Josh Powell's House in WA blows up - Thread #2

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What?!! This article is so confusing.

"Josh Powell's two young sons Charles, 7, and Braden, 5, were murdered by chops to the neck as well as carbon monoxide poisoning proceeding an explosion, the Pierce County Medical Examiner said. The blows were delivered with an axe."

"Troyer added that they did not find any weapons in the home, even though witnesses said they heard gunshots moments before the explosion."

"Authorities have recovered the bodies of two young children and an adult. They have not officially confirmed the identity of the bodies and are waiting for the medical examiner to conduct an autopsy, the results of which may be available Monday. However, the bodies are believed to be those of Josh and his two sons."

WTH?? I so hope this isn't true.
I'm thinking how horrible for 1 brother to watch his brother be hurt by dad and then him.
It must of been the MOST HORRIBLE thing to ever happen to 2 little children!
OH NO! Even worse, can it get any worse?
But then maybe they didn't feel the pain of burning?
R.I.P. Charlie and Braden you are safe with mommy now.:please:

Yes, it's hard to decide which one is worse. Burning up alive or this. Sick, just sick.
Well it's unlikely they actually heard gunshots because I fail to see why he would use an axe instead of a gun if he had a gun. Probably things were blowing up and the neighbors confused them for gunshots.
Sick, sick, sick.

What an absolute monster.

The only thing giving me comfort right now is the fact that those precious boys are safe with their mom now.

I'm just appalled.
When I logged in yesterday and saw the "RIP" homepage, my first feeling was joy cause I thought Susan had been found.

Today, I woke up and thought "it can't get any worse" and was looking for space in my heart for this to make sense.

Dear Lord, this case is just horrible!!! Sickened and horrified....
OMG...... So one must have seen the other die like could he????
I felt all along this was an act of pure rage. He had to hurt the boys first and terrorize them to make them pay because he hated them so much and was filled with rage. He was an animal since the day he came back after killing Susan and should have been treated like one.
Hey guys.... I've stayed away since... well THEN.

Anyway.... this just makes me so sick. Let's do something positive, and make sure this CAN NEVER happen again.

Let's make it a point more than ever .... children in these cases should NEVER be allowed with the suspected parent..EVER
These kids must truly have been terrorized in the end. Because one kid would have seen what he had done to the other.
I know that with everything that has happened, and all the rage and despair, grief and shock we all feel, this is likely very unimportant but I really hope the grandparents give those babies the most Mormonist of Mormon funerals.

The cowardly murderer so hated his wife, the wife he killed, that he hated her religion too - the one he agreed to raise his children in. (Liar). He succeeded in making sure the boys were not exposed to their religion, their mom's religion. That really, really bothered me. I felt like he had to keep hurting her, even after she was dead.

Well, he has no control, anymore. He is nothing, non-existent and without a soul, so dead he shall remain. And the babies just must be with their mama. So, none of the dead are likely concerned with earthly things like funerals.

Nevertheless, I want the Coxes, I want Susan's family, to have the last word. And at least that creep in jail, the one who spawned the coward and taught him to hate Susan's peaceful religion, he will have to witness Charlie and Braden being laid to rest in a ceremony that follows the faith which he detests.

I hope they do it.
Have we heard yet what type of time frame this occurred within... I know it had to have been literal single digit amount of minutes from the moment the sw pulled up and the boys immediately jumped out of the car and ran straight to the front door where we know JP was anxiously awaiting and immediately allowed them into the home, shutting the door behind them, and locking the sw outside..

I believe the Cox family said it was 12:30pm or a couple minutes past when the sw and the boys arrived at Jp's rental home... have we heard anything more specific as far as the amount of time that passed from the moment the boys entered the front door with it slammed shut and locked immediately behind them by JP... How long til the gas can was ignited triggering the rapid engulfing of the entire home in flames??.. Has that been said??

Imo I don't believe the timeframe is anywhere near an amount that would have been necessary for JP to somehow incapacitate, the boys BEFORE his igniting the fire. The only manner that would have worked with this tiny time frame is gunshot.. Which I believe is pretty clear didn't occur... I guess it is possible that they could've been struck with blunt force trauma.. Idk?... It just really seems as tho the window of time is just so very small therefor really not allowing for any of those PREincapacitate measures to be possible..

I have not yet heard or read the presser or info that came from the presser and have only had a few minutes to read thru some of today's posts ... So, Is it true that there actually was NO EXPLOSION WHATSOEVER that occurred within the home?? .. And that there actually were NO GAS LINES within the home as was originally believed to have been the main source of the explosion??.. That it appears to be just gasoline doused all around the home and that JP and the boys appeared to be in the living room area and JP lit a full can of gasoline that was literally the match to the flame igniting himself, the boys, and quickly engulfed the entire home???

.. just wanted to be clear on what's accurate and what's actually inaccurate so, thanks to anyone who may be able to clarify..

I really am curious to know what amount of time this took place within.. As it certainly appears to me to have happened in totality of 5-10 minutes.. With it being closer to 5mins.. Of course I could be absolutely wrong as that is just pure speculation from just what tiny little bit that I know..

TIA to anyone who may be able to clarify or even further shed some light on yesterday's tragic events..
Wow. Really? He chopped their little necks? What the heck. He really wanted to make sure there was no chance of survival.
The children had neck and head injuries, so they were incapacitated with (likely) an ax prior to the fire. I presume he incapacitated the children first then started the fire (however long that takes). I presume he also send e-mails during that time, because it would have been risky to send these e-mails before children arrived.
Apparently it doesn't take long to use an axe on children. :sick:,0,7485907.story

Have we heard yet what type of time frame this occurred within... I know it had to have been literal single digit amount of minutes from the moment the sw pulled up and the boys immediately jumped out of the car and ran straight to the front door where we know JP was anxiously awaiting and immediately allowed them into the home, shutting the door behind them, and locking the sw outside..

I believe the Cox family said it was 12:30pm or a couple minutes past when the sw and the boys arrived at Jp's rental home... have we heard anything more specific as far as the amount of time that passed from the moment the boys entered the front door with it slammed shut and locked immediately behind them by JP... How long til the gas can was ignited triggering the rapid engulfing of the entire home in flames??.. Has that been said??

Imo I don't believe the timeframe is anywhere near an amount that would have been necessary for JP to somehow incapacitate, the boys BEFORE his igniting the fire. The only manner that would have worked with this tiny time frame is gunshot.. Which I believe is pretty clear didn't occur... I guess it is possible that they could've been struck with blunt force trauma.. Idk?... It just really seems as tho the window of time is just so very small therefor really not allowing for any of those PREincapacitate measures to be possible..

I have not yet heard or read the presser or info that came from the presser and have only had a few minutes to read thru some of today's posts ... So, Is it true that there actually was NO EXPLOSION WHATSOEVER that occurred within the home?? .. And that there actually were NO GAS LINES within the home as was originally believed to have been the main source of the explosion??.. That it appears to be just gasoline doused all around the home and that JP and the boys appeared to be in the living room area and JP lit a full can of gasoline that was literally the match to the flame igniting himself, the boys, and quickly engulfed the entire home???

.. just wanted to be clear on what's accurate and what's actually inaccurate so, thanks to anyone who may be able to clarify..

I really am curious to know what amount of time this took place within.. As it certainly appears to me to have happened in totality of 5-10 minutes.. With it being closer to 5mins.. Of course I could be absolutely wrong as that is just pure speculation from just what tiny little bit that I know..

TIA to anyone who may be able to clarify or even further shed some light on yesterday's tragic events..
Q13FOX Q13 FOX News
Josh Powell's father Steven, who is currently in jail, is now a 'person of interest' in the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.
Fox has reported on twitter Q13FOX Q13 FOX News
Josh Powell's father Steven, who is currently in jail, is now a 'person of interest' in the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.
6 minutes ago
I know that with everything that has happened, and all the rage and despair, grief and shock we all feel, this is likely very unimportant but I really hope the grandparents give those babies the most Mormonist of Mormon funerals.

The cowardly murderer so hated his wife, the wife he killed, that he hated her religion too - the one he agreed to raise his children in. (Liar). He succeeded in making sure the boys were not exposed to their religion, their mom's religion. That really, really bothered me. I felt like he had to keep hurting her, even after she was dead.

Well, he has no control, anymore. He is nothing, non-existent and without a soul, so dead he shall remain. And the babies just must be with their mama. So, none of the dead are likely concerned with earthly things like funerals.

Nevertheless, I want the Coxes, I want Susan's family, to have the last word. And at least that creep in jail, the one who spawned the coward and taught him to hate Susan's peaceful religion, he will have to witness Charlie and Braden being laid to rest in a ceremony that follows the faith which he detests.

I hope they do it.

This has been my thought too. With Senior Evil in jail it will be up to the Coxes completly to bury these grandbabies and Im sure it will be a very religious event....small compensation for sure but Josh will never be the one with the last word...
Fox has reported on twitter Q13FOX Q13 FOX News
Josh Powell's father Steven, who is currently in jail, is now a 'person of interest' in the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.
6 minutes ago

Good! I hope they go after him with everything possible and he rots in prison, I blame him even more than Josh and that's a lot! He raised this mess of a person
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