John Morgan to depose Casey

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Jonathan Kasen, part of Anthony's legal team said he's not going to let Anthony state more than her name. After that he said she'll be pleading the 5th amendment.

To anyone knowledgable in the law.......

Someone help me......Kasen says that he will instruct "THE PERP" to plead the 5th; which means she will not answer because she would self -incriminate themselves. Doesn't pleading the 5th pretty much say she is guilty? Can she do that and what does it do to her counterclaim?

Can JB get in trouble with the judge for filing this counterclaim when THE PERP's own attorney says he will instruct her to plead the 5th?

Sorry, my brain is fried and fizzled.:rolleyes:
If she refuses to answer questions about the identity and location of the ZFG she alleges she was referring to, or does what she has done to date and lies about who and where this "separate and distinct" person is...

I don't know what the legal term for that is, but where I'm from we'd say "She's toast."
Mr. Kasen, an attorney for Ms. Anthony, indicates that he will only allow Ms. Anthony to say her name and claim the objection.

It goes question by question.

Yeah, and now that he announced to the press that he was going to object to every single question on 5th amendment grounds, regardless of the merits of the objection as to that particular question, he is going to have a much tougher time justifying his objections to the judge.
If she refuses to answer questions about the identity and location of the ZFG she alleges she was referring to, or does what she has done to date and lies about who and where this "separate and distinct" person is...

I don't know what the legal term for that is, but where I'm from we'd say "She's toast."

She will be under oath.
Maybe "perjury" is the word you are looking for?
I am so sick of Casey and all of her antics. The time and money and resources that have been wasted on her are shameful. I hope and pray with all of my heart and soul that truth can be found one way or the other. Even speaking with Casey is a waste of time and effort. She will lie. KC cares for no one but herself. She doesn't care how many lives she has destroyed. She cares for nothing other than herself, which is a good thing because if all goes well and justice is served, she will end up having no one but herself. We talk about CA and how nutty she is, and I agree this woman shoud just shut up, but can you imagine being faced with what this little Beotch has put on her parents. Not to mention the entire rest of the world that know in their heart of hearts that this beautiful child is dead, but somewhere in the deep recesses of my heart, I pray that she is alive and well somewhere. I guess that is that river in Eqypt thing. I cannot even wrap my head around how very diabolical KC is.
God have mercy on her soul.

my bolded

OT - 21 weeks later is convincing enough for most to realize she doesn't have a Soul.
Okay. I hit the books. Here we go.

[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Mr. Morgan asks a question: On what day did you kill Caylee?[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Mr. Baez: I object! [/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman][FONT=Times New Roman,Times New Roman]Mr. Morgan: What is the nature of your objection?....[/FONT][/FONT]

I'd rather see it play out like a scene from the Jim Carrey movie Liar, Liar:

JB: "Your Honor, l object!"

Judge: "And why is that, Mr. Baez?"

JB: "Because it's devastating to my case!!"

Judge: "Overruled."

Morgan is a highly skilled lawyer, he is a trial lawyer. He will chew them up and spit them out. Baez will be cowering and crying like a little girl when he's done with them.jmo

Can't wait to see this part! :crazy:
I'd rather see it play out like a scene from the Jim Carrey movie Liar, Liar:

JB: "Your Honor, l object!"

Judge: "And why is that, Mr. Baez?"

JB: "Because it's devastating to my case!!"

Judge: "Overruled."

What you're referencing, I believe, is termed the "adverse interest" principle: if a party takes the 5th and refuses to answer, opposing party may seek to have the judge instruct the jury that they may make adverse inferences from the silent party's refusal to respond to probative evidence offered against them/their position.

Good eye , Chez!

I just wanted to make the distinction here as the question may arise.

The adverse inference which is drawn from the refusal to speak under oath, does not carry over to the criminal trial.
In fact, the opposite is true.
A jury would be instructed that the fact that Casey did not take the stand is NOT to be held against her and is NOT an indicator of any degree of guilt.:)

And so it goes...
Yeah, and now that he announced to the press that he was going to object to every single question on 5th amendment grounds, regardless of the merits of the objection as to that particular question, he is going to have a much tougher time justifying his objections to the judge.

OK< maybe I am the only stupid one here, but help me understand how this is not just a big, fat waste of time and resources? Did she not file a counter suit? If you do that, don't you expect to be asked questions? So why the 5th for everything? I don't get it. What do they hope to gain?
He can depose her on the counterclaim and if she pleads the fifth, the counterclaim case will immediately be thrown out I assume. It makes Baez look foolish for filing it.

It's things like this that make me think, JMO, of course, that Baez is a moron. He's facing a 1st degree murder trial, and he is even giving this defamation suit a minute of his time? So what if ZG even wins, what does she get? Casey has NOTHING, and if convicted of murder, she will have NOTHING until if she ever gets out, and then she will probably at best have LITTLE to NOTHING. I'm not even touching the ruining her reputation aspect.... Yet Baez, in his infinite wisdom, files a countersuit, which leaves the door wide open for Casey to be questioned extensively by another (experienced, and apparently good) attorney concerning the very case the murder charges are on. Said attorney, JM, can probably be called as a witness for the prosecution.
Gives me a chuckle every time I think about it.
If she refuses to answer questions about the identity and location of the ZFG she alleges she was referring to, or does what she has done to date and lies about who and where this "separate and distinct" person is...

I don't know what the legal term for that is, but where I'm from we'd say "She's toast."

I agree. As Mr. Morgan said, she has already drawn the line in the sand. She can't continue to do that.

I think Casey is going to get life. Whether Cindy likes it or not.
It's things like this that make me think, JMO, of course, that Baez is a moron. He's facing a 1st degree murder trial, and he is even giving this defamation suit a minute of his time? So what if ZG even wins, what does she get? Casey has NOTHING, and if convicted of murder, she will have NOTHING until if she ever gets out, and then she will probably at best have LITTLE to NOTHING. I'm not even touching the ruining her reputation aspect.... Yet Baez, in his infinite wisdom, files a countersuit, which leaves the door wide open for Casey to be questioned extensively by another (experienced, and apparently good) attorney concerning the very case the murder charges are on. Said attorney, JM, can probably be called as a witness for the prosecution.
Gives me a chuckle every time I think about it.

Baez is emphatically a MORON, they should have let this one go. The cats out of the bag now.
Bumping this.......has anyone heard more news about a KC deposition?

No, but like you I'm eagerly awaiting news.

ZFG's attorney indicated a fortnight ago the depostion would be in the next week or so. Any time now...
No, but like you I'm eagerly awaiting news.

ZFG's attorney indicated a fortnight ago the depostion would be in the next week or so. Any time now...

Glad I didn't miss's on my list of "All I Want for Christmas" to read this deposition!! :)
He is gonna gobble her up!! I already emailed him at Morgan Law and begged him to BE THE VOICE FOR CAYLEE. His admin asst wrote back " trust me, you're NOT the only one telling him that"
He is gonna gobble her up!! I already emailed him at Morgan Law and begged him to BE THE VOICE FOR CAYLEE. His admin asst wrote back " trust me, you're NOT the only one telling him that"

THANKYOU! I hope he reads on here! He may get more info.........I'm sure he has allot with privite eye info............
The sqeekie wheel gets greased again. Thank you! Valrico Analyzer
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