I was being silly. the korean names make me giggle a bit. should we ask her about the los K jeau or the ing fouk or...not sure. I wonder if FLEK wrote the K because she asked is it spelled with a C or a K when writing Kathy's name...just a guess.
sorry. I was being silly. the korean names make me giggle a bit. should we ask her about the los K jeau or the ing fouk or...not sure. I wonder if FLEK wrote the K because she asked is it spelled with a C or a K when writing Kathy's name...just a guess.

I got your humor and I grinned :) I linked to a page (with different spelling of the name) on another thread and I think I caused Mandiedq to do the same as he used "Jeong" in his question. (sorry Mandiedq!) Or maybe he found something connected to the Jeong name?? I dunno.
yep. that is what she said. Her LEGAL name is Kathleen, not Kathy. I was assuming she meant more at first till I asked her to clarify. She seemed surprised like it was a big secret, lol But I guess it would have to be looked up in the 80s if everyone called her Kathy.. I am still in communication with her. She is pretty busy and only looks at her phone, as I guess most people do now. Heck I only really get on my computer when nobody is home or at work, I never use it when anyone is home because they disturb me too much. I can do the same stuff from my phone.

~ Kathy has no doubt met a gazillion people during her career as Makeup Artist/actress. I wonder if you could send her the link from the Seattle Times with all the evidence so she understands where you/(we) are coming from?
She just may recognize LEK's face/large hands/etc. A name alone may not be enough to jog her memory. The fact that LEK did indeed have her 'given' name and the These Eyes Photo Shoot written down questions the relationship for sure. LEK may have been booked for a shoot with Kathy as the artist working the shoot.... and again, K has met heaps upon heaps of models in her career but this is such a great opportunity to chat with her.
I hope she doesn't mind too much! :rockon:
yep. that is what she said. Her LEGAL name is Kathleen, not Kathy. I was assuming she meant more at first till I asked her to clarify. She seemed surprised like it was a big secret, lol But I guess it would have to be looked up in the 80s if everyone called her Kathy.. I am still in communication with her. She is pretty busy and only looks at her phone, as I guess most people do now. Heck I only really get on my computer when nobody is home or at work, I never use it when anyone is home because they disturb me too much. I can do the same stuff from my phone.

I know you don't want to keep bugging her. Since she doesn't have time to look at the note page on a computer, maybe send her the list of things that are written near her name.

Explain that these notes are grouped together in a box:
Call 08 (? Hard to read and is scratched out)
213 (area code?)
760-6190 OR 460-6190 (number is traced over)
Los K (appears off to the right)
Kathleen Jeung Ing Fouk (last 2 words are very hard to read, all is traced over, might also be In Seuk)
Lish Hollywo-
162.00 (or it might be 167.00 the number is hard to read).

Also might want to ask her about:
These Eyes
This number (using the 323 area code) traces to the photo agency Visages Rps Inc. (Prior to 1998 it would have been in the 213 area code.)
I know you don't want to keep bugging her. Since she doesn't have time to look at the note page on a computer, maybe send her the list of things that are written near her name.

Explain that these notes are grouped together in a box:
Call 08 (? Hard to read and is scratched out)
213 (area code?)
760-6190 OR 460-6190 (number is traced over)
Los K (appears off to the right)
Kathleen Jeung Ing Fouk (last 2 words are very hard to read, all is traced over, might also be In Seuk)
Lish Hollywo-
162.00 (or it might be 167.00 the number is hard to read).

Also might want to ask her about:
These Eyes
This number (using the 323 area code) traces to the photo agency Visages Rps Inc. (Prior to 1998 it would have been in the 213 area code.)

Maybe include a couple of the pictures of the younger FLEK/LEK? Maybe her picture will jog her memory, but if she only met her once 25 years ago... she may not remember her, you are right she has met heaps of people and especially that long ago
I got your humor and I grinned :) I linked to a page (with different spelling of the name) on another thread and I think I caused Mandiedq to do the same as he used "Jeong" in his question. (sorry Mandiedq!) Or maybe he found something connected to the Jeong name?? I dunno.

I am clearly losing my mind.

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