Jose Baez threatens legal action over DC's claims he swapped sex for represention

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Thanks for the link. I just watched the fox interview......Jose Baez can call Dominic joke all day long, but its JB's professional reputation taking the hit now for hiring him and keeping him so close to it all. Its not like there wasn't a hundred Private Eyes in Orlando at that time, and could have worked for free just for the face time - as so many others attached to this case were doing. I call bull dinkies on JB, and think that Dominic served Jose's purposes plenty. Even with all of Dominic's crazy, I do think he knows a lot of thing about a lot of things. hahaha at Jose Baez getting all pissy about damaged reputations.
Thanks for the link. I just watched the fox interview......Jose Baez can call Dominic joke all day long, but its JB's professional reputation taking the hit now for hiring him and keeping him so close to it all. Its not like there wasn't a hundred Private Eyes in Orlando at that time, and could have worked for free just for the face time - as so many others attached to this case were doing. I call bull dinkies on JB, and think that Dominic served Jose's purposes plenty. Even with all of Dominic's crazy, I do think he knows a lot of thing about a lot of things. hahaha at Jose Baez getting all pissy about damaged reputations.

The thing with DC is it's impossible to tell now what he was actually privy to and what he made up in his head.
I think the over complication of the entire case by everybody, and especially media, is a huge reason she's not in jail right now.

That I agree with 100%. It was a very simple case for anyone who looked objectively at the evidence and didn't allow themselves to get lost in the quagmire of Casey's lies.
I'll be watching to see if Baez actually follows through with anything. I'm guessing he won't as I've always suspected that what DC is saying is true.
IMO, JB and the felon never thought anyone would reveal their dirty little secrets. Besides the investigator who JB, The felon, who else would know that sex was payment...her parents, brother, sis in law.....and others in the family and exfriends may have suspected it. Now someone has come forth. The felon is not saying a word? She has played the media in the past with pictures, news of pregnancy, video clips,that mysteriously got on you tube.....but now she is quiet?! Is Cheney advising her, is he still in the picture, where is Cheney, does the felon and Cheney have a dirty little secret of some sort too? The investigator maynot be the best but in this case, I do believe him.

IMO when monies get low for certain players, we will see them in the news giving a story and getting paid for it.

Wonder who her sugar daddy is now? All JMO and thoughts.
IMO, JB and the felon never thought anyone would reveal their dirty little secrets. Besides the investigator who JB, The felon, who else would know that sex was payment...her parents, brother, sis in law.....and others in the family and exfriends may have suspected it. Now someone has come forth. The felon is not saying a word? She has played the media in the past with pictures, news of pregnancy, video clips,that mysteriously got on you tube.....but now she is quiet?! Is Cheney advising her, is he still in the picture, where is Cheney, does the felon and Cheney have a dirty little secret of some sort too? The investigator maynot be the best but in this case, I do believe him.

IMO when monies get low for certain players, we will see them in the news giving a story and getting paid for it.

Wonder who her sugar daddy is now? All JMO and thoughts.

I heard she's living with Patrick McKenna, her body guard and probably, as you put it, her sugar daddy.

LOL, I googled him and so far only three different media sites have reported on his interview.
No big surprise here. I followed the Casey Anthony saga through the trial and always suspected that she and JB weren't just working on her "case" when he brought her to his office almost daily ;) Casey was usually wearing short shorts and tight tees and probably made it obvious to her attorney that she was "available". ;)

i agree with this too...even early in the case, wasnt there an "incident" where FCA and baez were "sharing" a piece of red twizzler licorice ( ala "the lady and the tramp" scene) ...
Casey has an alleged "Twitter" up under the name "kisssykiss." It sort of looks fake but it has some pictures of Lee and Mallory and what looks like Lee and Mallory's son. I'd post the link, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that we aren't allowed to link to Twitter here.

Either way, it's not really worth going to. It's nauseating. If it is her, it's full of all these annoying motivational quotes and she still can't spell. I have a headache from the five minutes I just spent there and I don't intend on ever going there again.

Oh and guess who is a Trump supporter?
Casey has an alleged "Twitter" up under the name "kisssykiss." It sort of looks fake but it has some pictures of Lee and Mallory and what looks like Lee and Mallory's son. I'd post the link, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that we aren't allowed to link to Twitter here.

Either way, it's not really worth going to. It's nauseating. If it is her, it's full of all these annoying motivational quotes and she still can't spell. I have a headache from the five minutes I just spent there and I don't intend on ever going there again.

Oh and guess who is a Trump supporter?

I wish that was real, but it's totally fake ..
I hope you're right that it's fake. It annoyed the crap out of me.

Read through it again, whoever runs the account is trolling people who have been going after Casey for years with mixed results .. It's prob some kid looking for attention, it got a few bites from people who should know better.
Read through it again, whoever runs the account is trolling people who have been going after Casey for years with mixed results .. It's prob some kid looking for attention, it got a few bites from people who should know better.

That's okay. I have no intention of reading through it again. The only thing that worried me were some of the pictures on there and whether a troll could have gotten access to them.
Casey and Baez deserve each other. All of the things he accused George Anthony of during the trial were absolutely despicable, and I can almost guarantee you that most of it was HIS idea. In hindsight, it reminds me a lot of Nurmi and Jodi Arias and the collusion those two had. In that case, I think Nurmi was the one coming up with all the sex stuff and Jodi simply agreed with everything he conjured up, truth be damned.

It's actually hard to figure out who the bigger liar is, the attorney or the client.

I'm surprised Baez and Anthony haven't run off and gotten married yet, if for nothing more than to boost sales of their "tell all" book.
That's okay. I have no intention of reading through it again. The only thing that worried me were some of the pictures on there and whether a troll could have gotten access to them.

Pretty easy to do, probably got them from open Facebook accounts.
I was looking through the fake twitter pics and there is one of Casey kissing what might be Lee and Mallory's son. It makes me sick to think she is so close to another child. It makes me even sicker to think they let her near their child!
I was looking through the fake twitter pics and there is one of Casey kissing what might be Lee and Mallory's son. It makes me sick to think she is so close to another child. It makes me even sicker to think they let her near their child!

Lee is weird. Remember that "C-M-A" speech at Caylee's memorial?
Casey has an alleged "Twitter" up under the name "kisssykiss." It sort of looks fake but it has some pictures of Lee and Mallory and what looks like Lee and Mallory's son. I'd post the link, but I seem to remember reading somewhere that we aren't allowed to link to Twitter here.

Either way, it's not really worth going to. It's nauseating. If it is her, it's full of all these annoying motivational quotes and she still can't spell. I have a headache from the five minutes I just spent there and I don't intend on ever going there again.

Oh and guess who is a Trump supporter?

I don't know, it seems like her ...."I'm going to take back the REIGNS of my life" yes, that sounds like the idiot.
I wonder who it could be other than her, with those family photographs? No photos of George though.......
I don't know, it seems like her ...."I'm going to take back the REIGNS of my life" yes, that sounds like the idiot.
I wonder who it could be other than her, with those family photographs? No photos of George though.......

No it's not, of course it's someone trying to sound like her to suck people in.

Sometimes I feel like people are ready to believe anything when it comes to this case, maybe that's the problem?
What's possible is there's a wee kernel of truth to DC's sex accusations, around which he spun a tall tale.

IIRC, didn't Baez have to be told by guards to keep his hands off the during jail visits? And didn't the get all pissy with him when he spent time with his wife instead of with her?

The seems to specialize in manipulating older men. I can imagine her being sexually suggestive with him, Baez being flattered, and DC inflating sexual banter and the wrapping her tentacles around Baez into actual sex.

I think Baez is ethically challenged, but I don't believe he was stupid enough to have sex with the who was to be his ticket to fame and fortune.

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