Josh Takes Boys Camping at Midnight...Again?!

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Dec 28, 2009
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I just saw this today:

Reported by: Marcos Ortiz

"Saturday while in Puyallup I learned Josh Powell had disappeared the night before from his father's home. "He went camping," said Steven his father. Not only did he go camping but he took off near midnight with his two children. "That's Josh," said his father."


No word yet on whether he and the boys made it back or not...

ETA: Isn't there someone here at WS who lives in their neighborhood? Anyone seen Josh or the boys since Friday?
BIZARRE JP doesn't work.......why not camp at daylight?
Does he own a camper? How does he care for 2 little boys in a van? truck?
Hope LE is following this odd ball with those sweet babies!
To quote another poster on another thread "whiskey, tango, foxtrot??"
Needing to solidify an alibi for the jury, are we???
Yep. This was planned just so he can say, "See? I do that all the time! I'm just so lovably unpredictable! Yessirree! That's what the babes love about me! Yep. That and my dad."
Is there snow up there this early? Otherwise why would he want to camp?????

I agree. It is justification, totally and completely. Saying "see I did do it before, see I did it again."
Is there snow up there this early? Otherwise why would he want to camp?????

I agree. It is justification, totally and completely. Saying "see I did do it before, see I did it again."

Actually there is still snow from last year in some of the back country up by Mt. Rainier. I doubt he is prepared to do any extensive hiking to get there. There also was snow from last year at Paradise Visitors Center at Mt. Rainier-- about 8-10 feet a few weeks ago. It's about 50 miles from his place.
I saw this and tried my own little experiment. Leaving my wife to doze gently in front of "Drop Dead Diva," I bounded into the room of my five year-old, shook him awake for twenty minutes or so, and proposed that we set out into the bush for a jolly overnight camp-out. Next, I sat my toddler on the potty under bright lights, prodding him now and then to keep him vertical, then wrestled him into some sturdy clothes and propped him against a stuffed triceratops while I manhandled his brother into a jacket and half-zipped it, catching the skin of my thumb in the zipper.

Started the car, assembled the raw materials of a few dozen smokes, then woke both kids up again long enough to get them into the porch, at which point the older screamed himself rigid and the younger one dozed back off, and so on, and so on...

The point is, there is no point in taking young kids, even hearty woodsy ones, camping at midnight for anything but the most nefarious reasons, like to get them out of a house where a hellish crime has been committed and must now be cleaned up. It's asinine. They'd have hated it. And to rehearse the whole vicious gesture again is a giant middle finger to LE, media and in-laws, I think.

It also, maybe, is a sign of things starting to slip in bizarroworld Powell.

Could this have anything to do with Josh just finding out that his so-called 'father' did indeed stalk, harass, and molest hIs poor wife, just as she had claimed all along?

Maybe Josh can't stomach being around SP right now, given his recent confessions and revelations.

I can only hope Josh is getting ready to let loose the truth.
I saw this and tried my own little experiment. Leaving my wife to doze gently in front of "Drop Dead Diva," I bounded into the room of my five year-old, shook him awake for twenty minutes or so, and proposed that we set out into the bush for a jolly overnight camp-out. Next, I sat my toddler on the potty under bright lights, prodding him now and then to keep him vertical, then wrestled him into some sturdy clothes and propped him against a stuffed triceratops while I manhandled his brother into a jacket and half-zipped it, catching the skin of my thumb in the zipper.

Started the car, assembled the raw materials of a few dozen smokes, then woke both kids up again long enough to get them into the porch, at which point the older screamed himself rigid and the younger one dozed back off, and so on, and so on...

The point is, there is no point in taking young kids, even hearty woodsy ones, camping at midnight for anything but the most nefarious reasons, like to get them out of a house where a hellish crime has been committed and must now be cleaned up. It's asinine. They'd have hated it. And to rehearse the whole vicious gesture again is a giant middle finger to LE, media and in-laws, I think.

It also, maybe, is a sign of things starting to slip in bizarroworld Powell.


LE better be keeping a close eye on him. He looks desperate, depressed, haggard and must be under a TON of pressure with charges looming, not to mention the stress of living under the roof of his control freak father. With the new revelations his father announced in the media about his obsession w/ Susan...if it IS TRUE that Josh didn't know (which I doubt..I think they are fabricating it together)...anyway.. if by a slim chance it were true he didn't know..he may be losing what's left of his mind. He may think suicide and killing his children is the only way out. He seems selfish enough to take out the kids w/ him. They better watch him and the safety of the kids...the whole country is watching with concern for the kids well being while being held hostage by those nuts. And yes, they are being held hostage, imo.
Is midnight camping just a lame move to prove his alibi is solid, or did he flee from the home to get away from Bad Dad?
LE better be keeping a close eye on him. He looks desperate, depressed, haggard and must be under a TON of pressure with charges looming, not to mention the stress of living under the roof of his control freak father. With the new revelations his father announced in the media about his obsession w/ Susan...if it IS TRUE that Josh didn't know (which I doubt..I think they are fabricating it together)...anyway.. if by a slim chance it were true he didn't know..he may be losing what's left of his mind. He may think suicide and killing his children is the only way out. He seems selfish enough to take out the kids w/ him. They better watch him and the safety of the kids...the whole country is watching with concern for the kids well being while being held hostage by those nuts. And yes, they are being held hostage, imo.
Is midnight camping just a lame move to prove his alibi is solid, or did he flee from the home to get away from Bad Dad?

He's just trying to live up to his far as the suicide what is so sad is the parent often kills the children but somehow rarely accomplishes killing themselves.

I don't know how sick he is. Would he take their lives to keep them from telling what they might know or so they would never go to live with Susan's family, I don't know.
He's just trying to live up to his far as the suicide what is so sad is the parent often kills the children but somehow rarely accomplishes killing themselves.

I don't know how sick he is. Would he take their lives to keep them from telling what they might know or so they would never go to live with Susan's family, I don't know.
I don't know either. But these are not stable individuals, and their behaviors are driven by narcissism, control and selfish motive. I don't feel comfortable that any of them can value the children more than themselves as the hammer is coming down.
Doesn't he realize how OBVIOUS he is? Wow... this is just so bizarre.
What amazes me is how transparent he and his dad are? Do they really think they are fooling anyone?

One thing about Josh is this, he did leave home and does know that there is a life outside of the compound. I believe he did love Susan,once upon a time,enough to move away for her. I think he is a follower and she showed him a different side of life. I think they were happy for a little while but you don't move on emotionally being raised in that situation without counseling.I firmly believe you can't love someone else until you love yourself. At some point his childhood caught up with him and daddy got his claws in him again. Fueled by his anger at himself for all his failures and problems he projected these onto Susan and Daddy drove that wedge between he and Susan further and further. Josh was seeing Susan as the enemy when it's really his dad.
Well Josh, he himself is the enemy too. If he had demons before can you believe what he has now?
I don't know either. But these are not stable individuals, and their behaviors are driven by narcissism, control and selfish motive. I don't feel comfortable that any of them can value the children more than themselves as the hammer is coming down.

You're right pip. It's almost like I can hear that hammer! I'm scared for the boys just like anyone else in their right mind. ( my opinion only)
What amazes me is how transparent he and his dad are? Do they really think they are fooling anyone?

One thing about Josh is this, he did leave home and does know that there is a life outside of the compound. I believe he did love Susan,once upon a time,enough to move away for her. I think he is a follower and she showed him a different side of life. I think they were happy for a little while but you don't move on emotionally being raised in that situation without counseling.I firmly believe you can't love someone else until you love yourself. At some point his childhood caught up with him and daddy got his claws in him again. Fueled by his anger at himself for all his failures and problems he projected these onto Susan and Daddy drove that wedge between he and Susan further and further. Josh was seeing Susan as the enemy when it's really his dad.
Well Josh, he himself is the enemy too. If he had demons before can you believe what he has now?
I think you are right. He was raised this way by his father (who was raised the same way by his father) and is misogynistic and has not recognized it is the men in his family line at fault, including himself, and NOT the women.
What could prove to be worse is.. since reuniting with Bad Dad after murdering Susan.. having to face his children everyday, having to examine some truths and to witness how crazy and twisted his father is.. having to read articles and opinion about himself.. he may have had a come to jesus moment where he realizes it was all his inherited illness that led him to murder, and not Susan. This realization may push him over the edge. At some point with this theme perpetuating itself through generations of the men as in this case, someone eventually wakes up and smells the coffee. It could be his last straw with nowhere to turn. Suicide could be his out. I doubt he would do it though. He will walk to that brink and decide possible prison would be easier, and spin the wheel of luck, which is where I think he is at now.
Omg ! Where is my barf bag !

YOu can read that dude like an open book (eyeroll)

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