JP to appear on CBS Early Show 08-25-11

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If you are normal you would but these people definitely are not normal.

You got that right! They're so far removed from normal, it's not even funny. My mind is going in all sorts of directions wondering what Josh AND his dad must have put Susan through.
There's a special place in Hell for these people.
Just stopping back in to report that my hair is still standing on end.



OMG, BeanE! You've no idea how much I needed that laugh! Thank you!!!

I simply cannot imagine in my wildest dreams what her last thoughts must have been. That's what keeps going thru my head after seeing these interviews this morning. "Who will protect my children now?" I can't get those thoughts outta my head and they've never been so loud as they are after seeing those interviews. Maybe I need to take a break.....think that's what I need. See ya'll in a bit.
Josh's daddy has been taking lessons from Cindy LOL
The one thing that I urgently want to do for Susan right NOW is to rescue her boys. They should not be living with those two psych-paths. Lord Have Mercy. :rose:

I agree Susan's boys. The sperm donor and the g'father are twisted and sick. These boys are going to be able to read all of this some day and when they do I hope they run like he## from this so called family.
I'm normally the type to play devil's advocate, or try not to suspect the family, or to keep an open mind until hearing the evidence presented at trial, even in the big, high profile cases.

But this - ugh. I just cannot see any plausible way that Josh and/or Steve are not involved. This is just not normal. They make my skin crawl. Those poor boys. I wish there was some way to extract them from this situation.

Steven Powell:
"It's not true. I never made any advances toward her," he told KUTV. "I know Susan has said a few things like that. But you'd have to understand Susan, and you'd have to understand that Susan and I had a very close relationship right up until the last time I saw her, which was February 2009."

Alina Powell, who is Josh's sister and Steve's daughter, also disputed the claims of the advances and harshly scolded her estranged sister.

"Susan has been incredibly flirtatious with my father, but he has never made any advance on her. He has always been very welcoming of her in the family," Alina Powell said. "She was like a daughter to him. She was the daughter that Jennifer Graves never was."

Any hugging or kissing that happened was the type of hugs that Alina's father would give her, she said, adding that Steve Powell never "crossed the boundary."

So who is lying and what are the boundaries (Does AP even know want she is talking about ?) in that household ? That's generally the problem with lying you forget what was previously said ! :banghead:
The father with all the sexual stuff. I am just totally freaked that he would go on TV and say all that on national media. That is just sooooooo way out there crossing soooooo many boundaries. People just don't do that. How can he possibly think that is anywhere within the bounds of appropriateness? And it makes it soooo much worse how he keeps smiling about all of it, like's frigging PROUD of all his inappropriate actions toward Susan!

And if he's willing to go on nationwide TV and say this stuff, just imagine what poor Susan had to go through when he was around her when nobody else was around! God knows what he did to her and put her through.

I believe his daughter when she said that Susan didn't do any of those things and that the father came onto Susan (not vice-versa). I don't know Susan, but if I poll 1,000 women, I bet I wouldn't find a single woman who would hit up their FIL. Heck - if we polled everyone at WS's I'm sure we'd come up with the same stats.

For him to say that Susan wanted him to feel her thigh after she waxed was utterly disgusting. For him to say "he took her up on the offer" is even more naseauting and tells you the type of person we're dealing with here.

They both make me ill, and I hope to never hear from them again -- unless it's in front of a judge and jury.



Steven Powell:
"It's not true. I never made any advances toward her," he told KUTV. "I know Susan has said a few things like that. But you'd have to understand Susan, and you'd have to understand that Susan and I had a very close relationship right up until the last time I saw her, which was February 2009."

Alina Powell, who is Josh's sister and Steve's daughter, also disputed the claims of the advances and harshly scolded her estranged sister.

"Susan has been incredibly flirtatious with my father, but he has never made any advance on her. He has always been very welcoming of her in the family," Alina Powell said. "She was like a daughter to him. She was the daughter that Jennifer Graves never was."

Any hugging or kissing that happened was the type of hugs that Alina's father would give her, she said, adding that Steve Powell never "crossed the boundary."

So who is lying and what are the boundaries (Does AP even know want she is talking about ?) in that household ? That's generally the problem with lying you forget what was previously said ! :banghead:
Yet on national TV he said he was falling in love with Susan, his son's wife. Sick, just sick.
Don't these two realize it gives Josh a motive now for killing Susan? Daddy is in love with Susan and claims a sexual relationship with her? Keep on talking! (but I can't stand to watch or listen to them!)
Deflect all you want P family. It is quite clear to me that Ole Daddy P coveted Susan!!! and I've only watched one of the interviews from this morning!

Dear God, Please use your divine intervention to get Susan's precious boys away from that toxic environment in which they are living. Amen.


Don't these two realize it gives Josh a motive now for killing Susan? Daddy is in love with Susan and claims a sexual relationship with her? Keep on talking! (but I can't stand to watch or listen to them!)

I agree, they both have motive. I haven't been able to get enough coffee in me to stomach any of them.
I'm still freakin'. I wish to God I could get Josh's father out of my mind. Ugh!

Can you all imagine what it's like for LE and the FBI profilers studying Josh and his father? Dear God.

I really want to hear what a psychologist or a profiler has to say about this.
ok, I just threw up a little in my mouth. :sick:

Only quoteing myself to say I just watched the interview's and the song is NOTHING in comparison. Holy cow!!! These two are sick and I hope they get nailed. If Steven said how sexual Susan was one more time my computer might be broken. What a load of garbage!! And to Jennifer, you go girl!!! She is my hero for standing up and saying her dad is straight up lying.
Ugggh, I'm shaking right now I'm so disgusted.

My heart just breaks for Susan's dad and kids. :(
So the real victims are JP and his daddy, uh huh. They both should get father of the year awards like FCA was mother of the year. Move over Cindy, we have a runner up for the twisted, 'lie for your murdering spawn' award. Sad excuses for human beings. Dark and twisted to the core. Those poor kids. Hurry WVCPD, get em' !!!!! Those kids need out of there like NOW.

Oh yes of course, JP and daddy were victims of Susan's womanly wiles.....:maddening:
Great job by Chuck Cox cutting through the Powell's crap. I have a lot of respect for the way Chuck is handling himself.

The woman doing the ABC video was absolutely disgusted at Steve Powell too. In that video he actually said he was in love with Susan and that the feeling was mutual.

Wow. Watch the ABC video at 4:09 -- the reporter's reaction is hilarious. It's a combination of :floorlaugh: and WTH?
The one thing that I urgently want to do for Susan right NOW is to rescue her boys. They should not be living with those two psych-paths. Lord Have Mercy. :rose:

I hope and pray they can get those boys soon.
I believe his daughter when she said that Susan didn't do any of those things and that the father came onto Susan (not vice-versa). I don't know Susan, but if I poll 1,000 women, I bet I wouldn't find a single woman who would hit up their FIL. Heck - if we polled everyone at WS's I'm sure we'd come up with the same stats.

For him to say that Susan wanted him to feel her thigh after she waxed was utterly disgusting. For him to say "he took her up on the offer" is even more naseauting and tells you the type of person we're dealing with here.

They both make me ill, and I hope to never hear from them again -- unless it's in front of a judge and jury.



He sounds like a serious pervert who is enjoying reliving these fantasies for the world to hear and imagine - just like a rapist likes to hear his victim detail the rape in court. DISGUSTING MAN. SICK. Iam glad Susan had boys and NOTlittle girls as this man is dangerous andnow I can suspect why only ONE daughter lives at home with 4 men.


Steven Powell:
"It's not true. I never made any advances toward her," he told KUTV. "I know Susan has said a few things like that. But you'd have to understand Susan, and you'd have to understand that Susan and I had a very close relationship right up until the last time I saw her, which was February 2009."

Alina Powell, who is Josh's sister and Steve's daughter, also disputed the claims of the advances and harshly scolded her estranged sister.

"Susan has been incredibly flirtatious with my father, but he has never made any advance on her. He has always been very welcoming of her in the family," Alina Powell said. "She was like a daughter to him. She was the daughter that Jennifer Graves never was."

Any hugging or kissing that happened was the type of hugs that Alina's father would give her, she said, adding that Steve Powell never "crossed the boundary."

So who is lying and what are the boundaries (Does AP even know want she is talking about ?) in that household ? That's generally the problem with lying you forget what was previously said ! :banghead:

So they have Alina go out and spew these lies and then turn around and say "oh ya, we were sexual". I wonder if Alina is just too far gone to appreciate how she was just used.

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