Josh Powell's House in WA blows up

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I always worried about those visits. That was even when I didn't realize they were at his house. Josh found a way to "tell everyone" what a "great father" he was. He was a controlling, vindictive, miserable excuse for a human being.

I am heartbroken and have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.

My prayers go to those little boys and the Coxes, Jennifer Graves, and all who truely loved Charlie and Braden. Rest in Peace, little angels. Josh, burn in hell.
Josh Powell's lawyer received a 3-word email from his client just minutes before house explosion. It said, "I'm sorry, goodbye." -

the lawyers said he didn't read the email for 2 hours after it was sent.

:what: Well that S.....O......B! What a freaking coward....yep, agree with whoever posted it first; Welcome to everlasting hell Josh Powell!
He locked the door in her face. Maybe she was going to wait there while she called to see what she should do next.

Tell you what, not having those visits at a neutral place was the second mistake!:maddening:
Visits can be at any number of places- parents home is acceptable- while we are all outraged and heartbroken the truth is he had not been convicted or even credibly accused of physically hurting the boys.
And yes many felt he could hurt those boys when he had them with him but to imagine he would blow himself wouldn't have crossed my mind.

Sad to say but he clearly had a mission and had the visits been anywhere else he would have found away to accomplish that mission.

Not sure if this has been posted but it is a live news feed.
I have a 12 year old niece caught up in the Washington state visitation system as well. Her mother is a severe nutter. I pray that the loss of Susan's innocent and helpless boys wakes up Washington State to make changes to protect the children. It is irresponsible and dangerous!
RIP Charlie and Braden. Nestle in your mama's arms. She loves you.
Just devastating, those beautiful little boys did not deserve this. :cry:

Thinking about the Cox family now, my heart so goes out to them. :grouphug:
I'm so damn mad.

And very upset.

This is EXACTLY WHY kids should NOT BE allowed to be around MURDER SUSPECTS! I don't care about the suspect's damn "RIGHTS"!!!

I need to stop typing because I'm not setting a very good example. I'm SO MAD!
OMG!!! I am so heartbroken.
What a monstrous way to kill -- not knowing exactly what kind of horrific ordeal or pain might result? I've rarely been this shocked.

ETA Not to mention that he could have killed an untold number of neighbors, too.
Yes, she greeted them with with open arms. And they probably saw her and were so filled with joy and said "Mom! Here you are!"

That is the only consolation to this horrific tragedy. Hopefully Susan's family can have some kind of peace with this belief.

I was asked last night to draw up a simple design for a pantry unit for my BIL last night, something I've done numerous times in the past. Somehow right now I just can't seem to do what comes as second nature to me. This news has just sent my one active brain cell scattering in endless circles, KWIM? I feel like I'm in a maze after this news.

Not to sound cold, but I feel more for the grandparents (Cox family) than the boys right now. They probably went quick and I hope the blast knocked them unconcious, but the grandparents, how much more can they endure?
This is an absolute tragedy by 10! Those poor babies. I am sickened to my stomach. Susan was such a beautiful woman... what on earth did she ever see in this monster????
Oh heart is breaking for the Cox family, they tried so desperately to protect Susan's children. I can't begin to imagine they total shock and anguish. Mr. & Mrs. Cox, you have my heartfelt prayers. May the Lord wrap you in His arms and bathe you in his healing love.
She certainly was fortunate, but then I can't help but wonder what good are "supervised" visits if they can't protect the child?

These visits should never have been at anything other than a public location where he could truly be supervised, and searched for weapons prior to the visit.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind what happened to Susan, and unfortunately, LE may never know where her remains are.

OMG I'm devastated,WHY his sons.SICK .When are the courts going to learn.When will CPS put children's rights before a Parent................
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Information that was posted live in the Scanner Forum.
Josh Powell's lawyer received a 3-word email from his client just minutes before house explosion. It said, "I'm sorry, goodbye." -

the lawyers said he didn't read the email for 2 hours after it was sent.

Well, he's not sorry. He did this out of spite and hatred. He was mirroring what he thought a "normal person" would do. He wouldn't know sorry if it hit him upside the head.
Does this mean GUILTY? JP says, NO he wouldn't do anything to Susan, but he will their babies? RIP, Susan and her babies.
Hopefully, Susan will speak from the grave and tell... her whereabouts.
WTH! OMG...just saw this on twitter.
So I guess Josh has now met his maker and is now judged by the supreme Judge and Susan's boys are now safely with her in heaven. SMH...WOW...just wow.

My guess is joshie is roasting right along with those marshmallow s'mores, in he double l.
The state really screwed this one up. When will they learn? If you are going to grant supervised visitation it has to be in a neutral place and actually supervised. If he was not fit to have custody, why is he getting even temporary custody?

My heart is so heavy for the Cox family. Now the babies are gone too! I do hope they eventually find Susan. Time to go after Powell Sr. and find out what happened. That old coot better start talking.

I totally agree... Something has to change with the laws in this country concerning children .. Just HAS to!:(
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