Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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I agree. I think if it were Susan's blood they would have arrested Josh already.
But it may have been some other kind of bodily fluids.

I think the most plausible scenario is that Susan was angry and voiced her plans to separate and wanted Josh to leave the house. He probably
escalated things and needed to move her from the scene. I think he involved dad in that process somehow.

ETA: I just read a few posts above with a better scenario. Josh made her special pancakes, drugged her, and had planned it with dad.

I think Susan invited Jovonna over, so that she and Josh would be civil to each other. Can't argue in front of a guest.
So much time has passed and I certainly hope that Susan's real journals have been found and not something "transcribed" by either guy onto a computer.

That might be exactly what they're looking for: her actual writings, and the versions contained on a computer.

All of this bluster by Steven Powell, about her coming onto him, might be his defense for what she really wrote.

If if parts have been removed/destroyed, it'll be obvious.
Steven Powell says pictures, videos and journals belonging to both himself and his missing daughter-in-law, Susan Cox Powell, were taken by West Valley police during an 8 ½ hour search of his home Thursday.

.... They were about to end the search at 9:45 p.m., when a discussion during their final briefing prompted them to give a potential piece of evidence one final look, said West Valley Police Lt. Bill Merritt.In doing so, investigators ended up finding additional information and searching Powell's home for another 90 minutes. West Valley police didn't wrap up their search until about 11:15 p.m.

Just my theory on this.

Police decided to look at some CD's they found or a computer in their big lab truck outside and found videos from secret cameras in the house.
(old article)

“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.

……………….she clarifies that Susan felt tired, not ill. Perhaps Susan got some sleeping pills in her eggs?
ill be rushing out the door right now to buy his latest CD......

Sorry dizzychick, save yourself a trip. I bought every copy and I'm giving them as Christmas gifts to all my buddies here @ WS :Banane23::Banane23:
Dear goodness with him telling his sex life all over the national media, what on earth does he find embarrassing???? :eek:

Pictures of him in the buff....... ewwwwwwwwwwwwww:sick:

ETA: his feet do look awfully small....just saying
(old article)

“The only thing that I thought was a little unusual was that Josh took so long to prepare brunch," she said, "Susan took the kids to church in the morning and walked home around noon. I came to their house for the afternoon to spend time with the family and to help Susan untangle some yarn."
“Josh had already started cooking before we got there and didn’t have the meal ready until about 4 p.m. I just figured he didn’t have much experience in the kitchen. When we did eat it was a pleasant meal. He made us scrambled eggs with onions and bell peppers and pancakes with cream cheese.”
"He served us individually. He served the food and gave each person their plates - Susan, Charlie, Braden, himself, and me. I thought he did that for portion-control," she said.

……………….she clarifies that Susan felt tired, not ill. Perhaps Susan got some sleeping pills in her eggs?

That sounds like a very odd day. She was feeling ok enough to invite the friend over to work on the yarn. But after eating she is so tired she goes to bed for a nap while the friend is still there. Does sound unusual. Then Josh makes the decision for her not to come back later to work on the yarn. Hmmm.

Josh sounds very attentive that day. Noticing she was chilled, preparing supper. Doing dishes. I wonder if he was normally that attentive or if it was just for show.

She says they got there about noon, and JP was already cooking. Simple meal, eggs pancakes etc. Not real complicated or time consuming. Yet the meal wasn't ready until almost 4? Sounds more like stalling than someone unfamiliar with the kitchen. I wonder if her visit there that day was planned or unplanned? And if Josh was aware she was coming for the meal?
"There are definitely some things that were inappropriate for a married woman and her father-in-law," he told the Deseret News outside his home in Puyallup. "Frankly, after a long period of time, a year or two of her approaching me and being the one that was really initiating things and trying to titillate me and get my attention, yeah, I became very interested in her."
Powell said he took a lot of photographs and videos of Susan that show "Susan was very much a willing participant in our relationship" and that she craved his attention. He said the photos were "nothing graphic."
"What we have here today will help us draw closer to a conclusion," Merritt said. "Whether it's the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for, we don't know. It may be a conclusion that nobody wants to admit could happen."

This statement through me for a loop at first. Then, I realized that the conclusion that everybody wants and hopes for is for Susan to be alive, it's just that many of us have accepted that she's dead for so long now that we now want and hope that the person(s) responsible are made to pay.

I think Merritt is saying the conclusion may be that Susan is not alive, as we want and hope. The conclusion maybe that she is dead and how she died (or who killed her) may not be something we'd like to imagine happening to her.

P.s. I also think that Steve Powell may have kept fake journals that make it look like there was something going on with him and Susan, a smokescreen to support his story that she was excessively sexual and unstable and Josh was the poor victim...Daddy might have wanted those journals seized in his ongoing attempt to distract from the truth.

Sandy Anderson described herself as a friend of Steve, and that Josh Powell's father had spoken to her several times since Susan Powell's disappearance. The first time, according to Sandy, was in January 2010, next in April of last year, and most recently last September.

"I told police September 2010, after I talked to Steve Powell, about things he said he had inside a locked cabinet in his house," said Anderson. According to Sandy, the items included "seven volumes of (Susan's) her journal, some of her underwear, plus a lot of photos of her."
I've always leaned toward vomit myself. The report from a friend that she was tired and wozzy on the Sunday afternoon she last saw her, it just makes sense to me because I think he drugged her. And NOW I absolutley think it was planned with Stevie. In those long convo's leading up to her disappearance.

The main reason I don't think SP was in WVC that night is because of the neighbors and their not witnessing any other vehicle there that night. Although, it's quite possible since it was winter (windows closed) ...and it was after midnight. Wouldn't there have been tire and foot prints when the women arrived the next morning checking on her? How did SP get her in his car? Did he have access to the garage also?

I'd be curious who, if anyone, JP and kids ran into while "sledding". Maybe someone else was in the vehicle when they came home at 8:30...another reason he wouldn't want the boys to talk.

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