JonBenet's personality

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capps said:
I don't have a problem at all with the idea of pageants. What I do have a problem with,is dressing young girls to look sexy. That's just wrong. To a point, I blame the people running the pageants,for not having age appropiate guidelines.They know how some parents go over the top ... and it wasn't just Patsy and JonBenet,there are a lot of little girls in those pageants dressing the same way.
I remember reading a story from a lady whose daughter was in a competition with JonBenet. It wasn't a pagent, I think it was some kind of modelling competition.
There were definite guidelines and they stipulated no make up on the sign up day. Patsy understood the terms of the competition but that didn't stop her turning up with JonBenet in full make up.
Nehemiah said:
What do you mean by playing in "mid air"? I can't begin to describe the visual I get from that. :)
Well in hockey, the players aren't allowed to swing the sticks higher than shoulder height and it's a foul if they hit another player with the stick. In Shinty, they can swing the sticks as hard and as high as they like and if another player gets in the way - too bad. They whack the ball when its in the air so there are sticks flying everywhere. It's extremely dangerous.
Jayelles said:
Well in hockey, the players aren't allowed to swing the sticks higher than shoulder height and it's a foul if they hit another player with the stick. In Shinty, they can swing the sticks as hard and as high as they like and if another player gets in the way - too bad. They whack the ball when its in the air so there are sticks flying everywhere. It's extremely dangerous.

Oh goodness! That sounds like a mother's nightmare. LOL Does you son play this, or just adults?

What kind of footwear goes with a kilt? Are the men fashion conscious, or do they have a standard shoe/boot?
I have to respectfully disagree with some on this topic. I think pageants, especially for kids as young as JBR are morally wrong. I fail to see any good in teaching small children they have to be dressed, coiffed and painted to be good enough. And those outfits we saw JBR in? I believe THAT'S the loss of inocence.
Brefie said:
I have to respectfully disagree with some on this topic. I think pageants, especially for kids as young as JBR are morally wrong. I fail to see any good in teaching small children they have to be dressed, coiffed and painted to be good enough. And those outfits we saw JBR in? I believe THAT'S the loss of inocence.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Brefie said:
I have to respectfully disagree with some on this topic. I think pageants, especially for kids as young as JBR are morally wrong. I fail to see any good in teaching small children they have to be dressed, coiffed and painted to be good enough. And those outfits we saw JBR in? I believe THAT'S the loss of innocence.
I am not from the south and I've never been to one. BUT I don't have a problem with them. If anything I have a problem with the parents of a few. As a little girl I would have LOVED to do pageants. I often pretended with my little friends to be Miss America and loved to play dress up ...and play in moms old make-up she'd give me to play with. I think it's all in the attitude & motives of the parent.

If I had a little girl that was interested I would have no problem doing it. But when she no longer was interested we would stop. I wouldn't make the winning the goal, just have a good time.

I recently watched on HBO a documentary that followed several children to a few pageants. Lots of kids seemed to be having a great time. One mother worked my last nerve.

But you can find that anywhere, bad parents aren't limited to the ones whose children are in pageants.
Linda7NJ said:
I am not from the south and I've never been to one. BUT I don't have a problem with them. If anything I have a problem with the parents of a few. As a little girl I would have LOVED to do pageants. I often pretended with my little friends to be Miss America and loved to play dress up ...and play in moms old make-up she'd give me to play with. I think it's all in the attitude & motives of the parent.

If I had a little girl that was interested I would have no problem doing it. But when she no longer was interested we would stop. I wouldn't make the winning the goal, just have a good time.

I recently watched on HBO a documentary that followed several children to a few pageants. Lots of kids seemed to be having a great time. One mother worked my last nerve.

But you can find that anywhere, bad parents aren't limited to the ones whose children are in pageants.

Bad parents are not limited to pageants - that's a cert.

I do think that when a child wants to participate in a costly hobby, there should be the understanding that this hobby will not be dropped and picked up again on a whim. As a child, I was an Irish dancer, and while the lessons were not expensive, the dress and shoes were. I learned pretty fast that since I wanted the dress, classes would be attended, no matter how lazy I felt that day. My parents always told me I could quit anytime, but while I expected them to spend a lot of money - some effort would be required from me.
Personally, I would never want to be compete in pageants. I'm fifteen and I have enough self-esteem issues without that kind of pressure. But of course it's not my place say that pageants are wrong or that young girls who participate in them are going to develop the wrong values. I think that ultimately depends on the parents and what they teach their daughters outside of the pageants.

I've never known anyone who has been in pageants(as least not to my knowledge), but I was a figure skater from the time I was four until several simultaneous medical problems forced me to quit a couple years ago. I knew quite a few girls who were pushed into it, usually because their mothers and/or older sisters did it. My mother was not a "stage mother" at all, but I do remember my rink's head coach telling me when I was nine that I had to lose weight or I wouldn't be allowed to be in the Spring ice show(to which I very dramatically replied, "Maybe I don't want to be in the show anyway!").

I think a lot of people see that kind of thing as very common in pageants, and I'm sure there are plenty of parents like that in pageants, just like in skating or dancing or any other hobby, and that's what I have a problem with.

Brefie, I know what you mean about the expensive hobbies. Skates alone are hundreds of dollars, plus coaches, group lessons, costumes, ice time, etc., so my mother was the same way.
Floh said:

Amen to that Floh.

Has anyone thought what Patsy would have done to JonBenet if she would not have been a born beauty?

Take for example if she was born with a large nose, or funny eyes, or some sort of phsyical defect. What would Patsy have done then?

Just ignored JonBenet's "wishes" of being in a pageant by saying, "Sorry honey you are not pretty enough"? Or would Patsy make JonBenet undergo some sort of surgery?

I just don't know but I have a feeling being unattractive was not an option for JonBenet.
Southern - as in "southern common sense"

Maybe that's partly why an IDI perp mentioned "southern", because he was offended by the pageantry of the southern culture. Certainly JonBenet was doing a southern thing as a little belle.
LinasK said:
I have to agree, the pageants at such a young age are bad enough, but Patsy was over the top, not just in the provocative outfits she put JonBenet in, but also dyeing her hair blonde, and to top it off- the worst for me- bright red lipstick on a 6 year old!!!:furious: No wonder John saw her as a minature woman to be sexually abused!
Obviously, I have been absent for too long. When was it determined that John sexually abused JB?

Did I miss anything?

i dont think John sexually abuse JB
I think it's just a theory
Somebody was sexually abusing JonBenet. When a child is that young, the abuser is usually one of their own family members. Why not John? Note - in my theory, Patsy was the one abusing JB when she died.
I know that it is many people's theory that either John or Patsy or perhaps both abused her and - given the autopsy results - I can understand where that is coming from, but in the post I was referring to it was stated as a fact that John abused her.

Wuschel said:
I know that it is many people's theory that either John or Patsy or perhaps both abused her and - given the autopsy results - I can understand where that is coming from, but in the post I was referring to it was stated as a fact that John abused her.

Okay sorry, I was not "stating it as a fact", I just forgot to add IMO.
If you look at JonBenet's autopsy report it says that her hymen was only part way broken it was at a 7 o clock position:
{The area of abrasion is present at approximately the 7:00 position and appears to involve the hymen and distal right lateral vaginal wall and possibly the area anterior to the hymen. }
Someone was abusing her but I don't think it was John, in the book " Who killed JonBenet?" it said because her hymen was only part way missing someone was either abusing JonBenet with a finger or the broken paint brush that was found with the cord around her neck. In my theory I think that Burke was playing " Doctor" with JB the night she died.

Nuisanceposter said:
Somebody was sexually abusing JonBenet. When a child is that young, the abuser is usually one of their own family members. Why not John? Note - in my theory, Patsy was the one abusing JB when she died.
So how often do you think they were playing doctor? And why in the middle of the night on Christmas night? And whose idea was it to implement the garrote? Why would JonBenet agree to being strangled if she and her brother were just playing doctor? There was evidence that she had been molested previously to the night she died...was that playing doctor also? Anyone could have been using their finger on her...consider the difference in size between the finger of a nine year old boy and an adult.

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