Jose Baez

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Can he take a cell phone in the room with him when they visit? He probably had it hidden in his pocket or something so she could lean over on him and talk to her family w/o being recorded. I don't know if I explained that well, but it made sense when I thunk it. Like they were hugging to hide the fact the phone was up to her ear.

No, he is not supposed to take a cell phone into the jail because it would be considered contraband. He and his briefcase are supposed to be searched. Here in Louisiana, he would never make it into the locked down area where inmates meet with lawyers, etc., without being patted down.

Jails have rules and a schedule. The night time schedule is less busy, but you still have to have a certain number of officers on the shift. In a busy jail, night time is when the inmates in protective custody, administrative lockdown and so forth are escorted to shower. Meds have to be given out (daytime as well), and a routine has to be followed. If Casey gets special permission to visit with her lawyer, an officer has to be assigned to escort her and remain in an area where he/she does not listen to their communications, but HAS to watch her. She, being charged with Murder, should not be allowed to meet with Baez so frequently or even at night. In a jail or detention center setting, you have to be fair to all inmates. If Baez is allowed to come spend hours at night with Casey, then the other inmates should be allowed to do so as well. Can you imagine what a circus that would be?

I am going to email the jail today and ask why Casey and Baez are allowed to meet so much and at night. I may not get an answer, but it does appear to me that Casey and Baez are getting way to many visits in jail with Casey being a high profile inmate. I will post if I get an answer.
All I can say right now is Wow, I mean come on, the jail said this is the first time they have had to tell an Attorney that physical contact isn't allowed. That says a whole lot to me, he can claim all day long that he didn't know there was suppose to be no physical contact, but if that was the case....he shouldn't have had to be warned Repeatedly.

This is just the strangest case I think I have ever seen. I also hope if this report is true, that action by the Bar is taken.

Just when you think nothing will suprise you.....sick sick sick!

I wonder if this will affect her trial?

This was *snipped form the news report on

"When Casey was out on bond, there were several times that she would spend six hours a day at Baez's office including Saturdays. There's nothing criminal about having a relationship with a client, but Schaeffer said there are ethical issues.

"The appellate court could find that relationship overstepped the bounds of attorney client relationship and affected that performance and order a new trial," he said."

So I am guessing this will cause alot of problems and I can see TB (or whoever he is) sending another fax right now stating this is all false and that WFTV has nothing better to do then smear JB. :boohoo:
To be honest, I can't say I am surprised by any of this. I have always thought JB was creepy, now it just confirms it. I don't buy that he didn't know he was not suppose to have contact. He's suppose to be an attorney, so he should have known that, but to have to be told twice. Well, that sure speaks volumes to me.
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.
Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

I have said all along that something fishy was going on between the two of them. I was told by some here that it just wasn't so (hanky-panky) that he is a lawyer and has to follow the bar and that he has a wife. Well apparently he thinks he can do as he pleases and is touchy feely with Casey! You can't tell me a lawyer in Kissimee doesn't know the rules at 33rd street jail in Orlando, that there is no touching!!! I'm sure that there is some kind of notice even posted about this at the jail. Is Casey his first client that he has ever had in jail? I'm not buying it!!!!!! :mad: This man is personally involved with Casey, and he should be removed from being her lawyer! It's disgusting!!!!!!!!! :furious:

If I was his wife his crap would be sitting on the curb right about now!
His wife is gonna be pissed....

What I find interesting is when confronted by the media about this, Baez didn't deny it. He simply said "No comment".
Jose Baez Repeatedly Told To Stop Touching Casey During Jail Visits
Friday, October 31, 2008

ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- In the past two weeks Casey Anthony's attorney Jose Baez has visited her at the jail, seven out of 14 days.
Eyewitness News has discovered that on at least two occasions jail staff had to step in and Baez was warned repeatedly about hugging Casey during their visits.

A jail report states: "The inmate's attorney was observed hugging inmate and was advised that physical contact was prohibited."

I think everyone is jumping way to fast and assuming something is going on. Seriously, he may be trying to get close to her and hug her because he might think she stole his wedding ring. It does appear to be missing.
Ive been in plenty of jails for work, (wanted to clarify, not an and I can tell you NO ONE has ever HAD to tell me no touching!! I have NEVER seen a lawyer touch an inmate unless the lawyer also happened to be the inmates parent (which I have seen). There isnt a lawyer in the world who doesnt know this is not only inappropriate but also against the rules... The fact that he had to be told 2x is an even bigger problem.

This is a set up for an appeal process... I hope the Bar takes action, this is a blantant violation of ethics! and the fact he didnt know is total BS...

I think the answer to why KC keeps him as her Atty is crystal clear at this point.

No doubt. I speculated that there was motive to the 6 hour meetings and now this. Casey and her mother might be more cunning than we all thought.
I have said all along that something fishy was going on between the two of them. I was told by some here that it just wasn't so (hanky-panky) that he is a lawyer and has to follow the bar and that he has a wife. Well apparently he thinks he can do as he pleases and is touchy feely with Casey! You can't tell me a lawyer in Kissimee doesn't know the rules at 33rd street jail in Orlando, that there is no touching!!! I'm sure that there is some kind of notice even posted about this at the jail. Is Casey his first client that he has ever had in jail? I'm not buying it!!!!!! :mad: This man is personally involved with Casey, and he should be removed from being her lawyer! It's disgusting!!!!!!!!! :furious:

If I was his wife his crap would be sitting on the curb right about now!

Who knows what his wife thinks. Right about the time of the motions hearings he quit wearing his wedding ring. That dog might have already hunted. I wondered at the time, why Jose's wife went to the Anthony home til after midnight the night 20/20 aired the show about the case. Was she worried?
I think everyone is jumping way to fast and assuming something is going on. Seriously, he may be trying to get close to her and hug her because he might think she stole his wedding ring. It does appear to be missing.

LMAO!!!!!! Is his ring missing, I hadn't noticed, but that sure says even more to me if it is! I never take my wedding ring off! EVER!
Forget that JB knows it is unethical (I’m assuming)
and that he was told twice by the staff “no touching”. What gets me is, why would he want to have a “friendly” relationship with his client? Didn’t he learn in law school (that’s assuming it was taught, I would assume that it is common sense) that the complications from such a relationship will make his defense less effective? Kind of hard to be unbiased, looking at all the evidence when you are head-over-heels biased.

Know what shocks me? It shocks me that I am not shocked.

LMAO!!!!!! Is his ring missing, I hadn't noticed, but that sure says even more to me if it is! I never take my wedding ring off! EVER!

It is either missing or he stopped wearing it several weeks ago. I do believe that started, and has been researched, about the time of the motions' hearing.
Who knows what his wife thinks. Right about the time of the motions hearings he quit wearing his wedding ring. That dog might have already hunted. I wondered at the time, why Jose's wife went to the Anthony home til after midnight the night 20/20 aired the show about the case. Was she worried?

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall! Speaking of flies seems Miss Casey (Maggot) has caught another one in her web!

*boom, boom, boom, another one bites the dust!*
I agree- KC's appeal atty (after she is convicted) will cite inappropriate relationship between atty/client in an attempt to gain an appeal.

JB's other clients (yes he does have a few open cases) will cite ineffective counsel in their appeal due to JB neglecting their case to hang out with KC.
Ive been in plenty of jails for work, (wanted to clarify, not an and I can tell you NO ONE has ever HAD to tell me no touching!! I have NEVER seen a lawyer touch an inmate unless the lawyer also happened to be the inmates parent (which I have seen). There isnt a lawyer in the world who doesnt know this is not only inappropriate but also against the rules... The fact that he had to be told 2x is an even bigger problem.

This is a set up for an appeal process... I hope the Bar takes action, this is a blantant violation of ethics! and the fact he didnt know is total BS...

I think the answer to why KC keeps him as her Atty is crystal clear at this point.

I agree!!!!!!!! I hope the Bar takes a real close look at this too! If they don't, then I will lose faith in our system!
I agree- KC's appeal atty (after she is convicted) will cite inappropriate relationship between atty/client in an attempt to gain an appeal.

JB's other clients (yes he does have a few open cases) will cite ineffective counsel in their appeal due to JB neglecting their case to hang out with KC.

I hope Baez goes down in flames. His clown smile and grin tells me that he missed his calling and should have been on Bozo's circus.
KCs questions to JB was probably something like..

Did TonE ask about me? Does he miss me? Did you tell him I still Love him??

My guess is that the dialogue on his side is, "I'll get you off, darling! They have NOTHING! What's a little DNA?":rolleyes:
I have said all along that something fishy was going on between the two of them. I was told by some here that it just wasn't so (hanky-panky) that he is a lawyer and has to follow the bar and that he has a wife. Well apparently he thinks he can do as he pleases and is touchy feely with Casey! You can't tell me a lawyer in Kissimee doesn't know the rules at 33rd street jail in Orlando, that there is no touching!!! I'm sure that there is some kind of notice even posted about this at the jail. Is Casey his first client that he has ever had in jail? I'm not buying it!!!!!! :mad: This man is personally involved with Casey, and he should be removed from being her lawyer! It's disgusting!!!!!!!!! :furious:

If I was his wife his crap would be sitting on the curb right about now!

If the guy lost his license, his client would kick him to the curb pretty fast, too.

It's kinda starting to look as if this guy is specializing in killer moms, BTW.

With some attorneys, the lawyer jokes write themselves!

I think everyone is jumping way to fast and assuming something is going on. Seriously, he may be trying to get close to her and hug her because he might think she stole his wedding ring. It does appear to be missing.
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