JLM: When will charges come in the HG and MH cases?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I actually think at this point they may only have circumstantial evidence in the MH case. The DNA they would have run would have come from the shirt they found, and even with a match that only shows contact. We don't know if the DNA is sweat, or semen, or blood... When they announced the connection they specifically said "forensic link" over DNA match which makes me wonder if its something else they found...i have a theory that perhaps when MH purse was found, they were able to recover "fibers" on it...and I think when JMs cab was seized those fibers matched ones found in his cab. Though both of these are strong, and prove her presence in that cab its not enough to prove he abducted or killed her...and I think that's why, as of yet, we have not seen charges.

In the rape case DNA would have to be a match, so presumably it is. If the MH case was linked to the Fairfax case by DNA it could only have been by the DNA of the suspect, so that would imply that they have him dead on that as well. In the HG case they probably don't have a link between him and her, but they should have one between her and him by virtue of her DNA being in the car (it would had to have been there since there would be no other way for him to have been involved).

If the evidence is something other than DNA then it becomes much more murky since there could be alternative explanations for whatever it is. That could be an explanation for why additional charges have not ben made yet. We will just have to wait and see I think.
My theory on this is that they would like (or may need) a conviction on the rape case because the DNA link to Morgan Harrington won't be of any use if they don't have that conviction. Put it this way, if JLM's DNA was associated with the Fairfax victim, and he was exonerated of the charges somehow, trying to use that same DNA evidence in a murder trial would be tough. They might have to go at it a different way. That's just a guess on my part. I also don't think they are in any hurry to charge JLM. He isn't going anywhere.

Another reason could be this:
"In some situations, if a defendant loses at trial or takes a plea offer, a judge may use a defendant's prior conviction to enhance his or her sentence."

This could be a way to get a longer sentence in the murder cases if they need to.

No, the outcome of the Fairfax case would have no bearing on other charges. Irrespective of what happens in that case, any DNA link between him and the MH and HG cases would stand alone and independent of anything else.
Great points. Things that come out in the Fairfax case may lead to more evidence / discoveries / witnesses. Also, strategically, prosecution may want to get a sense of defense's approach before filing add'l charges.

I didn't realize there was a rule that cases must be brought to trial within 5 months in VA; thanks for explaining.

How does that explain the George Huguley murder trial? He was charged on May 3, 2010....GJ indicted on April 18, 2011...trial started on February 6, 2012???
My best guess is next year around jan-may 2015.. he is going to be in and out of court a lot. I think they're building a strong case, I think his back log of murders is deeper than we expect and each one needs to have him there in way to say he did them.. I do think he will break on MH case or maybe other case he did. He is looking at the death penalty for sure, I don't know what kind of guy he is , But I do know what kind of guy his lawyer is.

I'm being kind with next year timing, maybe 2016 if they combine these new suspected murders/rapes cases and the way his lawyer work.

Camblos, JLM's lawyer won't have much to do with the timeline in which the prosecutor BRINGS charges, but everything to do with the shillyshallying and shenanigans that occur afterward.

The gathering and analysis of DNA evidence takes a LOT of time. It takes over 54 hours of work to process one simple uncomplicated rape kit and that's just if everything goes well. There is a lot of prep work between sample processing - meticulous cleaning and sanitizing, complex analysis, documentation and note-taking all the way. Here's a great article on DNA testing - http://www.patc.com/weeklyarticles/dna-timeline.shtml

We do not know what kind of DNA or other evidence was obtained from JLM's apartment, car, abandoned cab, other places he habituated, and from the bodies/bones of his victims. We do not know what kind of case they are able to build from JLM's career in blood and lust.

Even if they can't prove he murdered MH and HG - IF there are any other women he raped and brutalized who survived (and have evidence on file with a reliable agency***) - I hope they will come forward with similar cases to the Fairfax case - especially since the wicked perpetrator is now locked safely away for good.

***I am still angry about the UVA nurse who 'lost/changed' the rape evidence in the infamous UVA rape case. http://www.nbc29.com/story/25753826/uva-under-investigation-for-handling-of-sexual-misconduct-case
How does that explain the George Huguley murder trial? He was charged on May 3, 2010....GJ indicted on April 18, 2011...trial started on February 6, 2012???

I have absolutely no idea. Does anyone else here know why?
The five-month law is for all felonies in VA, nine months if the suspect is out on bail. From what I have found, charges must be permanently dismissed if not tried within five months, unless defense agrees. Makes me wonder what might happen to his current charges. Sounds like they just can't leave him in jail indefinitely, unless agreed, without dealing with the abduction and intent to defile charges.

The five-month law is for all felonies in VA, nine months if the suspect is out on bail. From what I have found, charges must be permanently dismissed if not tried within five months, unless defense agrees. Makes me wonder what might happen to his current charges. Sounds like they just can't leave him in jail indefinitely, unless agreed, without dealing with the abduction and intent to defile charges.


Well, he's now in jail for the Fairfax charges, so does that change anything re: the Charlottesville time-table?
Well, he's now in jail for the Fairfax charges, so does that change anything re: the Charlottesville time-table?

I thought he was in jail based on the C-ville charges with HG?
EXCLUSIVE: Charlottesville Police Chief Tim Longo breaks his silence about search for Hannah Graham
by Scott Wise, 12:33am, Nov. 11, '14

"Longo called the 35-day search for missing University of Virginia student Hannah Graham the most difficult period of his 34-year career in law enforcement. Chief Longo spoke exclusively to CBS 6 reporter Laura French in an interview scheduled to air Tuesday on CBS 6 News at 11

I believe he is in jail with regard to the charges involving HG (w/no bond) and also with regard to the Fairfax case (and most probably that is no bond as well since he is deemed a flight risk).
I believe he is in jail with regard to the charges involving HG (w/no bond) and also with regard to the Fairfax case (and most probably that is no bond as well since he is deemed a flight risk).

I realize that. According to the press, one of his charges in the Fairfax case is attempted capital murder which makes him eligible for the death penalty.
attempted capital murder.

Yes, WSLS was reporting the charge as capital murder instead of attempted capital murder which was the reason for my response with double question marks. Reporting at its best!
Sorry for any confusion ILOKAL, my comment wasn't in response to the attempted capital murder charge, I was trying to respond to MJPeony's comment upthread. Still trying to figure all this out.

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