Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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These are part of the lyrics from the Steven Chantry's I'm Missing You
If it's only in my heart
It's refreshing, it's a start.

Smell the perfume in your hair
And caress you everywhere.
I'm missing you.


BBM he admits that it is only in his heart
TY, for that link, I always miss stuff with hubby and son taking over the TV. grrr

Now wait a sec here! I know I have washed my hair before and asked someone to smell how great it smells ( I am a soap freak ) and i wouldnt think anything of that. If I thought for a second that was some kind of come-on or sexual statement, i would NEVER say it to anyone other than my hubby, and I dont think she had any intentions of that statement meaning anything other than she enjoyed the new shampoo and wanted to show off the smell. Ive said " smell this" perfume 100 times to anyone who was at my house never meaning anything other than offering a great smell. I could see her doing that and her thinking the same thing i would think. That Smells Great! they are grasping and turning innocent statements into something is was not!! Now im really mad. Just like I loathe Cindy Anthony more than Casey im beginning to feel the same way about Steven. grrrr grrr

Well I know when I go to the grocery store and the female clerk ask me if I want paper or plastic, what she really wants is me ! :floorlaugh:,0,2667178.story


FOX 13 spoke with reporterDavid Rose from a sister station Q13 in Seattle. He says a reporter from, who interviewed an alleged ex-girlfriend of Steve Powell, says that Steve was obsessed with his daughter-in-law Susan. The anonymous source said that Steve told her he kept a pair of LDS undergarments belonging to Susan locked in a cabinet inside his home.
"Sources are telling me that it may have something to do with it, but they want to get in there, gather some evidence and see if they have anything that might move this investigation forward here," said Rose.
When Susan went missing and the police broke into the house with Josh's sister she called Mr. Cox and told him about the wet spot on the carpet.

From what she told him Mr. Cox was hopeful that the family was at some emergency room.

Because of him thinking that I have always thought the spot was blood colored.

There's been mention many times of the spot being red....even SP has mentioned it...and saying it was juice. I don't think it was blood, because JP wasn't arrested...but?? I've always been curious about it because it was beneath the couch, irrc.

What I can't understand about Mr. C wondering about the emegency room is....if it was an emergency and they would have been at the hospital...then why would they take the time to clean the carpet before going? Doesn't make sense. imo

"Steven Powell says Susan pressed her breast into his hands tightly and wouldn't let his hands go!"

Please provide link to this statement. It is not part of the Komonews article provided that I can see.
There's been mention many times of the spot being red....even SP has mentioned it...and saying it was juice. I don't think it was blood, because JP wasn't arrested...but?? I've always been curious about it because it was beneath the couch, irrc.

What I can't understand about Mr. C wondering about the emegency room is....if it was an emergency and they would have been at the hospital...then why would they take the time to clean the carpet before going? Doesn't make sense. imo

I've always leaned toward vomit myself. The report from a friend that she was tired and wozzy on the Sunday afternoon she last saw her, it just makes sense to me because I think he drugged her. And NOW I absolutley think it was planned with Stevie. In those long convo's leading up to her disappearance.

"Steven Powell says Susan pressed her breast into his hands tightly and wouldn't let his hands go!"

Please provide link to this statement. It is not part of the Komonews article provided that I can see.

it was part of the segment from the video on the link (the video is sorta long and doesn't give a time on the bottom) Steven's statements come after the begining segment when a reporter signs off (it could appear the the story has ended) then it says "continuing coverage", you will see a photo of Steven in black and white appear shortly before his comments. He says it was a cold night.
Too bad being extremely creepy wasn't against the law. I cannot stand listening to these two, it makes my brain hurt, and my skin crawl, I just want to reach through my computer screen and punch these two a whole lot.
I have not really follow this case. But can someone tell me what the significance of her teen journals are?

Sorry if this has already been posted I'm skipping pages 18,19 and 20 for now because I have to meet my brother.

The most important thing about the journals, IMO, is Steve Powell saying they would prove something. This is what allowed LE to get a warrant to search the house. I don't know that for sure it's my and some others speculation. I forget who originally brought it up but it makes sense. He was basically saying that he was hiding evidence from the cops and that's a crime.

Susan's father, Chuck Cox, told the AP that his daughter claimed years ago that "something had happened" with Steve Powell that made her uncomfortable. He said she didn't disclose the details.
"She said something about Steve had wanted her to be a common wife for him and Josh," Chuck Cox said. According to him, when Susan discussed the remark with Josh, he dismissed it as part of his father's penchant for saying outrageous things.
Chuck Cox said he believes his daughter's discomfort with her father-in-law was part of what motivated her to move her family to Utah from Washington.
Susan Powell's good friend, Kirssi Holewell, is defending Susan's character. She said Susan feared Steve Powell, that he tried to kiss her and mailed *advertiser censored* to her after she moved to Utah
I believe Josh has two brothers who live there. There are definitely 5 children--2 girls and 3 boys. And I think all but Jennifer live with daddy. Has he got control issues or what?

gwen, from an earlier article yesterday I read that there are two other Powell siblings now living in the house. JMO, but I think Michael (politics) has prolly moved out and Alina and the brother, John, who has some problems is still living there. I believe John is the one who Jennifer said had been diagnosed with being bi-polar.

ETA I've even wondered if MP could be the one "talking".
I just now finished plowing my way through this thread and want to thank everyone for the links and posts!

JP & SP make me want to barf! I am so mad I can hardly stand it! I would so love to see these two arrested and those precious boys sent to Susans' family. Mr. & Mrs. Cox have such decency and dignity. They deserve those grandchildren, and the grandchildren deserve a decent life with them.

gwen, from an earlier article yesterday I read that there are two other Powell siblings now living in the house. JMO, but I think Michael (politics) has prolly moved out and Alina and the brother, John, who has some problems is still living there. I believe John is the one who Jennifer said had been diagnosed with being bi-polar.

ETA I've even wondered if MP could be the one "talking".

Oh, wait!..............a brother lives there that is 'bi-polar?' I hadn't heard that before. I'm really going to have to go back and read over some of the stuff I've forgotten or THINK I read earlier in the case.

Wasn't it not too long ago that the Powell's in Washington State said Susan had mental problems in her family?

Seems to me that the Powells are saying what is wrong with their family, is really what's wrong with Susan's Cox family. I know I took a statement yesterday, by I think it was Josh, that said Susan's father was very controlling. I KNEW he was talking about his dad and subsequently, himself.

gwen, from an earlier article yesterday I read that there are two other Powell siblings now living in the house. JMO, but I think Michael (politics) has prolly moved out and Alina and the brother, John, who has some problems is still living there. I believe John is the one who Jennifer said had been diagnosed with being bi-polar.

ETA I've even wondered if MP could be the one "talking".

MP provided an affadavit for Josh's restraining order on Susan's dad. It is linked in the court docs from the hearing Tuesday, 8-23-11.

I read it and he seems just as loopy as the rest of them to me! He referred to a time he stood outside a door and eavesdropped on a private conversation between Josh and the sane sister. He said he did it because "that's what we do when we don't trust someone"! ( As if this was a perfectly acceptable thing to do!) He claimed that Chuck Cox sent his sister to their home to harrass Josh.
I've always leaned toward vomit myself. The report from a friend that she was tired and wozzy on the Sunday afternoon she last saw her, it just makes sense to me because I think he drugged her. And NOW I absolutley think it was planned with Stevie. In those long convo's leading up to her disappearance.

That was my thought, too. She was drugged/poisoned, and she got up and vomited. It also could be that the chemical caused bleeding in her stomach which is why the stain was red. I believe it was planned, too, because HE made the dinner (was he the kind of guy who cooked dinner often for them???) and HE served her the pancakes meant for HER. I think it was planned, but not planned well because he was in a state of anger and didn't THINK clearly about everything like her purse and cell phone being left behind, etc.

Clint van Zandt comments about the search. I loved Ann Curry's first question to CVZ!


van Zandt is talking about the journals revealing the relationship she had with SP and JP; so I'm hoping LE found the last 10 years of Susan's journals. I was wondering why SP and JP didn't mention releasing any info from those and only her teen journals since the original threat. Wish we had some clarification on just what journals LE took. This sounds like van Zandt knows with certainty....or he's not well informed.

ETA: LE apparently has her latest journals from the early searches in WVC. SP wanted to make a deal with LE to turn over the teen journals for those.
Oh, wait!..............a brother lives there that is 'bi-polar?' I hadn't heard that before. I'm really going to have to go back and read over some of the stuff I've forgotten or THINK I read earlier in the case.

Wasn't it not too long ago that the Powell's in Washington State said Susan had mental problems in her family?

Seems to me that the Powells are saying what is wrong with their family, is really what's wrong with Susan's Cox family. I know I took a statement yesterday, by I think it was Josh, that said Susan's father was very controlling. I KNEW he was talking about his dad and subsequently, himself.


Classic projection!!
You know, it's occurred to me that the spot may not have been blood after all. If Josh drugged or poisoned Susan, she may have vomited on the rug.

I agree. I think if it were Susan's blood they would have arrested Josh already.
But it may have been some other kind of bodily fluids.

I think the most plausible scenario is that Susan was angry and voiced her plans to separate and wanted Josh to leave the house. He probably
escalated things and needed to move her from the scene. I think he involved dad in that process somehow.

ETA: I just read a few posts above with a better scenario. Josh made her special pancakes, drugged her, and had planned it with dad.

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