***Jury Recommends DEATH for Mark Sievers*** Penalty/Sentencing Phase Thread #2

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It gave me an error when trying to open the PDF Niner so I copied it here -
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STATE’S RESPONSE TO DEFENDANT’S MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL BASED ON NEWLY DISCOVERED EVIDENCE COMES NOW, the STATE OF FLORIDA, by and through the undersigned Assistant State Attorneys, and hereby responds to Defendant’s Motion for New Trial Based on Newly Discovered Evidence filed on December 22, 2021; the State requests that this Honorable Court deny Defendant’s motion. In furtherance of this request, the State avers that: 1. The time for filing a Motion for New Trial in a capital case is ten (10) days after written final judgment of conviction and sentence of life imprisonment or death is filed. Fla. R.Crim. P. 3.590 (b).1 2. The final written judgment was issued on January 3, 2020, almost two years before the filing of the current motion. 3. This motion is untimely. Such claims, if filed, must be filed under rule 3.851. 4. Rule 3.851 claims may be brought “by a defendant in state custody who has been sentenced to death and whose conviction and death sentence have been affirmed on direct appeal.” Fla. R.Crim. P. 3.851(a). 5. Defendant’s appeal is currently pending before the Florida Supreme Court, Case No. SC20-0225. Briefing and argument have been held; the Court’s opinion is pending. 6. The Defendant has one year to file such claims AFTER the judgment and sentence become final. The definition of ‘final’ is set forth in 3.851 (d): (A) “on the expiration of the time permitted to file in the United states Supreme Court a petition for writ of certiorari seeking review of the Supreme Court of Florida decision affirming a judgment and sentence of death (90 days after the opinion becomes final); or 1 A Motion for New Trial was filed on January 13, 2020. It included claims that verdict was contrary to the weight of the evidence and of newly discovered evidence. Filing # 141256827 E-Filed 01/03/2022 05:30:57 PM eFiled Lee County Clerk of Courts Page 1 2 (B) on the disposition of the petition for writ of certiorari by the United State Supreme Court, if filed.” 2 Wherefore, the State respectfully requests the court deny the Defendant’s motion. /s/ Cynthia A. Ross Assistant State Attorney Florida Bar Number 0142085 and /s/Hamid N. Hunter Assistant State Attorney Florida Bar Number 0194468 2000 Main Street, 6th Floor Fort Myers, Florida 33901 239-533-1000 eService: ServiceSAO-LEE@sao20.org CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the above and foregoing has been provided to the Honorable Bruce E. Kyle, Circuit Court Judge, Lee County Justice Center, 1700 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, Florida 33901; Court Administrator’s Office/Staff Attorney, Lee County Justice Center, 1700 Monroe Street, Fort Myers, Florida 33901; and to MarieLouise Samuels-Parmer, Parmer DeLiberato, P.A., Attorney for Defendant Mark D. Sievers, P.O.Box 18988, Tampa, FL 33679, marie@parmerdeliberato.com by United States Mail/Electronic Transmission this 3 rd day of January 2022.
I'm not sure this is the right thread under Teresa however I did call the Dade Correctional Institute in FL and was advised by someone who handles questions about inmate status and after searching their system she advised that CWW is NOT in any FL prison at this time. She was not able to locate any other information as to where he may have been moved to.
Seriously, where is he?!


  • 2020-225_disposition_157076_d05.pdf
    253.2 KB · Views: 12
Can anyone tell me how I can get my screenshots to post smaller? This is the third one that's posted big like this on WS.
SCOTANG, I just want you to know i appreciate/read each of your posted contributions and have no problem with the size of your screen shots...they are perfect as far as I am concerned.
Or alternately translated as, "I have poor vision and wouldn't know how to give anyone computer tech advice." (Remember it took me 3 years just to learn how to copy and paste.)
On a side note, MS and JR were photographed together on the same day of the infamous wedding event. And, TaySho also describes all of them (MS, JRR & CWW) spending a long time together at the Wright's mobile home on the evening before the wedding, too. For many reasons, I wouldn't believe anything MS claims now. Why didn't he just take the witness stand and profess his total "shock and awe" that JRR was a part of the scheme, even although he spent significant amount of time with him during the initial proposal. Uh, hmmmm...because no juror would have believed him?
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I'm not sure this is the right thread under Teresa however I did call the Dade Correctional Institute in FL and was advised by someone who handles questions about inmate status and after searching their system she advised that CWW is NOT in any FL prison at this time. She was not able to locate any other information as to where he may have been moved to.
Seriously, where is he?!

Is there still no knowledge of where CWW is?
He is certainly persistent..... guilty as all get out AND persistent. Don't see this going anywhere except to spend more money. Whose money? I would think the state's money.
KAEN, Uhm, err, oh odd you should mention "the state's money" and who is actually footing the bill.
An attorney who recently filed an appeal for JRR billed over 15 times (ie. one thousand nine hundred percent) more than the statutory amount for services on his recent appeal! The "state's money" is ultimately generated from the tax payer's wallets. JRR had 3 attorneys during his trial...
I am just thinking/wondering how many times can a convicted inmate file an appeal? What would stop attorneys from filing erroneous/baseless/ or frivolous appeals if they can bill 10's of thousands of dollars over the statutory limits and get the courts to pay???

Attorney Samantha Stevins appeared before Lee County Court judge Robert J. Branning for a hearing on a motion permitting payment in excess of the statutory fee limit of $1,875.

Her motion, filed in late March, listed her bill for services in the Rodgers case as $38,049.20."
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Wow. Looks like some attorneys need to be disbarred for abusing the system. Maybe they should also serve some time, in the same cell with the criminal they defended?
I'm not sure this is the right thread under Teresa however I did call the Dade Correctional Institute in FL and was advised by someone who handles questions about inmate status and after searching their system she advised that CWW is NOT in any FL prison at this time. She was not able to locate any other information as to where he may have been moved to.
Seriously, where is he?!
Hi AC's Grandma! Great question...Where is he? I've been doing my version of "Where's Waldo" with Wayne for over 7 years. A few combinations resulted in obits with same name, but definately the wrong age. So then started working on "inmate transfers" and the 38 states that participate in the INTERSTATE CORRECTIONS COMPACT: "The party states, desiring by common action to fully utilize and improve their institutional facilities and provide adequate programs for the confinement, treatment and rehabilitation of various types of offenders, declare that it is the policy of each of the party states to provide such facilities and programs on a basis of cooperation with one another, thereby serving the best interests of such offenders and of society and effecting economies in capital expenditures and operational costs."
And, Florida & Missouri are on the list....hmmmm: IMO, if anyone had the wherewithall, moxie & motivation to negotiate a transfer from Florida to Missouri, it would be CWW.
***Ya' know he's a thinker.

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