Jian Ghomeshi, well known, well respected radio host fired for Sexual Assault

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The "light BDSM" thing is pizzing me off.

Minimizing and joking about what has happened is tasteless.

For the record, from Wiki:

Light play

Light play consists of activities that are considered mild and/or carry little social stigma. This especially includes BDSM elements commonly practiced by "vanilla" couples. Light bedroom bondage and casual spanking are examples of light play.

And more importantly:

Safety and consent

See also: Safe, Sane, Consensual and Consent (BDSM)
Issues of safety and consent in play are paramount considerations within the BDSM community. Various models of consent and negotiation play a central part. Most participants consider it important to take responsibility for the safety of their partners. In addition, consent is typically what they consider to separate their activities from abuse.

As a female lawyer pandering to what is most likely a predominantly male crowd, and at the very least pandering to a crowd that is well known for having an "old boys club", I suspect that part of fitting in is making light of Jian's numerous sexual assault victims. She epitomizes what is wrong in the CBC and in the "rape culture". She is the type of person that makes light of offensive acts if the offending person is someone of power. Clearly she is capable of setting aside victim's rights if it means getting a good laugh from the old boys. Good for her. It's probably the only way that she could get ahead in her career. She was given a forum where, as a woman, she could have a strong voice on behalf of victim's right in the context of sexual assault and what does she do? She pretends that she's a man standing at the urinals making snide remarks about the fictitious concept of sexual assault.

There is no mystery in Jian's choice of lawyer. He thinks that she will make jokes about, or make light of, his sexual assaults in the courts. I hope that she is nailed to the wall both in the courtroom (assuming there are charges), and in her career.
Jian Ghomeshi cut from upcoming Canada's Walk of Fame broadcast

TORONTO - Jian Ghomeshi's participation in last month's Canada's Walk of Fame ceremony will not be included in the upcoming broadcast of the show on Global.

Shaw Media and Canada's Walk of Fame say Ghomeshi's introduction of inductee Ryan Reynolds at the Oct. 19 event has been cut from the special.

Jian Ghomeshi cut from upcoming Canada's Walk of Fame broadcast

TORONTO - Jian Ghomeshi's participation in last month's Canada's Walk of Fame ceremony will not be included in the upcoming broadcast of the show on Global.

Shaw Media and Canada's Walk of Fame say Ghomeshi's introduction of inductee Ryan Reynolds at the Oct. 19 event has been cut from the special.


He needs to be wiped from the pubic eye in every way possible. Any recognition of him will serve to boost his ego yet again and allow him to continue believing that he has permission to continue assaulting women simply because he had a voice on a radio station.
CBC says Ghomeshi lawsuit ‘an abuse’ of court process

On Wednesday the CBC filed a notice of motion requesting that Jian Ghomeshi’s $55-million wrongful dismissal lawsuit be dismissed.

The public broadcaster said it is asking the court to dismiss Ghomeshi’s claim because “it is, in our view, without merit and an abuse of the court’s process,” CBC said in a statement released Wednesday afternoon.

Ghomeshi filed the lawsuit against the CBC for defamation, breach of confidence and punitive damages in the wake of his high-profile firing.


Naomi Klein's article about interviewing Moxy Fruvous. A link to the full article is in there too.

Otto, I agree that that is a perfect example of rape culture.

Crosby87, I also live in Winnipeg (I know it says I live in Dillon, but that is just a nod to a TV show) and I work at the UofM. I don't know his sister, but I know a lot of people who are friends with her and their silence is deafening, particularly because they are academics and feminists who should be the ones framing and shaping the discussion on consent, and rape culture, and the issues involved in reporting assaults. I understand that it is hard to be critical of someone you know, but this has really been disheartening to me.

I also went to York, but not until after he did apparently. And I've (luckily) never heard a Moxy Fruvous song. Or if I have, I've blocked it from my memory. :D

Gina, I'm glad you declined. Scary.

Last week at a gala dinner honouring past presidents of the Criminal Lawyers Association, Henein, CLA treasurer and the evening's emcee, joked about Ghomeshi.

"As criminal lawyers we represent people who have committed heinous acts. Acts of violence. Acts of depravity. Acts of cruelty. Or as Jian Ghomeshi likes to call it, foreplay," she said to the crowd of about 450 lawyers, including judges of both the provincial and superior court where his case might be heard if charges are laid.

She also joked that she and Eddie Greenspan, famed Canadian criminal lawyer and the evening's keynote speaker, have worked together for many years. "Some criminal. Some regulatory. Some light BDSM." Both jokes drew huge laughs from the crowd at the Ritz Carlton.

Good lord, that's just vile.

" Decoutere is believed to be one of three victims to come forward to police so far, however many more have made similar allegations against Ghomeshi in the press.

“The police I dealt with were warm and sympathetic. I felt heard and validated,” Decoutere said in a statement released late Thursday afternoon. “Those considering coming forward should know that it was a safe place. I want to thank you all for the amazing support. It has made all the difference.”

Speaking with CP24 earlier in the day, the president of the union representing Ghomeshi said she is ‘shaken’ by allegations that the former CBC radio host violently attacked several women.

Carmel Smyth, the president of the Canadian Media Guild, also confirmed that the union has filed a grievance against the CBC on Ghomeshi's behalf."


"Jian Ghomeshi: How he got away with it

Jian Ghomeshi’s behaviour was an open secret, going back to his university days. Not that anyone took action. In fact, the CBC made him a star."
They may have given initial advice based on his original story.
Isn't this the way JG behaved with some of the women who came forward and described what happened to them? Is JG replaying this incident?

Jian Ghomeshi is a smooth talking 47 year old man that targets barely legal women for assault, battery, and rape.

It's no surprise that some of his victims will choose to live with the consequences of being victims of assault, battery, rape, punches, chokings, psychological abuse, physical abuse, and sexual abuse rather than publicly confront him. That is no surprise. It's sometimes easier to be a victim and reclusive than to stand up to a powerful man that is sexually, psychologically, physically, financially, and physically abusive - these types make sure the bruises are not obvious (head bruises are easier to hide than defensive arm bruises).

I applaud the first woman to come forth on Twitter in April.
What she experienced with Jian Ghomeshi was not normal interaction between people that are sexually attracted to each other.

Ghomeshi is either a severely suppressed homosexual who has some sort of hate attitude with women, where he punches, chokes, and rapes very young women, or he's heterosexual and he still likes to beat up women. Either way, he should be separated from women at all times, as he obviously has an abnormal sexual connection with harming women. At the age of 47, it's unlikely that his perception of women as abnormal sexual attractions will change.
Basically, bottom line, Jian Ghomeshi is a 47 year old creep that trolls women half his age looking for easy targets. He's a sexual deviant that has obvious sexual intimacy issues with women.
He gets away with it because he is, and has been, a CBC superstar.

Ghomeshi is a predator. Russell Williams was a predator long before he, head of the Canadian Military, acknowledged that he likes to rape women over a long period of time and then murder them. Russell Williams was put on a pedestal before his fall, as was Jian Ghomeshi. They are both predatory men that harm women.
Women should not be fooled by smooth talking men.

Jian Ghomeshi likes to punch women in the head and then force them to provide sexual favours to him.
He has been protected from prosecution because he is a Canada Broadcasting public civil servant presenting announcements from Canada CBC.
Is the union going to protect Ghomeshi? That's an important question, as it sorts out the 55 million dollar lawsuit ... and all that bull shhit.

Seeing how the CBC protected their radio asset over the last many years reminds me of US Colleges that protect their athletic assets.
It's along the lines of abandoning all social responsibility in favour of protecting the "assets".

Ghomeshi was the asset and, CBC, like a *advertiser censored*, marshalled on behind their *advertiser censored*.

What a shameful situation for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to have been backing the lecherous 47 year old creep that was beating women while ... apparently ... the CBC was ... what ... asleep? Where they retarded? Who the heck is in charge of CBC Human Resources today, and who was in charge when Ghomeshi was beating up women? Where are those CBC employees today?
The CBC line that they were oblivious to the blatant dis-respectful work environment at CBC is a lie.

There is no way that the CBC can pretend that one of their colleagues was treating the broadcasting mentoring/training environment as a pick-up joint, that no one knew what was going on. Obviously they all knew what was going on, but in their own minds they minimized it and assumed that it was not their problem. The CBC knew what was going on with Ghomeshi, and they probably started panicking in April, when the first woman went public.

They (CBC) are in full damage control today, and they should be. Everyone from the top to the bottom should be fired from the CBC.
Canadians do not support that type for "Old Boys Club" Bull SS-hit ... as we see with Jian Ghomeshi.

Is the CBC going to pretend that they are in the know and Canadians "don't get it"?
We get it.

We understand that the "old boys club" at CBC protected a vicious sexual predator because he was their asset.
We understand that there are two choices today:

the old boy's heads roll ... a la "we didn't know better"
the sexual predator's head rolls.

The CBC should have known better. Canadians are not stupid, and we do not believe that HR did not know because they had a report. We do not believe that HR did not know because they saw the high turnover. We do not believe that HR did not know because they were delivered a six person report addressing Jian Ghomeshi's abuse. The Canada Broadcasting Corporation did nothing because they wanted a star ... they didn't care what he did when he wasn't on the air.

Billy Bob Thornton was the first person to raise his eyebrows at Ghomeshi's audacity. If only the CBC had taken notice then.
Don't you think this woman should excuse herself from being his lawyer in light of her comments? Surely, if this goes to trial, her comments will be vigorously brought up by the prosecution. I find her entirely distasteful but how can she mount a defence after making those comments?
It seems many of the victims were Caucasians. Even the man was I believe.
It seems many of the victims were Caucasians. Even the man was I believe.

He seems to have some deep rooted feelings of isolation that he attributes to the fact that he was a new immigrant in Canada more than thirty years ago. If he had a healthier outlook, he would realize that whatever awkward feelings he associates with being a teenager were experienced by every teenager around the world. If he had grown up in Iran, he would have had the same feelings ... awkward teenage years are not something that is unique to new immigrants in Canada.

He seems immature, and, in person, he lacks the intellect that was sometimes seen in the show Q.

Are you thinking that perhaps his violence towards women stems from his awkward teenage years, which he attributes to being one of many different nationalities that make up Canada ... that being Iranian in Canada somehow made him resentful of Caucasian Canadians?

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