JonBenet's Skull Fractures: The Weapon

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
ty @ UK
I'll have to check out J's WS forum, see how far back it goes

" On the right labia majora is a very faint area of violet discoloration measuring approximately one inch by three-eighths of an inch. Incision into the underlying subcutaneous tissue discloses no hemorrhage."

wrt Discoloration /could be cause by either paintbrush or digit?
ty @ UK
I'll have to check out J's WS forum, see how far back it goes

" On the right labia majora is a very faint area of violet discoloration measuring approximately one inch by three-eighths of an inch. Incision into the underlying subcutaneous tissue discloses no hemorrhage."

wrt Discoloration /could be cause by either paintbrush or digit?

JonBenet was bleeding internally, and from what Coroner Meyer says in his verbatem remarks the bleeding could be both perimortem and postmortem, as Meyer is elliptically suggesting the bloodstains in her underwear do not match up to blood on her genitals, i.e. she was wiped down?

So did the cleanup represent an attempt at hiding a antemortem sexual assault? Since most of the external details relating to JonBenet in the basement is staged, why would the stager neglect any evidence of sexual assault?

I reckon its all staging is the best and most consistent explanation, otherwise you end up counting angels on the head of a pin.

Adopting that assumption also allows for the alleged sexual assault to have been staged via use of the paintbrush,

@otg I enjoyed your egg demo video very much. The damage to the shells shows that the initial point of contact is where the worst, deepest damage occurs with other cracks spidering out. But JBR's fracture is not like that, so Why?

IMOO the 3-part comminuted-to-displaced-to-linear fracture is a result of the weapon used and its special properties. IMOO the weapon was a golf club - but it was the grip end that made contact with her skull, and the head of the golf club was held like a handle by the attacker. I also believe it was a wood (aka driver) club, perhaps a 3-wood.

I have a 3-wood here and the diameter at the grip end is 1-inch tapering down the shaft to 1/2-inch where the grip material ends, meeting your brilliant size information, and also your brilliant analysis that the weapon is a cylinder since a cylinder-contacts-sphere results in an elliptical. The leather or polymer grip material also meets the requirement that the weapon did not cause her scalp to split open. iirc the ME testified that he was shocked to find so much internal cranial damage because none was observed externally. The grip material acted as padding. Multiple golf clubs were readily available in the basement. We have tested this and a person up to 5'6" can easily swing a 3-wood golf club while holding the head, and crash the grip end into the back of a couch (approximating JBR, maybe bent forward hiding her face) in a low 8-foot ceiling room (idk the exact ceiling height in the R's basement, but it is low). This a surprising powerful weapon with a painful bruising impact on an adult leg with light effort for testing, and could be very damaging wielded by someone in a rage.

Some notes on different golf clubs: Some golf clubs like putters and irons have very stiff shafts. The woods, however, have very flexible shafts. The manufacture of a modern wood shaft usually involves three different metal alloys along the the length to create a precise desired degree of flexibilty. The motto is "Let the club do the work" and the novice mistake is trying to muscle or power hit the ball. A slow motion film of Tiger Woods during a tee shot would actually show the wood club shaft ever so slightly bent back in the air as it whirrs toward the ball with a final snap! or kick! before the CRACK! of contact with the ball. Another way to think of this is like a whip that snaps! in the air - the sound is created by energy transfer. A wood club held out horizontally, one hand on each end, can be slightly flexed.

IMOO this property of flexibility is important to understand the three phase fracture injury result. As I posted previously, IMOO the crushed, comminuted fracture on the back of her head is the initial contact point - and it looks a lot like @otg 's egg demos. This is followed by a change of plane of impact for the elliptical displaced fracture, with the entirety of the 5-inch linear fracture only the result of fulcrum effect energy transfer moving forward, and no surface contact, due to the flexibility of the wood club shaft designed to do just that, maximize energy transfer.

IMOO any weapon that is too rigid, or too hard, or too heavy, (bats, sticks, pipes, rebar) would not be capable of such a large energy transfer type of fracture but would instead have created a more or larger, crushing, deep, direct impact injury.

Thanks for all your hard work on this, @otg. I am trying to think of a miniature, flexible eggshell weapon... maybe a piece of wire coat hanger for that flexible whip effect.
There is not much we disagree upon, those points we do can be technical or subjective so are open to revision.

Personally I do not reckon Kolar has been led astray. I think his interpretation of the forensic evidence lies within the legal boundaries set by his prior employment contract.

This is why both Spitz and Kolar cite similar scenarios both in the CBS documentary and his book that are off the wall, e.g. Burke whacked JonBenet for stealing pineapple chunks, but note the location, i.e. breakfast bar.

In other words, not JonBenet's bedroom from where she was transported to the basement. Bloodstain on the pillow anyone?

So it could be argued that there has been an institutional coverup that uses Burke's age at the time of the homicide as an overarching rationale, thus spawning a JonBenet Who Did it industry.

Consider Steve Thomas' book which was not his original theory, the R's threatened legal action so his theory was amended. He more or less told Kolar it's your turn for the limelight and royalties, whilst declining to talk over the finer points of Kolar's theory in public.

So none of the investigators who have published books can really be trusted to be telling the truth or revealing new forensic evidence as their employment contracts say otherwise. Note they do not publish their prior contracts for public scrutiny.

So it appears there is a commercial and legal conspiracy to prevent what actually happened the night JonBenet was killed from becoming public knowledge.

So unless Burke Ramsey is an accident of history, an individual wih an Autism Spectral Disorder, thereby an easy target for conspiracy theorists, such as Kolar who wish to paint him into a corner, where he killed JonBenet in pursuit of child like erotic desires, he is the killer of JonBenet and both John and Patsy Ramsey effected staging to edit him out of her death?

That's my take on the case, and why PDI is for birds, as it's Steve Thomas' revised theory one he did not defend against Kolar's in interview.

I give JR full marks for heroically defending his son in the manner he has. At his age other matters than your son's wellfare will be at the front of your mind. Note how JR takes a bullet for the flashlight just as Patsy did on Burke's long johns, or as they are known in the crime authoring community long underwear.

So the case is BDI all the way down, with an institutional coverup, complete with a fake news agenda.

My burning question is why with all of the staging that was done do we think that the weapon was even in the home by the time the police came.
There was more than enough time to dispose of it.
Speculation has led some to think the blow to the head came to shut up the "scream", which might have been in response to the vaginal jab. How could the jab be perpetuated against a live, possibly wriggling child with one hand and the other hand wielding a weapon hard enough to make this fracture?Can't imagine it, especially if a weapon had to be 'reached for'. I don't think the blow to the head was to stop a scream.
Could the scream be have been in anticipation of blow..i.e being chased, verbally threatened with a weapon, or being restrained and anticipating either the blow or the penetration?
My gut feels that she was tricked into going down to the basement under some pretense. " Let's go look at the other gifts". Maybe the attack didn't happen immediately and she was seated/ kneeling on the floor looking through the gifts that were there. Remember BR says " I think she was taken downstairs and someone hit her on the head with a hammer". We automatically think- carried. But to take someone can also mean to accompany them. As in, I'm going to take you to the store, someone took her to the store. I think it was more of an set up/ambush attack. I used to think initially, it was an impulsive act. I don't anymore.

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