Joshua Powell rents home to neighbors

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bolding mine

News that the home was rented has been met with mixed feelings. “I know they (the tenants) care about Susan a great deal and they are anxious not to let her home go back to the bank or anything.”

I'm sorry but these people are delusional. There is zero evidence that she was kidnapped or walked-out and no word from her or her alleged kidnappers for 2 months. The renters are only helping Josh at this point. The children could be cared-for by the Coxes, so Josh's financial situation is no longer relevant to them. In fact if Josh is insolvent it increases the chances that the Coxes could obtain custody.
bolding mine

News that the home was rented has been met with mixed feelings. “I know they (the tenants) care about Susan a great deal and they are anxious not to let her home go back to the bank or anything.”

I'm sorry but these people are delusional. There is zero evidence that she was kidnapped or walked-out and no word from her or her alleged kidnappers for 2 months. The renters are only helping Josh at this point. The children could be cared-for by the Coxes, so Josh's financial situation is no longer relevant to them. In fact if Josh is insolvent it increases the chances that the Coxes could obtain custody.

BBM. Exactly! I just don't understand the desire to enable. You either are OK with consequences, or not. We need to remember one thing--this is a shockingly disgusting situation. This "husband" refuses to cooperate with police in any way and acts like his wife never existed. I would so prefer it if the dear friends of the missing wife and mother banded together and quietly and politely declined to assist the "husband" with meals, packing, cleaning, moving, repairing the basement, and now, paying the mortgage.
I don't understand it and it feels bad. If it were a strategy designed to let LE have better access, it could still backfire on POI. I'm still hoping for that and that this isn't the straight out enabling that it looks like.

It seems like f&f still haven't moved beyond the initial shock and denial about Susan. Two months is a long time for staying on the fence and helping Josh. Without the anger, there's a surreal quality to the whole thing.
Gin, thanks
You said it all. Many of us agree with so sad. It's as if she never existed....truthfully, it brings me to tears just thinking about it. . I am a teacher and I can tell you the kids need help or they are going to be very messed up. Afterall, it's their mother who is missing; someone they loved very much.
BBM. Exactly! I just don't understand the desire to enable. You either are OK with consequences, or not. We need to remember one thing--this is a shockingly disgusting situation. This "husband" refuses to cooperate with police in any way and acts like his wife never existed. I would so prefer it if the dear friends of the missing wife and mother banded together and quietly and politely declined to assist the "husband" with meals, packing, cleaning, moving, repairing the basement, and now, paying the mortgage.

One has to wonder what the genuine motivations behind these "enablers" actions are! Since it appears the majority, if not all of them, are Christians (Mormons), is their willingness to enable based on their Christian beliefs?

Or, were they helping because of a chance to appear in news coverage of the particular events? And, who brings their children to help a man like JP move? Do we love everyone no matter what they have done? Or, do we let them fend for themselves so they suffer consequences for their actions?

Since I've never been put into the position as those who have volunteered to assist JP since Susan's disappearance, I do not know what I would do if I were called upon to assist a fellow church member in the same position. (I would think it was a matter of people convincing others to help and, depending on who was involved, I might help if they were convincing enough, especially if they made me feel that refusing to help would be an unChristlike thing to do.) However, I highly doubt I would want to be near such a man as JP and that I would have scolded the person calling me for even considering helping a potential murderer!

Yes, being "nice" to JP enables people to spend time with him during which they can learn potentially valuable information to give to the police. However, if that was the true motivation, is that a sin?

Is it wrong to PRETEND to be JP's friend when a person really despises him? With the support system JP has, no wonder he is able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.

Shame on the people who rented the house! When is JP going to have to start suffering consequences for his despicable behavior? :banghead:
One has to wonder what the genuine motivations behind these "enablers" actions are! Since it appears the majority, if not all of them, are Christians (Mormons), is their willingness to enable based on their Christian beliefs?

Or, were they helping because of a chance to appear in news coverage of the particular events? And, who brings their children to help a man like JP move? Do we love everyone no matter what they have done? Or, do we let them fend for themselves so they suffer consequences for their actions?

Since I've never been put into the position as those who have volunteered to assist JP since Susan's disappearance, I do not know what I would do if I were called upon to assist a fellow church member in the same position. (I would think it was a matter of people convincing others to help and, depending on who was involved, I might help if they were convincing enough, especially if they made me feel that refusing to help would be an unChristlike thing to do.) However, I highly doubt I would want to be near such a man as JP and that I would have scolded the person calling me for even considering helping a potential murderer!

Yes, being "nice" to JP enables people to spend time with him during which they can learn potentially valuable information to give to the police. However, if that was the true motivation, is that a sin?

Is it wrong to PRETEND to be JP's friend when a person really despises him? With the support system JP has, no wonder he is able to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.

Shame on the people who rented the house! When is JP going to have to start suffering consequences for his despicable behavior? :banghead:

Just my 2cents, for what it's worth. I understand the points you are pondering, but I think I prefer to leave religion out of the equation unless I have absolute evidence that this is a religious problem.
I will say there is an element of the population these days that have a hard time deciphering right and wrong. This kind of thinking tends to have a firm belief in NO JUDGING! OK, but there are times when a little judgment is called for.
If the "husband" in question had willingly cooperated with LE, and was being reasonably kind to his wife's parents I would have a much more open position. A little wait and see might be called for. But, he's not. It's time to take a stand. I observe this man behaving as if his wife never existed and it makes me feel nothing but disgust.
Just my 2cents, for what it's worth. I understand the points you are pondering, but I think I prefer to leave religion out of the equation unless I have absolute evidence that this is a religious problem.
I will say there is an element of the population these days that have a hard time deciphering right and wrong. This kind of thinking tends to have a firm belief in NO JUDGING! OK, but there are times when a little judgment is called for.
If the "husband" in question had willingly cooperated with LE, and was being reasonably kind to his wife's parents I would have a much more open position. A little wait and see might be called for. But, he's not. It's time to take a stand. I observe this man behaving as if his wife never existed and it makes me feel nothing but disgust.

What I was eluding to was the possibility that the people who helped did so due to feelings of obligation because of who called them to ask for their help. Would their refusal to help, if they were available and free to do so, cause them to be brought up before a disciplinary committee or their true devotion to the Mormon church to be questioned? Was helping JP to move considered a call to an act of service which the helpers felt they could not say "no" to?
What I was eluding to was the possibility that the people who helped did so due to feelings of obligation because of who called them to ask for their help. Would their refusal to help, if they were available and free to do so, cause them to be brought up before a disciplinary committee or their true devotion to the Mormon church to be questioned? Was helping JP to move considered a call to an act of service which the helpers felt they could not say "no" to?
This seems overly judgmental of the inner workings that we can't second guess in people's personal lives any more than we can what's going on in the forensics arena. But if it happens to be so, then POI is playing everybody. I tend to think he's not that smart, but that's my concern. I do think he maybe playing on what he knows about how people will behave. I do think he is manipulative as well as controlling, just because in my own experience they go together.
This seems overly judgmental of the inner workings that we can't second guess in people's personal lives any more than we can what's going on in the forensics arena. But if it happens to be so, then POI is playing everybody. I tend to think he's not that smart, but that's my concern. I do think he maybe playing on what he knows about how people will behave. I do think he is manipulative as well as controlling, just because in my own experience they go together.

His trip to finish the deck and basement, when he has no source of income, is an indication to me that he was certain he could sucker people into helping him! Boy I wish I had a large group of people to come at the snap of my fingers like he seems to have!
His trip to finish the deck and basement, when he has no source of income, is an indication to me that he was certain he could sucker people into helping him! Boy I wish I had a large group of people to come at the snap of my fingers like he seems to have!

Perhaps you did not read the posts by OK. She lives nearby and helped Josh move. She made it clear that most of the people helping do not believe Josh is innocent. They helped him move so they could keep their eyes and ears open for clues. They helped him move to make sure Susan's things were treated with respect. They helped him move because they didn't want to see the little boys suffer. They had reasons other than thinking Josh is a poor victim whose wife ran out on him.

I also suspect, but do not know for sure, that some of the people close to the investigation are working closely with LE, and may be saying and doing things we don't understand from our point of view. I don't think religion has anything to do with this.

Also, I think the only people helping him with the basement were the new renters. I would like to know more about who is now renting the house. I can't believe the housing market is so tight down there that anyone would be so desperate to rent this tiny little house so full of tragedy!
Perhaps you did not read the posts by OK. She lives nearby and helped Josh move. She made it clear that most of the people helping do not believe Josh is innocent. They helped him move so they could keep their eyes and ears open for clues. They helped him move to make sure Susan's things were treated with respect. They helped him move because they didn't want to see the little boys suffer. They had reasons other than thinking Josh is a poor victim whose wife ran out on him.

I also suspect, but do not know for sure, that some of the people close to the investigation are working closely with LE, and may be saying and doing things we don't understand from our point of view. I don't think religion has anything to do with this.

Also, I think the only people helping him with the basement were the new renters. I would like to know more about who is now renting the house. I can't believe the housing market is so tight down there that anyone would be so desperate to rent this tiny little house so full of tragedy!

You make excellent points. I just wish the police didn't need people helping JP just to get clues, that everyone just ignored him, that there were no new tenants and that every time he tried to get someone to help him, he was told: "No! Why should we help you when you won't help find Susan!?"
You make excellent points. I just wish the police didn't need people helping JP just to get clues, that everyone just ignored him, that there were no new tenants and that every time he tried to get someone to help him, he was told: "No! Why should we help you when you won't help find Susan!?"

Well to be honest, I would have helped him move. And I would have badgered him the entire time! None of this pussy-footing, walking on eggshells kind of stuff! I would have been the burr on his butt! The eggshell in his cupcake! The pit in his cherry pie! He would have broken down and cried like the little boy that he is by the time I was finished with him.
well to be honest, i would have helped him move. And i would have badgered him the entire time! None of this pussy-footing, walking on eggshells kind of stuff! I would have been the burr on his butt! The eggshell in his cupcake! The pit in his cherry pie! He would have broken down and cried like the little boy that he is by the time i was finished with him.

Well to be honest, I would have helped him move. And I would have badgered him the entire time! None of this pussy-footing, walking on eggshells kind of stuff! I would have been the burr on his butt! The eggshell in his cupcake! The pit in his cherry pie! He would have broken down and cried like the little boy that he is by the time I was finished with him.
Somehow I'm picturing a dog laying on it's back peeing!
Perhaps you did not read the posts by OK. She lives nearby and helped Josh move. She made it clear that most of the people helping do not believe Josh is innocent. They helped him move so they could keep their eyes and ears open for clues. They helped him move to make sure Susan's things were treated with respect. They helped him move because they didn't want to see the little boys suffer. They had reasons other than thinking Josh is a poor victim whose wife ran out on him.

I also suspect, but do not know for sure, that some of the people close to the investigation are working closely with LE, and may be saying and doing things we don't understand from our point of view. I don't think religion has anything to do with this.

Also, I think the only people helping him with the basement were the new renters. I would like to know more about who is now renting the house. I can't believe the housing market is so tight down there that anyone would be so desperate to rent this tiny little house so full of tragedy!

I dunno. I tend to believe there are 24 hours in a day, and J can do whatever he wishes with Susans's things when he's not being "watched" by friends. I think he's a guy who does whatever he wants to do, and he probably doesn't agonize about consequences. And I think the little boys are suffering, JMO. I would hope that LE isn't so desperate that they are allowing parents of little kids to endanger themselves (and probably their children) by their unnecessary over involvement with the POI. For right now, I'm trusting this investigation is being handled by LE professionals, period.
Lots of places to rent in SLC. BBM--I agree about the market, as well as the fact that this is a house of tragedy.
I dunno. It would turn my stomach to help my friends husband if I felt he had anything to do with it. I can see if they really thought he was innocent then I would understand, but most of them think he is guilty and they still help him? I dont think there has been any word that the friends have put the screws on him. So the friends are not doing susan any good IMO.
There is no reason to prevent the house from being rented if it has already been processed as a crime scene OR there isnt sufficient proof that the house is a crime scene.

Maybe the van was the crime scene.

O/T but mentioned in the comment section of the article, it indicates that Susan's parents are refusing to go visit the boys because it would require them to stay with Josh.

That makes no sense to me, FWIW. Those boys need people in their lives who love them and will fight for them. I suspect their mom did both, when all is said and done...JMO.

Don't Susan's parents and Josh's father live in the same town? I thought Susan and Josh lived in the same town growing up and that is how they met.

If they don't live in the same town why can't Susan's parents stay in a motel for a couple nights so they can see the boys? Motels are a lot cheaper in the winter so it probably wouldn't cost them much. I have an idea that it may be because Susan's parents believe that Josh did something to Susan and they don't want to see him or maybe he won't let them come and see the boys.

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