Justin Bieber Antics

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Geez.....I just watched the first of four videos at the above link. This kid is an absolute snot!

Off to watch the other three....
I never liked him at all. Such a punk. This is the true Bieber in these videos. He is disgusting.
wow, not only is he a spoiled dck, he is more stupid than i had thought. and my initial thought was him being BEYOND stupid.
What a total arse. Seriously. And dissing Usher like that? Kid would still be posting his own vids to YouTube if it weren't for Usher.

Oh by the way, Justin, you have all that money, buy a flippin dictionary. "Derogatory to my own career". Indeed. :lol:
What a total arse. Seriously. And dissing Usher like that? Kid would still be posting his own vids to YouTube if it weren't for Usher.

Oh by the way, Justin, you have all that money, buy a flippin dictionary. "Derogatory to my own career". Indeed. :lol:

BBM = My favorite part of the depo! Derogatory, indeed :facepalm:
You know, as bad as Lindsey got, I don't really remember her being a total jerk like this. She has her problems, and she may be an addict, but that doesn't make her a jerk. Bieber just seems like a jerk, straight up, period. What an awful person. I was most appalled by the incident where he whizzed in the janitor's bucket and his other antics that night. I mean seriously, just absolutely no respect for people who have to work for a living and clean up after his spoiled arse. NO class.
At one point, a lawyer asks the Biebs if Usher was “instrumental in starting your career."

The clearly ungrateful Biebs replies, “I was found on YouTube. I think I was detrimental to my own career.”

The star’s lawyers quickly chime in and correct the sentence, pointing out that he meant instrumental, and then Bieber repeats “instrumental.”

“Do you know Raymond Usher IV?” the lawyer asks, and Bieber replies “No.” He only admits he knows the superstar performer when asked if he knows “an individual entertainer by the name of Usher,” to which Bieber replies “that sounds familiar.”

The star eventually admits that Usher is a close friend and confidante who was “helpful” at the start of his career.

But then Bieber gets really annoyed with the only person in the room who could care less how the proceedings go -- the court reporter.

Bieber responds "Yeah" so faintly to a question that the court reporter apologetically has to ask him to speak up because she can't hear him, to which Bieber blurts: "Yes and no are fu**ing pretty, pretty different."

Bieber's lawyer then hustles the "Baby" singer out of the room.


gah Him and Miley, at least she is still putting out music.
He doesn't even appear to be a likeable person. Doesn't seem to realize everyone around him are grifters after his $$.
He did a very lovely interview with Oprah a year or so ago.
I imagine many of us wouldn't be any too proud of crap we did as teen agers and young adults.
Considering his wealth,fame and lack of proper parenting I don't think his cocky behavior is all that outrageous.
He egged a house that he can pay damages on. He peed in a bucket. The DUI and speeding turned out to be unfounded IIRC. Oh and he kissed a strippers breast.
Not nearly as bawdy behavior as prince Harry while he was in Vegas. A prince should be a roll model not a pop star.IMO
I don't find his annoyance in the depo nearly as crapacular as Cindy Antony's!
You know, most of the stupid stuff I did at that age really only affected myself and my own life. I made some bad decisions, engaged in lots of questionable behavior, did stupid things - but by 19 you just should know better than to do punk crap that makes others' lives more difficult. Egging a house? I'd expect that from a 14 year old. Peeing in a janitors bucket that is used to wash floors? Janitor already has a crappy job cleaning up after drunk clubbers, now he has to take care of Justin's piss water and disinfect his bucket, get a new mop? Again, behavior I'd not be surprised to see from a 12 year old. But a young man of 19? No. That's not just stupid decisions, and it's not just "peeing in a bucket", sorry (not).

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