***Jury Recommends DEATH for Mark Sievers*** Penalty/Sentencing Phase

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I'm watching the video... Skipping through a few parts to get to Mark's statement. I'm not sure I can stomach it, but somehow I'm drawn to it like eyes to a train wreck. But this guy.. I just can't... he is so full of himself he can't just sit still and be contrite. He's constantly trying to engage one of his attorneys in conversation, fiddling with stuff on the table, etc. And STILL going up for sidebars. I am a peace-loving woman, but I have this urge to jump through the screen and slap him. Ugh.

do his attorneys seem irritated with him? Or is that just me?:rolleyes::confused::mad:
I'm watching the video... Skipping through a few parts to get to Mark's statement. I'm not sure I can stomach it, but somehow I'm drawn to it like eyes to a train wreck. But this guy.. I just can't... he is so full of himself he can't just sit still and be contrite. He's constantly trying to engage one of his attorneys in conversation, fiddling with stuff on the table, etc. And STILL going up for sidebars. I am a peace-loving woman, but I have this urge to jump through the screen and slap him. Ugh.

do his attorneys seem irritated with him? Or is that just me?:rolleyes::confused::mad:

I could not refind the clip of Mark today ...but he was all goofy sitting alone at the defense table with his hands shackled to his waist whilst trying to bring a pen ( a deputy obliged him with) up to the table to write. The pen would not reach. Then he looks around, gives anyone who’s looking that dumb head tilt.
I even saw him give a deputy holding the door a “s’up” nod ( like a bud) as he exited to go serve his death sentence. He’s awesome in his own head. Evidently.

Reading back here a few posts , of opinions and things people saw during his last court appearance, such as the “s’up” nod, BeachSky mentions, and Rapberrymama asking if his lawyers seem irritated with him, YES! I do. But anyways, it's like he really does believe himself and thinks that tomorrow he's going to be exonerated with popcorn and lollipops.
He has damaged so many people, say, me for instance , he completely ruined the meaning of soulmate. Can you imagine how tiny of a thing that is, compared to what he has done and will continue to do to Tesesas children and family. I'll never unhear that word from him:mad:
Maybe he has a whole different concept of what soul is, because I heard that one word mentioned a few times. Even Judge Kyle mentioned that word. "I don't judge souls, I judge actions" .
I'm kind of sorry in one way I was for death penalty for him, because now I really wish he could get to pull his antics on the brutal inmates that might teach him what a soulmate( to him) really is.
Anyway, I'm going to pray that he finds a way to hang himself or something, because he needs snuffed out like yesterday. Maybe he can grow his beard out and strangle himself with it.
I've just never seen this many people affected by one evil thing. Burn in He!! soon Mark Sievers
Its very obvious to me that Mark is intelligent enough to know just what to say and do. If you pay attention to him, he is a typical manipulator/Nacissist. He pulls the tiniest of details from what someone says, and used those exact words to spin his tail and make a statement. ts quite clever and many people when they are 'involved' in a conversation with that type of person, don't realize it unless you can sit back and review the conversation, like on tape. Because then then backtrack when called out on it and turn it in a way you think you yourself are crazy. Recordings are the key. I remember when i was involved with one in my late 20's. I knew it but had no proof. I constantly wanted to tape record every conversation with him, but how feasible is that? I see it in Mark every time he speaks to someone in court, because it can be listened to twice. Poor Theresa, i know how she felt and WHY she put up with it so long. When you are actually BUSY and working, you can't take time to pick apart every single word said to you, so you tend to believe the 'abuser' in saying the little things "oh, i told you that yesterday', "You said you wanted X', Middle of the night you said 4pm, not 3pm, you must have been tired' until you are questioning yourself.. and you just let it go. Using the JUDGES own word makes it PERSONAL to the judge. I bet those were many of the notes he was writing down.
I am a STRONG, INDEPENDENT, INTELLIGENT Woman, and i STILL fell for it in my mid 20s. It took me 4 years to get out of it and another few to actually get MYSELF back. NO ONE could believe i could be that manipulated. So i'm hear to tell you, it CAN happen, and happen to ANYONE. I still look back in shock at how i was so controlled for so long. It was a scary time. And he got away with it because we had a child....and they ALWAYS come first.
Thank you Arachne! The entire PC including the questions (except the one about CWW...) in the end can be watched on the facebook page of the "Office of the State Attorney - Amira Fox".

God bless Teresa's family!


NBC2 has the entire PC and ALL of the questions..

Definitely watch the comments of Hunter and Ross in the end!! Very good info and thoughts shared.
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God bless you for finding this NIN! I was disappointed that they had cut the prosecutor off in that other clip!

I hope you realize how precious you are, to all of us. xoxoxoxo !

Dear, so sweet, thank you and right back at you as well! Thank you for all you do!

Many thanks also to everyone who worked and posted on the Sievers case! I am glad that Teresa and her family got justice and the SAO is confident the decision will be upheld in the appeal court(s) due to the fact they very cautious with admissible and inadmissible evidence.

So many cases get unsolved and families are left in the dark for answers. Not this one! As Teresa's mom pointed out in the presser...her daughter took down 3 men, but paid with her life.

Teresa would not be dead if not for Mark Sievers, as Hamid Hunter said. Evidence spoke volumes - literally. Period.

My fantasy to share.....

After all the appellate tricks run out on MS, he ends up before the Florida Supreme Court:

Supreme Court Justice Bruce Kyle: Don't I know you?
MS: (looks up from his doodling) Oh, **** !!!
SCJ Bruce Kyle (slaps a red button on his desk): Going DOWN!

A pit opens up below MS, and he disappears.
Thanks to all who have linked the videos of the proceeding and the press conference.

I was not surprised by him being stone faced and not taking responsibility. He is still playing to his children's hearts. I think his ego wouldn't be able to take it if they cut ties. He is a master manipulator. Too bad Teresa didn't get a chance to leave him.

I can't imagine being Teresa's family. They can't say they support anything for fear of alienating the girls. To have to thread that needle must be so painful.

I do have faith that one day the girls will see the evidence in this case and refuse to deal with him anymore. That will be the time when he will give up and maybe accept responsibility.

I love that the judge talked about the evidence of his guilt. And, totally, rebuked his lies.
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