Justin Bieber Antics

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Good! :gavel:

Cops Raid Justin Bieber's House Over Egg Attack

Eleven L.A. County Sheriff's patrol cars descended on Justin Bieber's house a few minutes ago and they are executing a search warrant in connection with the egg-throwing incident ... law enforcement sources tell TMZ.

Sources tell us ... deputies are looking for any evidence that links Bieber to the egg assault on his next door neighbor.

We're told this is a FELONY search warrant -- meaning Justin is under a microscope for a crime that could land him in prison.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/14/justi...m-investigation-search-warrant/#ixzz2qOH9UXyg

Eleven cop cars? :thud:
I can't believe that I'm waiting, with popcorn, for the LA County Sheriff's presser to start regarding this.

*bangs head on desk*

Um, TMZ is streaming it, for those who are interested. In other words, omg save me from myself LOL.

And why do they have to do it during "General Hospital" grrrrrrrr. I had to watch both.

I don't believe he will get jail, but this will cost him big, especially if his BFF is taking the fall for the cocaine. This has IMO nothing to with his age, 19, he KNOWS if he threw those eggs, it was illegal, damaging to property, and harrassing. That Lil whoever who was arrested, if he goes to prison, Justin will be paying him off forever. Idiot.

LOL Kanye's in trouble again too.:floorlaugh:

CNN article about Bieb's latest problems.

Just for the record, I am a canadaian so I'm not stuck with those you mentioned. I stick to my original post, he's an embarrassment.

Thanks for Neil Young, Rush, Mike Meyers, John Candy and Pam Anderson before she got the boob job and became a national tramp. <----That's the nice way to phrase it.

Who knew egg throwing could land someone in prison. Seriously?

It was a stupid childish irresponsible thing to do but putting him in prison is ridiculous. IMO

How many eggs does it take to damage a home that causes $20,000 worth of damage.

He needs a good :slap:

Check this out from the CNN article;

...The vandalism damage to the house of Bieber's neighbor was about $20,000, Thompson said. The cost of repairing the damage to the house is a key factor in determining the severity of the charge. Any damage of more than $950 would qualify the charge as a felony....

Nuff said. :crazy:
If he does not watch it he'll P*ss off the wrong person and possibly end up dead before 30.

egging a house is what 12-13 year old boys do NOT an almost 20 year old.

He needs to grow up and grow a pair.
Justin Bieber ARRESTED For DUI and Drag Racing

Bieber is now in custody and is at the police department where he is being tested -- presumably to more precisely measure his blood alcohol level. Our law enforcement sources say Justin was given a field sobriety test at the scene ... and failed.

His next stop will be jail, where he will be booked and processed and bail will be set.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/23/justi...riving-miami-beach-drag-racing/#ixzz2rDwSikPT
Justin Bieber ARRESTED For DUI, Drag Racing and Resisting Arrest

he was also busted for resisting arrest without violence, drag racing and driving on an expired license.

According to the police report -- obtained by TMZ -- cops approached Bieber's car and the instantly realized he reeked of alcohol and had bloodshot eyes. He had a "stupor" look on his face.

The police report says ... Bieber was defiant from the get go, yelling at the cops, "Why the ****** are you doing this? He also yelled, "What the ****** did I do. Why did you stop me?"

When the officer tried to perform a routine pat down, Bieber said, "I ain't got no ******ing weapons, why do you have to search me? What the ****** is this about?"

Now the basis for the resisting arrest charge -- Before the pat down, as Bieber got out of the car, he "kept going into his pants pocket." The cop ordered him to put his hands on the vehicle, and Bieber initially complied but soon took his hands off the car, turned and then cussed out the cop.

The report says Justin was driving between 55 and 60 MPH in a 30 MPH residential area

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/23/justi...riving-miami-beach-drag-racing/#ixzz2rEZ17gYx
I want to make a new thread about Bieber's arrests to see how many posts it gets compared to the thread about Miley's VMA performance.
How was he able to rent a car? Let alone a Lamborghini? Don't you have to be 25 to rent a car? :waitasec: I hope they also go after the club he was drinking at. He is only 19. :gavel:

On GMA they were talking about people trying to get arrested now, so they can be in jail with him! :doh:
How was he able to rent a car? Let alone a Lamborghini? Don't you have to be 25 to rent a car? :waitasec: I hope they also go after the club he was drinking at. He is only 19. :gavel:

On GMA they were talking about people trying to get arrested now, so they can be in jail with him! :doh:

Someone in the entourage must have rented it.
Going to be interesting to see what happens. Probation and rehab? I don't see jail time unless they want to make an example out of him.

He won't learn a darned thing from this, either, IMO.
No wonder he is so messed up! :doh:

Justin Bieber's Dad Partner In Crime

Justin Bieber's father helped facilitate the insanely stupid moves of his son that landed him in jail ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us ... 38-year-old Jeremy Bieber was not only present when Justin was arrested early Thursday morning ... he was one of the people who helped block off the residential street so his son could drag race.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/01/23/justin-bieber-dad-jeremy-bieber-dui-arrest-father/#ixzz2rEuo51SO

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