Identified! Julie Gwenn Davis, 18, identified as Princess Blue, Manvel, TX, 10 Sept 1990

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Finding out the identity of her husband might give a bit more answers to this case.even if he didn't kill her then maybe his friend,neighbor,coworker,client etc probably is a bit suspicious the husband didn't report her missing unless he already divorced her by 1990

and weird that none of her family knew or had even met the husband
yeaaa a lot of it is based off of racial biases and pseudo-sciences of skull shapes which is ****. i bet she got the "caucasian" label because she has a prominent nose bridge and an oval head which apparently only caucasian people can have
I think one contributing factor is that the African American phenotype is a bit more water down down due to the one drop rule which had many mgm(multigenerational mixes) to procreate with Black Americans.many west Indians have 70% African on average but have much stronger west African features compared to African Americans who can also score 70% African

In Jamaica and Africa the Mulatto communities lived in segregated villages/towns/neighborhoods

It is probably why a extremely decomposed/bordering skeletal dead Afro American person might be erroneously classified as Caucasian/mixed race
and weird that none of her family knew or had even met the husband

Maybe Julie was in a toxic relationship.I know isolation from family members occurs in these type of cases which is probably why she wasn't in contact with her brother even when they apparently was each other in a Louisiana wwe event in 87
True that, there are a lot of Creole or Cajun people with African American ancestry but they can "pass" as "white."

Glad that she was IDed and her family has closure. Such a tragic case.

My uncle is a black man, and my aunt is Irish. My cousin looks identical to her mother as she is very white and has similar features, but unlike her mom she tans in the summer. Genetics are a wild thing.
Anyone tried to find photo of her in yearbooks?
Julie Gwenn Davis' WS thread:
LA - LA - Julie Gwenn Davis, 16, New Orleans, 12 July 1985

On the bottom left screen it said*first edited 2004*

I wonder if her DNA was in the database much earlier.then pb would have been solved much earlier
The 2004 date is when Charley Project was founded, and every case file has this date by default. Several articles mention that Julie's brother submitted his DNA to check against another case, but the result came back as a match with Princess Blue instead. From what I guess is information from the old NamUs, Julie had no identifiers.

Btw, Julie's CP page has been updated as 'Resolved':

Julie Gwenn Davis

  • davis_julie.jpg
Davis at age 12 or 13 (several years prior to her disappearance; more recent photos are unavailable)

  • Missing Since07/12/1985
  • Missing FromNew Orleans, Louisiana
  • ClassificationEndangered Missing
  • Sex Female
  • RaceWhite
  • Age18 years old
  • Distinguishing CharacteristicsCaucasian female.
Details of Disappearance
Davis disappeared from New Orleans, Louisiana on July 12, 1985, shortly after moving there from Orange, Texas. In September 1990, her skeletal remains were found on the side of County Road 101 in Manvel, Texas. There was little other evidence at the scene other than some jewelry, and the medical examiner could not determine the cause or manner of death.

The body remained unidentified for thirty years and was known as "Princess Blue." In June 2020, after Davis's brother submitted his DNA to law enforcement, the bones were identified as hers. Authorities have reopened the investigation into Davis's death. Her brother believes she was murdered.
Investigating Agency
  • Orange County, Texas Sheriff's Office 409-883-2612
Source Information
Updated 2 times since October 12, 2004. Last updated June 18, 2020; case resolved.

Julie Gwenn Davis – The Charley Project
Last edited:
Well she was said to be mostly Caucasian with African BACKGROUND, not half black half white as many people misled themselves to believe. Some of the sketches were too African descent looking for me to be comfortable with because of that fact. It might be due to people's biases on how they may expect people with slight African admixture to look like, as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she was one of those "passe-blanc" people they had so commonly in New Orleans due to the very high rates of so-called "white passing" "black" people (who were Caucasian people with multiracial backgrounds).

I doubt that though.
Is it possible that the black ancestry is further back than previously suspected?
Is it possible that the black ancestry is further back than previously suspected?
I mean, I always assumed she was 1/4 or 1/8 by how they described her. You can certainly have blonde hair and blue eyes if its so far back like that.
so her husband probably graduated from Robert E. Lee high school in 1975?
which would make him quite a bit older than her
seems like detectives could easily check out every guy in the graduating class for a connection to Julie
or am I missing something obvious?
So we Need to establish her married name then it should be easy to narrow down the class of 75

Maybe Julie was in a toxic relationship.I know isolation from family members occurs in these type of cases which is probably why she wasn't in contact with her brother even when they apparently was each other in a Louisiana wwe event in 87

totally agree that that's probably the case
and he probably murdered her
I'm wondering if the ring has nothing to do with her. From what's said above, there's no direct record of the ring being found at the death site; it was found in an evidence envelope by more recent investigators. It could have been misfiled.

It could also have been lost or discarded before Ms. Davis's death. From what I've read here there's no actual evidence that she was wearing it.
I'm wondering if the ring has nothing to do with her. From what's said above, there's no direct record of the ring being found at the death site; it was found in an evidence envelope by more recent investigators. It could have been misfiled.

It could also have been lost or discarded before Ms. Davis's death. From what I've read here there's no actual evidence that she was wearing it.
You're absolutely right.for all the public would know.The ring probably ended up there simply because the owner was just loitering.he/she just simply discarded in a wooden area hoping animals or the elements would remove it
I wonder if class of 75 knows anything about Julie davis.or is even aware of this oddly specific connection

I would guess that maybe a mutual friend of a alumni cuts into this.not as a perpetrator but probably as a witness of some sort
I'm wondering if the ring has nothing to do with her. From what's said above, there's no direct record of the ring being found at the death site; it was found in an evidence envelope by more recent investigators. It could have been misfiled.

It could also have been lost or discarded before Ms. Davis's death. From what I've read here there's no actual evidence that she was wearing it.
It’s been said her husband is from Texas-so it could be his
Maybe her husband killed her because he found out she was of part African ancestry.there are people out there who are not into that type of stuff

It is the South and race relations have a recorded history of being Rocky and communal
Maybe her husband killed her because he found out she was of part African ancestry.there are people out there who are not into that type of stuff

It is the South and race relations have a recorded history of being Rocky and communal
Lol who cares she looks mostly white only the most extreme type of person would do something like that. Especially if its been so far buried back when not even the family knows about it, how would he find out?

There were racists against interracial mixing sleeping with (usually raping) black women in the Jim Crow and slavery era btw

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