jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #49 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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yes she did. She talked about sleeping on the floor with him and his roommate in an apartment sort of thing attached to his parent's house I believe? Attached to a main house.

Was this June 2? This trial has taken so long, I've forgotten so much of what happened. It's hard to even remember Juan's case in chief at this point.
Oooohhh .. great question. I have a feeling the prosecution has already talked to the people at the salon. By Juan's questions, I get the idea he knows which salon and knows quite a bit about it.

Can anyone confirm whether or not Jodi testified about staying at Matt McCartney's house on June 2 during her murder trip?

Yes .She testifie she slept on the floor of the bedroom Matt shared with his roommate.
Was this June 2? This trial has taken so long, I've forgotten so much of what happened. It's hard to even remember Juan's case in chief at this point.

hmmmm...I'm thinking it was before heading to Darry'ls for omelettes for breakfast? But I could easily be wrong on that.

Jodi of course could remember every ingredient in those omelettes but forgets having blood soaked clothing.
Jodi's going to claim that she did not write the coded messages in the magazines.
Usually two weapons means two perps.

In this case, maybe one for torture, one for control?

Isn't there a cruelty clause in the charge?

But, like KCL said, neither side is arguing two perps, so it's moot.

I thought the day Jodie was arrested she had a gun and a knife under the front seat of the car? Did the police find them or was it the rental car agency that reported them? And I think she was on her way to see MM....didn't she say she was moving back down to the Monterrey area? Maybe MM does know more than he was saying and Jodi was on her way to permanently shut him up.

After CA got off, I swore off true crime lol but this case brought me right back in! I mostly lurk but Jodie possessing another knife and gun so soon after killing TA has me really, really curious. No way was she going camping with a bunch of strange guys.....where does she come up with this crap? :waitasec:
Just wanna say, my favorite Juanisms of the day yesterday were:

"WHAT GAVE YOU THE RIGHT....???" (and the way he said it)


"when you were peeping...."
I find it sorta odd that Deanna testified at the 8-8 hearing, but was never called by either side to testify in the trial. I would think she could be a wealth of information.
hmmmm...I'm thinking it was before heading to Darry'ls for omelettes for breakfast? But I could easily be wrong on that.

Jodi of course could remember every ingredient in those omelettes but forgets having blood soaked clothing.

Now I'm going to have to go listen to the testimony because it's going to bug me until I figure this out.
I do wonder what she really thinks when she gets off the stand. She certainly seemed very proud of herself while she was sparring with that mean ol' Juan Martinez, didn't she?! And that little smile she had and then lowered her head so that it would not be seen, when she was on the stand, is so sociopathic/psychopathic, it's textbook. "Yes, folks, I'm winning -- I knew it would be easy, easy, easy."

What does she think when she is lying in her cot at night in the jailhouse? I wonder the same about each defendant when I watch trials. What are they really thinking? Are they worrying or smirking?

Did she think she had a good day against JM, getting the best of him at each & every turn, or does she think he scored a couple of points? Does she really think that she is that superior to him in the court room, or is she shaking in her boots and dreading the next day's grilling. <smh>

She thought she had an excellent day - caught on a couple of silly points, maybe, that the jury won't catch anyway (her opinion, not mine). Lying in her cot, reading the day's testimony and exhibits, she will come up with appropriate cover stories for Nurmi's rebuttal. Then she will lay back and relive every cunning strike she made throughout the day (not!).

I can't wait for Mr. Martinez to find her Achilles heel and move in for the kill. I think he's playing two hands at the moment, whittling away at her lies for the jury, plus popping in the odd 'bombshell' to keep their attention, and fencing with her, 'scrambling her brain' and waiting for her weak spot. I think that chink in her armour is the fact that after all she had unselfishly invested in the relationship, she was still 'not the one'.
Jodi's going to claim that she did not write the coded messages in the magazines.

Yup, she's already headed that off at the pass, or tried to, talking about the "Sargent then the officer then another sargent" the magazines would have to pass through to get to their intended target.

I wonder if he will call the person who found those messages in his rebuttal case. I bet so.
Bearing in mind JM had begun tackling JA&#8217;s account of her road trip, I revisited DB&#8217;s testimony and I&#8217;m wondering if the fact Juan cross-ex&#8217;d DB so extensively suggests there may be more about this Jun 3 meeting that he still wants/needs to expose.

Interesting how economical with the truth DB was during his cross. He couldn&#8217;t recall a lot of things: how long JA was there on Jun 3; whether MMc stopped by during breakfast; whether JA came back later that morning to return a remote control; what colour her rental car was; whether his own ex-wife had breast implants; whether JA asked for money from Jonathan Leach (a 48 Hours producer) when they met him together for dinner.

DB may know/suspect a whole lot more than he has testified.
I did not know much about sociopaths prior to the posts here. Could it be possible that TA did not fully comprehend what a true sociopath really was and called her that simply in lieu of "psycho"?
I find it sorta odd that Deanna testified at the 8-8 hearing, but was never called by either side to testify in the trial. I would think she could be a wealth of information.

Wonder what that was about
Very true - why not get it fixed (could say she had no $ or insurance). I think it would be very difficult to cut a tendon to create that severe of a deformity with a kick to the hand - probably nearly impossible. I would guess a doctor could testify that there is a very high probability it is from a cut to the finger. Why not bolster her case by proving it was broken with a simple x-ray? Maybe a juror will ask that logical question.

I think it's been proven beyond a reasonable doubt Travis didn't kick her on the day she alleged and it was, in fact and her own words, damaged on murder day.

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Yup, she's already headed that off at the pass, or tried to, talking about the "Sargent then the officer then another sargent" the magazines would have to pass through to get to their intended target.

I wonder if he will call the person who found those messages in his rebuttal case. I bet so.

I bet he's just going to leave the implication, which is pretty clear. He never asked if she wrote them probably because he knows she'll lie. The way he handled it, it's clear that she wrote them.
Jodi's going to claim that she did not write the coded messages in the magazines.

Yeah it was that "unnamed" guard that forced her into doing that inside edition episode where she lied her a$$ off cause she had to or she'd be lead into a padded cell, again by the "unnamed" guard.

That same guard probably has it in for JA and put those cryptic messages in pencil just to seal her fate...:floorlaugh:

she's unbelievable
Now I'm going to have to go listen to the testimony because it's going to bug me until I figure this out.

What are you thinking about this? I mean what question are you wanting answered by knowing this detail in the timeline? Sorry if I missed it.
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