Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #25 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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That was a HUGE lie from the killer's lips. I'm going to start calling her killer because that is what she is and it's not just name calling.

That was such an elaborate lie and it was so obvious! I am just dying to hear Juan tear her apart!
My sentiments exactly, that is what she is, a Killer, amongst other things.

I refuse to call her by her first name at all, which is why I only enter her initials when I make reference to her sorry arse, and I refer to the victim as Travis in my posts. What I really want to call her is !@#$$$%%! well, it is not allowed on here.
So JA said TA bent her over on his desk...the pics LE took of his office showed his desk was not cleaned off. I guess they put stuff back on the desk, that is if anything really happened on the desk.

He spun her around..... It's her theme song apparently

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Not to laugh at you but come on!!! Her lawyer knows she's a liar! What else can he do?

Chance she'll be impeached??? Count on it! IMO

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You can laugh at me. If that's the worst thing that happens to me today, it's all good. lol Imo, he doesn't care enough about Jodi and does care enough about his reputation not to put up random penis pics that can't be authenticated and will lead to the flat out objective impeachment of his client. We shall see, no doubt.
So, if I'm a juror and have been paying attention, here's what would stand out to me and what I would want to know:

1. Jodi has engaged in weird stalking behavior in nearly every relationship she's had.

Bobby -- after Bobby left the library computer, Jodi took Bobby to his friend's house, and then returned to the library, where she accidentally hit the back button on the library computer and happened to bring up Bobby's hotmail account -- at which time she proceeded to actually read the emails in his account. She then printed off the emails and took them to Bobby and confronted him about them.

Matt -- While hanging out with Matt's Dad's girlfriend, she just happened to see pics of Matt with another girl, B. THEN, 2 people she didn't even know approached her and took a vote to tell her Matt was cheating on her. She called in sick to work, drove to another state to confront Matt and this Bianca girl -- Matt wasn't there, but "Steve" found it necessary to go warn Bianca. She confronted her at her home and talked to her for an hour and a half.

Travis -- she kept hitting back button on his computer until she ended up in his email account. She then proceeded to read every email between him and a female. Saw that he was flirting with girls about making out and was having "affair" with married LDS woman.

She snooped through his text messages when he was napping.

She logged on to his Facebook and Gmail accounts way after they were broken up and after she had moved back to California. She explained that Travis had given her the passwords to "re-establish trust" months after they had broken up. This is not believable.

She listened to Travis' voicemails 4 hours after she murdered him.

2. She moved in with every boy she dated.

3. Every time she got pissed, she packed up and moved, usually to another city. She was pissed at her parents for grounding her, so she quit school and moved in with a vampire and his elderly hoarder parents/grandparents. She was pissed at Bobby so she moved out and went back to visit Victor. She was pissed at Matt so she moved again to another city to get away from him.

4. Every time she broke up with a boy, she got back together with him and continued to have sex with him -- sometimes moved back in with him, and continued hanging out with his friends and family.

5. Every time she got a new boyfriend, she got a new religion

6. All of the "cheating", which led to the snooping and confrontations seems to have taken place after Jodi and her boyfriend-du-jour had already broken up. She just didn't seem to accept the breakup and continued to expect the ex boyfriends to be "faithful" even after the relationship ended.

So you put all this in context, and if I were on that jury, I would think the last visit to Travis was not something Travis knew about or invited. Based on her pattern with other boyfriends, as a jury member, I would believe that she went to confront Travis because she was pissed. I would think about how she behaved with other boyfriends and consider that she took a gun and knife with her this time -- and it would be pretty clear that she was so pissed that she drove several hundred miles to confront Travis and kill him.

Ok there's another one I'm gonna need to add to my "Juan Martinez Closing Argument" list of posts. Bravo. Excellent. Standing Ovation.
Oh geez just thought of the other thing. Shana Hogan said that in the police report it indicates Jodi stole all of Travis' journals and I guess he wrote copiously in these leather bound journals and she stole them. Elisha thought that she'd burned them. Evil evil Devil Witch.

I had heard that too but there are court minutes from 06/18/2010 that order Sky Hughes to turn over TA's journals. So did Jodi steal them from TA or the Hughes OR did Sky ever have his journals? I'm also curious about the pictures that JM showed to the tech guy. I believe they will be from Jodi's broken hard drive. Isn't it ironic that Travis' laptop was intact (nothing to hide) and hers was broken (*advertiser censored* pics) Hmmmm
IT IS ORDERED that after Sky Hughes’ deposition is completed, Sky Hughes shall turn over the victim’s journal(s) to Detective Flores.
Casey Anthony had imaginary friends. Jodi gets imaginary mail, hereafter referred to as "iMail".

These two should make a movie and call it, "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants". (Oh wait, that's been done.):seeya:

Or maybe "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants on Fire" or some such. Gimme a few minutes....

I like your brand of humor, dani! :floorlaugh:
Ask an attorney on that attorney thread.

Just because the defense presents evidence doesn't mean it's true, verified, etc. the defense doesn't have to prove anything. That's the states job.

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With respect, Linda, I think you are conflating a couple of different principles. No, the defense--in theory--doesn't have to prove anything, but that isn't a license to knowingly lie or to enter phony items into evidence without substantiation.

When it comes to trial exhibits, the same rules of evidence apply to both sides.
My sentiments exactly, that is what she is, a Killer, amongst other things.

I refuse to call her by her first name at all, which is why I only enter her initials when I make reference to her sorry arse, and I refer to the victim as Travis in my posts. What I really want to call her is !@#$$$%%! well, it is not allowed on here.

I'm going to adopt this as well. thank you.
You can laugh at me. If that's the worst thing that happens to me today, it's all good. lol Imo, he doesn't care enough about Jodi and does care enough about his reputation not to put up random penis pics that can't be authenticated and will lead to the flat out objective impeachment of his client. We shall see, no doubt.

IMO she'll be impeached plenty. Personally.... I can't wait:)

The guys just looking for reasonable doubt...anything to spare her the needle. If Jodi, after being warned by her lawyers, insists on lying...there is nothing he can do.

How could they truly be authenticated? Jodi's word? If there was proof they were sent from Travis's phone ,, IMO forensic dude would have said so. He didn't. There was zero *advertiser censored* and nakedness on Travis's devices.

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Oh geez just thought of the other thing. Shana Hogan said that in the police report it indicates Jodi stole all of Travis' journals and I guess he wrote copiously in these leather bound journals and she stole them. Elisha thought that she'd burned them. Evil evil Devil Witch.

oh dear god - is there any way if she kept them the defense can use them for evidence??? though i bet it chronicalled her stalking and his desire to get away from her, all his non abuse and thought they would implicate her - but the poor family - it takes time after you lose some one, but now i can read journals from my family members i lost - and i just treasure them, even just looking at the page and seeing there writing means so much to me :(
Now that i think of it it is my suspicion that Juan there at the end told the family they would not have to worry about the audio tape being played today (or at all). The 3 siblings all sat together on the aisle today which I guessed it was to make a quick exit if that came on. I think that's what that may have been about because honestly I thought Nurmi was gonna try and leave the jury on that note for this long break.

I really like the 3 siblings sitting together. first that is what the camera normally shows: the first 3. TA's brother seems like a good person, he is entirely attentive to the point of seeming like he is sitting erect in his seat, he does not flinch one bit. He is "bearing witness" with every bit of consciousness and cell in his body.
I had heard that too but there are court minutes from 06/18/2010 that order Sky Hughes to turn over TA's journals. So did Jodi steal them from TA or the Hughes OR did Sky ever have his journals? I'm also curious about the pictures that JM showed to the tech guy. I believe they will be from Jodi's broken hard drive. Isn't it ironic that Travis' laptop was intact (nothing to hide) and hers was broken (*advertiser censored* pics) Hmmmm
IT IS ORDERED that after Sky Hughes’ deposition is completed, Sky Hughes shall turn over the victim’s journal(s) to Detective Flores.

From what I heard today he had "tons of" these leather bound journals. So maybe Skye got the ones that Jodi hadn't destroyed...?? Maybe he started storing them w/ the Hughes' after she did this horrible thing.
Oh jury observations.

There is a male juror right up near Jodi who it appears isn't even looking at her. He looks at Nurmi, then he stares straight ahead. His head does not move. He's not taking notes. He's just staring straight ahead with this set jaw. That man will sentence her to death, mark my words.

I see zero connection between even one juror and Jodi. I'm not worried about this jury. Not at all.

Very few taking notes...just 3 that I could see in the front. Some looked quite bored (duh).

Hey Katie!

Thanks for sharing your courtroom notes and insights about the jurors. Personally I was shocked at what the male juror guest had to say tonite on Dr. Drew ... or rather what he DIDN'T say ... very discouraging.

With respect, Linda, I think you are conflating a couple of different principles. No, the defense--in theory--doesn't have to prove anything, but that isn't a license to lie or to enter items into evidence without substantiation.

The same rules of evidence apply to both sides.

Agreed, a lawyer can't knowingly put forth false testimony and evidence.

Ya honestly think or believe for a second her lawyer believes her? Of course he doesn't. If she told him that's what happened ... That's what he's stuck with. It's not his job to go behind get and verify everything she's said to him.

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That's not really analogous. For one thing, opening statements are not evidence. The rules for evidence are much stricter.

For another, the judge in the CA case had no way of knowing that Baez had no intention of proving anything he said in his opening remarks. Traditionally, the idea was that juries would punish a lawyer who pulled such a stunt, but obviously they did not in that case.

He blatantly lied to the jury. He got a freebie because of the idiotic inconsistency in rules for opening statements and rules of evidence. "You don't have to prove it" is not a good thing to give to defense attorneys. I'd also add that Perry did nothing to stop Baez dishonesty throughout the trial, so it seems to me he wouldn't have cared even if he did know Baez' intentions.
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