JonBenet case attention

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Sep 28, 2014
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Hello just wondering why JonBenet Ramsey case gets so much attention. I do feel very sad about her as she was only 6 years old, but there are many other children like same age as her who never gets as much attention as her case. Is it because she was in beauty pageants and from a rich family, blond white girl.

I have posted many other children cases on this website and hope they will be seen and read:

*Maria Ridulph - age 7
*Leticia Hernandez - age 7
*Marguerita Bejarano- age 8

All these little girls are as sweet and beautiful little girls and just tragic what happened. I be adding more cases just like them.

I hope you have the time to check them out.

BTW I think JonBenet case will never be solved, i do think the parents or Burke killed her. Somehow i don't like Patsy i just do like her face and attitude.

Patsy maybe got angry with JonBenet maybe she wet the bed and she hit her over her head knocking her unconscious or her brother jealous.

My other suspect would be John Mark Karr I don't think he killed her but i think if a stranger did kill her JMK was with the killer that night. I think a few pedos were at JonBenet pageants.
I think it has got a lot to do with the timing of when it happened. It was Christmas and around Christmas time news is very slow and many TV shows are also off the air. Without other large news stories and shows to take people's attention people were able to fixate on it a lot more.

It could also have a lot to do with the investigation itself. There are so many things that have happened in this case that you look at and wonder "why did that happen?" which draws people in as well.
I think it has got a lot to do with the timing of when it happened. It was Christmas and around Christmas time news is very slow and many TV shows are also off the air. Without other large news stories and shows to take people's attention people were able to fixate on it a lot more.

It could also have a lot to do with the investigation itself. There are so many things that have happened in this case that you look at and wonder "why did that happen?" which draws people in as well.

I think thats bull, there are lots of child abduction cases which have been very big in their local areas but don't get as much as JonBenet's case. There are many kids who are killed near Christmas time as well. Look at the cases i mentioned of these kids for example Maria Ridulph was kidnapped 3 weeks before Christmas, Leticia Hernandez like 2 weeks before Christmas. Maria's case is very interesting as the mysterious person named 'Johnny' who gave Maria a piggyback ride, and in 2011 a suspect Jack was jailed but released again a couple years later, that same day Jack was released a letter to the Sycamore Police stating they know who killed the little girl Maria and it was not Jack.

JonBenet's case was so famous and have like a new book or documentary out like every year, it's the most talked about child murder case.

It's because she was in 'child beauty pageants' she was almost like a celebrity because of this and her parents were very rich.

Also i have a strong vibe that Patsy loved JonBenet more then Burke and didn't give much attention to Burke at all, maybe thats why he killed his little sister? but i personal think that Burke loved his little sister JonBenet, and most likely was someone at her pageants and planned the kidnapping and murder of JonBenet, like he probably keeped watch at the family house. I bet you John Mark Karr was with the killer but he didn't kill JonBenet, both were pedos.
It's because she was in 'child beauty pageants' she was almost like a celebrity because of this and her parents were very rich.

Also i have a strong vibe that Patsy loved JonBenet more then Burke and didn't give much attention to Burke at all, maybe thats why he killed his little sister? but i personal think that Burke loved his little sister JonBenet, and most likely was someone at her pageants and planned the kidnapping and murder of JonBenet, like he probably keeped watch at the family house. I bet you John Mark Karr was with the killer but he didn't kill JonBenet, both were pedos.

I don't deny that the fact that she was a pretty white girl with rich parents who did pageants played a huge part in why people do get obsessed with the case. Especially as media even today fixate more on children who have those attributes than children who don't. I was just pointing out a couple of other reasons besides that as to why.

It wouldn't surprise me that Jon Benet was Patsy's favourite. Pageants take a lot of time to prepare for and that would involve the two of them spending a lot of time together which in turn could make Patsy feel more for Jon Benet than Burke - especially as I'm pretty sure Patsy used to do pageants (that is if I'm remembering correctly). That alone could be a trigger for favouritism.

Personally, I think Burke was responsible, but I don't think he did it maliciously because of the attention Patsy showed Jon Benet. I think they got into a fight like siblings do, he hit her or pushed her too hard and she accidentally died. Their parents didn't want to lose Burke as well so they did what they had to do to cover it up.
I think thats bull, there are lots of child abduction cases which have been very big in their local areas but don't get as much as JonBenet's case. There are many kids who are killed near Christmas time as well. Look at the cases i mentioned of these kids for example Maria Ridulph was kidnapped 3 weeks before Christmas, Leticia Hernandez like 2 weeks before Christmas. Maria's case is very interesting as the mysterious person named 'Johnny' who gave Maria a piggyback ride, and in 2011 a suspect Jack was jailed but released again a couple years later, that same day Jack was released a letter to the Sycamore Police stating they know who killed the little girl Maria and it was not Jack.

JonBenet's case was so famous and have like a new book or documentary out like every year, it's the most talked about child murder case.

It's because she was in 'child beauty pageants' she was almost like a celebrity because of this and her parents were very rich.

Also i have a strong vibe that Patsy loved JonBenet more then Burke and didn't give much attention to Burke at all, maybe thats why he killed his little sister? but i personal think that Burke loved his little sister JonBenet, and most likely was someone at her pageants and planned the kidnapping and murder of JonBenet, like he probably keeped watch at the family house. I bet you John Mark Karr was with the killer but he didn't kill JonBenet, both were pedos.

She was pretty and white and from a wealthy family. She looked like a movie star. At least as child that's what I thought. I'll admit I wished I looked like her when I saw her picture on the tabloids and the news. As an adult I feel like she looks too grown up. I think Jonbenet was more of a vehicle for Patsy to use to live out her dreams. It's been suggested that Burke has aspergers or is on the spectrum for autism. That doesn't mean he killed her but it explains some of the behavior that seems odd. I think the whole wealthy family with secrets is another reason this case got so much attention, and still has people interested. Not to mention JonBenet was found in the basement, after a ransom note was discovered. It's a case people feel should be have been solved.
I wasn't particularly interested until everyone started accusing Burke. I think it is troubling that a child is being blamed for a murder and that video footage of his private sessions with a psychologist have been made public without his consent.

I did pay some attention to the story and read Cyril Wecht's book right after it happened but that was before cable or the internet as we know it today and there wasn't much else to do.

I think it would've been forgotten relatively quickly if video footage of JonBenet doing pageants hadn't surfaced. A the time, the pageant videos sparked a national debate about child beauty contests with a lot of people suggesting that the pageants were a form of child abuse and that they should be banned. Interestingly, not only have they not been banned but as far as I know, the pageant industry is still going strong and has become even more of a booming business.
I wasn't particularly interested until everyone started accusing Burke. I think it is troubling that a child is being blamed for a murder and that video footage of his private sessions with a psychologist have been made public without his consent.

I did pay some attention to the story and read Cyril Wecht's book right after it happened but that was before cable or the internet as we know it today and there wasn't much else to do.

I think it would've been forgotten relatively quickly if video footage of JonBenet doing pageants hadn't surfaced. A the time, the pageant videos sparked a national debate about child beauty contests with a lot of people suggesting that the pageants were a form of child abuse and that they should be banned. Interestingly, not only have they not been banned but as far as I know, the pageant industry is still going strong and has become even more of a booming business.

Didn't the dad go on some show (Dr Phil?) and hint or basically suggest it was Burke? I don't think a young boy would have garroted his sister. I could understand an accident or a fight between siblings going horribly wrong. If that was the case it would have been tragic but it shouldn't have been covered up. I'm very suspicious of a person who throws his son under the bus decades after the murder on TV. Showing his interviews was in poor taste. If you can do that to one child what did you do to the other one?
The dad went on Dr. Phil. I can't remember him hinting at or suggesting it was Burke. I don't think the accusations against his son bother him though. The Burke theory takes the heat off of himself.

If it had been an accident or a fight between siblings, 911 would've been called and they'd either have told the truth or said she'd fallen in the bathtub or down a flight of stairs.

I'm very suspicious of a person who throws his son under the bus decades after the murder on TV.

Me too.
IMO, there is no way parents are going to go to such extremes to cover up a Sibling argument that resulted in a severe injury to one of their children. The idea that some people feel because one or both parents were aware of prior sexual abuse to JB, that they would choose to garrote their daughter and stage the gruesome scene to supposedly save their other child is IMO, ludicrous! The natural reaction of any parent in such circumstances is to save your dying child at any and all costs regardless. Even if it were BR who perpetrated the abuse (which has never been proven), he was a child, and they would certainly be aware that he was too young to face any serious consequences, and there'd be help available to him. There is a big piece of the puzzle missing regarding this case, and I believe it involves one or both of the parents, they are covering up for each other and/or somebody else in the Family, not BR. Possibly the older brother. He had a solid alibi, but could have hired it done and provided a key, kind of far-fetched, but who knows! To me the older brother had more reasons to be jealous of the younger siblings, as his Family was broken up when he was very young, and he may have held resentment for his Dad's "new" Family. JMO of course.
IMO, there is no way parents are going to go to such extremes to cover up a Sibling argument that resulted in a severe injury to one of their children. The idea that some people feel because one or both parents were aware of prior sexual abuse to JB, that they would choose to garrote their daughter and stage the gruesome scene to supposedly save their other child is IMO, ludicrous! The natural reaction of any parent in such circumstances is to save your dying child at any and all costs regardless. Even if it were BR who perpetrated the abuse (which has never been proven), he was a child, and they would certainly be aware that he was too young to face any serious consequences, and there'd be help available to him. There is a big piece of the puzzle missing regarding this case, and I believe it involves one or both of the parents, they are covering up for each other and/or somebody else in the Family, not BR. Possibly the older brother. He had a solid alibi, but could have hired it done and provided a key, kind of far-fetched, but who knows! To me the older brother had more reasons to be jealous of the younger siblings, as his Family was broken up when he was very young, and he may have held resentment for his Dad's "new" Family. JMO of course.

I totally agree. I don't believe that Burke did anything wrong. A garrote is a very specific and it makes it very clear that she was murdered. If say a kid fell during a fight and hit their head causing them to die, you would add a murder weapon to the scene. I really don't trust the dad because he is able to imply that his son committed this crime. It's cruel to have your son judged on a talk show. I was trying say that there is something wrong with a person that decides to "open up" now when Burke is an adult. That must be so traumatizing.
Agree, very cruel indeed. IMO BR is the perfect Patsy (please pardon the pun), as everyone involved knows he can never be charged given his age at the time this tragedy occurred. All eyes on BR takes the focus off JR, that's the goal. The words and actions of JR immediately following the crime through present day are very suspicious. JR is in control, the mastermind of the cover-up. He knows all, and the fact that he never really pursued justice for his murdered daughter, speaks volumes.
Didn't the dad go on some show (Dr Phil?) and hint or basically suggest it was Burke? I don't think a young boy would have garroted his sister. I could understand an accident or a fight between siblings going horribly wrong. If that was the case it would have been tragic but it shouldn't have been covered up. I'm very suspicious of a person who throws his son under the bus decades after the murder on TV. Showing his interviews was in poor taste. If you can do that to one child what did you do to the other one?
1. JR did nothing of the sort.

2. JBR was not garroted.
I totally agree. I don't believe that Burke did anything wrong. A garrote is a very specific and it makes it very clear that she was murdered. If say a kid fell during a fight and hit their head causing them to die, you would add a murder weapon to the scene. I really don't trust the dad because he is able to imply that his son committed this crime. It's cruel to have your son judged on a talk show. I was trying say that there is something wrong with a person that decides to "open up" now when Burke is an adult. That must be so traumatizing.
There was no murder weapon that was added. There was no garrote. Try asking what could have occurred in which the narcissistic parents thought- We have to cover this up.
There are so many tragedies out there and you are right it is unfair that so many babies out there do not get justice. Here are some of the reasons that I feel people have latched onto this case in particular:
1. Media Hype from day one.
2. Happened on Christmas/Day After
3. People latched onto the beauty pageant aspect.
4. Supposed kidnapping where the child was found murdered in her own basement.
5. Sooo many crazy bizarre aspects released to public on a regular basis. See Media Hype above. People thrive on mysteries and love to speculate.
6. Yup, beautiful little white girl with an affluent family.
7. Controversy. People love to hash and rehash things and people love to argue.
8. People want justice; people want those responsible for heinous crimes to be held accountable.

Some people feel strongly that the parents were not involved, while others insist they were. While it is true that you can't judge someone for how they appear to grieve or survive after the death of a loved one, the fact remains that parents, unfortunately, are capable of doing terrible things to their children.
Actions speak louder than words (and they have said plenty of questionable stuff, not to mention flat out lies). But I ask- Why not answer police questions? Why not turn over any type of evidence (medical records, phone records, clothes, etc.) immediately that could solve this case? Why keep changing your story? Why not use those riches to hire a million people to test, search and scour for this killer? I think we all know why, but many people are just in denial...
All of this is my opinion only....
I understand why people would think garrote, as there was a stick tied to the string that was around her neck. I have always wondered about the circle marks, were those confirmed to be a taser?
They do have DNA of the murderer correct?
There was no murder weapon that was added. There was no garrote. Try asking what could have occurred in which the narcissistic parents thought- We have to cover this up.
I haven't been keeping up with this case but I thought somehow a paint brush was used with the material found around her neck. If that is true, that would be a very odd choice if you were staging a crime scene.
The stick I mentioned, was part of a paint brush I believe. And yes, very odd if staging a scene. The hope is that we do have the offenders DNA, and with all the advancements, we may see a resolution soon.

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