Jose Baez to read Casey Anthony's Statement regarding her daughter's memorial

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ITA, lawlady84. No chance of exhumation.

I'm pretty sure with all the experts from the prosecution and defense who did the autopsies there would be no need to exhume the remains at a later time.
Unless people are suggesting that the prosecution wasn't as thorough as they needed to be. :eek:
i do, i do. Maybe this is all just a control issue between cindy and casey but if it is, cindy wins this round. One big neener to casey :dance:

Getting serious again though, imo, it's caylee who actually won this round. Casey wanted her buried quietly and privately, as if she was something to be ashamed of. Cindy obviously feels caylee deserves better. I'm glad.

ita!!! ;)
I'm surprised there wasn't a statement about profiting from the public memorial and it was so inappropriate.....

Methinks this was JB's payback to BC for BC's smiling, silent reaction when asked if he thought KC was being adequately represented.
Oh, I missed that. Have a link? Much appreciated.
Seeing that Casey got to make all the decisions and arrangements for Caylee's first funeral, I don't see why she's so irritated that C&G made the arrangements for the second. C&G are also the ones who supported Caylee from the day she was born - it's not like Casey ever contributed anything to her care or to the household. But, it's no real surprise that Casey wants a say anyway, despite the fact she's the one who killed Caylee in the first place and started this whole chain of events. The girl is daft.

And her "statement?" Please. She finally opens her mouth and that's what she comes up with? To tell the world her parents are being mean to her?
yes, casey was throwing verbal stones at her mother, and telling us the public that she is going to be acquitted.

Casey - 2 pts
Cindy - 1 pt
Public - 0 pts

after the memorial:
Casey 2 pts
Cindy - 2 pts
public - 0 pts

after the trial the public will even the score!
I don't think they put creamted remains in a casket, an urn maybee

My mom wants to be cremated and I am totally against it because I don't like it and I am selfish and would rather have a place to go "see" her. But if I were the A's I would have had Caylee cremated too, so that once this was over with I could take her with me when I moved as far away from Orlando as I could get and leave KC in prison where she belongs. I can't imagine that this family is going to continue to live there and Caylee already spent enough time alone. I have hoped since I heard that it was possible that they may cremate her that they have her in an urn in the house.
I believe it was announced either Friday or Saturday that the remains were released to George & Cindy. It only takes about half a day to cremate.

I don't think BC lied in his presser on Friday night- since the remains had been at the funeral home for so many weeks I'm sure once they were released the creamation happened pretty quickly.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I really do feel sorry for George & Cindy right now. I don't understand why Casey released such a statement and even more, I can't understand why Baez read it to the media.

What a roller coaster this is.

The only constant is that Casey is evil.
So spiteful and mean, I feel for the A's right now...the memorial is tomorrow. No points for the defense, they just showed once again that CA has no soul.
Is anyone in the family ever going to thank people who helped? I've never seen anything like this.
I leave the house one day and something happens. It does EVERYTIME! Next time I have to leave is Wednesday, watch and see, something will happen. KC is an imbecile. Nothing about finding the "killer" nothing about finding justice, just me me me me....why am I not surprised????
Who has a loved one cremated and lets them sit at the funeral home?
Nobody I know.

Thats the way it works. We didnt get my dads ashes for a week or two after he was cremated. Its not like we abandoned him there. We had no choice in the matter.

On a seperate issue, anyone else think that along with this being a dig from JB to BC, that it may have also been KC doing a bit of tit for tat after her mom put the caylee band in her socks? ( I think the Caylee band was a clear message, not support).
There was that rumor about the cremation weeks ago, guess it was true.
This poor excuse for a family could not even come together to agree on how Caylee could be laid to rest. Why were Cindy and George so adamant on cremating Caylee's remains? Maybe because it is so much cheaper than a casket, tombstone and a normal burial?:(

CA couldn't figure out a way to charge people visiting Caylee in the cemetary so opted for cremation. She couldn't get a good ROI the other way.
Re bold-- Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking too. Her mother is "queen" at an event which should be starring KC, in KC's opinion, and featuring herself as the victim, to boot.

And since she can't "star" in it, it shouldn't be happening.
To me that announcement JB read sounds like KC telling us, "See how bad my mother treats me and what I've always had to put up with?!"

In my opinion, Casey, the Sweetheart, will definitely be throwing a first-class hissy fit tomorrow.
My guess is that they plan to keep Caylee in their home. They may have held a private service already, the day that G and C sat with Caylee at the funeral home. Caylee is probably already at home with them now.

I feel Cindy will keep Caylee's remains also for many reasons. One being to stick it to Casey for taking Caylee away from her, Caylee will always be with Cindy now.

I wonder if Casey knows that already? That is one hissy fit I would love to see of hers.
WOW. I think you've really hit the head on the hammer, Firefly. Very insightful of you! I agree that the issue of control is of paramount importance to Cindy. What a sad, sad statement that makes....

What about Caylee???!!!!

The state plans on painting this exact picture for the jury & KC just helped them do it with her statement..If it wasn't intentional it was pretty stupid..If it was intentional then it gives us a clue to where the defense may be going come trial time.

I had the feeling she was already cremated even before BC double-talked his way thru all the Q's Friday re: Caylee's remains.
They may never lay her to rest in the ground, they could possibly just take her home and put her on the mantle.
I personally do not think that they will bury her in the ground now. BC commented a few weeks ago about the thought of cremation because of the worry of grave robbers and such..
I think this will be the only service little Caylee has.

You can still have a church service with a coffin when your loved one is cremated. The service can also continue at the crematory (sp). The only difference is that the coffin goes into a furnace instead of the ground.
I think so too. I think CA is going to hold onto those cremains very tightly forever more.

Just a thought...

Could it be possible that they may have Caylees' cremated remains in a urn on the altar tomorrow,surrounded by flowers?
Once again Casey and Cindy at odds.

I find the petty bickering over the remains to be extremely distateful. Why would Baez even mention Casey's aversion to Cindy and George's decisions?

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