JLM: Morgan Harrington/Fairfax Rape Victim - *Forensic Link* to MH #2

DNA Solves
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The Harrington's are going to have a presser Oct 17th on the bridge where Morgan went missing.

IMO someone in LE is telling the Harrington's of findings in this case in relation to Morgan . The Harrington's have waited long enough and when something of importance is told to them regarding their daughter, they leak it. Then LE confirms it without going into detail.

I will say this, if it were my daughter and I found out JM is connected I would be standing on that bridge and screaming my lungs out with anything I knew. Course the Harrington's are not me, they are graceful and patiently waiting for justice.

To ensure JM gets a fair trial might be the best thing for the Harringtons to do. GIving out too much info can impede a case, make it difficult to have a fair trial and have to have accommodations made. Hopefully, they are operating with all that in mind.
There are a number of ramifications to giving your DNA. That there have been crimes committed by white folks and they haven't been the object of an effort to get their DNA into police files was one issue. Having your DNA on file with the police can be a real hassle and get yourself under scrutiny if it ever comes up in investigations and evidence. And you could well be innocent but in a bad situation. You ride a cab before the cabbie abducts someone, and yeah, your DNA could be found in that cab, and sometimes the evidence can look bad for you or suspicious.

Jamicat, dna is a nonprejudicial witness that has exonerated many innocent people, both suspected and convicted...

316 people have now been exonerated by post-conviction DNA testing. ... The true suspects and/or perpetrators have been identified in almost half of the DNA ..
To ensure JM gets a fair trial might be the best thing for the Harringtons to do. GIving out too much info can impede a case, make it difficult to have a fair trial and have to have accommodations made. Hopefully, they are operating with all that in mind.

Motions for Change of venues by defense attorneys, although common, are rarely granted in most states. Due to national ms media coverage and internet social sites, it would be virtually impossible to find folks in other states that wasn't familiar with this case. An informed juror is not grounds for striking a juror, imo. Should a change of venue be granted, the jurors are usually brought in from another judicial district of the state and tried in the district where the crime/s were committed in the 21st century. jmo
Watching local news tonight, I felt both sad and uncomfortable that MH's parents had to learn latest updates from a reporter. (And I realize this is about bringing Hannah home and I'm sure the Harringtons feel the same.)

In cases like the Harrington family, does LE keep some details of Morgan's death to themselves or do they tell everything they know about it to the family when a body is found? Feel morbid typing this. But for some reason I always get this feeling LE knows more than a family. But when remains released to family, are they privy to information about how death happened and what they possibly went through?

Coy Barefoot is on Situation room (you can see this report anytime today, just sign in and click on Situation Room on the drop down left side.)

Coy is reporting in 09 JM lived in a apt complex in Charlotte, driving a cab for Access Taxi, it was a light brown van cab. There are eye witnesses who say that MH was last seen getting into a van. Sources have told Coy they have seized that same van cab that JM was driving Oct 2009. and we can assume that investigations will begin immediately into what they might find in that cab.

Coy spoke to a person who worked along side JM for many years, COy was with this person this morning, getting some of this persons memories of what took place and what JM was like, and while we were talking, this persons cell phone rang, and the VA St police were on the line asking to speak with him immediately when he was done with me. Coy can confirm St Police are reaching out to former employees of that cab co. Trying to learn exactly where JM was on the night MH went missing and what his behavior was like in the wake of that incident. Report for the first time, when the wanted police sketch was released, Police were searching for a man related to the abduction of MH and this sketch was released and everybody that worked with JM started teasing him and saying he looked exactly like that guy in the sketch. I asked this person how did JM react, the person said some days he would laugh other days he was very quiet. They were all convinced that he looked exactly like the guy in the sketch.

That's all of Coy's report...

BTW, This was Breaking news on CNN....
When that April 2010 photo of JLM Jr and the three blonde college-aged women, in the white Van cab, was published, I couldn't help but to remember the witness who reported seeing an SUV or a van pulled to the side of an exit ramp...going to either Rt 250 or I-64 West. Can't remember the exact details but the witness saw that someone was outside the van or SUV and had some of the doors open. Time to go back and re-interview those witnesses.

News4 Washington just reported that VSP have no record of any of their investigators interviewing JLM Jr in 2009. But, in the above post, the other cabbie stated that he and other cabbies, including JLM Jr, were interviewed by a Charlottesville Detective.
Watching local news tonight in VA, I felt both sad and uncomfortable that MH's parents had to learn latest updates from a reporter. (And I realize this is all about bringing Hannah home and I'm sure the Harringtons feel the same.)

In cases like the Harrington family, does LE keep some details of Morgan's death to themselves or do they tell everything they know about it to the family when a body is found? Feel morbid typing this. But for some reason I always get this feeling LE knows more than a family. But when remains released to family, are they privy to information about how death happened and what they possibly went through?

There was an NBC interview about a week ago with Gil and Dan ( I think this is it, but it may not be the whole thing, sorry: http://www.today.com/news/morgan-ha...desperate-find-missing-uva-student-2D80184226) Gil stated in that interview that LE had always been pretty tight-lipped about information they had from the start with Morgan's case. And said it was same way with the HG details. So I don't think they get much more info. Although I would certainly hope they do... if only at least a little before everyone else in the world gets word of it.
Watching local news tonight in VA, I felt both sad and uncomfortable that MH's parents had to learn latest updates from a reporter. (And I realize this is all about bringing Hannah home and I'm sure the Harringtons feel the same.)

In cases like the Harrington family, does LE keep some details of Morgan's death to themselves or do they tell everything they know about it to the family when a body is found? Feel morbid typing this. But for some reason I always get this feeling LE knows more than a family. But when remains released to family, are they privy to information about how death happened and what they possibly went through?

I believe that in the case of MH's death, LE released the cause of death to her family with the understanding that they should keep details quiet to preserve the investigation. Gil Harrington publicly commented about her daughter's death after her body was found, and was the first to provide any insight as to how she died, referring to MH's bones being crushed. Gil Harrington also made the first public comment about MH being raped before death.


I believe LE is definitely keeping some information to themselves, but also do share more information with the Harringtons than they do with the public. And IMO, the Harringtons and LE have maintained a mutual respect in terms of releasing info. Gil Harrington is an advocate for the Save the Next Girl campaign, and after all these years, IMO, the Harringtons are wiling to respect anything LE tells them in private. They want justice for Morgan and they want to save the next girl. They won't jeopardize a case against their daughter's alleged murderer. Their focus has been bringing Hannah home since day one. That will remain their focus until she is brought home.


CHARLOTTESVILLVE, Va. &#8212; Sources confirm that at least two local cab employees have informed federal and state investigators that Jesse Matthew Jr. &#8212; the man behind bars for the abduction of missing University of Virginia student Hannah Graham &#8212; was working as a cab driver the night murdered Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington disappeared.
<Sniped - read more>
To ensure JM gets a fair trial might be the best thing for the Harringtons to do. GIving out too much info can impede a case, make it difficult to have a fair trial and have to have accommodations made. Hopefully, they are operating with all that in mind.

And I am sure they are. Much more patient than I could ever be. HE will get a fair trial, nothing released so far will interfere with his case. Heck if this case was in FL. almost everything would be released, ie Casey Anthony. The Sunshine Law. Looked what happened there..

I give the Harrington's high praise for the way they handle themselves. It must be hell for them. Better folks than I am for sure.
When that April 2010 photo of JLM Jr and the three blonde college-aged women, in the white Van cab, was published, I couldn't help but to remember the witness who reported seeing an SUV or a van pulled to the side of an exit ramp...going to either Rt 250 or I-64 West. Can't remember the exact details but the witness saw that someone was outside the van or SUV and had some of the doors open. Time to go back and re-interview those witnesses.

News4 Washington just reported that VSP have no record of any of their investigators interviewing JLM Jr in 2009. But, in the above post, the other cabbie stated that he and other cabbiess, including JLM Jr, were interviewed by a Charlottesville Detective.

I don't know what to think about the 2009 interviews, if they happened or not, guess time will tell. I do think finding the Van Cab is huge at least I hope it is.
By the way, as a side remark on the April 2010 minivan cab photo link I posted above: People are saying JM started growing the dreadlocks after MH was murdered, but I am quite sure he could not have grown dreads as long as they appear in the April 2010 pix (dreads between 3" and 5" inches) in just six months. With hair of that kinky-curly type, growth in length is very slow. (As parent to two A.A. kids, I can attest it would take a year or even two to get that much length.) So either he started growing the dreds before MH was murdered, or the pix are actually from later (April 2011, instead)?

Growing dreads to disguise one's appearance seems like the slowest possible way to go lol.
Growing dreads to disguise one's appearance seems like the slowest possible way to go lol.

But also the least noticeable. So he could continue to hide in plain sight without anyone noticing.
Yes, it absolutely possible to retrieve DNA after 5 years. The FBI lab in Quantico is looking for DNA in my sister Cathy and her friend Rebecca Dowski's case asp part of the Colonial Parkway Murders and that will be 28 years on October 10, 2014.


Bill Thomas

Can you retrieve DNA after 5 years? It would be great if this taxi came back to haunt him...
But also the least noticeable. So he could continue to hide in plain sight without anyone noticing.
In April 2010, those look like two to three inch twists to me. They sure as h3ll don't look to be anywhere near five to six inch dreads. It looks like he just twisted his extended hair. Two of my male friends have hair that can grow that long and be styled like that in just a few months.
By the way, as a side remark on the April 2010 minivan cab photo link I posted above: People are saying JM started growing the dreadlocks after MH was murdered, but I am quite sure he could not have grown dreads as long as they appear in the April 2010 pix (dreads between 3" and 5" inches) in just six months. With hair of that kinky-curly type, growth in length is very slow. (As parent to two A.A. kids, I can attest it would take a year or even two to get that much length.) So either he started growing the dreds before MH was murdered, or the pix are actually from later (April 2011, instead)?

Or he has synthetic dreads added to his natural hair.That is what I assumed so far.
In our experience with the FBI in the Colonial Parkway Murders, law enforcement always knows way more than the families. The autopsy we have for my sister Cathy is pretty light on details, no photographs, sort of cleaned up for family consumption. Law enforcement would get ornery with me when I added crime details to interviews even when I did it to prod them. I believe that LE knows way more about Morgan Harrington than they have ever told her family.


Bill Thomas
Brother of Cathleen Thomas
Colonial Parkway Murders

Watching local news tonight, I felt both sad and uncomfortable that MH's parents had to learn latest updates from a reporter. (And I realize this is about bringing Hannah home and I'm sure the Harringtons feel the same.)

In cases like the Harrington family, does LE keep some details of Morgan's death to themselves or do they tell everything they know about it to the family when a body is found? Feel morbid typing this. But for some reason I always get this feeling LE knows more than a family. But when remains released to family, are they privy to information about how death happened and what they possibly went through?
Ooh! You're good! Who would have done any interviewing/questioning? The case was handled by VSP, so would it have been they or local/city LE? Could they actually have interviewed all the cabbies (voluntarily) if she was seen getting in a cab? Would JM actually have voluntarily done that?

What the VSP release says is that Jesse Matthew was not interviewed by Virginia State Police in 2009. It does not say he was not interviewed by another law enforcement agency, and there were a number of other agencies working the Morgan Harrington case, including FBI, Charlottesville Police, and others.

Bill Thomas
Hannah could have had a cell phone case that has a little spot for ID/debit cards. There are several.styles that make its easy to carry your phone, cash and cards in a space not much bigger than a regular phone case, or some of them have a wrist strap. Don't know if it matters at all but throwing it out there.

Also, I recently watched the Disappeared episode about MH and they talked about her being seen on the bridge hitchhiking (possibly) and I thought a van or taxi was mentioned. However, Discovery Channel pulled all their programming from Netflix a few days ago so I can't watch it again to double check. I'll see if I can find the episode on YouTube.
What the VSP release says is that Jesse Matthew was not interviewed by Virginia State Police in 2009. It does not say he was not interviewed by another law enforcement agency, and there were a number of other agencies working the Morgan Harrington case, including FBI, Charlottesville Police, and others.

Bill Thomas
And I did note that they haven't come out in a release and deny the reporting done earlier about the forensic evidence link being DNA.
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