John and Irene Bryant-NC

Bumping to make sure people have a chance to read ShowerSinger's link. Skeletal remains found in Nantahala National Forest today, as well as the body of a woman found between her car and a trailhead near Highlands, NC on Friday. Police are investigating a link to Hilton in the skeletal remains.
I think it's probably someone else. Nantahala is a long way from where Irene was found.
I think it's probably someone else. Nantahala is a long way from where Irene was found.

Quite true, jantel, but remember that Hilton drove all over the place with Meredith in his van for days trying to access her bank account. I know that the Bryant's account was accessed in Ducktown, Tn, but there's no telling where Mr. Bryant may be. I hope for their children's sake that he is found soon.
I think with GMH providing such detail in Meredith's murder, he has no reason not to tell them about the other murders. The plea of guilty gives me a lot of hope that he will continue to talk and brag, if you will, about all the people he has killed along the way. I think the remorse is fake that his atty mentioned.

I expect him to confess to John and Irene's murder then lead them to his body. Hopefully, this will come out very soon.
Interesting, I was thinking just the opposite. The info that was given to the grand jury last week was the stuff he admitted to the day he led them to Meredith's body. He admitted to all this in order to swing the "no death penalty deal".

Afterwards, he undoubtedly found out that the "no DP" thing was thin ice, and that maybe even Dawson County wouldn't honor it. They did end up doing so, but I think the "scare" of either being "tricked" or just having been given bad advice by his defense atty has him clammed up for good now.

If he admits to any other killings, he WILL face the DP. We know for a fact that he is terrified of dying, otherwise why did he cry and spill the beans about Meredith the minute he found out that kidnapping w/bodily injury itself, carried the DP for him?
Does he want to spend the rest of his life in prison?! I guess that is the question now. Then again...if he keeps talking...and talking...and talking...they will insure his "safety" from the DP because they want to bring home as many bodies to families as they can.
Does he want to spend the rest of his life in prison?! I guess that is the question now.

He isn't going anywhere. NC seems to believe he is their perp for the Bryant's so all deals are off. He still has Cheryl in Florida who the detectives there aren't giving him a break either.One of these DP states will get him even if Georgia made a deal.
He isn't going anywhere. NC seems to believe he is their perp for the Bryant's so all deals are off. He still has Cheryl in Florida who the detectives there aren't giving him a break either.One of these DP states will get him even if Georgia made a deal.
Right, but I think what we're discussing is the fact that he now has NO reason to divulge info on other victims. They might still get him on evidence, but he has no reason at all to confess anything else. EXCEPT maybe to get some privileges that a prisoner of his high-security (no privilges) rank would not ordinarily get.
John's remains were identified through dental records and his cardiac pacemaker.
I wondered how they identified him so quick.
I doubt that LE was troubled by the call...they probably just think we are a bunch of silly little old ladies on these boards....
We have spoken with the real sgt.rock's wife,he is a well known legit person. There is to be NO MORE post posted, regarding him being connected to Hilton in any way,
Thank You
Thanks, WC...for clearing this up...I went back and read some of his trail journals, and he seemed like a nice hiker...
I guess it is too easy to get too wrapped up in this sort of case.
I have said it before, but will repeat...Hilton worked with NO ONE...he thought he was superior to everyone...the monster did all his work alone...
Feds might be the prosecutors in the Bryant case:

Because the Bryants' remains were found on federal forest service properties in two different counties, officials are sorting out whether the cases will be prosecuted at the county level or by the U.S. Attorney's Office.

Also, there's been a request by authorities in Macon County GA for anybody who thinks they may have seen Hilton around the time of the Bryants' disappearance to please come forward.
My thought on Hilton giving the information he did on Meredith is in his grotesque way he was comforting her survivors by saying she thought she was going to be set free. In other words that her last thought was she was going home.

Maybe he didn’t form that connection with the Mr. Bryant.
I really do not see what comfort it would give a family to know that
a. their beloved daughter spent her last night on earth tied to a tree in the freezing cold
b. that the last thing she saw was a tire iron coming at her from the demon who had made her last days a hell on earth...AFTER he told her she would be freed
Comfort? Being kind?? No. Grotesque, oh yes.
I was being sarcastic. I will change my post to make myself clear.

I was trying to say he was providing some details that in his mind might make sense in that she didn’t ever know what hit her. Which might give a family some comfort.

I thought he stated he hit her from behind but I stand corrected
Hilton needs to make a public service announcement that any of things he is going to be charged with, don't bother to try and gain a with him rapport with him, he won't talk without a lawyer. That way they can save time or assign him a lawyer in time. I don't think he'll fall for anymore LE tactics to question him on things.


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