jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #57 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Wish I could say what I think of Nurmi pulling this stunt.

I can't even begin to describe how disgusted I am with this defense attorney. He is dislikable, petty, childish, churlish, arrogant and unprofessional. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but he makes Jose Baez look good.

This judge NEEDS to take control of her courtroom. This is not Nurmi's courtroom, it is HER courtroom. When on earth has anyone heard of an attorney dictating the hours court will be in session? Anyone remember Judge Belvin Perry saying he would work them six days a week, 12 hours a day if necessary?

I can't speak! :furious:
I know if I was on that jury, I'd be pizzed that Nurmi asked for court to end each day at 4:30pm. I'm sure they want to get on with their lives and not drag this out any longer than necessary. I realize they all have a responsibility to fulfill as jurors but Jodi already seems like a very needy and demanding person and I don't think this is going to impress the jurors too much. And with that, is Nurmi asking for EVERY DAY to end at 4:30pm or just the days while JA is on the stand? What a piece of work she is. I want to puke.
When HLN replayed the part where she said "I don't know, you're talking in circles", it reminded me of something somebody here on WS said. I wish I could remember who it was, or when I read it, sometime in the last week. They said the way to trip up a liar is to ask them questions out of order. I love that sentence, it's so true.
Aaaaaand, we are back to the TH talking about poor JA being bullied by JM. Nothing about a source at the jail confirming or denying this no lunch stuff, not another word about the antics just now.

A win for JA?! Bwahaha! Not if they had to end the day early because of a migraine
--Court returns from recess.

--JA gets on the stand.

--SIDEBAR: My guess is JM was about to hit JA with something really hard.

--10 min break: Nurmi brings up the lunch/migraine issues that he's been keeping in his back pocket to interrupt or stall JM from presenting something really significant damaging in the last 45 mins-hour.

That's how I read what just happened anyway.

The sidebar had to be about something KN did NOT want coming up today - after JA's bad showing re the sex testimony. Can't stall forever, but I think KN shut this down for what was about to happen, not the reasons he gave (food/migraine).
This is absolutely ridiculous!

Why would they wait until today to complain about her lack of lunch?

What a coinkydink that after her cat and mouse with Mr. Martinez she develops a migraine.

Funny that she was all sweetness and smiles in her sexual commentary on the stand earlier, looking over at the jury and trying to connect with her tales of oral sex and KY, but suddenly, BAM, a migraine appeared out of nowhere.

I would be reviewing the tapes to see if she was really feeling ill, or if this is all part of one of "movie scripts"
Just waked in the door....what is going on????????
Are we live streaming? I've missed since lunch!!!!!!!!! HELP@!

Poor Jodi hasn't had lunch, and she has she migraine.

Translation: Nurmi told her something was coming up that she wasn't prepared for. She needs time to come up with some new BS.

:tears: :boohoo:

Just to note, she didn't have any trouble on direct with no lunch. :gavel:
Honestly folks, I'm getting very very worried. I am really afraid that the jury's going to be sympathetic and let her off. I know this is heresy but I don't think that the prosecution is laying out a logical case - he's all over the place, and he lets his disgust for her show too much. I hope to god I'm wrong.

Yes, you are wrong.

I have zero worry about that. Zero.

(not trying to be snotty, just confident ;) )
Just waked in the door....what is going on????????
Are we live streaming? I've missed since lunch!!!!!!!!! HELP@!

we are done for the day . . . . Miss Deeds aka JA aka _izzy Borden . . . has come down with a migraine headache from being unable to have access to food . . . Nurmi alleges the Sheriff's office has not provided her lunch on a consistent basis, and court must end by 4:30 . . . . . dead on the dot.

IIRC Sheriff Joe only feeds his prisoners 2 times per day . . . Brunch and Dinner . . .

In a previous trial (Baby Gabriel) Sheriff Joe made mention the defendant could take part of their brunch with them to court if they wanted to eat it at lunch time. (I remember thinking I could not go that long without eating)
I can't even begin to describe how disgusted I am with this defense attorney. He is dislikable, petty, childish, churlish, arrogant and unprofessional. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but he makes Jose Baez look good.

This judge NEEDS to take control of her courtroom. This is not Nurmi's courtroom, it is HER courtroom. When on earth has anyone heard of an attorney dictating the hours court will be in session? Anyone remember Judge Belvin Perry saying he would work them six days a week, 12 hours a day if necessary?

I can't speak! :furious:

Agree with all except the Jose Baez statement.
Honestly folks, I'm getting very very worried. I am really afraid that the jury's going to be sympathetic and let her off. I know this is heresy but I don't think that the prosecution is laying out a logical case - he's all over the place, and he lets his disgust for her show too much. I hope to god I'm wrong.

For now I'll give those fine folks the benefit of the doubt and trust that they can see as clearly as most of us can that she is a complete liar who would run her own family over with a tank if it meant she could put on makeup, forget about saving her pathetic life. I also think these jurors will have sympathy for Travis, the real victim, who suffered more than JA will ever suffer no matter what happens to her. They will NOT forget that or lose sight of what this trial is about despite the games and bullcrap the defense hurls at them. And I don't think the jurors will convict or acquit based on their feelings towards any lawyer.
Holy cow. Ok that is stupid...if true. I don't mind some of Sheriff Joe's tactics but getting up at 3 or 4 am and having breakfast then and waiting until 6pm for dinner? No...I don't agree with that. That would mess me up all kinds.

Doubly stupid is how long this trial has been going on - and the defendant in court or testifying - without the DT saying a single word about it, or working out a way to provide some food for their client during lunch time.

That's just beyond stupid.
When Elizabeth Johnson was on trial in Phoenix not too long ago, her atty brought up the same issue about her not getting anything for lunch. They also brought up the fact that Maricopa County prisoners only are given meals twice a day - if they want to eat during the day, they buy themselves snacks. EJ's judge ordered the jail to allow EJ to bring some of her breakfast with her to court to eat for lunch.

So JA is getting a special treatment to have lunch provided to her!
Holy cow. Ok that is stupid...if true. I don't mind some of Sheriff Joe's tactics but getting up at 3 or 4 am and having breakfast then and waiting until 6pm for dinner? No...I don't agree with that. That would mess me up all kinds.

I just happened to see it on Twitter last week and it caught my eye because I realized that's where JA is. Gave Nurmi a handy excuse.
They are replaying the "brain scramble" testimony on HLN and I swear to gosh she tried her hardest not to smile after she said it. It's a faint micro smile but it's there!

... and that faint micro smile is being aimed at one of the jury when they seat. Which one is it? I place my bet on a male.

Is this a migraine or malingering, Nurmi?
I watched the Elizabeth Johnson (Baby Gabriel) trial also in Arizona. Her lawyers also requested she be provided lunch but the it was denied. Elizabeth wasn't even on trial for murder. What makes Jodi so special?
This is absolutely ridiculous!

Why would they wait until today to complain about her lack of lunch?

What a coinkydink that after her cat and mouse with Mr. Martinez she develops a migraine.

Funny that she was all sweetness and smiles in her sexual commentary on the stand earlier, looking over at the jury and trying to connect with her tales of oral sex and KY, but suddenly, BAM, a migraine appeared out of nowhere.

I would be reviewing the tapes to see if she was really feeling ill, or if this is all part of one of "movie scripts"

The judge bought this BS or was influenced by future appeal. Now, I wonder about the judge.

I also want her medical history of migraines.
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