Jodi Arias Trial discussion, #3

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I have trouble with how the picture was taken (re: where was the camera and how was button pressed)

I hope they have an expert that can explain that

In the end it doesn't matter what order this stuff happened... the blood in both areas clearly shows that he was in both areas of the room... so he had to get from point A to B and back to A some way... and dragging photo is further proof of how he was assisted by to the shower imhoo

why she put him back in the shower I will never figure that out.. what is the difference where he is found??? And she sure as heck left a lot of evidence (blood, casing, etc)

Absolutely no logic to the evil imhoo

I think she put him in the shower to wash her dna off his body. She cut her hands during the attack and her blood mixed with his, as evidenced in the palm print the csi's lifted.
I thought I heard Beth say 44 seconds AFTER the crouching pic the upside
down pic snapped the ceiling. :waitasec:

I'm sure we will hear more soon.

I think she was taking pics of him in the shower, got him where she wanted him, dropped the camera (thus the ceiling shot), and took him by surprise, pulling out the knife and landing that first fatal heart shot. She landed a few more frontal stabs, and then was probably surprised when he lurched out of the shower and stumbled toward the sink. At that point, as he's leaning over coughing and spitting up blood, she attacked him from behind. TA then tried to stumble his way out of the bathroom with her right behind and still stabbing. He collapsed on the hallway floor just outside the bathroom, and she cut his throat (while he was on his back). She then begins to drag him back into the bathroom, steps on the camera that's on the floor, taking the dragging shot. Maybe he's still feebly trying to flail his arm, so she pulls out the gun, shooting him in the right temple (or just right of his eyebrow). At that point TA stops moving altogether and she finishes dragging and stuffing him back in the shower.

What a horrible death that poor guy had. I hope her butt is toast and she gets sent to death row where she belongs. I'm not a strong believer in the death penalty, but when the guilt (and atrocity of the crime) are this obvious I have no problem with it.
I know! I turn into a "snot pocket"! :blushing:
My hair sticks to my face...

she is not too upset.. IMO

Re: crying
and my chest and face flush and I my tissues don't last several days :p

JA ain't too upset.
Can somebody tell me why they showed a pick of the ViJayJay?
I think the arm shows signs of being pulled up towards his head and the body dragged with Travis face down. The twisting shape of the muscles look like they would if that was the case. Try to flip the picture upside down to see what I mean.

What some have said is his head would the not be his head. It would just be some shadows from her foot or body.

I now clearly see it as it was described in court. I refuse to go back and look again because I fear my brain will likely explode! I'm still shocked it didn't after all the staring I did at it last night!

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I don't put a lot of stock in her crying or not...even people afflicted with personality disorders cry. It's just usually for a whole lot of different reasons than non-afflicted folks do. (Like manipulation, control, guilt-tripping, gas-lighting, etc.)

Yes indeed! In fact, the hardest crying I saw so far was when they brought out the evidence for the csi to identify, the piece of wall they cut out with her bloody palm print. She looked as though someone had just smacked her in the face...
I do not get the InSession show/channel where I live.

If someody could keep posting what they are talking about on IS I would be grateful.
Can somebody tell me why they showed a pick of the ViJayJay?

I guess to show how sex played into thier relationship.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard/read somewhere that Travis liked to take intimate photos. hence a picture of her private area being taken.
I guess to show how sex played into thier relationship.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I heard/read somewhere that Travis liked to take intimate photos. hence a picture of her private area being taken.

Thank you! Now I get it.
Can someone please throw up that abc link!

It's the only one that allows me to watch on ipad.

I read & post here by phone and watch on ipad, and watch IS on tv

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I think she was taking pics of him in the shower, got him where she wanted him, dropped the camera (thus the ceiling shot), and took him by surprise, pulling out the knife and landing that first fatal heart shot. She landed a few more frontal stabs, and then was probably surprised when he lurched out of the shower and stumbled toward the sink. At that point, as he's leaning over coughing and spitting up blood, she attacked him from behind. TA then tried to stumble his way out of the bathroom with her right behind and still stabbing. He collapsed on the hallway floor just outside the bathroom, and she cut his throat (while he was on his back). She then begins to drag him back into the bathroom, steps on the camera that's on the floor, taking the dragging shot. Maybe he's still feebly trying to flail his arm, so she pulls out the gun, shooting him in the right temple (or just right of his eyebrow). At that point TA stops moving altogether and she finishes dragging and stuffing him back in the shower.

What a horrible death that poor guy had. I hope her butt is toast and she gets sent to death row where she belongs. I'm not a strong believer in the death penalty, but when the guilt (and atrocity of the crime) are this obvious I have no problem with it.

I agree 100%
Here's a link to a photobucket account with all the photos. My virus protector said it was safe (most photobucket accounts are). Please view at your own risk.

Jeeze... I just viewed these horrific up-close photos of poor Travis' neck and face wounds. I can't imagine ever being so enraged that I could do this to anyone.

I don't understand all the technical aspects, but:
1. The blood spatter around the neck wound seem to indicate that he was alive until his throat was slit.
2. The seeming LACK of blood spatter around the bullet wound over his right eye probably indicate that shooting him wasn't necessary -- he was already dead from the throat cut.
3. Yes, she OVER killed this poor man! This is cruel and unusual = qualifies for the death penalty.

Jodi turned into pure animal to do all this damage. The amount of hurt and anger that would lead her to do this? She couldn't possibly be sorry sitting there feeling remorse in the courtroom right now. Pure hatred welled up and created this crime, and I don't believe it's "disappeared" from her system.

After seeing these pics, I'm more convinced than ever that Jodi's feeling satisfied with her "work" when she sneaks peeks at this images. She's not sorry she did this. She got revenge and she's pleased, regardless of what the law does to her.
was she really a director in PPL or was that a lie she told him??
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