Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #25 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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OH my.. Can't listen to Jodi on the stand any more...

her "uhms" are just to much for me to take...
Caller on NG named Bill says this is the first ANAL DEFENSE.

Bill told NG he thinks Travis was forced to take the shower pics. Look at his face, he's not giving any smiles or making cute poses. Bill was as outraged about how Jodi killed Travis when he was unaware and in the shower being held at gun or knife point. NG looked stunned by Bill's strong opinion on the shower pics. Thank You Bill!

I don't normally watch NG, but it was worth it tonight! Way to go, Bill from Florida!
How did anyone verify the picture of his salami was actually his salami?

I don't think they ever did! And if it was the photos they were flapping around the other day, I don't think they WERE. :furious:
i want to bump this because it is better than the one i posted. And to add to it, here are 12 traits of a domestic abuser (sound familiar? Just change the "him" to "her"):
an abuser is typically:
1. Charming.

initially, he showers his woman with praise, adoration, and attention. His courtship is sweet and intense filled with phrases such as, “i can’t live without you.” he quickly pushes for an exclusive relationship or engagement.
2. Jealous.

he views other men as a threat to the relationship and accuses you of flirting with everyone from his brother to the mailman. “i know you are looking at him.” the irony is that he often is the one who is cheating.
3. Manipulative.

this man is very intelligent. He knows how to detect your weak spots, and he uses your vulnerability and past pain to his advantage. “you were abused as a kid because you are so ugly.”
4. Controlling.

he wants to know where you are going and who you are with at all times. He may check the mileage on your car or follow you to the grocery store. He often refuses to allow you to work because you might “meet someone.”
5. A victim.

his poor choices are everyone else’s fault. When he loses his job, gets into a fight, or a business deal falls through, it’s always because of the other person. He is never at fault. “you make me hit you.”
6. Narcissistic.

the whole world revolves around him. As the “little woman who is beneath him,” it is your job to meet his every need. He is the master; you are the unworthy slave. It’s invigorating for him to know that everyone around him “walks on eggshells.”
7. Inconsistent.

mood swings are a common trait for an abuser. One minute he seems happy and sweet, the next he is pounding his fist.
8. Critical.

no matter how hard you try you will never be able to satisfy this kind of man. He thinks nothing of degrading and verbally assaulting you. “you are a stupid, fat, disgusting tramp. You can never leave me. No other man would have you.”
9. Disconnected.

his main goal is to isolate his victim from family and friends so that you are totally dependant on him. “your family causes too much trouble for us. I don’t want you seeing them anymore.”
10. Hypersensitive.

the slightest offense sends him ranting. Everyone is out to “get him.”
11. Vicious and cruel.

a significant number of abusers harm children and animals as well as a partner. Inflicting pain and intimidating others is what gives him power. “i’ll kill you before i’ll let you go. If i can’t have you, no one will.”
12. Insincerely repentant.

he will swear to never “hit you again.” but unless he receives professional help and strong accountability it’s very unlikely that he will change.

i think it's clear who the abuser was in this relationship and it wasn't travis.

i can't thank you enough for this post. I lived this. Thanks for the reminder of why i am now divorced from my sons' father. Thank you a million times.
Casey Anthony had imaginary friends. Jodi gets imaginary mail, hereafter referred to as "iMail".

These two should make a movie and call it, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". (Oh wait, that's been done.):seeya:

NOOOOOOOOOOOO - no movie.............but, I would fine with them living least one victim would get justice!
Yeah - she had to put it in the refrigerator. Completely melted from sitting in the box on her porch.

(Yet - no mention of it getting on the under-roo's we have seen so pristinely laid out and displayed) She is just not believable to me at all - please, again Dear Lord - give us a smart, honest jury!

That was actually hysterical. Melted chocolate sitting on the porch......all I can envision is ants having a field day!!

I can see Jodi and DT blaming the missing laptop on the ninjas...according to Jodi, the ninjas threaten people ....LOL!
The fictitious ninja notes were fictitiously torn up by Jodi shortly after she "received" them.(This was to have happened while she was in jail btw) lol

Thanks so much...I have been looking all over for them....DUH to me!!:banghead:
She certainly doesn't have much of an imagination concerning the Valentine's gifts! My imaginary gift would have been jewelry, something from La Perla and at least See's candy.

Travis Alexander was not a cheap man and I don't see him sending anything like that and just putting on a porch. If there were true feelings on his part I see him sending something special not that.

Jodi says...but it had only been twelve days so she wasn't expecting anything. She is very mentally ill.

Now when were those photos taken again? July 2008 wasn't it?
In reference to the stolen laptop: Does the information an expert witness is going to testify to have to be provided to the opposing team?
Caller on NG named Bill says this is the first ANAL DEFENSE.

Bill told NG he thinks Travis was forced to take the shower pics. Look at his face, he's not giving any smiles or making cute poses. Bill was as outraged about how Jodi killed Travis when he was unaware and in the shower being held at gun or knife point. NG looked stunned by Bill's strong opinion on the shower pics. Thank You Bill!

Hopefully the jury feels the same way.......

The theft may be a big deal, right?! I pray they catch who did it, and quickly! It could (theoretically) be someone on Jody's side, since it targeted the prosecution. That would have to affect this trial, I think.

I'm not a lawyer or anything, so y'all keep that in mind :)

I hope she has an external backup
I just got home. Did they play the tapes? Or did "all" of jodi's friends stay out for nothin' (or maybe they were tired of hearing her cwap!)
She can say anything she wants to about the photos because there is absolutely no way that anyone can verify that they were not Travis. I don't believe they were. I think that she needed to make him look more disgusting and perverted, so tried to do it this way. As worried as Travis seemed to be about people finding out about him having sex with her, I can't believe that he would send such a photo to anyone.
I am thinking she made up the entire valentine's package and the letter.

(at this point)

I thought I heard Nurmi ask to admit (presumably the letter) as evidence, and that Juan objected?? Isn't that why they were called to sidebar?
I suppose it could have been something other than the letter, but that's what Jodi was talking about right before Nurmi wanted to admit evidence as I recall.
I'll have to watch that part again.
NG asked Jean (sounds like Jinxasaurus) what jurors were doing during Jodi testimony. Jean said they were taking lots and lots of notes today, even men jurors were taking notes.

NG asks Jean, "What were they taking notes about ANAL SEX?" :laughcry: You can't make this stuff up.
NG just showed that pix of JA having her hands around Travis neck in the pool.
I always thought that was wierd.
JA was NOT afraid og him ever!
She was the prediator!
They are flashing the picture of TA and JA under the waterfall . . . JA is wearing a very tiny blue bikini (top is shown) and all I can think of is TA's clothing line for conservative dressed women . . .. .

again - just another way that JA violated all of the things TA had involved himself in with his friends and social circle .. . .

TA rejected her and she is going to make him (and everyone else) pay . . . . (IMO)
OK...I am really behind on these threads, but I just have to say two things.

1, if I killed every man that I felt used me for sex in my life, there would be several dead men lol.

2, what the he** is with her brown vest and plaid shirt?? Please, the jurors can't be that stupid. The defense is really going a bit too far trying to make her look innocent lol.

They'll have her in pigtails on Monday!
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