JLM: When will charges come in the HG and MH cases?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I don't know how the shirt was retrieved. Did he recognize it and call LE and wait for them to arrive? I didn't follow the case very closely. In any event, it's not a problem, as LE probably would have requested a buccal swab from the finder (maybe his roommate:thinking:) so it could be separated from any mixture. Touch DNA (skin cells) aren't deposited every single time we touch something. IMO

From "On the trail: Harrington's body creates new mysteries, angles" by By Courteney Stuart in The Hook
Published online 6:40pm Monday Feb 1st, 2010

It was a mid-afternoon while walking home from class last fall– he thinks it was November– that UVA student Blaine Eichner saw something black in the bushes in front of his apartment building. There on the 15th Street side, on a bush, was a black Pantera t-shirt.

"I didn't know what to think," says Eichner, who like most Charlottesvillians was well aware of the missing Metallica fan. Eichner says he and his roommate knew better than to touch possible evidence, so they reported the finding to Charlottesville police, who responded to the call with "two or three cop cars."

This reminded me of something I've been curious about...Gil Harrington has said in other articles that Morgan didn't suffer long before she died. Does anyone know how something like that is determined on a decomposed body?

A Beautiful Girl Gone Missing
JUN 6, 2011 @ 6:44 PM

"As horrible as it is to know someone you love is really dead, finding a body puts to rest fears that the person is being hurt or badly mistreated. When Morgan's
mother saw the condition of her daughter's remains, there was a measure of relief in realizing what law enforcement suspected: She hadn't lived long after being abducted."

Thank you Concerned Mama. :websleuther: I guess that answers that!
This reminded me of something I've been curious about...Gil Harrington has said in other articles that Morgan didn't suffer long before she died. Does anyone know how something like that is determined on a decomposed body?

A Beautiful Girl Gone Missing
JUN 6, 2011 @ 6:44 PM

"As horrible as it is to know someone you love is really dead, finding a body puts to rest fears that the person is being hurt or badly mistreated. When Morgan's
mother saw the condition of her daughter's remains, there was a measure of relief in realizing what law enforcement suspected: She hadn't lived long after being abducted."


I could be wrong, but the way I read it is that when Gil saw Morgan's remains, she could tell from the state of decomposition that Morgan likely died months earlier, close to the date she disappeared. The alternative I think she may be talking about is a nightmare scenario where her daughter could have been taken and abused for a period of time--months, even--before her captor murdered her.
Well let's see. We KNOW blood was found on the Pantera shirt and the foreign DNA from the shirt matched the DNA on the cigar butt tip found in JLM's wallet. The DNA from the cigar tip matches the foreign DNA from the Fairfax victim AND, he is the last person to have been seen with HG who was found dead. He previously raped two college girls. As a juror, what explanation for his blood being on MH's Pantera shirt would you accept, beyond a reasonable doubt?

Oh I'm definitely not saying I would accept the lame excuse! Just that it's not a slam dunk and juries do seem to be less willing to go with guilty without TV quality evidence and that worries me. And, as an aside, I've never understood the cigar tip importance if that contains JM DNA. Now that they have his DNA direct from the source, the connections would be direct from him to Fairfax victim and from him to tee shirt. No need for detours. Just wish they had more direct links between him and the remains of the two victims. The cases would be tried separately, the college rapes wouldn't be allowed as evidence I presume, and I've certainly served on juries when previous convictions weren't allowed to be considered either. All this leaves room to spin fantastic "what-ifs" that can favor the defendant-- as the Simpson and Anthony trials so infuriatingly illustrated.
Oh I'm definitely not saying I would accept the lame excuse! Just that it's not a slam dunk and juries do seem to be less willing to go with guilty without TV quality evidence and that worries me. And, as an aside, I've never understood the cigar tip importance if that contains JM DNA. Now that they have his DNA direct from the source, the connections would be direct from him to Fairfax victim and from him to tee shirt. No need for detours. Just wish they had more direct links between him and the remains of the two victims. The cases would be tried separately, the college rapes wouldn't be allowed as evidence I presume, and I've certainly served on juries when previous convictions weren't allowed to be considered either. All this leaves room to spin fantastic "what-ifs" that can favor the defendant-- as the Simpson and Anthony trials so infuriatingly illustrated.

What other high-profile trials have resulted in a not-guilty verdict besides Simpson and Anthony? Non-celebrity ones. I know of Zimmerman, but who else?
Oh I'm definitely not saying I would accept the lame excuse! Just that it's not a slam dunk and juries do seem to be less willing to go with guilty without TV quality evidence and that worries me. And, as an aside, I've never understood the cigar tip importance if that contains JM DNA. Now that they have his DNA direct from the source, the connections would be direct from him to Fairfax victim and from him to tee shirt. No need for detours. Just wish they had more direct links between him and the remains of the two victims. The cases would be tried separately, the college rapes wouldn't be allowed as evidence I presume, and I've certainly served on juries when previous convictions weren't allowed to be considered either. All this leaves room to spin fantastic "what-ifs" that can favor the defendant-- as the Simpson and Anthony trials so infuriatingly illustrated.

The cigar butt tip wasn't a detour at the time, therefore, it's not a detour now.
Evie Ivy I'd never heard anything about her actually walking with them. Where is the source for the part the eyewitness seeing her leaving the lawn of UVA without tights, bare legs, disshelved, alone? This adds a new dimension I hadn't known of.

How horrible, "leave it to the boys" to answer any questions, speak. The police had better have interviewed them which it seems the university may have prevented, typical.

I was reading about a certain Mr Rice's wife being pressured to "apologize" for "her part" in getting punched and knocked out in the elevator. Cringe worthy. Question was she screened at hospital for a concussion or even taken to the hospital? I doubt it. I was thinking the team, you know who they are, had better pay for her funeral. Domestic violence only escalates, vast majority of the time.

If it were true MH was gang raped before JM got to her what would she need to apologize for? Not being able to run fast enough or due to having a head injury so was disoriented?
I'm confused by this post. She was wearing the Pantera shirt at the concert. Why wouldn't they be preoccupied with it?

I was inferring what that might mean for the case overall looking through the lens of the t-shirt. If they had better evidence, they would not be so focused and have us so focused on the shirt IMO.

I didn't elaborate before but what is sad that if finding this shirt had been handled a little differently, it may have made a difference for HG.

LE has us really focused on the shirt now, but oddly they didn't think it important enough to share with the public when the shirt was found. MH had been missing for less than a month at that time, yet LE did not think it might yield new tips in finding her? Instead, LE revealed that the shirt was found a week after MH's remains were found in late January 2010. It was common knowledge that MH wore a Pantera t-shirt that night. Worse, it is implied in this article that LE did not canvass the area or even interview students in earnest until January after MH's remains were found. Seriously?!??! I am sure there were solid reasons behind this but still....

Vague release of info by LE that MH's shirt may have been found January 29, 2010


Shirt found confirmedNovember 11, 2009

Evie Ivy I'd never heard anything about her actually walking with them. Where is the source for the part the eyewitness seeing her leaving the lawn of UVA without tights, bare legs, disshelved, alone? This adds a new dimension I hadn't known of.

How horrible, "leave it to the boys" to answer any questions, speak. The police had better have interviewed them which it seems the university may have prevented, typical.

I was reading about a certain Mr Rice's wife being pressured to "apologize" for "her part" in getting punched and knocked out in the elevator. Cringe worthy. Question was she screened at hospital for a concussion or even taken to the hospital? I doubt it. I was thinking the team, you know who they are, had better pay for her funeral. Domestic violence only escalates, vast majority of the time.

If it were true MH was gang raped before JM got to her what would she need to apologize for? Not being able to run fast enough or due to having a head injury so was disoriented?

According to several sources, members of UVA's men's basketball team were among the last to see Harrington in the grassy, tree-shrouded parking area. Emails sent to numerous team members were forwarded to UVA spokesperson Carol Wood, who directed the inquiry to State Police, but Geller declines comment on the identity of any witnesses.
"We leave it to them whether they want to speak publicly," she says.

Now let's read the statement from Norma Parsons.

"I know what I saw," says Norma Parson, a newspaper delivery woman who believes she saw Morgan– or an incredible lookalike–- coming out of a room on UVA's West Lawn at 3:45am October 18, six hours after the last confirmed sighting on Copeley Bridge.
"She was tall and thin," says Parson, who says the woman's high black boots had heels making her appear taller than Morgan's reported height of 5'6" and that she wasn't wearing the black hose or tights police have described.
Because the woman also was wearing a jacket that was fastened shut, Parson says, she couldn't determine whether the woman's blonde hair, which was tucked inside, was long or short. But as the blond woman–- accompanied by three young men, two shorter, one taller–- passed by her in the well-lit brick walkway along the Lawn, she says, she got a clear look at her face, and her heavily made-up eyes, in particular. She says the woman's presence in the wee hours of a chilly night–- and her bare legs–- seized her attention.
"I thought, 'What's she doing out here dressed like that,'" Parson recalls. When she learned of Harrington's disappearance two days later and saw photographs of heavy mascara- and eyeliner-wearing Morgan, "I knew immediately it was the same girl I saw," says Parson, who credits art training for teaching her to examine facial details–- even those she sees in passing. "I never had a moment's doubt," she insists.
One more ..


Although that man– cleared as a suspect, says Cappuzzo, declined to walk away with Morgan, it wasn't long before she found a group of men to join. According to Cappuzzo, sometime around 9pm, two separate groups of students–- whom the Hook has previously reported to be members of the men's basketball team–- left John Paul Jones Arena. One group left through a side door, another through the main front doors. Morgan began walking with the side-door group as they traversed Massie Road and walked through the parking lots on the west side of U-Hall, on their way to the RV lot, where student-athletes park when the Arena is busy. 

A full 10 days after her disappearance, Cappuzzo says, a bloodhound was brought in to follow Morgan's path. The bloodhound, says Cappuzzo, followed the exact path the witnesses described– across Copeley Road and up the grassy slope into the RV lot. 

That's where the two groups of male students converged, and although Harrington requested a ride from them– to where, Cappuzzo would not reveal– the students declined. Cappuzzo says the 14 men who saw her there have all been interviewed multiple times and their alibis have been thoroughly checked. "They had another event to attend that night," says Cappuzzo.


From the comments section - you can cross reference to the Cavelier Daily.

<rob November 13th, 2009 | 3:55pm
quoting from the cav daily
Virginia men&#8217;s basketball coach Tony Bennett announced yesterday that forward Jamil Tucker will be taking an indefinite leave of absence from the team&#8217;s games and practices. The news comes less than a week after sophomore center Assane Sene has been suspended for the first three games of the season for detrimental conduct.

bad timing or some connection?>
What would good timing look like? Do you mean in terms of heightened sensitivity and awareness due to Hannah Graham's rape and murder as a connection? Thank you for posting the old articles, 4 Free Speech. It is a relief for me, to see justice coming to this predator and that he can't hurt anyone a new, as none of the alternative theories still seem to stick. May Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington rest in peace, and the pain of their deaths, their absence ease for their families as they would want. May others still lost, those found but without answers, like Jamisha Gilbert, and all the others this predator may have killed, get their due course of justice and peace.
Cappuzzo says the 14 men who saw her there have all been interviewed multiple times and their alibis have been thoroughly checked. "They had another event to attend that night," says Cappuzzo.&#8232;&#8232;

I wonder if any of these 14 men have connections to JM? Grew up in the same area? Went to the same church in town? Parents know each other? Drinking/poker buddies, etc?

Perhaps one of them had JM's taxi business card/phone number and provided it to MH? Surely they would have mentioned that...?

The timing of the basketball players' suspensions IS quite interesting. What was the MH investigation status in early November 2009? Was that before or after the "14 men" were questioned?

Does UVA randomly drug test their athletes? What was the reason for Jamil's indefinite leave? Voluntary or violation? As far as the other player suspended a week prior: Any further insight on what 'detrimental conduct' is defined as under UVA code?

This certainly has my brain ticking with new questions and possibilities!

The timing of the basketball players' suspensions IS quite interesting. What was the MH investigation status in early November 2009? Was that before or after the "14 men" were questioned?

Does UVA randomly drug test their athletes? What was the reason for Jamil's indefinite leave? Voluntary or violation? As far as the other player suspended a week prior: Any further insight on what 'detrimental conduct' is defined as under UVA code?

This certainly has my brain ticking with new questions and possibilities!

He was let go for poor academic standing or low GPA. However, he was a Senior? Hard to believe he made it three years then all of a sudden was doing so poorly he had to be dismissed so quickly. That is the odd part for me.

He was let go for poor academic standing or low GPA. However, he was a Senior? Hard to believe he made it three years then all of a sudden was doing so poorly he had to be dismissed so quickly. That is the odd part for me.


I think it's pretty common for athletes to be suspended. Can't imagine thinking because a basketball player was suspended that there might be a connection with the disappearance of MH. Was this guy even one of the 14? I didn't think their names had been published. I could be wrong.
I think it's pretty common for athletes to be suspended. Can't imagine thinking because a basketball player was suspended that there might be a connection with the disappearance of MH. Was this guy even one of the 14? I didn't think their names had been published. I could be wrong.

He was suspended in November and kicked off a month later in December 2009. I am not of the opinion that the basketball players had anything to do with MH's death, but an abrupt dismissal based on something generic like a below par GPA seems like it could be that he was let go over something that no one wanted public. I could see how the timing and the fact he was let go might make connections for others to MH, but he could have been dismissed for myriad other reasons UVA or the team member doesn't want to become public knowledge.

He was suspended in November and kicked off a month later in December 2009. It is only odd that his academic performance met standard for three years and then half way into his senior year, he is suddenly not meeting minimum academic standard? I am not of the opinion that the basketball players had anything to do with MH's death, but I do not believe he was dismissed over a low GPA either.


Then why DO you think he was dismissed? I think many people (particularly athletes) take a nose dive now and then for reasons we will never know, but just because he apparently did shouldn't seem strange. I'm missing any connection.
Then why DO you think he was dismissed? I think many people (particularly athletes) take a nose dive now and then for reasons we will never know, but just because he apparently did shouldn't seem strange. I'm missing any connection.

Moving along... sorry, I wasn't clear. Just edited.

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