Jodi Arias Trial discussion, #3

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wow.. so I wonder how she was stabbing an almost 200 pound man and still taking pictures at that angle with her other hand...

I guess the camera could have dropped to get the ceiling shot but what about the dragging picture? she would have had to pick the camera back up again right?
(what could cause the camera to go off again?

Maybe the camera was scooted across the tile floor or got kicked into the hallway. The photo of his arm,head and neck and her pant's leg could be a shot taken from the floor if from abit of a distance? If the camera was slung around her neck I don't know being that close up if the whole torso could be captured on film like that.
After meeting scheduled - she came straight to the sit down with him at present during the meeting. She followed him to the meeting from the resteraunt in her own car. As they are driving to the place - she got pulled over by police officer - he watched in his rearview mirror (he was in front of Jodi) they were about 700 yards away from starting point. Doesn't believe she got a ticket . . . .
funny story - back license plate was upside down. . . . she said she was coming out of a Mavrick or resteraunt - there were kids goofing around with her front license plate caught them - apparently they also switched my back license plate and turned it upside. . . can't remember if he helpd fix plate for her.

Sat down @ meeting @ 11 or 12 - back to his house and watched a movie. @ some point they were talking and they kissed - they kissed many times - each time it got a little more exploitave - clothing never came off. . . . I never touched her breasts -I had my hands on her thighs - his hands did go near her vaginal area. . . .
They just stopped - her religious views and his views - he didn't want to go any further for her to regret the trip.

Her demeanor was same person he was talking to on the phne - she didn't tell him he couldn't touch certain areas.

Business briefing @ Sandy location - 7pm. They were together 1-7 - can't remember if watched movie. She drove with him to business briefing (he thinks) - they showed up @ same time. Many people saw her and recognized her. When he met her she was blond - when she came over to W. Jordan - it was dark brown.

She had 2 small bandages on a couple of her fingers - she worked @ Margaritaville she broke a glass and cut herfinger.

Went to the training about 1 hr - got bunch budies and went out to Chili's and talked for 2 - 2 1/2 hrs - (strange noise in courtroom) - he never thought anything about her until they were Socially in a crowd - very quiet, shy . . . .1:1 she was very talkative.

They went back to his place - later around 11pm - we turned on movie - tired and fell asleep = had to get to Margaritaville back to work. We took a nap.

The second we woke up we were kissing - she got on top of me pretty agressively- she was right on top of my genitals - we just stopped - Burns partly made that decision. . . . we just stopped.

Nothing to indicate she was upset about anything on that date. She was very fit in good shape - we were instant messaging back and forth - he complimented she was feisty and a lot stronger than she looks.

Did she ever "adjust you" when this encounter happened when you woke up . . . she adjusted me and then we were kissing - yea she is strong.

Kissed her stomach - close to a 6 pak - she was talking about in our messaging thru google. . . . I kept reminding her she had to get work - cuz that s what she told people in during. . . . 12 or 1am or later than that.

Sort of instant messaging in their relationship - if they noticed if each other on-line . . .. google accounts they would writ messages back and forth to each other . . . pops right up . . . like a text message back and forth - respond right away - sometimes resopnd to questions that were 3 or 4 qestions before.
Cross examination will be interesting. DT had better do well with her injuries. This might be her best/only shot at self-defense.
That's the way I've consistently heard it pronounced. Just like you wrote it.

In Spanish the R would be rolled....kind of pirate like. Arrrr-e-us. Non-spanish speakers usually say "air-e-us."

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Dang commercials on tv. I had to quickly pull up live feed on the laptop, haha
Here are my notes from this morning:

January 9, 2013
Testimony from Ryan Burns, man that Jodi hooked up with after Travis.
--spoke 4-5 times a week, usually around 10-11 p.m.
--she was living in California.
--RB lived in West Jordan in a side apartment with his family. Separate living from his parents.
--JA agreed to come out at the end of May.
--RB can't remember if JA was going to be on a road trip. Planned on her
--JA told RB she was going to drive to the Los Angeles area first to visit a friend that had a baby.
--JA was going to spend one night.
--RB recalls that JA was going to meet him on a Wednesday. They had talked the night before. He was concerned about her driving all night. RB expected JA around noon.
--JA never arrived on the Wednesday morning.
--RB recalls that JA was going to attend some training with him on the Wednesday night. Around noon RB was concerned about JA. RB called JA at noon and then 1 p.m. His calls went to voicemail. He also contacted another friend he thought JA was planning on visiting.
--RB did not receive a return call from JA. RB went to the training at 7 p.m. thinking maybe JA would show up there. She didn't. After the training RB went to the Cheesecake Factory around 10 p.m. with some of his friends from the training.
--RB got a call from JA around 10:30 p.m. She sounded apologetic. Said she was okay. RB asked JA where she had been. JA said she took the wrong freeway and drove for many hours then got tired and slept. JA said her cell had been dead all day and she had forgotten her car charger. JA said she bought another charger from a gas station. Conversation lasted 30-60 minutes.
--Was there ever an indication to when JA would arrive in the Salt Lake City area? Sounded like it would be a few hours since she still had to get her bearings.
--RB asked his father what freeway JA should take to get to him. It sounded like she was 7-8 hours away and then it took her another 12 hours to get to RB.
--RB got a call from JA the next morning and arrived around 10-11 a.m. on the Thursday. JA is now 24 hours late from the original Wednesday meeting.
--RB had a meeting at Jim's restaurant at 11 a.m.-12 . JA followed RB there. JA was at the meeting. RB drove his own car. JA drove her car. On the way to the meeting JA got pulled over by a police officer. RB stopped and waited and watched in his rear view mirror.
--RB and JA continue to the restaurant for the meeting. JA says that her back licence plate was upside down. JA said that in her travels to meet RB some kids were playing around with her plates and turned one upside down and removed the other one.
--RB can't remember if he fixed the plates for her.
--After the meeting RB and JA go back to RB's place. They watch a movie and begin to kiss. Clothes never came off. JA "seemed to be into the moment". RB's hand was near her vaginal area. RB stopped. He didn't want JA to regret her trip.
--JA's mood was the same as when RB spoke to her on the phone.
--Later on RB and JA needed to get to the business briefing for 7 p.m. JA and RB were together at his apartment from around 1-7 p.m.
--JA came to the business briefing. People were surprised to see her there as they knew she lived in California.
--RB knew JA's hair to be blonde but on this date JA's hair was brunette.
--JA had two small bandages on her fingers. RB and JA spoke about the cuts and JA said she cut herself on a broken glass as she worked at Margaretaville.
--Business training lasts about and hour then they go over to Chilis with some of the other people from the meeting. JA's demeaner was "fine" and she was "laughing about simple little things". RB noticed she was "a little akward in the social situation".
--After Chilis RB and JA went back to RB's place. They turned on a movie again and JA said she had to get back to work at Margaretaville. RB and JA went back to his place and took a nap. They woke up and began kissing. JA got on top of RB and they kissed agressively for a few more minutes. Then they "just stopped".
--RB says that JA was "very fit" and told her she was "very feisty" and "a lot stronger than she looks".
--RB was able to feel her strength while she was on top of him. RB says that JA had "six pack" abs and he noticed this when he kissed her stomach.
--RB reminded JA that she needed to get to work the next day. He walked JA out to her car which was around 1 a.m.
--RB and JA spoke through Google instant messaging.
Now showing some instant messages from May 30th.
Exhibit #284 "Hey there handsome, this is a test".
The way that she is looking at him seems evil. Confident, and evil. Not like her slouchy self yesterday. She is looking directly at him. I hope he realized that he dodged a bullet, pun intended.
Honestly though if it is like my camera (not finding the brand name for the one in evidence) the shutter button is very easily pressed. I hate the neck strap and it's a camera that's bigger than my hands so I probably have half a dozen shots of ceilings and up people's noses from it fumbling from my hands. FWIW
I know they're not identical but they are very similar so for comparison can see where the button is to take the pic on the top left. (Sorry if I blow margins - I don't do this often. :blushing:)
My camera:

Camera in evidence:

It was a Sony. The memory card was a mspd Memory Stick Pro Duo used on only Sony cameras
I heard somewhere that he refused to believe she had anything to do with it until she was arrested.

I can believe that, he seems like that kinda guy.

Remember that Will guy was the same with KC.
how do you pronounce her last name?

air eeee us?????

(the lawyer was saying something else)??

I think the lawyer is pronouncing it in the Spanish way-rolling the R so it almost sounds like a D.
FYI during pause, I am using UStream on my IPhone and the site's live streaming. No buffering, loud and clear, and I am a tech moron. Skyfire and other streaming didn't work great for me yesterday.
States exhibit #287


(message reads from bottom to the top)
Who seems to be the aggressor in THIS "relationship"??
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