Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #38 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It was found on the stairway too. It's just random debris that got tracked into the bathroom. It's not unusual. The defense is grasping at straws to support Jodi's new fabrication. Doesn't change the fact that no rope like material that could be used to bind someone was found anywhere at the crime scene or in the bedroom. Flores and company checked every inch of that bed.

Random debris at a crime scene :waitasec: ?

Could it be from a pillow used to muffle the shot? Taking the pillow with her?

Do the ends look cut or possible shot thru? I haven't seen them lately.

I am weird but I wouldn't have random pillow strings laying on my floor... I pick up everything I see.
I read here on a previous thread, if its the 699 check, that it says "airfare". Not a loan, to pay him for a trip.

She's so busted. I never believed he owed her money! How did she manage to keep a job between making all those trips with him and to and fro! Making time to meet every tom dick and Jo! Seriously she was stable even in keeping a job! Or a man!
Bet all her ex boyfriends are feeling blessed to be warm and breathing.
She pulled a Lizzie Borden!
I think she still would have been busted, arrested and tried for first degree murder. They were interviewing and focusing on Jodi before they had the pictures back. They had already gotten a DNA match for her hair at the crime scene and had gotten a bloody palm print on the wall. They had pulled her phone records and had determined that her phone was off for 20 hours and that she was 24 hours late for her arrival in West Jordan to visit Ryan.

Jodi's name was mentioned in the very first 911 call, upon the friends' discovery of Travis' body.

I definitely think she still would have been arrested and tried for first degree murder.

I agree. But those pictures are like the icing on the cake. She has to try and weave her BS story of self defense, while Juan plasters those pictures, dated and time stamped, up on the wall. :what:

Just jumping in here, but on one of those reciepts, (can't find that link...sorry!) I believe it was with the facial products tho, it most definetly shows a purchase for 5gl's of KEROSENE!! I've mentioned this before, but I have to wonder with that in mind, coupled with all of the gas in the cans, had she been considering burning down his house to cover her crimes??
<respectfully snipped for space>
IIRC, the receipt was for two containers, not the kerosene itself.

I have been reading the different WS forums on this crime and reviewed the photobucket photos of TA's injuries. I can't get over the use of the knife. Think about how depraved someone must be to cut someone's throat. TA's back just doesn't have stab marks but has slice marks. It looks to me that TA was tortured before he was killed. I think JA was much further into witchcraft than she lets on.

Just jumping in here, but on one of those reciepts, (can't find that link...sorry!) I believe it was with the facial products tho, it most definetly shows a purchase for 5gl's of KEROSENE!! I've mentioned this before, but I have to wonder with that in mind, coupled with all of the gas in the cans, had she been considering burning down his house to cover her crimes?? Maybe thought better of it by realising a huge fire could have possibly not let her escape unnoticed so easily? As many of you, I too seem to waken in the night with so much of this on my mind. I've been trying to stay away from all things JA, but keep popping back in here to read up on all of you brilliant minded sleuthers thoughts! I ran across one of my all time favorite movies, "Chicaco", & attempted to get lost in that, UNTIL...ta ta ta ta! Richard Gere in his "Razzle Dazzle" court room antics in which he coached & lead Jodi Arias (oops!! Roxie Hart!) right into the hearts of the jurors! Seriously, I think, with all of JA's movie buff experience, she's now playing Roxie! Remember what finally happened (in their spin) that led her to kill her lover? TO SAVE HER UNBORN BABY OF COURSE! Think about it, she could have 'believed' she was pregnant, right? And maybe when Travis learned of this he had absolutely insisted she couldn't keep it, it would have hurt his reputation. There is really nothing left she could say at this point that will surprise me, but I'll NEVER believe her. Every time little doubts come into my mind, (I know, pretent I'm that one juror we keep talking about!) it doesn't take any time at all to snap me outta it & back to my senses!! I've gotta have faith in this jury, they'll help shake eachother out of any silly little notions they may momentarily have!! I think this long week end has probably been a really good thing for them to recover from the droning on of hers & Nurmi's aggravating voices & collect their wits about them! Now for me, I'm gonna read over some of ya'll's thoughts & then go spend some time with my grandsons! (I think I should ask them to hide my computer from me & I'll call them Tuesday morning to find out where they put it!!)
Sorry.......she did not buy kerosene. She bought a kerosene carbuoy. Which is a container for kerosene. It is a different color than a gas can but you can still put gasoline in in. This is what it says on the reciept.....which is from Wal mart. It was an empty five gallon container.
I just had this image of Jodi mistakenly thinking the camera was in some bundle of bloody clothes with the other stuff. Just a simple mistake on her part where she really thought she had the camera. She gets out to a remote spot to burn/bury them, and finds out then that the camera isn't there. Can you imagine!

If that was the case, she chickened out in not driving back to Mesa, and sneaking back into the house to look for the camera. IDK, I just find the camera and the pics the oddest.

Things did not go as neatly as she pre-planned. I mean she tries to tell in interrogation how she knows the best way to kill, so she's in essence saying things didn't go as easy peazy as she had planned. She'd wear gloves, she'd do it humanely, and she would be sure to take the camera with her, you'd think.

It kind of explains why she called the crime scene and kept asking to talk to the detectives onscene. Who does that? I think it showed her supreme anxiety/nervousness about mistakes like the camera. JMO

It must have cracked Flores up that the witnesses were already talking about this ex gf named Jodi Arias, and before he even gets the chance to look her up, she is on the phone with witnesses and asking to speak to the homicide detectives. :what: Suspects like to return to the scene of the crime. :floorlaugh:
Perhaps she thought the pics were stored in the internal memory.

If that's what she thought - the joke was on her since there apparently was no internal memory/storage on that model of camera! She should have taken the card! :lol:
You have to admit that her luring him to the shower was genius though.

Just not stabbing him first.

The sex, shower, and surprise attack definitely combined to help her overcome the size/strength differential.

I can imagine that it would be rather difficult to effectively defend yourself against a shock and awe attack from where you'd least expect it, especially while slipping and sliding around in a wet shower stall.
I've thought the same - angels and divine intervention hid the camera from her awareness.
Then she must have been just going over the pics before she left to take the time to delete them too. She should have been cleaning up more and taking the dang camera with her to the bonfire.

I've no doubt that she didn't want to be caught with the camera and card, but leaving them there?

After all, she didn't want to be caught with the gun and knife either, but she didn't leave those.

Well, I for one am grateful that she's not brighter and more careful.
Two things that Juan will use to impeach Jodi's credibility on the stand.

Her computer virus story the night of the murder in which she alleges that Travis raped her vaginally after getting angry about a virus on his laptop that prevented them from looking at their pictures (seriously). Computer scientist Melendez examined his laptop and found no viruses. Wilcott pressed at him about this but he insisted that he found no viruses of any kind.

Her bondage sex story that included gagging with light rope. As testified to by Flores, no such rope was found anywhere at the crime scene or in the bedroom. Such a rope would surely have been confiscated in a bloody homicide like this if it had indeed existed, as such an item would indicate torture. Jodi fabricated this story to explain the knife. That it's a confirmed lie, this can only mean that she brought the knife with her.

One of Jodi's undoing! She gives too much detail. Watching true crime now! Detective investigating a murder commented! A person becomes highly suspect when they give to much detail! Like jodi is doing! Lets see if she has the same recollect when Martinez gets ahold of her.
She had a Canon Rebel, which does have internal memory, likely leading to that assumption about the Sony.
I don't think that necessarily means anything though -- they didn't find a knife or gun either.

It's not the same because Jodi would have no reason to take the rope with her. Hardly incriminating like the knife and gun. Or is she going to claim Napoleon ate it?
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