Justin Bieber Antics

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I agree everything has gone to his head, he's a punk imho, and those pant's he wears are the most ignorant thing I have ever seen, he looks like a DORK!
I know my opinion won't be popular but oh well.

Looks-wise, he looks sooooo much like my son, so I can't help but like JB. (One day during school, he was walking into the gym for an assembly and a huge section of kids started singing, "If I Was Your Boyfriend.") Hehehehee.

I feel bad for him. Yes, I think he's full of himself and he's acting like an *advertiser censored*. But he's had the world served to him on a platter since he was 13 or so. There was no way he had a chance to grow up normally.

Most teenagers rebel, act out, and do stupid things. His is just on a world-wide scale with anything he wants at his fingertips. IMO that makes it even more dangerous for him than the average kid. Not to mention social media which has his under a microscope in front of a camera 24/7.

Not making excuses for him, this is all his own dumb behavior. I guess I just cut him some slack because he's young and lives in a pressure cooker. Being a teenager is hard enough without all of that stuff on top of it.

I hoped this wouldn't happen to him. I pray that he turns it around before its too late.
I agree everything has gone to his head, he's a punk imho, and those pant's he wears are the most ignorant thing I have ever seen, he looks like a DORK!


This I agree with! They are horrid!
I was indifferent regarding him, till I read an IAMA on Reddit by a make-a-wish volunteer and learned that he sticks all the wishers in with normal fans who've won contests and whatnot and just signs a picture for them. Now I hate him with the heat of thousand fiery suns.
He's an embarrassment to all Canadians IMHO!

Yup. We're embarrassed.

Although I have to agree with Hopeful One....I'm not sure anyone could have survived the life he had as a teen, without turning into an *advertiser censored**. Every *advertiser censored**hol* in the music kingdom totally sucked up to him. How could he have possibly kept his head smaller than a massive pumpkin?

Although I never liked what his 'team' did for him from a performance standpoint (surely he could have moved on a couple of years after he hit the big time to do more serious music??) I was impressed at his 'apparent' continued focus on family and respect for the first couple of years. Clearly that all went out the window over the past year or two. I guess it was too much to hope for that he could survive the fame tsunami as a young person.

So, as an alternative, even though JB was born where I live, I would like to offer up to the world our alternative celebrity......Ryan Gosling!! Yes, I'm sure he's a bit weird too, but hey, he's a heck of a lot less embarrassing than Bieber and the media, and many others, love him. Oh, and also born in our town...Rachel McAdams (Ryan Gosling's former girlfriend). She hasn't embarrassed us yet. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that our little neck of the woods will be better remembered for celebrities other than JB.

P.S. Can I throw in Oscar-winning director Paul Haggis ("Crash"), or Guy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians (where would we all be without Auld Lang Syne at New Years?). O.K. I'll stop here since I'm sounding desperate, but please forgive us!!!
JB looks like my son too - or my son looks like him, not sure which.

So yes I have a soft spot...but I also think he's an entitled little douche who needs to stop believing his own press.

I wonder where his parents are, or if they are just as jerkish as their son? Most likely.

Either way I'm scared we're watching another MJ or something - just drugs, hype and indulgence until a premature death.

FWIW all Australia knows about him, he was grossly rude years ago when he first toured here - rude in an arrogant way that would've got him a clip across the ear if he were my son. I believe Mom was with him on that tour so.

Poor kid. I'm torn between wanting to slap him upside his head, or putting him to bed early with a glass of warm milk and a story.
ok JB is super cute. Give him 10 years and he will be hot!!

with that said, I think he hanging with the wrong people and without serious direction I knew his life would be headed this way. He is over 18 and now can do what he wants. Being a jerk is one thing, but keep it professional. Showing up late to events and concerts is no way to treat your fans and it ruins your rep in the industry.

BTW Ryan Gosling is on my top 5 list and I love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still love the biebs. He's only 19 and I'm not shocked at anything he's done. JMO
Can't stand the kid myself. He is a punky little guy that thinks he is Gods gift. I would be happy to never see or hear about him again.

If my boys had acted like he does when they were his age, they would be getting a boot in the a%$.

He's "famous" so he should be excused for acting like a little spoiled girl? Geesh. What is this world coming to?
I'm afraid we're watching another MJ.

JB was behaving like a nasty little jerk years ago and he's got worse with age not better. He's pretty open about his drug use as well so things are probably going to go downhill from here.

I hope I'm wrong. I'm sick of seeing these kids used to make everyone around them rich.

an embarrassment to canadians?? gmab.

you're stuck with chris brown, the kardashians, amanda bynes, kanye west, anthony wiener, charlie sheen, the jacksons, miley cyrus, courtney love, octomom, lilo's crazy parents and so on...
"Justin Bieber's visit to New York club ends in mass brawl with one clubgoer injured after teen star 'went nuts' in V.I.P area"

"Justin Bieber's latest outing to a club ended in a bloody brawl on Saturday night."

"The 'Beauty and a Beat' singer allegedly 'went nuts' at a fellow reveller as he partied at hotspot South Pointe, in ritzy New York resort the Hamptons, leading to a physical altercation between members of the star's entourage and club patrons."

"The fight is thought to have been triggered by a heated exchange between Justin, 19, and a male club-goer after a female friend attempted to hit on the singer in his roped-off V.I.P. section."

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbi...-brawl-teen-star-went-nuts.html#ixzz2b8En9FGJ
Man, what happened to this kid? I remember watching his documentary on Netflix, and I actually had respect for him. Now, its like, what happened? Bad influences, I guess. He actually does have talent, but its being wasted. Ugh.
Many teens have done very similar things. Yeah, he's being a spoiled jerk and hopefully he'll grow out of it. I think he will because he has excellent role models in his parents, his grandparents, and some of his musical mentors.

He needs to get away from the acquaintances that have latched onto him but even with their influence, he hasn't done anything horrible. Spitting, brawling, and peeing in a bucket are nothing compared to many college students.

He definitely needs an attitude adjustment. If his dad, Usher, and Scooter all got together and took him on a camping trip, I'm sure they could talk some sense into him. Then he could go see his maternal grandma for a lesson in humility. She'd probably make him clean his room. :p

I think the media and public is blowing these minor antics way out of proportion. He'll be alright ... after someone who loves him gives him a bit of a tap upside his head.

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