Josh Powell blew his house up in WA #3

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Sep 26, 2007
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[ame=""]Thread #1[/ame]

[ame=""]Thread #2[/ame]

[ame=""]COD Thread For the Boys[/ame]

[ame=""]Powell Family Media Statements[/ame]

[ame=""]Steven Powell-will be he arrested?[/ame]

[ame=""]How can we find Susan?[/ame]

[ame=""]Thoughts for the Cox family and friends[/ame]

[ame=""]Thank you from Kiirsi[/ame]
We have broken out some of the active discussions on thread number 2 into threads of their own.

:hug: to all of you-you are doing a great job keeping the focus where it counts here.
These threads and links provided are moving pretty quickly. I thought I heard in one of the media links that Josh had moved money from his bank account to somebody???

How many red flags were there before Sunday????
A hatchet? I can barely take this guys....but did we expect anything less of the murderer?

I can't even verbalize how angry and sad I am.


I heard this morning on the news that the boys had cuts on their necks and head. OMG, what did they endure before they passed??? I am so angry I wish I could write to the pedophile Father to let him know how I feel. I believe he was the evil seed that started this whole mess and Josh was just like Daddy! Instead of defending his wife against this piece of **** Father he kills his wife and then makes the boys believe that their Mother abandoned them. Steve and Josh are the lowest of human life form and Steve should get LWOP or even the death penalty for what he has inflicted on his Family. Those poor babies maybe they RIP.
Voice Mail, huh? I'm curious as to what the Coward would have done if someone had answered! Claim wrong number, hung up, lied about the real reason why he was calling?

We can lobby for changes in CPS policies so that murder suspects and those who may be mentally unstable are denied or given only severely limited supervised visitation in a very protective environment. We can lobby for CPS offices to be overseen by panels of citizens with common sense to oversee CPS actions.

We can help others recognize the warning signs of suicide. Some of Josh's: He was listed as the only suspect in his wife's homicide investigation, he was losing hope of ever recovering his children, his family was disintegrating with his sicko dad in prison, he was filled with a lot of anger, his family has a history of mental problems, his mood was stated in several articles to be confident and lifting, he looked physically ill, he gave away his children&#8217;s toys, and he apparently bought or took from his dad's home a large amount of gasoline and an ax.

We can lobby for changes in CPS policies so that murder suspects and those who may be mentally unstable are denied or given only severely limited supervised visitation in a very protective environment. We can lobby for CPS offices to be overseen by panels of citizens with common sense to oversee CPS actions.

We can help others recognize the warning signs of suicide. Some of Josh's: He was listed as the only suspect in his wife's homicide investigation, he was losing hope of ever recovering his children, his family was disintegrating with his sicko dad in prison, he was filled with a lot of anger, his family has a history of mental problems, his mood was stated in several articles to be confident and lifting, he looked physically ill, he gave away his children&#8217;s toys, and he apparently bought or took from his dad's home a large amount of gasoline and an ax.

If his own psychiatrist and/or judge didn't see the warning signs, I'm not so sure anyone could have prevented this horror. This is not just a suicide. It's a double murder.

Perhaps a better list would have been "How can we help others recognize the warning signs of someone who is about to commit murder". Some of the same signs may show up. Giving away your children's toys is not a sign of suicide, it's a sign of murder as an example.

My :twocents:

We can lobby for changes in CPS policies so that murder suspects and those who may be mentally unstable are denied or given only severely limited supervised visitation in a very protective environment. We can lobby for CPS offices to be overseen by panels of citizens with common sense to oversee CPS actions.

We can help others recognize the warning signs of suicide. Some of Josh's: He was listed as the only suspect in his wife's homicide investigation, he was losing hope of ever recovering his children, his family was disintegrating with his sicko dad in prison, he was filled with a lot of anger, his family has a history of mental problems, his mood was stated in several articles to be confident and lifting, he looked physically ill, he gave away his children&#8217;s toys, and he apparently bought or took from his dad's home a large amount of gasoline and an ax.

BBM....anyone interested should read "The Shack" by William P. Young. An outstanding book. Very moving and a good way to explain how faith works.

JMO of course.
Just stunned, horrified and shocked by what happened. I'm a local, living in Pierce County, WA (though not in Graham) but was primarily familiar with the case via WS.

As a result of Sunday's news, I had a conversation with my parents and told them that if I ever disappear under mysterious and suspicious circumstances (and no, my DH is not questionable in any way, but my God, you just never know - people can change, become depressed, mental illness triggered, etc.) and if the "proper channels" fail to protect her, then they are to take DD and simply run. Leave the country and never look back. I know this may sound nuts, but she's the most precious gift in our lives and her safety is the only thing I want them to care about if they suspect that my husband is responsible for my disappearance.

Between Sky's mom gaining custody of him prior to his disappearance, and now this...abomination...being allowed to see his children outside of a controlled environment. I just can't fathom it...I don't understand how this can happen to our babies. I lost faith in the criminal justice system with the ICA case and now I've lost faith in the family court system, utterly and completely. What are we to do to protect our children?!

Sorry for the ramblings...I'm utterly distraught over what THE MONSTER did to these beautiful, precious and beloved boys, not to mention whatever horrors he subjected Susan to. It's all just beyond comprehension.
Guys - I know everyone is shocked, dismayed and horrified, but we are not going to start a religious debate here. We have many, many members of many, many faiths or of no faith.

Sending prayers, well wishes, wishes of peace and comfort is okay. Debating where a higher power might be found is not okay.

Please let one of the mods know if you have any questions or concerns. This is not to stop anyone from believing what they believe, but to insure everyone feels okay to believe what they believe.

A hatchet? I can barely take this guys....but did we expect anything less of the murderer?

I can't even verbalize how angry and sad I am.


Sadly, I speculate the hatchet was originally there for the SW. I mean, he needed to have his plan on how to keep her from intervening. The boys just happened to run ahead and she was spared. We will never know what was going on in JP's sick head. Maybe the boys tried to get away. Who wouldn't have tried to get away?

I am so saddened by this whole story. I can't help but try to grasp what he was thinking as a way to try to coupe and understand. But it just leaves me more upset and confused and heartbroken. The man was a monster. Period.
If his own psychiatrist and/or judge didn't see the warning signs, I'm not so sure anyone could have prevented this horror. This is not just a suicide. It's a double murder.

Perhaps a better list would have been "How can we help others recognize the warning signs of someone who is about to commit murder". Some of the same signs may show up. Giving away your children's toys is not a sign of suicide, it's a sign of murder as an example.

My :twocents:
When did he last see his psychiatrist?

I don't know if anyone could have prevented this either, but there were articles about Josh's changing behavior (becoming confident about his children's custody and at ease). These were very recent and came from his last court date which was a few days before the children were murdered. He also gave away his children's toys last weekend according to this article.

When individuals known to be very depressed suddenly seem more calm and less depressed, their change in behavior may be because they have decided to escape from their misery and kill themselves. They may have chosen how they will kill themselves.
About noon Sunday, a state contract worker from Foster Care Resource Network brought the boys for a scheduled visit to Powell's Graham house. The caseworker was assigned to the children and had previously brought them to their father without incident, Troyer said.

Someone in another thread asked what it took to be licensed as a social worker in a situation like this, sorry I am out the door in a second and can't find which thread, but I did find a link:
When did he last see his psychiatrist?

I don't know if anyone could have prevented this either, but there were articles about Josh's changing behavior (becoming confident about his children's custody and at ease). These were very recent and came from his last court date which was a few days before the children were murdered. He also gave away his children's toys last weekend according to this article.

When individuals known to be very depressed suddenly seem more calm and less depressed, their change in behavior may be because they have decided to escape from their misery and kill themselves. They may have chosen how they will kill themselves.

His custody hearing. An article was posted early this morning. The judge thought he was improving <paraphrasing>
When did he last see his psychiatrist?

I don't know if anyone could have prevented this either, but there were articles about Josh's changing behavior (becoming confident about his children's custody and at ease). These were very recent and came from his last court date which was a few days before the children were murdered. He also gave away his children's toys last weekend according to this article.

When individuals known to be very depressed suddenly seem more calm and less depressed, their change in behavior may be because they have decided to escape from their misery and kill themselves. They may have chosen how they will kill themselves.

Exactly. Those are classic, classic warning sings of suicide. If a previously depressed person suddenly acts all calm and happy this is a WARNING SIGN! And if they are starting to give away their possessions then its even more loud and clear.
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