John Morgan to depose Casey

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First of all it seems to me that "Do you know who killed Cayley?" and "were you involved in the death of Cayley?" are completely irrelevant to ZG's case.


I think she will not go into detail about things about the real (imaginary) ZFG, reiterating her tattoos, children, age, or car information again. I think ZFG will not be part of the defense, so no need to give out any details about her.

Interesting thought, and I would think she could. They did not define Cayley as the KC's daughter. Maybe the judge will catch it on his review.

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me.

ZFG was accused of kidnapping and by extension, possibly implicated in the death of Caylee. That makes those questions relevant to her case, imo.

I write more about the latter bolded part. I've been thinking this for a while now too. Would you care to expand on your ideas about this? I've got mixed feelings between admitting some culpability and just trying to come up with another totally off the wall thoroughly unprovable story.
I don't believe that KC will answer any of the questions truthfully, but it will be an interesting read, if and when we get a hold of her answers. One thing that bothers me about ZFG is the fact she claims to have lost her job over this case. How come she is not suing the company for her job back? ZFG has been cleared by LE, she has also made numerous appearances on media programs to publicly clear her name. Unless there is something that we don't know about pertaining to her job, the company she worked for really didn't have any legal grounds to fire her, if indeed this case was the given reason. Does she honestly think she can squeez blood out of a turnip with this lawsuit? Seems to me she would make more money suing the company that fired her. KC has no money.

Florida law allows employers to terminate employees at will, with no excuse whatsoever, much less 'cause' so there would be no grounds for a suit.
I don't really understand all the legal manipulations, so if ZFG won her suit for damages for X amount of money can they take that out of Casey's snack funds or her parents home liability insurance?

Morgan seems to think there may be some recourse with regards to homeowner's insurance; it would really depend on the policy. I doubt the A's have any type of umbrella policy but there may be some sort of clause that would cover some of the expense. Her commissary funds are not likely to be garnished, but without researching, I'd have to say it's possible. Any funds flowing to the defendant from any source could be attached. Under FL law, even SSI payments can be subject to garnishment. Of course, there are limits to the % that can be taken.
Casey never identified this woman as the ZFG of her little tale. I look at this as just one more person trying to cash in. I hope she gets nothing and I hope she fades into obscurity again.
Casey never identified this woman as the ZFG of her little tale. I look at this as just one more person trying to cash in. I hope she gets nothing and I hope she fades into obscurity again.

The reason I disagree is: How many ZFG's do you know that have 2 children named X and Y and drive a small silver car and that come from NY? I've only heard of the one. That she also has 4 other children named a, b, c, d that KC didn't know of or otherwise failed to mention, does not defeat the claim. Not all of her children lived with her, iirc. Just the 2 minor children. At least that's what she put on the Sawgrass app. LE tried to find the alleged babysitter, this is who they found based on KC's descriptions. KC's criteria; this is the only one that matched.
The reason I disagree is: How many ZFG's do you know that have 2 children named X and Y and drive a small silver car and that come from NY? I've only heard of the one. That she also has 4 other children named a, b, c, d that KC didn't know of or otherwise failed to mention, does not defeat the claim. Not all of her children lived with her, iirc. Just the 2 minor children. At least that's what she put on the Sawgrass app. LE tried to find the alleged babysitter, this is who they found based on KC's descriptions. KC's criteria; this is the only one that matched.

So you agree that Casey never met this woman and knew nothing of her other than what she could have gleaned through someone else (the desk clerk at Sawgrass) not being diligent at THEIR job. Casey's description of ZFG is nothing like what the real ZFG looks like. If this ZFG has a problem, it seems to me that her problem should be at Sawgrass not protecting private information. We already know Casey is a thief and a liar. We already know she will utilize whatever resources available to her in order to spin her lies. If Casey really had any intention of making this ZFG her fall-girl, she certainly would have known where this ZFG lived prior to applying at Sawgrass, yet that never comes up in her search for ZFG. LE questioned this woman and cleared her of any possible responsibility in the disappearance and subsequent realization of the death of Caylee Marie Anthony. She was cleared nearly immediately. Every report I have ever heard about this woman in particular is that she is NOT the ZFG of Casey's imagination. That she is NOT the ZFG who supposedly took Caylee. I can't imagine why anyone would continue a lawsuit once they've been cleared except money. Cha-ching. Another one makes a buck.
Casey never identified this woman as the ZFG of her little tale. I look at this as just one more person trying to cash in. I hope she gets nothing and I hope she fades into obscurity again.

I think she didn't identify this ZFG as the supposed nanny as she never expected LE to find her. We could gather every single ZFG in the world and Casey would deny every one of them as being her nanny that kidnapped Caylee.

If I'm understanding the information correctly, Casey had information that was specifically on ZFG's application for an apartment at Sawgrass? Casey then allegedly used the application information to fill in the information blanks on ZFG with LE?

:waitasec: It seems to me it would be too much of a coincidence if this wasn't the imaginary nanny Casey fashioned her details from. What I think Casey didn't anticipate was this ZFG was easily traceable. Of course she didn't identify this ZFG as the Nanny who kidnapped her child. Once she saw the picture of a real person she couldn't very well say "yes, yes, this is her! Casey never thought far ahead enough to even consider what she was going to do when LE finally came to her with any ZFG.
If Casey really had any intention of making this ZFG her fall-girl, she certainly would have known where this ZFG lived prior to applying at Sawgrass, yet that never comes up in her search for ZFG.

I'm guessing KC never even saw this ZFG in person and spun her physical description from her imagination. Considering ZFG is allegedly a fictitious entity in this story Casey wouldn't know where ZFG lived prior to Caylee's disappearance. IMO all of Casey's information on ZFG came specifically from that application.

ETA: I'm not sure how I feel on this ZFG just trying to cash in. Part of me would really want to put all of this behind me and try to move on with life as best I could and the other part would be pretty upset had someone accused me of doing something that I did not do.
I thought the questions could be a little tougher. And, oh yeah, they mis-spelled Caylee's name. I'd fire the secretary who typed it, yeah I would.

I 2nd this. Once is an error, to be corrected. Slap on the wrist for that. Consistently within the document? Inexcusable.
Casey never identified this woman as the ZFG of her little tale. I look at this as just one more person trying to cash in. I hope she gets nothing and I hope she fades into obscurity again.
I don't believe she's trying to cash in. I believe she's trying to establish, on the record, that she was wronged by Casey Anthony.

Which she was.

If it is recorded in this manner, perhaps she will again be able to get a job.

If it were money she were after, she would have sued Sawgrass Apartments.

We're all jaded. Not everyone is out to cash in on Caylee.

MANY have been harmed by Casey Anthony. Zenaida Gonzalez has a valid claim against her.
100% agree. Excellent post, Mom of Five! Haven't read most of the thread but had to comment here.

#14 -- which phonebook?? I had to laugh out loud at that one. :)

You got me thinking on this one. I remember the mention by someone by the defense side saying ZFG was a very common name and there were 20 listed in the Orlando area alone. So I got out my phone book. (And yes we have several publishers of phone books here)

I looked in my Embarq 2009 phone book which covers the Orange/Osceola and Seminole counties (this includes the Orlando/Kissimmee area) there is not one Zenaida or Z. F-G in there. There are (2) Z. Gonzalez listed, one in Orlando and one in Kissimme, but these were listed only with the initial Z. not the name of Zenaida. Under the spelling of Gonzales there are none that start with a Z.

So where did they get the number of 20? Evendently that name is not that common as they would have us believe as there were over 5 pages of Gonzalezs.
Yes, but in her counter-claim to the lawsuit, Casey states ZFG has two children.

Doesn't she name the 2 children, too? ......which just happened to be the names of the 2 children ZG listed on her app for Sawgrass? ZG only listed 2 children out of her 6 on the app.
I don't believe she's trying to cash in. I believe she's trying to establish, on the record, that she was wronged by Casey Anthony.

Which she was.

If it is recorded in this manner, perhaps she will again be able to get a job.

If it were money she were after, she would have sued Sawgrass Apartments.

We're all jaded. Not everyone is out to cash in on Caylee.

MANY have been harmed by Casey Anthony. Zenaida Gonzalez has a valid claim against her.

If this is the case, then why wasn't it sufficient to have LE state for the record that she was NOT the ZFG of Casey's fable? Why was it not sufficient to have every aspect of media making the statement that she is NOT the ZFG of Casey's fable? She's been cleared. What else is there to get? Oh right. Money.
So you agree that Casey never met this woman and knew nothing of her other than what she could have gleaned through someone else (the desk clerk at Sawgrass) not being diligent at THEIR job. Casey's description of ZFG is nothing like what the real ZFG looks like. If this ZFG has a problem, it seems to me that her problem should be at Sawgrass not protecting private information. We already know Casey is a thief and a liar. We already know she will utilize whatever resources available to her in order to spin her lies. If Casey really had any intention of making this ZFG her fall-girl, she certainly would have known where this ZFG lived prior to applying at Sawgrass, yet that never comes up in her search for ZFG. LE questioned this woman and cleared her of any possible responsibility in the disappearance and subsequent realization of the death of Caylee Marie Anthony. She was cleared nearly immediately. Every report I have ever heard about this woman in particular is that she is NOT the ZFG of Casey's imagination. That she is NOT the ZFG who supposedly took Caylee. I can't imagine why anyone would continue a lawsuit once they've been cleared except money. Cha-ching. Another one makes a buck.

Make no mistake; Morgan wants to go after Sawgrass but he needs input from KC to do it. That she was cleared by LE does not mean that she did not and does not suffer. Believe it or not, there are still people that not only believe that 'the nanny did it' but that she is the nanny. Less and less all the time, I'm sure. She has been hounded not only by the media but also by the masses, receiving hate mail and threats.

If I understood correctly, you're saying she doesn't exactly match the physical description given by KC. Which description and to whom? Remember, this is the perp that couldn't keep her story straight from one doc to the next in this case, describing an imaginary person. People gain weight; people lose weight; people change hairstyle and color. The details KC gave, imo, can only be this ZFG.

Regardless of being cleared by LE, she lost her job due to this case, per her employer; or more specifically, due to KC's false allegations against her. This woman was unable to feed herself and her children. If you've never been in that position, you cannot understand how it feels. If you have never received threats to yourself and your children, you can't understand how that feels either. Is that possibly why you're saying that someone who lost their job, home, received threats to herself and her children, and will forever more by virtue of just their given name be associated with a heinous criminal case has no cause of action? I respectfully disagree, as does Mr. Morgan, and so far, the courts.

Personally, my thought is that what started as something "funny" such as Xanax the sitter, street name zanny the nanny at some point morphed into a description based on what she found on this poor woman's myspace and/or through Sawgrass. She was targeted to glean details of an imaginary babysitter, possibly long before Caylee disappeared. RG recalled hearing about ZG a year or more before, iirc. KC is not bright or even inventive, imo.

I understand your frustration, I just don't think you're considering all of the facts of this case. A lot of us, me included, are sick to death of frivolous lawsuits; the McDonald's coffee damages alone make me a lot hotter than that coffee ever was. (And who's paying that woman? Everyone that eats at McD's, that's who.)

However, in this instance, I don't think KC should get away with what she has done to this woman, even if it ends up being a solely paper judgment. IMO, ZG deserves some vindication/validation of her suffering for having a name that KC likely chose out of thin air then set about to support with details from ZG's real life. You're saying she didn't give details about where she really lived; perhaps KC didn't know that info. She sure as heck knew and told LE about the NY connection and we don't know what all else. I think when/if this goes to trial, you may be surprised at how many details of this poor woman's real life that KC stole to bolster her story to her parents and friends regarding a babysitter. Just what we do know is enough for me, but I'm betting we don't know the half of them.

Again, do you know of any ZFG living in or near Orlando, with children whose names match those ZFG listed on the Sawgrass app. and that drives a small silver car from NY and has any connection whatsoever, no matter how tenuous, to Sawgrass apts.? I know this issue was discussed at length months ago. Was anyone able to find anyone, anywhere, in any country that matched those details other than the ZFG that filed suit? That's too many correct details of this real person's real life to be coincidence, imo. And as I have said, I'll bet we'll hear more at trial.

KC has no "cha-ching" but ZFG does deserve a moral victory.

I recall thinking when watching JM's interview awhile back that he simply wanted to put KC in the hot seat and make her talk....all the while videoing it and showing it to the world. It seemed to me that he was licking his chops at the prospect of doing this to her. I think him getting something for ZG in the process is only the frosting on the cake for him. He does NOT like KC and wants to hold her feet to the fire and make her accountable for all her lies.

I feel bad for the rest of the A's having to be deposed by this guy. I'm sure this must all seem so ridiculous to them in the face of everything else they're dealing with.
I think she didn't identify this ZFG as the supposed nanny as she never expected LE to find her. We could gather every single ZFG in the world and Casey would deny every one of them as being her nanny that kidnapped Caylee.

If I'm understanding the information correctly, Casey had information that was specifically on ZFG's application for an apartment at Sawgrass? Casey then allegedly used the application information to fill in the information blanks on ZFG with LE?

:waitasec: It seems to me it would be too much of a coincidence if this wasn't the imaginary nanny Casey fashioned her details from. What I think Casey didn't anticipate was this ZFG was easily traceable. Of course she didn't identify this ZFG as the Nanny who kidnapped her child. Once she saw the picture of a real person she couldn't very well say "yes, yes, this is her! Casey never thought far ahead enough to even consider what she was going to do when LE finally came to her with any ZFG.

Casey consistently underestimated LE, that's for sure.
I don't believe she's trying to cash in. I believe she's trying to establish, on the record, that she was wronged by Casey Anthony.

Which she was.

If it is recorded in this manner, perhaps she will again be able to get a job.

If it were money she were after, she would have sued Sawgrass Apartments.

We're all jaded. Not everyone is out to cash in on Caylee.

MANY have been harmed by Casey Anthony. Zenaida Gonzalez has a valid claim against her.

I completey agree with this. And I do not care if ZFG is awarded any kind of settlement. It brings the meter reader back to mind...What if those charges had not been OFFICIALLY expunged? Even so, MR still has ppl speculating. We have seen the protesters camped, and the media for that matter, camped in the A's front lawn. Most ppl don't have all the facts, don't want all the facts, but that does not keep them from forming witch hunts. I can easily believe that this has caused much havoc in ZFG's life and she wants an official clear. As far as employment, The high publicity of this case and the ongoing circus will affect an employers decision. You may think it has no merit, but if I recall correctly, BC, the Anthony's attorney believes that it does. I believe in one of the press confrences held after George's safe return, He explains that in the morning before his dissapearance, GA had a job interview. He went on to say that ppl have to understand that the high publicity of this case is affecting GA's ability to get hired, and that it is discouraging to say the least. I can't remember exactly what conference it was, but If they can see it from George's point of view, I am hoping they can see it from ZFG's as well. Or anyone else involved, for that matter.

Sorry to be so long winded, just wanted to share my opinion.

Oh, and one more thing...In some instances, there is nothing more dangerous and damning than ppl without all the facts, and who don't care, won't even take the time to speculate about not having all the facts. "GRAB YOUR TORCH AND PITCHFORKS"
I'm guessing KC never even saw this ZFG in person and spun her physical description from her imagination. Considering ZFG is allegedly a fictitious entity in this story Casey wouldn't know where ZFG lived prior to Caylee's disappearance. IMO all of Casey's information on ZFG came specifically from that application.

ETA: I'm not sure how I feel on this ZFG just trying to cash in. Part of me would really want to put all of this behind me and try to move on with life as best I could and the other part would be pretty upset had someone accused me of doing something that I did not do.

Bolded by me. Well said. I think this poor woman doesn't have the resources to move on, no job prospects at this time because of her name. But sincerely, would you ever hire a sitter named Zanny, even though you know KC's nanny was imaginary? The woman's very name is tainted now.
Florida law allows employers to terminate employees at will, with no excuse whatsoever, much less 'cause' so there would be no grounds for a suit.

Lin, thank you for the info. I live in VA, so have no clue about Fl law. In Fl, if a person is fired, are they able to collect unemployment? Seems like her employer would have simply laid her off temporarily, rather than fire her.
Make no mistake; Morgan wants to go after Sawgrass but he needs input from KC to do it. That she was cleared by LE does not mean that she did not and does not suffer. Believe it or not, there are still people that not only believe that 'the nanny did it' but that she is the nanny. Less and less all the time, I'm sure. She has been hounded not only by the media but also by the masses, receiving hate mail and threats.

If I understood correctly, you're saying she doesn't exactly match the physical description given by KC. Which description and to whom? Remember, this is the perp that couldn't keep her story straight from one doc to the next in this case, describing an imaginary person. People gain weight; people lose weight; people change hairstyle and color. The details KC gave, imo, can only be this ZFG.

Regardless of being cleared by LE, she lost her job due to this case, per her employer; or more specifically, due to KC's false allegations against her. This woman was unable to feed herself and her children. If you've never been in that position, you cannot understand how it feels. If you have never received threats to yourself and your children, you can't understand how that feels either. Is that possibly why you're saying that someone who lost their job, home, received threats to herself and her children, and will forever more by virtue of just their given name be associated with a heinous criminal case has no cause of action? I respectfully disagree, as does Mr. Morgan, and so far, the courts.

Personally, my thought is that what started as something "funny" such as Xanax the sitter, street name zanny the nanny at some point morphed into a description based on what she found on this poor woman's myspace and/or through Sawgrass. She was targeted to glean details of an imaginary babysitter, possibly long before Caylee disappeared. RG recalled hearing about ZG a year or more before, iirc. KC is not bright or even inventive, imo.

I understand your frustration, I just don't think you're considering all of the facts of this case. A lot of us, me included, are sick to death of frivolous lawsuits; the McDonald's coffee damages alone make me a lot hotter than that coffee ever was. (And who's paying that woman? Everyone that eats at McD's, that's who.)

However, in this instance, I don't think KC should get away with what she has done to this woman, even if it ends up being a solely paper judgment. IMO, ZG deserves some vindication/validation of her suffering for having a name that KC likely chose out of thin air then set about to support with details from ZG's real life. You're saying she didn't give details about where she really lived; perhaps KC didn't know that info. She sure as heck knew and told LE about the NY connection and we don't know what all else. I think when/if this goes to trial, you may be surprised at how many details of this poor woman's real life that KC stole to bolster her story to her parents and friends regarding a babysitter. Just what we do know is enough for me, but I'm betting we don't know the half of them.

Again, do you know of any ZFG living in or near Orlando, with children whose names match those ZFG listed on the Sawgrass app. and that drives a small silver car from NY and has any connection whatsoever, no matter how tenuous, to Sawgrass apts.? I know this issue was discussed at length months ago. Was anyone able to find anyone, anywhere, in any country that matched those details other than the ZFG that filed suit? That's too many correct details of this real person's real life to be coincidence, imo. And as I have said, I'll bet we'll hear more at trial.

KC has no "cha-ching" but ZFG does deserve a moral victory.


I have no frustration. THIS ZFG has been cleared and exonerated by LE at every opportunity and yet she continues to pursue this lawsuit. There are no other ZFG's bearing that same name seeking any sort of retribution for having their name taken through the mud because someone lied about them. This woman had every media outlet stating she was not the ZFG of Casey's fable from "day whatever" and I see no other reason to continue this lawsuit for anything other than cashing in.
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