Jodi Arias Trial discussion, #2

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Brain was mush

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Yes , the bullet went thru the brain !
It passed through the freaking brain, lady...
Don't argue with the guy - he said the bullet had to have passed through the brain! Her attorney isn't backing off.
wow! who is she kidding?
Is she serious? Bullet didn't enter brain???
puh leeze
OMG... so Jodi found a Kennedy-type bullet? WTH, lady?
This attorney is trying to defeat physics. She wants Travis's brain to have moved itself out away from the path of the bullet.
I can't find the medical examiner's name anywhere. Did anyone catch it? Thanks.
Gunshot wound -track of the bullet from fontal bump to facial skeleton of the left maxilary bone of the left cheek. Did autopsy in June 12 2008, found therewas no gross evidence of significant intercranial hemmorage. bleeding thru the brain. The brain is really non-existent - it has become liquid -it is very dfficult to examine. Didn't you take slices? yes - it is softened but not liquified - it is still there but the state it was in. Autolized brain - liquified brain tissue. Multiple serial sections - as best as I can - running a knife thru the brain toinspect it. Does not reveal presence of grossly apparent trauma - nothing is clearly defined - no metal fragments, no foreign bodies.

People w/injuries to their brains they are not incapcitated - having something going thru brain - it had to have passed thru the brain. skull is perforated where the brain is it had to have passed thru brain. passed thru right frontal lobe - it had to pass thru the brain a hole into the skull and exit from skull cavity intothe face. There is no way it could have avoided the brain. You are sure of that? YEs!

The person with an arrow thru the brain coming into the ER - heard those stories - those are different - not with projectiles - with an arrow it is much lower velocity and doesn't cause as much damage as a bullet. Icoudn't document the damage because of the decomposition.
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