jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 10TH DAY #54 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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It's so stressful to anticipate what a Jury will do. However this case has such a different feel to it. Much of the "vibe" is from her testifying. This is not something we often see.

As we know, testifying for yourself often does not go well and was a sign that this was such a losing proposition, we have nothing to lose and this is our Hail Mary pass, just get up and give it a go, after all, it can't get worse than a bloody crime scene and a nearly decapitated victim that we really can't find any dirt on. Which translates to a nice guy, no criminal history, beloved by his friends and even ex girlfriends who call him a total gentleman.

So how do we explain why you stabbed him 29 times (not just once) and then shot him in the face?

I know we will never know this part, but I would love to know if this story of self defense was created by her Defense team?

I think under normal circumstances a Defense team would never suggest to their client what to say right? Can someone speak to that? Could they have guided her to this elaborate story little by little in some verbal exchange or would they be bold enough to say "Listen, you need to say he tried to kill you"

OR do you think she made ALL this up on her own?

i think it was a collaboration but that's just my opinion. they're not supposed to help her lie, but who would know if they did? unless they got caught like they apparently did with the letters---her attorney withdrew over that, i believe.
Because they were hand written.

I see many people making comments all over the place regarding whether this was due to an email, when. I suggest reading the 2-25-2013 argument/brief made by the state.

Sorry I am not going to put on hip waders and blindfolds, why in all this time has the state not provided Travis's journals, they do exist, if they showed such a positive light. When you Zerox something or make a copy, which is what Jodi has, it is not forged, UNLESS it has been altered and that can be called into question

They don't have Travis' Journals. Jodi took them. Nobody has seen them since
I was talking about this case to a friend of mine and I am VERY anti-Jodi so I know the story coming out of my mouth wasn't Jodi-friendly. So I laid out the case, told her all about all of the sexual encounters and how TA made it clear that JA was not the marrying kind. 1/2 way through my friend turned to me and said "Sounds like he got just what he deserved". I think my jaw must have been on the table for an extended period of time because she said "What?, he was an arse!". I replied "and he deserved to have his throat slit, a knife penetrate his body 27 times, and be shot in the head" because he used a girl who was very willing to be used?

She said "You're right, no, he didn't. But I don't think she should get the death penalty."

I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people felt this way. I, do not.

after trial I did the unspeakable....:blushing: I watched JVM--during it they showed ja singing that Christmas hymn--dh thought she sang good--told him no---she was a murderer and they don't sing good It amazed me that something that simple could set me off---don't think I could handle your friend-because I agree with you:please:
I think the comparison is interesting too, Curious.

I think JA probably took out a lot of 'loans' from her boyfriends. We know from TA, DB for sure. Phone given to her from Gus. I heard some other guy (can't remember who, restaurant patron?) she borrowed $$ to go to AZ. Gas cans from DB.

She borrowed from her Mom to afford to get back to CA.

I don't think she is nearly as good a thief as KC, but I think she was scamming off many people through the years. She had to be, IMO, because she couldn't have been making much money, as little as it seems she spent time working.

FCA is a thief, JA is a grifter. They are both liars and murderers, though. IMO, of course.

And good morning, everyone! I'm hoping for Juan to address the actual murder today. I want to see her try to scramble and "not remember but remember" while he rapid-fires questions at her. Yes or no, ma'am? The faster he goes, the more she lets out snippets of truth (alibi, anyone?). And show those pictures, get them right up in her arrogant face.

I hope she cracks. I really, really hope she cracks, and the jury sees the evil b*tch that she is.
I didn't realize that Searcy was the person TA was to have the conference call with on June 4th. Do you think that JA knew that before she arrived or even right after the she killed TA? I also did know that JA's mom uploaded a picture JA painted of TA's older brother Gary on JA's myspace. Was or is she even thinking of selling that?? If you have discussed this before I apologize but if so could you tell me what your thoughts were on this?
My BF feels the same way ( we don't talk about the case much as I get very upset when he dosn't take my side, I tell him I'm going to turn JA on you ) anyway we don't speak of it as she dosn't deserve the DP she deserves to be tortured, brutially tortured. The DP is to simple. I'm harsh I know, this is MOO. There are to many people who think they have the right to another persons live and it's because there punishment isn't harsh enough IMO. We sent these sick people to prison where we give them FREE medical, FREE education, FREE meals, FREE utilities. I have a family member now in Prison for the 3rd time and he prefers it. He has a college degree from his 2nd time in prison. It's an eaiser life for some then getting a job, paying your bill, going grocery shopping, cooking dinner, cleaning up the kitchen and so on.

OK Ok sorry done venting.
Their eventual death is always far more humane than the way their victim(s) were killed. I don't think everyone on DR should be there, but the high profile cases I can think of have the perps clearly where they belong. And then you have the cowards who exchange pleas like BTK so he only gets LWOP. While he has the advantages of the above like you said. Ones like him are beyond rehabilitation....not everyone in prison can be rehabbed (my own word). Rant off now too lol.
Anyone else keeping an eye on the JAII site? WOW the theories they have floating around over there are just BIZARRO World. I'll read anything, by anyone, and make up my own mind... but after leaving there without drinking the koolaid.. i needed an adult beverage!
No that's quite ok....I don't want to start my workday early. I see and hear enough of that stuff where I work....their claims rank right up there with the claims of hospitals installing monitoring devices in men's genitalia. VERY...unbelievable.
:furious:: I've never heard this. Is this a fact or your opinion?
It is not established as fact that Jodi took them. It is established as fact that they are missing. Logic says Jodi took them since he likely recorded all sorts of reality things about her that she couldn't stand. It isn't a fact though, that she actually did this, since of course she can't give a straight truthful answer about,well, anything.
Because they were hand written.

I see many people making comments all over the place regarding whether this was due to an email, when. I suggest reading the 2-25-2013 argument/brief made by the state.

Sorry I am not going to put on hip waders and blindfolds, why in all this time has the state not provided Travis's journals, they do exist, if they showed such a positive light. When you Zerox something or make a copy, which is what Jodi has, it is not forged, UNLESS it has been altered and that can be called into question

I had same ? Someone said they're missing stolen?? Per my theory she burnt evidence in desert guessing they went up to in her rage esp if he wrote anything neg about her ie JA is crazy can't get away from her etc jmo
It's so stressful to anticipate what a Jury will do. However this case has such a different feel to it. Much of the "vibe" is from her testifying. This is not something we often see.

As we know, testifying for yourself often does not go well and was a sign that this was such a losing proposition, we have nothing to lose and this is our Hail Mary pass, just get up and give it a go, after all, it can't get worse than a bloody crime scene and a nearly decapitated victim that we really can't find any dirt on. Which translates to a nice guy, no criminal history, beloved by his friends and even ex girlfriends who call him a total gentleman.

So how do we explain why you stabbed him 29 times (not just once) and then shot him in the face?

I know we will never know this part, but I would love to know if this story of self defense was created by her Defense team?

I think under normal circumstances a Defense team would never suggest to their client what to say right? Can someone speak to that? Could they have guided her to this elaborate story little by little in some verbal exchange or would they be bold enough to say "Listen, you need to say he tried to kill you"

OR do you think she made ALL this up on her own?

I don't think defense can encourage her to lie. They'd be in deep do-do. I think all they can do right now is damage control. jmo
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