Jodi Arias trial discussion #21 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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I hope you are correct Moo Cow, but given how much emphasis they have tried to show that jodi changed after she met TA and got involved in the church, it had my mind wondering.

It crossed my mind that someone who wishes to portray Arias in a bad light is responsible for the auction. I mean, the religious charity connection, the style that's nothing like what Arias has sold before of a crime scene photo? Kind of like someone is saying "Hey, look at what she 'painted' in 2008!" in an attempt to polarize people even more. Judging from the reactions here, it's been assumed it's at least a confederate of JA... So looks like its working if that's the intent.

Looking at that Ebay listing, these are my thoughts:

IMO, The artwork is not by JA. I think that the artist is saying that Jodi killed Travis.

I think its an artist's statement, think this:

As opposed to saying it is an original piece of artwork drawn/painted by JA.

Do I think the timing and subject matter is in bad taste? yes.

I notice that the seller is giving 80% to charity. As someone involved in several charities (including fund raising ideas for them) I am suprised that the charity would want to be associated with this listing.
I haven't seen her "art" so I thought I'd go look on ebay. Looks like she only has one up now for 8k. I don't know about anyone else but I find it offensive that she is able to make any money at all and the tax payers are footing the bill for her legal team and room and board.

She's still technically an innocent woman.
Good morning everyone :) I'm still WAY behind in reading, so this question may have already been answered. How can it be legal for JA to sell "art" of Trasvis Alexander? Is the "art" being sold on ebay for $2,000.00 really done by JA?

Seems strange because everything she has drawn from prison up to this point has been on cardboard backings from pads. This one is done on paper.
Noticed also part of her signature is Cancer and 69. I know that's not the year she was born so I can only assume its the other meaning.
Noticed also part of her signature is Cancer and 69. I know that's not the year she was born so I can only assume its the other meaning.

lol, that's the sign for Cancer.
Day 2 Detective Flores:

Defense cross of Det. Flores, regarding emails, he said mean things to her, called her a 3 hole wonder, *advertiser censored*, *advertiser censored*
State redirect of Det. Flores, regarding why he said that in the emails

Exhibit #275 Copy of instant message emails between the defendant and Travis
He references to being used sexually by the defendant.
He wrote, I think I was little more then a dildo with a heart beat to you
Reference to the 3 hole wonder, context regarding comments he is complaining she is lying to him

Email questions starts here:
Continues here:
Looking at that Ebay listing, these are my thoughts:

IMO, The artwork is not by JA. I think that the artist is saying that Jodi killed Travis.

I think its an artist's statement, think this:

As opposed to saying it is an original piece of artwork drawn/painted by JA.

Do I think the timing and subject matter is in bad taste? yes.

I notice that the seller is giving 80% to charity. As someone involved in several charities (including fund raising ideas for them) I am suprised that the charity would want to be associated with this listing.

It's really not clear if the charity knows anything about the auction because of how eBay's charity program works.
Just noticed that the painting has been withdrawn from sale by the lister.
Sorry to jump in here....but I just noticed that the pic of TA on Ebay has ended.....

It breaks my heart that someone would do that......I put them in the same category has JA. They are no different as far as I'm concerned.
I started thinking about the sex tape this morning, again. (Should be just having coffee and read about the Super Bowl, like most "normal" people are doing.)

I'm thinking...IMO....this playing the tape for the jury could backfire.

Two words...Oksana Grigorieva. Just like many people asked in that whole mess....why tape the conversation??? Although TOTALLY different topic, but, IMO, "could" be used for the same reason.
She ended up using it to FURTHER (mind you, I said FURTHER...LOL) tarnish Mel G's reputation, AND, almost like "blackmail" to get $$ and child custody.

I've never done phone sex, but what would the REAL purpose be behind recording it??
I honestly believe she was BLACKMAILING him.

Between the pictures and this, I honestly believe she was pretty much holding him over a barrel. THAT could be the reason for the continuation of the "relationship".
I know there's been talk about a Mormon cleansing "ritual" of sorts taking place with TA and someone else. The night before he was attacked, or THAT night. (I KNOW I saw it in one of the discussions/interviews either on TV, or in one of the reports.....BUT, until I find a link, DO NOT take this as anything other than my memory...please, no rumors from my post.)

At any rate, that evening, IMO, all the calls, etc....TA ended the "visits" over the phone....IMO, he just said WTF, and said "do whatever you want" with all the stuff. And, the rest, is a pre-planned tragedy.

It's really not clear if the charity knows anything about the auction because of how eBay's charity program works.

I thought that too, which is why I said that I would be suprised that the charity would want to be associated with it.

From my experience with charities, they are incredibly conscious of how the public sees them and most companies who sponsor charities, are very careful to pick which charities best fit their company image.

I think that listing was somebody's piece of art saying that they think JA is guilty. I'm thinking that 20% sale would cover their costs (materials, fees, etc) and the 80% was going to the church.

The more I think about it, the more I feel the person was badly misguided in their intentions rather than attempting to be nasty towards Travis and the Alexander family. Yes it is bad taste and the timing is terrible, but I don't think that the lister was intending making money off the back of the piece.

I feel like they kind of felt and this is just IMHO: That the saw what JA drawings are going for and thought...right I'll create a piece that says what the artist thinks (I.e that JA killed Travis) and give the money to charity - and again that is just MOO.
And as such, Son of Sam statutes may not YET apply.

and as she has confessed to her lawyers...not sure if she is still "technically innocent."

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I started thinking about the sex tape this morning, again. (Should be just having coffee and read about the Super Bowl, like most "normal" people are doing.)

I'm thinking...IMO....this playing the tape for the jury could backfire.
respectfully snipped
I've never done phone sex, but what would the REAL purpose be behind recording it??
I honestly believe she was BLACKMAILING him...NOT "defending herself" against him (translation = not premeditating murder, at this time).

Between the pictures and this, I honestly believe she was pretty much holding him over a barrel. THAT could be the reason for the continuation of the "relationship".
I know there's been talk about a Mormon cleansing "ritual" of sorts taking place with TA and someone else. The night before he was attacked, or THAT night. (I KNOW I saw it in one of the discussions/interviews either on TV, or in one of the reports.....BUT, until I find a link, DO NOT take this as anything other than my memory...please, no rumors from my post.)

At any rate, that evening, IMO, TA ended the "visits"....IMO, he just said WTF, and said "do whatever you want" with all the stuff. And, the rest, is a tragedy.

This is what I think also, Tinkie. I think he had been trying to keep her appeased while trying to break away from her gradually.

I think there is truth in her stories of Travis saying he'd come to Oregon in the weeks leading up to his death. I bet he would say things like that to get her off the phone, never intending to follow through.

I appreciate oceanblueeye's comments on the previous thread about men being the targets of abuse, and why they might continue to have sex with their abuser even while trying to get out of the relationship. I do hope the prosecution brings in a domestic violence expert to explain why Travis let Jodi in, got naked that day, against his will, so to speak.
I haven't seen her "art" so I thought I'd go look on ebay. Looks like she only has one up now for 8k. I don't know about anyone else but I find it offensive that she is able to make any money at all and the tax payers are footing the bill for her legal team and room and board.

Either JA has a honkin' amount of $$ for "other" food, or her family's staying at the Four Seasons, or whatever high price hotel/spa is out that way.
I started thinking about the sex tape this morning, again. (Should be just having coffee and read about the Super Bowl, like most "normal" people are doing.)

I'm thinking...IMO....this playing the tape for the jury could backfire.

Two words...Oksana Grigorieva. Just like many people asked in that whole mess....why tape the conversation??? Although TOTALLY different topic, but, IMO, "could" be used for the same reason.
She ended up using it to FURTHER (mind you, I said FURTHER...LOL) tarnish Mel G's reputation, AND, almost like "blackmail" to get $$ and child custody.

I've never done phone sex, but what would the REAL purpose be behind recording it??
I honestly believe she was BLACKMAILING him.

Between the pictures and this, I honestly believe she was pretty much holding him over a barrel. THAT could be the reason for the continuation of the "relationship".
I know there's been talk about a Mormon cleansing "ritual" of sorts taking place with TA and someone else. The night before he was attacked, or THAT night. (I KNOW I saw it in one of the discussions/interviews either on TV, or in one of the reports.....BUT, until I find a link, DO NOT take this as anything other than my memory...please, no rumors from my post.)

At any rate, that evening, IMO, all the calls, etc....TA ended the "visits" over the phone....IMO, he just said WTF, and said "do whatever you want" with all the stuff. And, the rest, is a pre-planned tragedy.

I like your post a lot. I would never think to tape anything like that! lol. Who does that? Its the same thing I thought when the Alec Baldwin recording came out....or like you mentioned Mel G. Not condoning any actions mind you. Why record this in the first place? Yeeesh.

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:seeya: Good Morning!!!

Day 13
What will we hear and see today?!

Good Morning to you! There's no telling what that DTeam will do today, but it's bound to be bad and prolly pointless...

It is hard not to feel an itty-bit of teeny-tiny pity for them since they are trying to put on a defense for a horrible monster person. <smh> They reach into their pockets & there's nuttin' but lint. Nothing of value.

Let's have a good day!! Maybe the clouds will part....

Thanks, TigerBalm, for all your help & solid ideas & explanations. You make these threads better for all of us!
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