jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #55 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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"You coudln't stay away from Travis, right?" "So the reason you were being so judgmental is that you were jealous, right?" OH BWAH HA HA HA HA HA!!
She is already thinking of him as a husband when she just stated they weren't even "official" yet??
Shannon Peterson on the emails:
PETERSEN: I think she was just upset that he would e-mail any other woman besides her because like I said, I was married. I had kids. They were not inappropriate e-mails. Nothing I would not show my husband. And she was just I think upset that he was corresponding with me. Now, he and I were friends back when I was single. So maybe that`s why maybe she thought, you know, he still held a candle or something, I don`t know. But she was -- she was upset about it.
Every reasonable woman would be jealous.

Why does she absolutely refuse to admit to jealousy, even though it would be appropriate and reasonable to feel jealousy?

Jealousy is HER kryptonite.
Because I was more worried how he'd treat me as a wife because he joked about sex with a married woman...

Then I was at the fact he choked me until I was unconscious, broke my finger, and kicked me in the ribs.

Riiiiiiiiiiiight. (Not verbatim, of course, but might as well be. ;))
February 26, 2013

Defence CIC

Cross examination of Jodi Arias by Juan Martinez, day 3
Morning testimony

--When JA was 17 years old she moved in with Bobby Juarez. He lived with his grandparents.
--JA had a feeling something was wrong with her relationship with Bobby. JA says that Bobby would flirt and he used to talk on the phone a lot with a woman and their conversations were long and
--JA doesn't remember the subject matter, says it was the tone.
--JA had a car and she drove Bobby around all the time.
--One day she was driving him and she was on her way to work. They went to the library to go onto a computer. Both JA and Bobby were on the same computer at the same time together. There was no code for the websites they were visiting. JM asks if anybody could go to the library and get into a hotmail account without a password. Did not need a password to get on to the computer but needed a password for a Hotmail account.
--After looking at the computer they left and JA then dropped Bobby off at a friend's house and she was supposed to go to work.
--JM asks JA if she remembers testimony from direct examination where she did not talk about anything about that day between the time she dropped Bobby off and her going to work. JM asks if she has a memory problem. JA says she doesn't.
--On the way to work JA dropped off Bobby and after that she went back to the computer and hit backspace and was able to access Bobby's hotmail account even though it is password protected. JA says only if you don't log out. Bobby did not log out of the hotmail account. JM asks JA if she thought to tell him to log out.
--JA says she was not sitting next to Bobby when he was looking at his Hotmail account. Says she went to her own computer.
--JA was suspicious about what Bobby was looking at in his Hotmail.
--JM says "in a sense you were snooping in somebody elses mail. JA says that she wouldn't put it that way. JM asks her how she would put it. JM asks if she told Bobby she was going to look at his account. JA says no.
--JA looked in the Hotmail account without Bobby's permission.
--JM asks how much time passed between leaving the library and coming back. (This was in Yreka). JA says she doesn't know how long it was. It was only a matter of minutes because she had to be at work right then.
--JA notified her work that she wasn't coming in that night. She didn't tell work that she wasn't going until after the computer incident. JA says she was upset.
--JA goes to the computer and started reading emails. Printed out some of the letters that she felt was inappropriate. Letters were not sexual. JA says they were beyond friendly. Bobby and this woman had never met before.
--JA decides that Bobby is cheating on her and the emails validated what she had been feeling.
--JM says that JA decided right then and there to do something about it.
--JA was working at the Purple Plum.
--JA printed the letters and then confronted Bobby with them.
--JM says "you are very direct when you feel you have been ???"
--JM says "you didn't waste any time going to Bobby with the letters".
--JM says "you let him know you had a problem with these letters".
--JA says she gave Bobby the letters and started to cry.
--After JA gave Bobby the letters he began to read them.
--JA says that she went and got all her stuff as she decided to move out.
--JM says "You didn't waste any time at that tender age". (17-18 years old).
--JA decided to stay with Bobby after they talked about it.
--JM asks JA where she spent after packing up all her stuff from Bobby's place. JA went to her grandmother's house. After a few days she got back with Bobby.
--JA and Bobby talked and they got back together.
--JM asks JA about MM and says "you sort of did the same thing with him didn't you?"
--JA now talking about the MM cheating story. How she heard the information about MM cheating and JM says "and you immediately left work". "you left because you were going to deal with this issue with Bianca".
--JM asks JA if she has problems understanding and JA says "sometimes, because you go in circles".
--JM asking her again about how she drove 1.5 hours to go and speak with Bianca. JA says she left work, stopped at home to change and then went to speak with Bianca.
--JM says "that's your personality, when you feel something is not right you confront that person".
--JM now asking about the August 2007 incident where she went to confront Travis. JM says "you felt like you were being courted". JA says "I was being courted".
--JA says "I wasn't allowed to be confrontational with Travis". JM is asking how could TA have that control over her.
--JM now asking about when she was planning on moving to Yreka....JM says she didn't waste any time.
--JM asking her how she immediately got out of the relationship with DB. JA says: "immediately, as in it was four days later.". JM reminds her that when she decides something she acts immediately on it.
--Jodi's mother assisted JA with moving, mother came out on Sunday March 30, 2008. JA says that Sunday doesn't sound right. Mother came out and was acting in a way that you didn't like....mother was making stupid excuses...and was also being negative and because of that you made sure she went back didn't you?
--JM says that in your personal life that you act very quickly and JA says in those examples.
--another she acted with Ryan Burns. Talked on the phone, then texted, then made plans to meet him, then decided to meet him and drive out to West Jordan, and on the first date....very quickly have sexual contact with him. JA says that there was no sexual contact...says that she was on top of him sleeping.
--re: Travis, broke up with him in June 2007, JM says she was able to do that. JM says that she broke up with him because of trust issues.
--JM asking about Bobby Juarez again. JM asks JA if she had anal inercourse with Bobby and she says on two occasions. JM asks her about Richard Samuels who is assisting in her defence. JA told Richard that the only person she had anal intercourse with is Travis. JM and JA are now in a war of words about what she told Richard Samuels. JM complains to the judge that JA is not responding. JM rephrases the question about anal intercourse with Bobby.
--JM is now asking about the sex tape and the issue of baby oil and KY. JM says that the reason she was able to say KY was better than baby oil is because she used it with Bobby. JA says she doesn't remember what kind of lubricant they used.
--Exhibit 479, 48 hours video, interviewer asking if she was happy in her relationship with Travis. JA says that she was very happy and he taught her a lot (paraphrased). Nurmi objects and asks to approach the bench.
--JM asks JA about her indicating that TA was an "amazing person". JM says he was somebody you loved...JA says yes.
--JM says that the reason JA broke up with TA is because she thought he was unfaithful. JA says that she knew he was unfaithful. JM says that one of the reasons she thought he was unfaithful is that she looked at TA's phone after he fell asleep. JA went and read some text messages and JA says that the subject matter was bothering you (paraphrased). Subject matter was body parts interacting with other body parts and meeting up at hotel rooms. JM asks if she was offended and JA says she was "very offended". JA then says she was "hurt".
--JA says that JM is making her brain scramble. JA says it is the way he is posing the questions.
--JA says she is more focused on JM's posture and anger.
--JM asks her if it is true that she is having problems on the witness stand because of the way the prosecutor is asking the questions. So the truth depends on the style. Nurmi objects.
--JM asks her if she is asking the truth but is having problems telling us the truth now because of the way the questions are being phrased. JA says she doesn't know how to answer that. Nurmi objects....badgering. Sustained.
--JM tells Jodi that she indicated that the prosecutor's posture is a problem. JA says that she is focused on his posture and that is part of the problem.
--JM is asking JA about Flores' interview from July 15, 2008 and he was sitting down and was very quiet but she still lied to him.
--JA says that she will always tell the she says under oath.
--JM says that in that interview Flores was sitting and JM says that now she is having a problem is because the prosecutor is standing. JA says that it is her own internal problem.
--JM says "here, are you having trouble because the prosector is standing?".
--Now into a war of words about remembering the questions and answers.
--JM goes to the lecturn and asks JA if she would feel more comfortable with him standing there like her defence council did. Nurmi objects. Sidebar.
--JM asks JA if she would be more comfortable if he stood in different places. JA says that it doesn't matter where he stands.
--JA says it is not just dependant on the prosecutor.
--JM reminds her again how she lied to Flores.
--JM "so it really doesn't have to do with the person or where they are sitting".
--JA says she lied to Travis based in his posture. JM objects.
--JM says this is about your ability to answer questions in the court room. JM says what we are trying to determine is what will allow you to answer questions from the prosecutor.
--court reported re-reads the question again. JA says she doesn't understand the question.
--JM rephrases, asks her if she understands and JA says she is not getting a chance to answer the questions fully. JA says yes.
--Getting back to the break up with Travis and snooping in her telephone without his permission. JA says "not explicitly". JA says at one point she did have his permission and JM says that he is asking about that day. JM asks her if on that day did TA tell her to look at the phone. JA says, not on that day.
--JA looked at the text messages and made the decision that the relationship was over. She was so upset that she still decided to go on vacation with Travis even though she had that information. They went to New York and then went to a retreat and then to Huntington Beach. Stayed with TA, had sex with him, even though she was very upset with what she knew. She chose to go on vacation rather than break up with him.
--JM says so the way you see it, it was TA's fault she broke up with him. JM says who was to blame for the break up. JA says "we each had a part in it" and JM says that the reason they broke up was something he did. JM says that the fact that she went behind TA's back and looked at the telephone had nothing to do with the break up.
--JM says it was a dishonest thing to do and JA says it was. JM says you feel bad about it but haven't you done similar things in the past....with Bobby and then with Matt.
--JA says that she didn't talk to Matt before talking to Bianca is because he wasn't available.
--JM asks JA about how on two different occasions she did engage in conduct that MM did not know about before she did it.
--JA says she wasn't sneaking around...JM says that she didn't tell them about it. JA says again that she wasn't sneaking was not dishonest.
--re: looking at TA's phone.....they became an item in February 2007...she was living in Palm Desert but at some point she was able to look at TA's computer and looked at it in Mesa. She started to look at TA's MySpace emails. She looked at some of the emails and even though she didn't have permission to look at those emails. JM says again, this is this dishonest conduct on your part.
--JA sees two emails from two females. One of the emails is about the New Years Eve meeting and JM asks if that upset her. JA says "not really". This happened before JA and TA were officially dating. JM says that it shouldn't have bothered her. JM says that she looked at TA's emails and then they had a conversation about it. JA says that TA talked to her premptively.
--JM says so what she was doing was checking up on him. JA says she wanted to see if what TA told her was accurate.
--One of the emails was from a married woman, Shannon Peterson, JA says the woman was married and what they were talking about was inappropriate. JA says she doesn't want to destroy anybody's marriage.
--JA says they were joking about getting together. JM asks JA again about TA and this woman were joking. JA says that's what she would like to believe. JM says if they were joking about it, what is the problem.
--JA says that by LDS standards you aren not supposed to be having conversations of that type with somebody elses spouse.
--JM says that JA was familiar enough with the Mormon faith and knew that joking about those things was not something that was viewed favorably by the Morman Church. JM says that with respect to sexual intercourse she did not know it was not accepted. JA says that she didn't that time.
--JM says so just kidding about such things is against the Mormon faith but oral intercourse is okay. JA says if it involves somebody who is married.
--JM asks JA if they have brochures they hand out where it talks about sexual conduct. Laying on top of somebody with clothes on is against Mormon teachings and JM reminds her that she laid on top of Ryan. JA says she did not know it was against the Mormon teachings.
--JA says it was a year after that she found out.
--JA says she found out from Rachel.
--JM asks JA why she didn't ask the Bishop.
--JM asks JA if she ever had a desire to find out from the Mormon Church what was allowed. JA says she did. JM asks her if she went to the Bishop and she says she went to Rachel in August 2007. JA says they went all the way, consensually and they were both awake.
--JM asks her if she read the literature or go to the Bishop...JA says that she didn't read *that* pamphlet.
--JM says that the pamphlet says that you are not to engage in oral intercourse or any intercourse or even certain types of music and what kind of movies should be looked at. November 2006-August 2007, JM asks her if she had the opportunity to review any of it. JA says she did not ask.
--JM says she was conflicted that she saw TA joking with somebody who was married. Although she believed that they didn't have any secual contact yet she had no problem engaging in all this conduct yet judging somebody for just talking.
--JM says you never sought counselling about your sexual contact with anybody in the Mormon Church. JA says it was because she didn't think it was wrong.
--JM asks her if she enjoyed it and JA says she did.
--JM says that Travis described her as his kryptonite.
--JA says she was considering a future with TA and if would treat somebody that she wondered how he would treat her as his wife (paraphrased).

Judge: Attorneys need anything before lunch??
Nurmi: No!

Nurmi is all about some lunch. ;)

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Most especially about sexual relations which are so important in our church. We have strong beliefs regarding this. That's why there is a pamphlet. This line she has been spewing has been one of the most ridiculous aggravating things she says to me!!

I love your input. Thank you
would hate to do this to TA family but to make JA stop disrespecting Juan, possibly put the photo of what Jodi did to Travis on the screen in front of her

Yeah, she probably couldn't stop staring at it. She is just that creepy and sick.
That was fun!

Wasnt it? Priceless.

This was more compelling that any drama on tv or movie. This is a real sociopath who doesnt even realize Juan is peeling of the layers of the onion and taking off her mask!

You can find the pamphlets at the mall, Jodi, right next to the pedophile pamphlets ~ you know where those are located, RIGHT?!?!?!??!

Of course, everybody knows where to find pedo pamphlets.
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