Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #37 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Mark Eiglarsh said it best one day when this argument was going back and forth about how can the Defense possibly believe some outlandish story of their client (he may have been referring to both sides)

He said it best when he said "Listen, this is Theater"

(to paraphrase you are putting on a show, these are all characters in a performance, this is not always about exactly what happened, when and where and by whom)

In a death penalty case, one is charged with keeping their client alive, it is not about whether the defense attorney believes his client to be innocent.

THAT is what I absoulutely hate about defense attorneys and their lying "clients". I mean, they are not stupid so when you get a Jose Baez or a Cheney Mason or a NURMI standing there "defending" their client with some BS lies, it makes them look ridiculous. And absolutely insults the general public's intelligence. And they all have the same freaking mantra about everyone deserves a fair trial. Well, how damn fair is it when these defense attorney can go into a courtroom and put forth lies , innuendos, ridiculous theories, accusations against others without having to PROVE what them and their lying, murdering clients are saying? All in the name of winning, ie: getting their clients "off" of a murder charge and letting a murderer walk free! Oh yeah, I forgot, for some insane reason they never have to be held accountable or show proof of any kind for knowingly lying and putting forth their clients lies in a court of law.

I am sick of it :furious:.
I hope the prosecution does a time line showing us how long they actually dated and how long they were broken up and he was actively dating other people. The jury needs to have that in perspective, because her days and days of testimony, jumping back and forth in time, have made it seem like they were together for much longer than they really were. :moo:

I totally hope they do too. It would be the most effective way to cut thru all her confusing testimony on the stand and concentrate on what matters. The facts of this case. imo

Great article and exactly in line with what I have been feeling. She is on trial for murder- for stabbing a man almost 30 times, slashing his throat almost to the point of decapitating him and shooting him in the head.

Yet for some reason, she thinks SHE is the victim and that everyone is there to hear her tale of how SHE was done wrong because he called her Pollyanna and had sex with her when it is obvious she was a more than willing participant. She obviously bought and brought the KY because she said on the recorded conversation that SHE introduced him to it and he said he refused to go buy it so she would buy it.

So she thinks her tale of feeling she was done wrong by a man is so enthralling and comes close to justifying what she did. Suck it up buttercup, 99.95% of people have been done wrong in a relationship and you know what, we didn't kill em. You build a bridge and you get the eff over it. Don't keep going back for more and crawling thru his doggie door with a gallon jug of KY.

Ok rant over. I'm just getting off to a ripping start to the morning, having watched a rerun of Nancy Grace and her take on the this whole ton of BS.
From the Justice for Travis page
2. It's been reported that Arias' mother made a complaint about jury misconduct. What they didn't report was that she claimed the Alexander family had been seen talking to jurors. The defence immediately moved for a mistrial. Each juror was called into the Judge's chambers and questioned individually. The mistrial was denied. Arias' mother lied.

Clearly the apple did not fall far from the tree.

Yes. I saw that on the FB page this morning.

Like the jury and the family are going to be talking and hanging out together, What the lying monster's mother doesn't "get" is that TA's family wants justice for their brother and would never speak to a member of the jury to jeapordize this trial. Adn I am sure the jury has integrity as well.

Nice try you liar.
I bet she will say that she shot him first and then the gun jammed. She will want to erase the sadism of the murder in the eyes of the jury.

There is nothing humane about cutting someone's throat and stabbing them 29 times some of which were in the back and one in the head that took a chunk of his skull out. That is rage and cannot be mistaken for anything other than what it is. She may try but I don't see the jury buying her story. The closing statement will seal her fate for sure. jmo
I just listened to the ME's testimony again and the following is my understanding.

He did not say which wound occurred first. He said that would be speculation and not his job. He said that the defensive wounds had to have occurred before the slit throat and gun shot.

Transcript of some of Dr Horn's testimony

Mechanism of death - how did he die? Primarily blood loss. AFter you lose blood, lose ability to provide oxygen to brain and heart - dizzy, loss concsiousness then death.

3 specific injury could have led to death. . . stab wound to chest - slit of throat and shot to the head rapidly fatal.

projectile going thru front of brain - lose consciousness and then go down

Slashing of the throat - it is most severe injury - most bleedng from jugular

Most fatal - chest? middle - significant injury it would cause death without med attn but not loss conscious immediate

One to neck and head - cause loss conscious immediate

One tothe chest would not.

Defensive wounds to hands - occurred before fatal injury to head or throat.

TA attempted to grab the knife.

Sequencing of events . . . one to head an slit of throat -

Throat and head wound TA couldn't have purposeful movement - he would have been unconscious

first wound would have been one to chest

First would have

Stab could have occurred then the

Throat and head he will not attempt to defend himself after those. Can't say if head injury if he was alive . The neck he was alive - lots of blood. Chest wound he was alive

Wound going thru the head - no hemmorage thru brain or wound tract thru brain . . . may have been an indication person was already dead.

Afternoon recess - 10 min after 3 return.

Gunshot wound -track of the bullet from fontal bump to facial skeleton of the left maxilary bone of the left cheek. Did autopsy in June 12 2008, found therewas no gross evidence of significant intercranial hemmorage. bleeding thru the brain. The brain is really non-existent - it has become liquid -it is very dfficult to examine. Didn't you take slices? yes - it is softened but not liquified - it is still there but the state it was in. Autolized brain - liquified brain tissue. Multiple serial sections - as best as I can - running a knife thru the brain toinspect it. Does not reveal presence of grossly apparent trauma - nothing is clearly defined - no metal fragments, no foreign bodies.

People w/injuries to their brains they are not incapcitated - having something going thru brain - it had to have passed thru the brain. skull is perforated where the brain is it had to have passed thru brain. passed thru right frontal lobe - it had to pass thru the brain a hole into the skull and exit from skull cavity intothe face. There is no way it could have avoided the brain. You are sure of that? YES!

The person with an arrow thru the brain coming into the ER - heard those stories - those are different - not with projectiles - with an arrow it is much lower velocity and doesn't cause as much damage as a bullet. I coudn't document the damage because of the decom

It doesn't make sense that the gunshot wound came first. . . don't remember having conversation with Det. Flores = did you never speak to him?


*graphic and adult content* Jodi Arias Trial media/ timeline thread **no discussion** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
I hope the jury is as sick of hearing her stories as I am. I'm looking forward to Juan finally taking care of her very self serving stories. I am also tired of hearing her referred to as beautiful. I see the opposite. Not saying that to be mean. If I were to use one word for her it would be drab.. Of course I have a few other words for her but I don't want a TO.
Apart from what I stated above about sadism and rage, maybe she had the gun just in case the stabbing was not effective enough and he came after her. Then she could shoot him if she thought her life was in danger.

But I am of the opinion she planned to have both weapons- in her mind she would stab him repeatedly and then effect the coup de grace, execution style. She wanted him to suffer and then to be crushed like an insect. She was a goddess all right. I think that's the way her mind and fantasies work.

I'm in the "she shot him first" camp. The gun was supposed to do the job quickly and take him down without a physical fight, which she surely would have lost. No blood spatter from a gunshot wound was found in the room, so it had to be washed away in the shower.

In my opinion, she shot him, then ran downstairs to get a knife so she could stab him in his heart -- just like he had stabbed her in her heart by rejecting her.

When she returned, she was shocked to find him standing over the sink. So she started stabbing him in the back to take him down. Once he was down, after some struggle, she sliced his throat to kill him. Her final act was the stab wounds to the heart. ("take that, you cheating *advertiser censored*! You want to take someone else to Cancun?! Well that hurt my heart, so you deserve this to happen to your heart!")
Is there video, or a written report or something somewhere where JA finally tells the tale of how she killed TA? Like an interrogation tape? I very much want to watch it or read it. When did her admission finally take place?

No, that's something we may never fully know. The closest we've got is her interview with Det. Flores on 16th July 2008 when she describes the "Ninja" attack around the 1:07:00 mark.

Many here believe she is supplanting her own actions onto those of the fabricated ninjas.
Could JA's premeditated plan have been to shoot TA in the temple and try to make TA's death appear as a suicide but it didn't go as planned?
I am feeling that this endless droning of Jodi with her story of how Travis used and her and degraded her, blah, blah, blah is not going to work in her favor. Rather than looking like a battered woman, she is simply looking like a woman who was scorned and out for revenge. The sheer savagery of how she killed him shows a lot of hostility and anger, not a woman who was fearful or at the mercy of an angry man.

While I am getting tired of her endless and incessant yammering, I do feel that she is just digging herself in deeper and deeper and giving to prosecution even more to work with.

So go ahead and keep talking Jodi, you obviously think you are smarter than everyone else and able to explain everything away but you will have lots of time in jail to think about it and realize that your inability to shut up makes you your own worst enemy.

I agree with you - she doesn't look battered. But she does look used. I think that will buy her some sympathy. Isn't the jury mostly women? I think most women, at some point in their lives, got used by a man for whom they had feelings. Jodi's reaction to being used was horrifying. But if the women on the jury feel a twinge of empathy for her, it just might save her life.
I have been thinking ...

for awhile I was worried that Juan was just not having his thing together...letting Jodi talk on and on and on and on and on.

but I see that she has talked herself into a corner...she has stalled for time...her carefully crafted wardrobe and story don't match the pictures of the murderess...she thinks she doesn't sound like the throat cutting type...but as she goes on to, what is it? day 6? 7? ...getting her special court day attention...getting to tell her story of being a victim...she starts to look almost

unhinged...dangerous...kinda like Andrea Yates...mousy and creepy...

she should have kept the hair and boob job front and center in my opinion...

all of this just makes her look like more of a chameleon and a professional liar in my opinion.

and Juan is just letting her hang herself....

some one please find the tape where she says

"Cage fighting, ultimate challenge, no holds barred" with this thrilling little smile on her face...

I believe she cage fought travis and won.
I totally hope they do too. It would be the most effective way to cut thru all her confusing testimony on the stand and concentrate on what matters. The facts of this case. imo

And all the blather blather and constant preoccupation with this brief "relationship" that barely qualifies as that, makes her look obsessive and unbalanced when you actually look at the timeline.
I believe the ME's point or conclusion was if it had been kicked it would have rolled and still had blood on it. There was no blood on it other than where it landed. jmo

Why couldn't it just have dropped out of a towel and landed on the blood during the cleanup?
I'm in the "she shot him first" camp. The gun was supposed to do the job quickly and take him down without a physical fight, which she surely would have lost. No blood spatter from a gunshot wound was found in the room, so it had to be washed away in the shower.

In my opinion, she shot him, then ran downstairs to get a knife so she could stab him in his heart -- just like he had stabbed her in her heart by rejecting her.

When she returned, she was shocked to find him standing over the sink. So she started stabbing him in the back to take him down. Once he was down, after some struggle, she sliced his throat to kill him. Her final act was the stab wounds to the heart. ("take that, you cheating *advertiser censored*! You want to take someone else to Cancun?! Well that hurt my heart, so you deserve this to happen to your heart!")

This is an interesting theory since the bullet wound to the head would have immediately rendered him unconscious.
I have no idea how many pages I have left to read! LOL!

Just wanted to jump in to mention that, while the stab wound to the heart was a fatal one, Jodi also inflicted two other stab wounds (non-fatal) into the abdomen.

I'm wondering if she stabbed him first in the heart and, while he was reacting to that, managed those other wounds which would put him in a world of hurt.

He lunged at her and attempted to disarm her, receiving deep, defensive wounds to his hand(s)?
that is what i absoulutely hate about defense attorneys and their lying "clients". I mean, they are not stupid so when you get a jose baez or a cheney mason or a nurmi standing there "defending" their client with some bs lies, it makes them look ridiculous. And absolutely insults the general public's intelligence. And they all have the same freaking mantra about everyone deserves a fair trial. Well, how damn fair is it when these defense attorney can go into a courtroom and put forth lies , innuendos, ridiculous theories, accusations against others without having to prove what them and their lying, murdering clients are saying? All in the name of winning, ie: Getting their clients "off" of a murder charge and letting a murderer walk free! Oh yeah, i forgot, for some insane reason they never have to be held accountable or show proof of any kind for knowingly lying and putting forth their clients lies in a court of law.

I am sick of it :furious:.

well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Exactly how i feel.
One fascinating thing is how childish so many of the friends and players in this sound. When do we call each other girlfriend and boyfriend, how often and when we made out (the list goes on)

Jodi's own admission is the dating started about Jan/Feb 2008 and ended May 2008. However they had obvious difficulties in May.

This is so high school to fantasize about how many months, how deep we got, what commitments were made.

This was what I would describe the "warm up" to whether we are going to have a "relationship". Seriously, a few months, you don't live close, its based on extreme sexual activities (which is not a solid foundation to start ANY long term relationship)

It was more of a lustful encounter and then it was over. Unfortunately he did not seem to realize the depths of her mental instability.

I am not convinced about his full participation in the last days events. I understand the photos taken but when I realized she surprised him and in her own words her description of his reaction to her being "in Arizona" did not sound like he was ok, or happy, I am not "feeling" that he was even fully into that last 12 hrs.

I don't know if he was caught more off guard than anything and tried to defuse the situation and just try to go with it and get her out. Trying to appease her and make her think things were "ok" or just go along.

It cost him his life.
This is an interesting theory since the bullet wound to the head would have immediately rendered him unconscious.
Really ??? In the history of reported gunshot wounds to the head, there's never been a case of a gunshot wound to the head where the victim remained conscious ? Gimme a break ...
Haha I was going to say pedophile ninjas... that said though, again, nothing was reported stolen...

How would anyone know? Travis was dead. Jodi did say they took money from Travis' wallet, which was later found in the office. So, did she take money from his wallet and put his wallet on the desk before she left. I can't imagine she would not since she still had to travel to Utah and Travis would not need it. Funny she would mention that because if the wallet was in the office and she left before they did, how would she know that. His wallet could have been on his bureau and she brought it downstairs and left it on his desk. I read somewhere his watch and ring were on the kitchen counter. That seems strange if it is true. I know there were no ninjas but it seems funny she would include his wallet in her story unless she knew there was no money in the wallet. jmo
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